People Are Cracking Up At These 35 Tweets Posted In Response To The Pope Calling People Who Don’t Have Kids Selfish
Pope Francis was chosen as the head of the Catholic Church in 2013 when the previous pope, Benedict XVI, resigned due to health issues. And he became one of the most open popes to different perspectives on Catholic doctrine in history.
But in the last General Audience, Pope Francis expressed his opinion on people not having children and that caused quite a big reaction on the internet. The Pope called people who would rather have pets than children selfish and in a sense, less human, so it’s understandable why it didn’t sit well with a lot of Twitter users.
Image source: franciscus
More info: Vatican News
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This should be higher Edit: when I commented this it was like #18
Every Wednesday morning, the Pope holds a General Audience which is not meant for a specific group of people but everyone who would like to come and hear what the pope has to say and who want to receive benedictions in various languages.
His last audience was this Wednesday and a clip of it went viral because of what was said. The pope chose to talk about how young people are more often choosing to substitute children with pets and in his opinion, that is selfish.
I think having gold-plated churches and cardinals who drive Mercedes also has something to do with the counter-argument.
He introduces what he thinks is happening, “Today we see a form of selfishness in our society. The other day I was talking about the aging population. People don’t want to have children, maybe they’ll have one child, and not more than that. And many couples don’t have any children because they don’t want any or at least no more than one child. But they have two dogs and two cats that take the place of children. It’s funny, I understand, but it is a reality.”
Then the pope goes on to explain why he thinks it’s a bad trend: “This denying of fatherhood and motherhood makes us lesser. It takes away our humanity. So our population gets older and less humane because we lose the wealth of parenthood. Then our country suffers.”
The Pope believes that only parenthood can make a person feel fulfilled. Because children will be the ones who will close your eyes and there will always be someone who will take care of you when you are old, which sounds like kind of a selfish reason to have kids.
“It’s a risk, yes, but having a child is always a risk, regardless if it’s a biological child or adopted, but it’s riskier to not have them at all. It’s riskier to negate fatherhood and motherhood.” The risk is in that a woman who negates motherhood, either spiritual or material, is not complete; she is missing something essential. The Pope asks people to think about that.
It’s actually a very unexpected statement to hear from Pope Francis as he has always surprised us by being so liberal, loving and inclusive. He has said that atheists also can go to heaven, he accepted that people with non-traditional orientations are not evil and their decisions are not for him to judge, he doesn’t deny science and he even thinks that women who have had an abortion deserve forgiveness.
Because Pope Francis has a reputation of being non-judgemental, judging people for not having children was unpredicted. What bothered people was that he called childless couples selfish when the people who decide to not have children think that on the contrary, they are being responsible. If they are not in a good financial state to have children, they don’t want to have a child and not be able to take care of it. Also, they realize that the world is already overpopulated and it’s becoming more polluted here, so having more children would add to the problem.
I wonder if he remembers when King Henry basically paid his way to divorce. Lol
Bored Panda wanted to know if it is even possible to live a happy and healthy live without being selfish and reached out to Gretchen Kubacky, Psy.D., a Los Angeles, California psychologist and she assured us that it is. But she disagreed that people who don't have children are selfish.
The psychologist explained, "For many people, choosing TO have children in a troubled world, without adequate resources, would be the actual selfish choice. Many people are able to devote more time, energy, and resources to living a healthier life when they are not also responsible for managing the lives of one or more children."
Some of us wanted kids, but married later in life and proceeded to have miscarriages instead. Are we selfish because we didn’t get married right after having our first period at 12?
The Pope's statement might have hurt a lot of faithful people who looked up to him and who used his words as guidance because inevitably Catholics who don't want children exist. We asked what would psychologist Gretchen Kubacky would say to such a person and her answer was that the reality is that religion doesn't dictate our lives anymore.
