The Pokémon universe is superimposed on our world, with the franchise’s ubiquity on TV, invasion of our mobile screens, popularity on the widescreen, and effect on our routes when we go on Pokémon hunts. A generation of mobile gamers has grown with Pokémon, and we’ve witnessed the franchise’s evolution through the decades.
There’s no denying that Pokémon has changed a lot since its original Pokémon renders, but its steady upward trajectory makes it evident that it can match evolving technologies and adjust to the changing preferences of its loyal fan base. 
We draw on the popularity of Pokémon with a collection of 30 best Pokémon memes that contain funny references to the game, the unique evolution of Pokémon creatures, and fan-favorite scenes.

So, whether you followed the anime series, played the original Nintendo versions, or downloaded the Pokémon Go spin-off to join the bandwagon of gamers, you’ll be able to relate to and appreciate the world of Pokémon and its fabulous characters. 


Exam Preparation

A Pokemon meme featuring four panels with different images of Pikachu, each representing different stages of studying for an exam. The first panel shows a happy Pikachu with the text "Studying a week before the exam." The second panel shows Pikachu looking slightly worried, with the text "Cramming the night before the exam." The third panel shows Pikachu looking shocked, with the text "Studying the morning of the exam." The fourth panel shows Pikachu with glowing red eyes, looking intense and stressed, with the text "Learning the material as you take the exam."

Parthj99 Report

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    Anime vs Game

    A Pokemon meme with two images side by side. The top image shows an intense battle scene between giant monsters, suggesting a high-stakes Pokemon battle in the anime. The bottom image shows two pixelated dog characters; one holds a stick and appears to be hitting the other, accompanied by the text "999," humorously comparing the less dramatic turn-based combat style in Pokemon games to the action-packed anime.

    lolerin Report

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    Snorlax and Sleepy Cat

    A Pokemon meme featuring a Twitter post by a user named "Sylffy" with the handle "@TsarSylveon." The text reads, "Just two snoozers together!" Below the text is an image of a cat sleeping next to a large Snorlax plush toy, both appearing relaxed and cozy, humorously comparing the cat's sleeping position to the famously lazy Pokemon, Snorlax.

    @TsarSylveon Report

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    Joyce Johnson
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "This is the right place for me. I feel very comfortable so just let me sleep".

    How “Wasei Eigo” Gave Birth to the Iconic Name

    Pokémon is an abbreviation for “pocket monster,” which fittingly describes the creatures in the series and the game. According to Sherman Smith (Facts, 2024), the word “Pokémon” is an example of Japanese “wasei-eigo,” which translates as “Japanese-made English” (1). 

    Wasei eigo or Japlish involves creating new Japanese words by combining syllables from common English words to form unique Japanese-sounding terms.


    Megan Taylor Stephens (Bokksu, 2022) (2) argues that Japanese people are familiar with English from a young age because it is taught early in school. Although Japanese kids may not be as proficient in functional, conversational English, they enjoy experimenting with the language and inventing new words.


    According to Stephens, the influence of wasei eigo doesn’t rely solely on formal avenues, such as education and geopolitics. Instead, Japanese-English terms usually stem from exposure to pop culture, daily life, and brand marketing within Japan. 

    Sprinkling English words and phrases into Japanese gives terms a hip, youthful vibe, making Pokémon fit right into that Japlish mode. Other common examples of wasei eigo include “donmai” for “I don’t mind,” “potechi” for “potato chip,” and even “sararimam” for “salaryman” or “office worker.”


    “When You’re Chosen for the Battle”

    A Pokemon meme featuring a crossover with Rick and Morty. In the first panel, Ash Ketchum, with Pikachu by his side, says, "Let's get 'em Pikachu! I choose you!" In the second panel, Morty exclaims, "I... I... I am sick of your sh** Ash! Forcing these animals to fight is sick, twisted and... and..." Rick interrupts, holding a flask and says, "I choose Morty." In the third panel, Morty looks shocked and says, "Wait... what!?" as Rick casually drinks. In the final panel, Morty is engulfed in a bright yellow light, screaming in pain, while Pikachu appears to be charging an attack.


