I would love to be a Pokemon trainer... But I think these cute little creatures deserve better than Mr. Everyone to train them! So I had fun finding the perfect master for each Pokemon!
A master with exactly the same abilities as his Pokemon, a master able to really make it grow and progress!
So here is the first part of my Pokemon Worthy Master series, where I illustrate the meeting between a fictional character and the Pokemon that fits him best (not the evolved version, preferably), trying to show the strong and touching bond that creates between them.
This was an opportunity for me to try digital illustration!
I was feeling my way around a bit at first, but I'm starting to find my feet and get what I'm looking for, so I hope you like it!
This is just the first round, there's plenty more to come on Instagram!
More info: Instagram
This post may include affiliate links.
Katara And Squirtle
Naruto And Vulpix
Thor And Jolteon
Frozone And Glaceon
Groot And Chikorita
Ibara Shiozaki And Roselia
Toph And Rhyhorn
Daenerys And Mega-Charizard, Rayquaza And Salamence
Mystique And Ditto
Haku And Magikarp
Catwoman And Meowth, Purrloin And Glameow
Elsa And Articuno
Batmanand Zubat
Starfire And Torchic
Edward Elric And Aron
Ladybug And Ledyba
Poison Ivy And Bulbasaur
bulBaSaUr, You wIlL bE mInE- laurenzside and my brain when i see bulbasaur
Itachi And Mukrow
Sailor Mars And Flareon
Master Splinter And Turtwig
My first idea on this one was obviously Rattata, but then I thought it would be more fun with a fifth turtle :D
Flame Phoebe Princess And Growlithe
Jack Frost And Sneasel
Captain Planet And Eevee
Scarecrow And Koffing
Mr. Freeze And Alolan Sandshrew
Raiden And Pikachu
Urbosa And Zapdos
Cell And Scyther
Mera And Vaporeon
My favorites where with ladybug and Urbosa. queens I say queens 😌✋ (art is amazing btw)
I love urbosa. have you seen her power in the game
Load More Replies...Am I the only one who think it would be a nightmare to go to the Pokèmon universe and become a Pokèmon trainer Pokèmon are terrifying if you think about it for to long also what about not being with you parents as a 10 year old or wild Pokèmon attacking you also what would stop people from trying to attack you anyways thank you for listening to my Ted Talk
I totally get that, but I would also feel so much more safer having an elemental companion at my side personally. I feel like I could walk around anywhere with much less of a fear of people at least. But yeah, some of the "god" pokemon are pretty mind-blowing if you think of it like that! Lol!
My favorites where with ladybug and Urbosa. queens I say queens 😌✋ (art is amazing btw)
I love urbosa. have you seen her power in the game
Load More Replies...Am I the only one who think it would be a nightmare to go to the Pokèmon universe and become a Pokèmon trainer Pokèmon are terrifying if you think about it for to long also what about not being with you parents as a 10 year old or wild Pokèmon attacking you also what would stop people from trying to attack you anyways thank you for listening to my Ted Talk
I totally get that, but I would also feel so much more safer having an elemental companion at my side personally. I feel like I could walk around anywhere with much less of a fear of people at least. But yeah, some of the "god" pokemon are pretty mind-blowing if you think of it like that! Lol!