She said, "I would note that, while I am not a religious authority, matters of faith, morality, and personal ethics are often complex, and inadequately addressed by the blanket statement of the Pope. Religion should function as a guideline, particularly in cases where there may be conflicting medical, financial, or emotional needs at play. This was not a personal judgment on one individual."
And some people have kids but literally don’t do anything to care for the future earth their kids have to live in.
As mentioned In Pope Francis eyes people who don't have children lose a part of their humanity. He thinks that women are not complete and lack something if they don't become mothers. A lot of people share the sentiment and often when a woman says she will not be having children meets them with judgement and tries to convince them that they will regret it later as being mothers is in their blood.
Dr. Gretchen Kubacky is not sure about that. She has not read any reliable research that would claim that "women have an inborn maternal instinct or 'mother's intuition.' Many women are aware that they are poorly suited to parenting, mothering, or nurturing other human beings - or perhaps that they simply prefer a different life or lifestyle. To impose a threat of this nature - that one will be filled with regrets and unfulfilled desires without a child or children - is simply wrong."
It’s hard to say if more people now don’t want children in comparison to the past because maybe now they feel less pressure to have them and a few decades ago, it was just unthinkable to not have a child as it was just a stage of life you must reach.
The Pope sees this new awareness of what people really want as a problem, but what do you think of Pope Francis’ statement and what do you think about the current pope in general? We would love to hear opinions, regardless of whether you have children or not, want them or not.
Cause the pope thinks humans are better/more important than animals. He is very wrong but that is what he thinks
They also don't pay for the injustices they did to our indigenous children they buried them in mass graves. And the pope wont' even issue an apology!
Yeah, this, how is growing self awareness negative. It's a necessity if we want to become better at what we do. And one big one is stopping this innate humping to bake more humans behavior. And if we do that by projecting our feelings to care for something on a pet. Then that's fine by me. More pets, less unwanted children!
Oh my, look at that selfish man with those.. Nope, can't do it. It's not funny. People that love pets are aware of how important empathy is and that being good to each other is easier if you mean it and feel it. Having children without appreciating that is actually what is selfish. Just following your f tard snake brain to procreate in stead of understanding the implications.
It also says its easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get to heaven. But the catholic church ignores that too
Selfish? Bro...we're approaching 8 billion people and dwindling resources. Also, the cost of living is through the roof...just like sunlight and the Popemobile. If someone wants to have kids that's their choice. Selfish...I'll say seeing suffering and global superpowers fighting and killing without a word is selfish.
Exactly. Selfish is to have children, it is a valid choice but it is a selfish one. Specially if the parents dont have money or they can pass on diseases. Endometriosis has ruined my life and its likely genetic. Reproducing would be extremely selfish because my children could suffer as I do. Not having them is the nicest thing I can do for them.
Load More Replies...This having children pressure is awful. There is nothing in this world I dream about more, than having my own child. Unfortunately I experienced miscarriage last year. My cat was comforting me all the time. I cried to my mum and somehow she said it is my fault because I "wore skinny jeans in the past". My parents even told me that they won't love me if I don't give them a grandchild. My cat do not judge, just love me as I am. I spent all Christmas crying for my lost baby and I was told I ruined everyone's time. How having a cat as a comfort, friend and support is selfish? JUDGING OTHER PEOPLE IS SELFISH
Alice, I'm so sorry for you! I hope you know that your entire family is absolutely in the wrong here. You can come to my family's holidays.
Load More Replies...The Pope is just an old man who wears a funny hat. He's nothing divine or special.
I'll call no one Father, who's no closer than a stranger
Load More Replies...With all the trouble these guys have got into with kids you would think they would want to steer clear of this topic.
I wasn't gonna go there, but I was thinking the same thing.
Load More Replies...Really don't get why people get so infuriated over the stupidity of an old man who never had to face reality. They should ignore him and he should stop criticising people and start dealing with the pedophiles and other sex offenders within in his cult.
Because child free people get judged and chastised all the damn time
Load More Replies...I am a mom and for me there's no greater joy than childeren into this world, but even I understand and respect people who make the choice not having kids.