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    Rude Awakening

     A Pokemon meme featuring a scene with Pikachu. The text above reads: "Customer: Acts rude Me: Acts rude back Customer:" Below the text is an image of Pikachu with a confused and slightly offended expression, as if taken aback by the situation, humorously capturing the reaction of a customer surprised when their rudeness is matched. A Pokeball is visible in the background.

    redwiseman Report

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    What Does the Name Pikachu Mean?

    In the world of Pokémon, the lead creature of the game and franchise is Pikachu, a bubbly, quirky yellow pocket monster who bounces around with the child protagonist Ash. While the other monsters have earned their own following, Pikachu has always been the game’s central character.


    In a 2023 feature for the PC Gamer, Richard Moore explains that Pikachu’s name comes from a couple of combined Japanese phrases (3). The word “pika” often refers to a sparkle or glisten of light, while “chu” is the sound a mouse makes. The phrase combination is likened to a form of onomatopoeia in the Japanese language, mimicking the animal’s sound. Put together, the name Pikachu translates to an “electric mouse.”



    “When You Know All the Pokémons”

    A Pokemon meme comparing memorization challenges. The top left shows a periodic table with the text "Periodic table," while the top right displays an anime character with a concerned expression. The bottom left shows a collage of 893 different Pokemon with the text "893 Pokemons," while the bottom right shows the same anime character now with a crazed, determined expression, humorously highlighting the daunting task of memorizing all the Pokemon compared to the periodic table.

    MrFujimoto Report

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    Keira Pendragon
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    .... The solution is clear - assign a pokemon to every element - should be able to pick good ones for each with plenty to spare xD

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    “When Pokémon Events Are ‘Too Complex,’ but You Survived the Puzzle Days of Ruby and Sapphire”

     A Pokemon meme featuring two contrasting characters. On the left, a crying face labeled with the "Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Version" logo says, "We can't let them have the Azure Flute event! It will be too difficult for kids to understand!" On the right, a calm, confident character with a beard labeled with the "Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire Version" logo responds with text in Braille, humorously referencing the use of Braille puzzles in the Ruby and Sapphire games and contrasting it with the perceived difficulty of the Azure Flute event in the Diamond and Pearl games.

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    “When Ash's Pokémon Are Done Playing Around”

    A Pokemon meme with the text at the top reading, "Ash's pokemons when they start losing the battle." Below is an image of a fish lying on ice with the text "F*** IT, EVOLUTION TIME," humorously suggesting that Ash's Pokemon decide to evolve spontaneously during battles when they start losing, similar to how Magikarp evolves into Gyarados.

    yourbelovedfriend Report

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    How Pokémon Go Revitalized the Franchise

    Pokémon was initially created for the Gameboy in 1996 as a role-playing game. After nearly 30 years of prominence, it has become one of the highest-grossing media franchises of all time, with successful anime series, movies, merchandise, and the super popular spin-off game Pokémon Go. 

    Pokémon Go heralded a new era for the Pokémon franchise, according to Shivanjali Pawar (Enterprise Apps Today, 2023) (4). It exploded onto the mobile gaming market in 2016 and was downloaded 130 million times around the globe in the first month after its release. This made it the most downloaded game in the industry at the time of its launch. It has also ranked as the 5th highest-grossing game worldwide. 


    Currently, Pokemon Go has grown to a staggering 150 million users worldwide, with 9 million hunting for Pokemon daily. Although this is a notable decrease from the daily figures in the app’s heyday during its launch year in 2016, it still represents the highest annual number since 2016. 

    Pawar also reports that Pokémon Go’s in-app purchases were valued at $703.74 million in 2022, making the game a worldwide hit. Since its launch in 2016, it has had over 1.1 billion downloads.



    Professor Oak’s Big Reveal

    A Pokemon meme comic featuring Professor Oak and Ash Ketchum. In the first panel, Professor Oak says, "I spent my whole life researching Pokemon. Now take my Pokedex with you." Ash, looking excited, responds, "Wow! It must be-" In the second panel, Ash continues, "Fu-" and then in the third panel, Professor Oak cuts in with a smug smile, saying "Empty." The meme humorously mocks the idea that despite claiming to have spent his life researching Pokemon, Professor Oak's Pokedex is completely empty, leaving the task of filling it to the young trainer, Ash.

