For Trevor Christensen his job as a portrait photographer is to make his subjects feel comfortable when taking a picture - so he decided to get naked. Yes, in his series titled Nude Portraits, the award-winning photojournalist changed the dynamic of a traditional shoot by photographing people completely unclothed.

"My thinking was that I’m a person who is comfortable taking photos, helping a subject feel comfortable posing for pictures. What if I became a photographer who was uncomfortable taking photos, who was photographing a subject who was similarly uncomfortable?" Christensen told Bored Panda, stating that he wanted to explore how his fear would change his ability to make a photographic portrait. In short, Nude Portraits was a big experiment for the photographer.

For this portrait photographer, taking the road less traveled has always been his way. Christensen took his first photo class freshman year of high school, and it quickly became a serious part of his life. The Utah native dropped out to pursue his passion, and his talent led him to be published in outlets such as The Salt Lake Tribune, USA Today, the BBC and The Washington Post.

Despite being a highly experienced in people photography, he admits that the first naked shoots were terrifying. "Even with people I knew, it was stressful and strange to carry on a conversation and direct a portrait shoot while I was nude. I did about 50 shoots for the series and never really enjoyed them," said Christensen. As time went on, he noticed a shift in the experience:

"As I got used to the process, I wasn’t as intimidated by the experience as I was in the beginning. I also noticed from subjects facial expressions that they didn’t seem to react as strongly to my nudity either. What I realized is that when you’re taking a persons photo, they’re looking to you to know how to feel. So as you become more confident and collected, they’ll be the same way. They’re feeding off your energy."

Christensen has received mostly positive reactions to the series, saying it has spurred conversations on bodies, how we process nudity and vulnerability. In addition to his personal projects, the now Los Angeles resident teaches online photography classes as well.

Scroll down below to see the photos from this experimental shoot!

More Info: Website | Instagram | Vimeo


    Olivia, Makenzie and Chole (cat)

    Olivia, 28, acquaintance, opera masters student; Makenzie, 28, acquaintance, opera masters student Chole; 11 months old, acquaintance, cat

    Trevor Christensen Report


    Jordan, 24

    Jordan, 24, friend, quality assurance

    Trevor Christensen Report


    Hillary, 24

    Hillary, 24, friend, student

    Trevor Christensen Report


    Madelyne, 25

    Madelyne, 25, elementary school friend, executive assistant

    Trevor Christensen Report



    Susie, 22, photographed in her bedroom at her Koreatown, LA apartment

    Trevor Christensen Report


    Austin, 27

    Austin, 27, girlfriend at the time, middle school teacher, photographed at her home in Provo, Utah

    Trevor Christensen Report


    Kari, 26

    Kari, 26, works in IT, former stripper. Photographed at her apartment that she and her boyfriend share in Salt Lake City

    Trevor Christensen Report


    Victoria And Her Younger Sister Hannah

    Victoria and her younger sister Hannah, shot in Provo, Utah

    Trevor Christensen Report

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    Elena Adams
    Community Member
    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Victoria looks kinda uncomfortable, but Hannah is posing and all haha

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    Anchor Chris Miller

    Anchor Chris Miller didn't realize what he was getting into when he called to interview me for 'Nude Portraits'. Here's my favorite from our impromptu session, shot at their main studio in Salt Lake City

    Trevor Christensen Report

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    Community Member
    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We can see that both model and photographer are getting comfortable.

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    Jason, 24

    Jason, 24, friend, roofer

    Trevor Christensen Report

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    Community Member
    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The men all seem to laugh! The women have all kinds of reactions, but the laughter seems pretty universal amongst the men. I guess it makes them extra-uncomfortable. I approve!

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    Rae, 42, web developer, photographed in her bedroom in Santa Monica, California

    Trevor Christensen Report


    Kendall, 44

    Kendall, 44, contacted me through my website, subject of a documentary that explores what it
    means to be LGBT and Mormon, Photographed at his home in Salt Lake City, Utah

    Trevor Christensen Report


    Madelyne, 25

    Madelyne, 25, elementary school friend, executive assistant

    Trevor Christensen Report



    Sitwat, 30, wedding photographer in Karachi, Pakistan. Shot in California

    Trevor Christensen Report


    Karen, 20

    Karen, 20, cam model. Photographed at her home in Salt Lake City

    Trevor Christensen Report


    Grace, 21

    Grace, 21, #byu student, photographed in October at her apartment

    Trevor Christensen Report

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    Kath Leen
    Community Member
    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i can see any moment now something is gonna pop out of the space below the bed...

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    Bruce, 26, graduate student, friend since 2nd grade. Shot at my home in Orem, Utah.

    Trevor Christensen Report


    Brianna, 26

    Brianna, 26, aspiring model, contacted me through my website, photographed at her parent’s home in Salt Lake City, Utah.

    Trevor Christensen Report

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    Jade Lynn
    Community Member
    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Her parents let some random guy be naked in their yard? Much more relaxed than my parents haha

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    Hannah, 21, waitress, photographed for #NudePortraits in Provo, Utah.

    Trevor Christensen Report

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    Community Member
    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It seems like some of the people who look un phased by the photographer are just good models/ trying to be good models and not show a that how photography works?? I used to watch ANTM and they were never allowed to react to anything around them

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    Torrie, 30

    Torrie, 30, producer/director

    Trevor Christensen Report

    See Also on Bored Panda


    Ed at his home in LA.

    Trevor Christensen Report



    Lizzy, 31, software specialist, photographed for #NudePortraits late at night at her home in Springville, Utah.

    Trevor Christensen Report



    Kendall, 44, documentary producer. Photographed at his house in Salt Lake

    Trevor Christensen Report


    Chris and Natalie, 28 and 27

    Chris and Natalie, 28 and 27, photographed at Natalie’s studio in Los Angeles, California

    Trevor Christensen Report

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    Community Member
    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh my! Is he standing above them with it all dangling in their face??

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    Christian, 43

    Christian, 43, works in communications, photographed at his apartment in Salt Lake City, Utah. 2015

    Trevor Christensen Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Ashley-Jayne, 22

    Ashley-Jayne, 22, student and receptionist

    Trevor Christensen Report


    Karin, 20

    Karin, 20, acquaintance, porn & cam model

    Trevor Christensen Report



    Silvia, 19, sophomore at Portland State

    Trevor Christensen Report



    Alex, 25, designer at Adobe, shot at the mansion where her boyfriend lives in Provo, Utah.

    Trevor Christensen Report



    Chris & Natalie, 28 and 27, photographed at Natalie's studio in Los Angeles, California.

    Trevor Christensen Report

    See Also on Bored Panda