Me too! Love my kids but I will defend people’s rights not to have kids and not to be harassed and bullied and made miserable for not having kids.
Load More Replies...I'm disabled, chronicly ill, and living on benefits. I have a cat and he gives me companionship and comfort. What is 'selfish' about not wanting to have a child I can't afford, and am not well enough to take care of?
Exactly. We are being responsible by not having kids
Load More Replies...That's so great that the Pope gave birth to and raised so many children! Oh, wait...
I don't think anyone has pets instead of children. There are people who don't have children and do have pets, but the pets aren't a substitute for children.
I mean I want pets as a substitute for children
Load More Replies...To steal a joke heard on the radio : if the catholic church focused more on pets than kids, we'd have less problems
I don't want bad things happening to animals... zoophylia is a thing, you know. could catholic church just be banned please?
Load More Replies...If the pope wants me to have (more) kids, then he should pay for their upbringing and education. ---- my mother
I guess the leader says the cult and capitalism needs more slaves.
While respecting the catholic church more than others, this very declaration might be that.
Load More Replies...A very large percentage of the world's problems are caused by there being too many people for this planet. Pollution, climate change, dwindling resources, etc. It may be too late to reverse the damage, but surely we can prevent it getting worse?
This requires an understanding of the formation and rise of the Catholic church, whose ultimate aim was to gain power, and wealth, amongst a lot of competition. They acquired wealth by expecting their followers to give money to the church. But the wealthy educated were hard to corner. But more children someone had, the less education they could afford, and the more devoted they were to the church. So they decreed breeding and banned contraception. So followers made babies and church made bank. Except the priests were now keeping some of the money and it was being inherited by their families. Huh, what? you say. Yeah, priests used to be able to marry and have families, but that diverted a lot of funds away from the main church. So the church ordered celibacy and now priests couldn't amass wealth and it all went back to the church. And that's why Vatican City is the richest institution on the face of the earth, and the Pope is technically a virgin promoting unlimited reproduction.
I’m sure the Pope and the Catholic Church wouldn’t mind paying for all the children nobody can afford to have anymore, but they’re too busy with child molestation lawsuits that are bankrupting the Dioceses.
When the Catholic Church forks over the immense wealth it has to pay for all of these kids, we'll talk!
Hypocrite. The guy chose a career over having children, let alone having a pet.
Did this fool say women aren't complete until they become mothers? I was a parent and guardian to my dog and I never felt like anything was missing because I carried him in my heart the way any mom would a human child. The pope's on my sh.t list for his selfish, irresponsible, devolved, and ignorant comment.
The Catholic Church is a moneymaking enterprise. They're not going to be making money if there's no new Catholics.
I was one week away from my 40th birthday when I got married. I never wanted to be a single mom, because my father was killed in an industrial accident when I was five, and my sister was 10 months. Parenting alone is hard. Also if I had sex before I was married and got pregnant, isn't that also a sin? Lust and all that? I would have loved to be a mom, but it wasn't in my cards.
For the most part, I like Pope Frankie, but this is a misstep on his part. I have a theory why he’s saying it, though. I’ve read that church membership and attendance is steadily dropping—-all Christian religions, especially the Catholic Church—-as people are getting sick and tired of the bullshit that religion and religious types come out with, and becoming increasingly secular. Cherry-picking the Bible to use a quote to further their agenda (which is generally selfish and sometimes violent), and make themselves rich. The pious types who meddle in people’s lives and try to dictate how everything should be run. The one-ups a ship of “my religion is better than yours”. I could go on. My theory is that, since the number of Catholics is decreasing, it makes sense that the Vatican should declare that people are selfish is they don’t have kids. Because their ban on contraception is actually a centuries-long con job to trick people into making more Catholics—-and the Vatican wealthy.