    @pawkemonmemesforlife Report

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    Pokémon Makes Us Happy

    A Pokemon meme with two images side by side. On the left is a plain black backpack labeled "fitting in society," representing conformity. On the right is a Heracross-shaped Pokemon plush backpack labeled "being happy," representing embracing one's unique interests and finding joy. The meme humorously contrasts the idea of conforming to societal norms with being true to oneself and choosing happiness, depicted through the choice of a fun, Pokemon-themed backpack.

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    Ash Goes to Work

    A Pokemon meme featuring two images. The top image shows a sign in a store window that reads, "CASHIER WANTED MUST BE 10 YEARS OLD WITH 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE." The bottom image shows Ash Ketchum with Pikachu on his shoulder, looking determined under a blue sky, humorously suggesting that Ash, who has been 10 years old throughout the Pokemon series but has extensive experience, perfectly fits the job description.

    Nerdy Memes 4 U Report

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    “Bawling or Balling?”

    A Pokemon meme featuring two images of Squirtle split diagonally. The text at the top reads, "I have two sides." On the left side, Squirtle is shown crying with tears, labeled "bawling." On the right side, Squirtle is wearing sunglasses, looking cool and confident, labeled "balling." The meme humorously contrasts two opposite moods or personalities, using wordplay to highlight Squirtle's emotional range.

    @yeelon_official Report

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    Kermit and Pokémon Have More in Common Than You Think

     A Pokemon meme with the text "Bruh I just saw this now I can't unsee it" at the top. The image is split into two panels: on the left is a picture of Kermit the Frog wearing a dark hood, resembling the "Evil Kermit" meme. On the right is an image of the Pokemon Deino, whose face and expression resemble Kermit's, humorously highlighting the unexpected similarity between the two characters.

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    The Pokémon Journey Never Ends

    A Pokemon meme with the text "When you're 47 and still tryna catch 'em all" at the top. The image below shows an edited version of Ash Ketchum with a balding head, smiling and enthusiastically throwing a Pokeball. The meme humorously depicts an older version of Ash still determined to be a Pokemon Trainer, playing on the idea of never giving up on his quest, even as he ages.


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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They keep adding more Pokemon! Every game they add to the series adds more Pokemon to catch and remember. It's honestly annoying. I want a new RPG game but will the OG Pokemon!!

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    “Things You Can Find Naturally in the Wild”

    A Pokemon meme featuring a humorous Tumblr exchange. The first user, "fridricky," comments on the strange variety of Pokemon, saying, "Pokemon are so weird as a concept, like, here's a pigeon, a spider, a turtle, a whale... a clown... a goth girl..." The second user, "adoginahellsite," responds with, "Those are all things that you can find naturally in the wild." Below, there are images of various Pokemon: Pidove (pigeon), Galvantula (spider), Drednaw (turtle), Wailord (whale), Mr. Mime (clown), and Gothitelle (goth girl). The meme humorously highlights the eclectic mix of creatures that Pokemon are based on, blending mundane and fantastical elements.



    “When Basic Pokémon Meet Their Future Forms”

    A Pokemon meme comic set in four panels. The top left panel shows a portal labeled "2023," with a curious Tyranitar and Swablu looking at it, saying, "What's that??" The top right panel has futuristic-looking Pokemon (a futuristic Donphan and another form) emerging from the portal saying, "We're from the FUTURE," and Swablu exclaiming, "WOAH!" In the bottom left panel, a surprised Tyranitar looks at a futuristic version of itself and says, "No way, this is so cool!" The bottom right panel shows an Unown with a confused expression, and Swablu asks, "Huh?" The meme humorously plays on the idea of Pokemon encountering their future versions and the unexpected confusion it causes.


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    Hunting for Groceries and Pokémon

    A Pokemon meme showing a Facebook post by a user named "Mogren Obersinner-Gage." The post reads, "As I was shopping, this guy popped up on Pokemon Go, was able to get his photo before I caught him." Below the text are two images taken in a grocery store produce section. In both images, a Bulbasaur from the game Pokemon Go is superimposed on a pile of lettuce, humorously blending into the surroundings. The meme plays on the idea of Bulbasaur, a plant-based Pokemon, appearing naturally among leafy greens in the store.


