Tom Hanks Is The Nicest Guy In Hollywood And People Are Sharing The Reasons Why
The nicest guy in Hollywood—that’s a title that many stars would love to have. But that honor belongs to the one and only Tom Hanks. A man with a heart of gold, Hanks is known for being kind to everyone, including complete strangers.
As it turns out, plenty of people on the internet have heartwarming stories about Hanks helping out others. They started sharing all the good things they saw Hanks do after Taffy Brodesser-Akner published an article about the actor in The New York Times. According to Brodesser-Akner, interviewing the actor and writing about the topic helped ‘heal’ her and alleviate her depression.
We just hope that someday we can meet Hanks and repay some of the goodness that he’s given out to everyone else! Once you’re done reading this article, be sure to check out Bored Panda’s previous post about positive stories about other celebrities.
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Tom Hanks gave an interview to an NYT journalist…
Image credits: Daniel Dorsa
“Tom Hanks wasn’t acting when he was playing Mister Rogers. A journalist suggested that he’s actually playing Tom Hanks, but just “slower,” Brodesser-Akner wrote in her article.
…and the wholesome experience helped ‘heal’ her
Image credits: taffyakner
“He doesn’t appear to have a need to be known by his public, but he also doesn’t have the same strains of contempt for journalists that I’ve seen from other movie stars,” the NYT journalist mused about Hanks.
Hanks was completely honest during the interview about his views on life
Image credits: Daniel Dorsa
Hanks starred in the recent movie ‘A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood’ about the legendary Mr. Rogers, who is known far and wide as the epitome of goodness. In fact, it seems like Hanks was the perfect fit for the role because he lives every day like Mr. Rogers taught others to live.
As it turns out, Hanks has touched the lives of many people and helped out many strangers
Image credits: Daniel Dorsa
Both Hanks and Mr. Rogers teach us that we’re all capable of making someone’s day just a bit brighter. So go surprise your neighbors with a freshly baked apple pie. Help your local kids build their treehouse. Pay for a stranger’s meal. Give a tired waitress who’s working her third shift a smile, a genuine compliment, and buy her a cup of coffee to help her get through the day. Invite a lonely senior to Thanksgiving dinner with your family. In other words, do what Hanks and Mr. Rogers would both be proud of you for doing!
Hanks is known as the nicest guy in Hollywood and, frankly, he deserves the title
Image credits: Daniel Dorsa
“I recognized in myself a long time ago that I don’t instill fear in anybody. I think I have a cache of mystery,” Hanks told Brodesser-Akner. What’s more, he talked to her about how to be a great parent: “Somewhere along the line, I figured out, the only thing really, I think, eventually a parent can do is say I love you, there’s nothing you can do wrong.”
Image credits: JosphineMamdouh
Some of us know Hanks best for his performances in Forrest Gump and Saving Private Ryan. While others know him as ‘that guy from The Da Vinci Code’ or ‘the dude who played almost everyone in The Polar Express.’ But Hanks isn’t just an actor, he’s also a writer. Back in 2017, he published ‘The Uncommon Type,’ a collection of 17 much-vaunted short stories.
Dear Pandas, do you have any heartwarming stories about Hanks? What movie did you enjoy his performance in most? If you had to bake him homemade cookies, what flavor would they be? Share your thoughts with everyone in the comments.
The journalist asked people to share their own heartwarming stories about Hanks and received plenty of first-hand accounts
Image credits: taffyakner
Image credits: taffyakner
Image credits: taffyakner
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Image credits: ABeautifulDay
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Image credits: DagHammerstal
Image credits: taffyakner
Image credits: taffyakner
Image credits: taffyakner
Image credits: lindaholmes
Image credits: taffyakner
Image credits: taffyakner
Image credits: MollyMcKew
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Image credits: jbetling
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Image credits: tomhanks
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Image credits: assortednutsandchocolates
I've got one! Years ago, I started a T-shirt biz where the proceeds would go to charity. For the launch, I sent about 150 of them to various celebrities. As I was essentially using their fame as a way to bring attention to my new venture, I didn't expect the handful of thank you cards I received. One of them was a handwritten note from Tom Hanks! Total class act. (Bonus: His thank you cards have "T.HANKS" printed on the front. Clever!)
I adore Tom Hanks, he is one of my all time favourite actors along side Robin Williams. I am so pleased that he is as nice as he seems.
I'm just going to throw this out there. If there is ever a headline "TOM HANKS SLAPS LITTLE OLD LADY!!, You know as well as I do that your first thought is going to be...Well what the heck did she do to him?!?! One of my favorite actors. So glad to hear that he is as genuine off the screen as he is on. :-)
I would think, “Maybe she wanted to be slapped by Tom Hanks.”
Load More Replies...I've got one! Years ago, I started a T-shirt biz where the proceeds would go to charity. For the launch, I sent about 150 of them to various celebrities. As I was essentially using their fame as a way to bring attention to my new venture, I didn't expect the handful of thank you cards I received. One of them was a handwritten note from Tom Hanks! Total class act. (Bonus: His thank you cards have "T.HANKS" printed on the front. Clever!)
I adore Tom Hanks, he is one of my all time favourite actors along side Robin Williams. I am so pleased that he is as nice as he seems.
I'm just going to throw this out there. If there is ever a headline "TOM HANKS SLAPS LITTLE OLD LADY!!, You know as well as I do that your first thought is going to be...Well what the heck did she do to him?!?! One of my favorite actors. So glad to hear that he is as genuine off the screen as he is on. :-)
I would think, “Maybe she wanted to be slapped by Tom Hanks.”
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