As I've said time and time again, "having children is NOT for everybody." Just because my siblings/cousins/friends have a child (or more) - doesn't mean that my husband and I have to have children. Nope, it doesn't work that way.
Because my mental health would be so much better with a bunch of rugrats who will grow up to be mouthy defiant teenagers. I've already done the parenting thing. I'll stick with a dog or cat thank you....
Our silly ex-friend-now-minister told us this once. We were like “Um, selfish to who? The children don’t exist. Literally no one is suffering for our lack of kids.” (Except for us, at that time, cos we were actually having fertility issues making ex-friend even more a douchecanoe). Silly bugger.
Here in Canada the Catholic Church has killed children(Indigenous)in the name of religion so I’m not understanding………his reasoning
I think what he means by "selfish" is without kids the donations will significantly reduce once we all depart this life. So in a way yes, in relation to the church's finance we kind of are being selfish by not producing the next generation of $$$ donors.
I'll have more kids just to raise agnostic/atheist just like their older sibling. If im gonna have its going to be to add more folks who can/will eradicate religious stupidity
My kid seems to be pretty non judgmental & accepting of other. Being atheist or agnostic is not about trashing/shaming other religions. Its about not belonging to one at all. He can choose to change his mind if he wishes but im still loving the fact that theres more of us than there are religious folks these days. And considering the shaming & trashing i hear them do to everyone else who dont share their beliefs, i cant help but look at that as a good thing...
Load More Replies...That's quite interesting because my opinion is the complete opposite: having children just because you want to have children is selfish. A child is not some cool game or piece of furniture that serves the purpose of fulfilling your needs, it's a f*****g person you create there. Having children should mean a lot more than "I felt like having children".
The Pope's declaration goes far beyond the pets, why? because the pets cannot be considered part of the catholic flock and the church needs people to donate and help them (the church) mantain. For the catholic church, people is only a resource: no people, no money, no money no more Vatican, no more priests, no more luxury, no more cardinals and, of course, pets do not donate.Who's the real selfish?
I must say this Pope is the best so far, I mean, very modern and open minded. However, this quote of him is not acceptable. I think, having a child might be selfish bc nobody asked this new person if he wants to enter the world. Parents made decision. Yes, many of them got luck, but many of them did not.
While I do not like the church that much, like many here, I think we should stop judging every representative by what their predecessors have done. That's like saying every German today is a Nazi, because Hitler and his followers were, or that every US citizen is racist because they are descendants of slave owners and so forth.
Very surprising to read this as the pope doesn't strike me as the type to promote capitalism ... the untold and unmentioned reason for the way Evangelicals are for insurance plans providing for Viagra, but are against providing birth control is to promote a larger workforce as many of those same Evangelicals rely on the profits from the companies they've invested in ... it doesn't matter that we're running out of resources to sustain the population because it means that future generations will be clamoring for work at any pay or cost ... limit the population and now the prospects of finding cheap labor starts to decline ... even the workforce is subject to supply and demand ... the richlegious know this more than anything ...
In order for any religion to survive, it needs bodies!! Typical for religion!
See, and this is why I believe the Bible has to be interpreted differently according to the time it's read in. For example, in the passage where God tells Abraham to sacrifice his son, it was completely normal for people to sacrifice their children to the other gods they believed in. By stopping Abraham before he could do it, God was proving that He wouldn't ask us to harm others, that He is compassionate. That passage just seems so weird and wrong to us because we don't understand the time it happened in. Similarly, maybe at one point it was best to have children, but that's clearly changed now and we shouldn't think that the words stay the same with such a drastically different time.
I'm catholic, but not really religious. If one looks at the history of the catholic church, must admit, that there were some progresses made, mainly in the last 200 years. But, man, there is still a very long way to go!
Just as ridiculous as pretty much everything else about religion, especially a rigid one like Catholicism. Not sure why everyone got so worked up by this one.