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    The Grown-Up Kid

    A Pokemon meme featuring two characters, Totodile and Feraligatr, from the Pokemon series. Totodile, the smaller Pokemon, is labeled "My inner kid being happy," while the larger Feraligatr is labeled "Me buying cool stuff I would have liked as a kid." The meme humorously depicts the joy of indulging in childhood desires as an adult, using the affectionate relationship between the two Pokemon to symbolize the inner child and the adult self.


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    Manga vs Anime vs Netflix

    A Pokemon meme showing a humorous comparison between different adaptations. The first image is labeled "Manga" and features a black-and-white illustration of Squirtle from the Pokemon manga. The second image is labeled "Anime" and shows Squirtle in action, shooting a powerful water blast in the animated series. The third image is labeled "Netflix Adaptation" and humorously depicts a child standing in front of a fountain, appearing as if he is imitating Squirtle's water attack, suggesting a low-budget or poorly executed live-action adaptation.

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    “When You Capture the Creator of the Universe and Name It ‘Stinky Butt’”

    A Pokemon meme featuring a humorous text post about the games "Diamond and Pearl." The top text reads, "Remember when diamond and pearl just casually was like 'oh this Pokemon is god btw. They created the entire universe.'" Below, a reply from "the-chanel-boots" adds, "and then they let you, a 10 year old, capture it and rename it 'stinky butt' and make it fight for sport." The image below shows a screenshot from the game with a player character facing Arceus, the "god" Pokemon, with the caption "Dodogyuuun!" This meme humorously critiques the absurdity of a child capturing a deity and renaming it something silly.


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    Community Member
    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think that's a metaphor for society. i'm not sure about what exactly, but it's definitely a metaphor for.... something

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    The True Pokémon Challenge

    A Pokemon meme featuring two panels with images of Kyogre. In the top panel, Kyogre has a calm expression, next to the text "Catching Kyogre in a Master Ball because it's easier," with an image of a Master Ball. In the bottom panel, Kyogre looks fierce with its mouth open, next to the text "Catching Kyogre in a Great Ball for the color coordination," with an image of a Great Ball. The meme humorously contrasts the practicality of using a Master Ball with the aesthetic choice of using a Great Ball that matches Kyogre's blue color scheme.

    IncognitoLens_ Report

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    “Protecting the World from Devastation”

    A Pokemon meme listing different types of protection in a humorous sequence. The first image shows gloves with the text "To protect your hands." The second image shows sunglasses with the text "To protect your eyes." The third image shows sunscreen with the text "To protect your skin." The final image shows Team Rocket's Jessie, James, and Meowth from the Pokemon series striking their signature pose, with the text "To protect the world from devastation," humorously completing the famous Team Rocket motto with everyday protective items.

    Rockuaz Report

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    “I Choose ‘Em All!”

    A Pokemon meme using an "Adventure Time" reference. The first panel shows Jake the Dog in a dark cave with three choices in front of him: two figures resembling Lucario and a movie poster for "Pokémon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew," with the text "Choose your favourite." The second panel shows Jake excitedly holding three different Legendary Pokemon—Regice, Regirock, and Registeel—saying, "Pokemon fans: I choose them!" The meme humorously captures the enthusiasm of Pokemon fans who want to choose all their favorite Pokemon instead of just one.

    IsCharmy004 Report

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    Some Adults Still Play Pokémon

    A Pokemon meme with the text "People younger than me: Pokemon is lame. Me, a 28-year-old adult:" at the top. Below is an image of Dragonite from the Pokemon series, looking serious and holding a large metal door as a shield, suggesting a determined stance. The meme humorously illustrates the contrast between younger people dismissing Pokemon and an adult who still proudly embraces their love for the series, using the powerful and steadfast Dragonite as a symbol of their commitment.


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    1. Sherman Smith. “Pokémon Facts.” Facts.Net, April 28, 2024. |
    2. Megan Taylor Stephens. “What Is Wasei Eigo?” Bokksu, August 12, 2022. |
    3. Richard Moore. “10 Lesser-Known Pokemon Facts That Will Surprise You.” The Gamer, July 16, 2023. |
    4. Shivanjali Pawar. “50+ Most Surprising Pokémon Go Statistics for 2023 (Facts and Trends). Enterprise Apps Today, 2023. |

    Poll Question

    How do you feel about the evolution of Pokémon over the years?

    It has gotten better with time

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