To be clear, the pope lives in a fortified treasure vault of STOLEN human history, represents catholicism which is centuries deep in human misery, and lives amidst a billion dollars worth of stolen treasure from around the world over centuries, and that little sack of pedo calls other people selfish? That would get his face punched in my neighborhood...
He also said that those who couldn't have children should adopt. We need to stop discussing infertility and adpotion together as if it was the same issue. It really isn't! Why should it be the responsibility of those who can not have children naturally to adopt? Why aren't all couples asked about adoption? Adoption can be very expensive and very intrusive as you have to pass all the tests to make sure you are suitable as parents. There are lots of reaasons you can be turned down; for me it was my incurable cancer diagnosis. It also takes a special type of person to take on someone else's children, especially if those children have been through trauma or have additional needs due to thier circumstances or preivious parenting or even lack of prenatal care. Adoption is not the answer to infertility: just because it looks like a good fit with an adult wanting to parent a child and a child needing a parent doesnt make it the solution.
There are already enough abandoned children in the world. What church or any religious institution is going to do for them?
Considering how much child abuse there has been in the Catholic Church his attitude is more than a little worrying.
Not having children should be the default, not the other way around. People better be w a damn good reason to be popping out kids in this sick world we live in.
So I guess they're running low on victims and need an influx? Too bad. It's not up to them or anyone else whether someone decides to have children or not. When this pope first came on the scene, I thought he seemed alright and different from the more conservative Catholics I'd seen. Then he said some great stuff. Soon as he had everyone's attention: Ignorance. He needs to step off the world stage and stick to preaching in his own church. Organized religion is selfish. Forcing your beliefs and opinions on people you don't even know is selfish. I don't think a childless man surrounded by luxury has any right to dictate the lives (and financial abilities) of others.
This denying of fatherhood and motherhood makes us lesser. It takes away our humanity. Huh? This from the leader of a church that has, for decades, if not forever, protected and even advanced pedophiles. A religion would rather put money into stained glass windows, statues and icons than to feed the hungry, house the homeless and provide meaningful help to the needy. A church that preaches intolerance and judgment of those who do not follow their tenets. A church that has historically colluded with Nazis and dictators to deny equality and even life to those of other faiths. A religion that preaches that women are lesser beings and meant to be subservient to men. Yes, those who choose not the have children or who cannot have children are the villains of our society -- yeah, okay. Whatever.
I mean who is shocked that someone that lives in a literal palace filled with treasure has a warped world view?
When will you assholes finaly cover other religions?Why only Christiany?
When Christians stop being assholes well stop pointing it out
Load More Replies...When analyzed, it's selfish to have kids. Plus, is it a selfish to be unable to have them (asking for infertile/damaged people everywhere)?
I think that the only popes that are chosen are senile or on the way! I can't imagine an educated person having thoughts like tis - is religion a type of brain washing. But he thinks he is omnipotent after all isn't he supposed to be gods representative on earth. I then suggest we send him in to quell the religious wars on earth!
So this incel wants more kids for his paedophilic cult? That's disgusting!
i don't know about anti-religion, i thought it was just anti-stupid-thing-the-pope-said
Load More Replies...Selfish? Bro...we're approaching 8 billion people and dwindling resources. Also, the cost of living is through the roof...just like sunlight and the Popemobile. If someone wants to have kids that's their choice. Selfish...I'll say seeing suffering and global superpowers fighting and killing without a word is selfish.
Exactly. Selfish is to have children, it is a valid choice but it is a selfish one. Specially if the parents dont have money or they can pass on diseases. Endometriosis has ruined my life and its likely genetic. Reproducing would be extremely selfish because my children could suffer as I do. Not having them is the nicest thing I can do for them.
Load More Replies...This having children pressure is awful. There is nothing in this world I dream about more, than having my own child. Unfortunately I experienced miscarriage last year. My cat was comforting me all the time. I cried to my mum and somehow she said it is my fault because I "wore skinny jeans in the past". My parents even told me that they won't love me if I don't give them a grandchild. My cat do not judge, just love me as I am. I spent all Christmas crying for my lost baby and I was told I ruined everyone's time. How having a cat as a comfort, friend and support is selfish? JUDGING OTHER PEOPLE IS SELFISH
Alice, I'm so sorry for you! I hope you know that your entire family is absolutely in the wrong here. You can come to my family's holidays.
Load More Replies...The Pope is just an old man who wears a funny hat. He's nothing divine or special.
I'll call no one Father, who's no closer than a stranger
Load More Replies...With all the trouble these guys have got into with kids you would think they would want to steer clear of this topic.
I wasn't gonna go there, but I was thinking the same thing.
Load More Replies...Really don't get why people get so infuriated over the stupidity of an old man who never had to face reality. They should ignore him and he should stop criticising people and start dealing with the pedophiles and other sex offenders within in his cult.
Because child free people get judged and chastised all the damn time
Load More Replies...I am a mom and for me there's no greater joy than childeren into this world, but even I understand and respect people who make the choice not having kids.
Me too! Love my kids but I will defend people’s rights not to have kids and not to be harassed and bullied and made miserable for not having kids.
Load More Replies...I'm disabled, chronicly ill, and living on benefits. I have a cat and he gives me companionship and comfort. What is 'selfish' about not wanting to have a child I can't afford, and am not well enough to take care of?
Exactly. We are being responsible by not having kids
Load More Replies...That's so great that the Pope gave birth to and raised so many children! Oh, wait...
I don't think anyone has pets instead of children. There are people who don't have children and do have pets, but the pets aren't a substitute for children.
I mean I want pets as a substitute for children
Load More Replies...To steal a joke heard on the radio : if the catholic church focused more on pets than kids, we'd have less problems
I don't want bad things happening to animals... zoophylia is a thing, you know. could catholic church just be banned please?
Load More Replies...If the pope wants me to have (more) kids, then he should pay for their upbringing and education. ---- my mother
I guess the leader says the cult and capitalism needs more slaves.
While respecting the catholic church more than others, this very declaration might be that.
Load More Replies...A very large percentage of the world's problems are caused by there being too many people for this planet. Pollution, climate change, dwindling resources, etc. It may be too late to reverse the damage, but surely we can prevent it getting worse?
This requires an understanding of the formation and rise of the Catholic church, whose ultimate aim was to gain power, and wealth, amongst a lot of competition. They acquired wealth by expecting their followers to give money to the church. But the wealthy educated were hard to corner. But more children someone had, the less education they could afford, and the more devoted they were to the church. So they decreed breeding and banned contraception. So followers made babies and church made bank. Except the priests were now keeping some of the money and it was being inherited by their families. Huh, what? you say. Yeah, priests used to be able to marry and have families, but that diverted a lot of funds away from the main church. So the church ordered celibacy and now priests couldn't amass wealth and it all went back to the church. And that's why Vatican City is the richest institution on the face of the earth, and the Pope is technically a virgin promoting unlimited reproduction.
I’m sure the Pope and the Catholic Church wouldn’t mind paying for all the children nobody can afford to have anymore, but they’re too busy with child molestation lawsuits that are bankrupting the Dioceses.
When the Catholic Church forks over the immense wealth it has to pay for all of these kids, we'll talk!
Hypocrite. The guy chose a career over having children, let alone having a pet.
Did this fool say women aren't complete until they become mothers? I was a parent and guardian to my dog and I never felt like anything was missing because I carried him in my heart the way any mom would a human child. The pope's on my sh.t list for his selfish, irresponsible, devolved, and ignorant comment.
The Catholic Church is a moneymaking enterprise. They're not going to be making money if there's no new Catholics.
I was one week away from my 40th birthday when I got married. I never wanted to be a single mom, because my father was killed in an industrial accident when I was five, and my sister was 10 months. Parenting alone is hard. Also if I had sex before I was married and got pregnant, isn't that also a sin? Lust and all that? I would have loved to be a mom, but it wasn't in my cards.
For the most part, I like Pope Frankie, but this is a misstep on his part. I have a theory why he’s saying it, though. I’ve read that church membership and attendance is steadily dropping—-all Christian religions, especially the Catholic Church—-as people are getting sick and tired of the bullshit that religion and religious types come out with, and becoming increasingly secular. Cherry-picking the Bible to use a quote to further their agenda (which is generally selfish and sometimes violent), and make themselves rich. The pious types who meddle in people’s lives and try to dictate how everything should be run. The one-ups a ship of “my religion is better than yours”. I could go on. My theory is that, since the number of Catholics is decreasing, it makes sense that the Vatican should declare that people are selfish is they don’t have kids. Because their ban on contraception is actually a centuries-long con job to trick people into making more Catholics—-and the Vatican wealthy.
As I've said time and time again, "having children is NOT for everybody." Just because my siblings/cousins/friends have a child (or more) - doesn't mean that my husband and I have to have children. Nope, it doesn't work that way.
Because my mental health would be so much better with a bunch of rugrats who will grow up to be mouthy defiant teenagers. I've already done the parenting thing. I'll stick with a dog or cat thank you....
Our silly ex-friend-now-minister told us this once. We were like “Um, selfish to who? The children don’t exist. Literally no one is suffering for our lack of kids.” (Except for us, at that time, cos we were actually having fertility issues making ex-friend even more a douchecanoe). Silly bugger.
Here in Canada the Catholic Church has killed children(Indigenous)in the name of religion so I’m not understanding………his reasoning
I think what he means by "selfish" is without kids the donations will significantly reduce once we all depart this life. So in a way yes, in relation to the church's finance we kind of are being selfish by not producing the next generation of $$$ donors.
I'll have more kids just to raise agnostic/atheist just like their older sibling. If im gonna have its going to be to add more folks who can/will eradicate religious stupidity
My kid seems to be pretty non judgmental & accepting of other. Being atheist or agnostic is not about trashing/shaming other religions. Its about not belonging to one at all. He can choose to change his mind if he wishes but im still loving the fact that theres more of us than there are religious folks these days. And considering the shaming & trashing i hear them do to everyone else who dont share their beliefs, i cant help but look at that as a good thing...
Load More Replies...That's quite interesting because my opinion is the complete opposite: having children just because you want to have children is selfish. A child is not some cool game or piece of furniture that serves the purpose of fulfilling your needs, it's a f*****g person you create there. Having children should mean a lot more than "I felt like having children".
The Pope's declaration goes far beyond the pets, why? because the pets cannot be considered part of the catholic flock and the church needs people to donate and help them (the church) mantain. For the catholic church, people is only a resource: no people, no money, no money no more Vatican, no more priests, no more luxury, no more cardinals and, of course, pets do not donate.Who's the real selfish?
I must say this Pope is the best so far, I mean, very modern and open minded. However, this quote of him is not acceptable. I think, having a child might be selfish bc nobody asked this new person if he wants to enter the world. Parents made decision. Yes, many of them got luck, but many of them did not.
While I do not like the church that much, like many here, I think we should stop judging every representative by what their predecessors have done. That's like saying every German today is a Nazi, because Hitler and his followers were, or that every US citizen is racist because they are descendants of slave owners and so forth.
Very surprising to read this as the pope doesn't strike me as the type to promote capitalism ... the untold and unmentioned reason for the way Evangelicals are for insurance plans providing for Viagra, but are against providing birth control is to promote a larger workforce as many of those same Evangelicals rely on the profits from the companies they've invested in ... it doesn't matter that we're running out of resources to sustain the population because it means that future generations will be clamoring for work at any pay or cost ... limit the population and now the prospects of finding cheap labor starts to decline ... even the workforce is subject to supply and demand ... the richlegious know this more than anything ...
In order for any religion to survive, it needs bodies!! Typical for religion!
See, and this is why I believe the Bible has to be interpreted differently according to the time it's read in. For example, in the passage where God tells Abraham to sacrifice his son, it was completely normal for people to sacrifice their children to the other gods they believed in. By stopping Abraham before he could do it, God was proving that He wouldn't ask us to harm others, that He is compassionate. That passage just seems so weird and wrong to us because we don't understand the time it happened in. Similarly, maybe at one point it was best to have children, but that's clearly changed now and we shouldn't think that the words stay the same with such a drastically different time.
I'm catholic, but not really religious. If one looks at the history of the catholic church, must admit, that there were some progresses made, mainly in the last 200 years. But, man, there is still a very long way to go!
Just as ridiculous as pretty much everything else about religion, especially a rigid one like Catholicism. Not sure why everyone got so worked up by this one.
To be clear, the pope lives in a fortified treasure vault of STOLEN human history, represents catholicism which is centuries deep in human misery, and lives amidst a billion dollars worth of stolen treasure from around the world over centuries, and that little sack of pedo calls other people selfish? That would get his face punched in my neighborhood...
He also said that those who couldn't have children should adopt. We need to stop discussing infertility and adpotion together as if it was the same issue. It really isn't! Why should it be the responsibility of those who can not have children naturally to adopt? Why aren't all couples asked about adoption? Adoption can be very expensive and very intrusive as you have to pass all the tests to make sure you are suitable as parents. There are lots of reaasons you can be turned down; for me it was my incurable cancer diagnosis. It also takes a special type of person to take on someone else's children, especially if those children have been through trauma or have additional needs due to thier circumstances or preivious parenting or even lack of prenatal care. Adoption is not the answer to infertility: just because it looks like a good fit with an adult wanting to parent a child and a child needing a parent doesnt make it the solution.
There are already enough abandoned children in the world. What church or any religious institution is going to do for them?
Considering how much child abuse there has been in the Catholic Church his attitude is more than a little worrying.
Not having children should be the default, not the other way around. People better be w a damn good reason to be popping out kids in this sick world we live in.
So I guess they're running low on victims and need an influx? Too bad. It's not up to them or anyone else whether someone decides to have children or not. When this pope first came on the scene, I thought he seemed alright and different from the more conservative Catholics I'd seen. Then he said some great stuff. Soon as he had everyone's attention: Ignorance. He needs to step off the world stage and stick to preaching in his own church. Organized religion is selfish. Forcing your beliefs and opinions on people you don't even know is selfish. I don't think a childless man surrounded by luxury has any right to dictate the lives (and financial abilities) of others.
This denying of fatherhood and motherhood makes us lesser. It takes away our humanity. Huh? This from the leader of a church that has, for decades, if not forever, protected and even advanced pedophiles. A religion would rather put money into stained glass windows, statues and icons than to feed the hungry, house the homeless and provide meaningful help to the needy. A church that preaches intolerance and judgment of those who do not follow their tenets. A church that has historically colluded with Nazis and dictators to deny equality and even life to those of other faiths. A religion that preaches that women are lesser beings and meant to be subservient to men. Yes, those who choose not the have children or who cannot have children are the villains of our society -- yeah, okay. Whatever.
I mean who is shocked that someone that lives in a literal palace filled with treasure has a warped world view?
When will you assholes finaly cover other religions?Why only Christiany?
When Christians stop being assholes well stop pointing it out
Load More Replies...When analyzed, it's selfish to have kids. Plus, is it a selfish to be unable to have them (asking for infertile/damaged people everywhere)?
I think that the only popes that are chosen are senile or on the way! I can't imagine an educated person having thoughts like tis - is religion a type of brain washing. But he thinks he is omnipotent after all isn't he supposed to be gods representative on earth. I then suggest we send him in to quell the religious wars on earth!
So this incel wants more kids for his paedophilic cult? That's disgusting!
i don't know about anti-religion, i thought it was just anti-stupid-thing-the-pope-said
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