We’ve had all the possible versions of the 'ideal' body throughout history, and it’s about time that we agree – beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, and the most attractive is the art of being comfortable and confident in your own skin. Nevertheless, mainstream media keeps placing images of the perfect body in our brains and the pressure to conform is real.
Brazilian artist Eduardo Santos, known as Edull on social media, enjoys juicy curves and wants the whole world to know it. Using his incredible talent he turns his everyday plus-size muses into cute animated characters. By doing what he loves he doesn‘t only empower tons of chubby girls out there to appreciate their bodies, but helps spread the body positivity message and fight prejudice shaped by today’s society.
“I've always liked chubby girls and also suffered from the prejudice they felt. I ended up discovering art as a way to show the world that a fat woman is a normal woman, just as beautiful as all the others,” the artist told Bored Panda.
Putting chubby women in the spotlight through his drawings and illustrations, Eduardo has created his imaginary plus size world where everyone is welcomed. He has been accepting commissions from women around the world and has grown a big collection of artworks that praise the curvy silhouette and celebrates the beauty of women
More info: Facebook | Instagram | heyedull.com
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There's no way this woman is a plus-size. There isn't an ounce of fat on her face.
Believe me, it is the rare person of size who does not know they are at an unhealthy weight. If there was a simple solution they would do it. There is nothing wrong with learning to love your body and your beauty. This is not glorifying obesity. It is showing that any body can be beautiful. Stop shaming people for their size. If it is not your journey, you know nothing about it!
I love how women have been freeing themselves from long hair. She looks just perfect. ❤️
Her pics outfit is even more beautiful than the one in tbe drawing. 💙
Keep your judgements to yourself. She is elegant. This is not about 'health'. This is about beauty, appreciation for doing what you can with what you have.
I'm fat. I'm also trying to lose weight, so snarky comments about my size are very unappreciated. I know I'm fat and I'm trying to change it, why bring it up? I'm not one of those "fat is healthy" people. I just have a potential eating disorder and I don't like it one bit. It's just mean-spirited to ostracize someone for something they MIGHT not even be able to control!. All in all, women (and men too) should strive to be healthy, but not beat themselves up if they don't conform to the stick-thin ideal of how one should be.
The "healthy fat" crowd would prefer to believe a lie rather than take care of themselves. The FACT is that obese people die younger than they need to, for a bunch of reasons, and that's a large part of the reason that the life spans of Americans have been going DOWN for the past couple of years. ....///... Losing weight is hard. My husband's doctor told him to lose weight last year because his blood pressure was creeping upwards, and I needed to lose, too. We gave up most of the carbs. There's no bread in the house, no rice, no pasta, no potatoes, not because they're fattening in themselves, but because of the stuff you put ON all of those things. We don't miss it. We each lost about 40 pounds and it feels great. ...///... I wish you all the luck in the world with your weight loss. Update us and tell us how it's going! ;-)
Load More Replies...It is not mutually exclusive to both know you need to lose weight and also still love yourself. I am not nearly as overweight as any of these women, but I know I need to lose about 50 for my health. Does that mean I'm required to hate myself until I do? No thanks. I'd prefer to appreciate my body in whatever stage it's in, even AS I'm attempting to improve it. Quit being so damn black and white.
I am as overweight as any of these women and I have no intention of purposely losing weight. And since my actual doctor, who went to medical school, isn't concerned about it, I have no idea why the hell you are.
Stop glorifying obesity. Weighing around 150kg isnt healthy no matter your body type. Im chubby myself. You shouldnt be bullied or fatshamed but helped. Eating disorders no matter if youre skinny or fatty is not healthy and will affect your overall life.
Though with that said, lovely art, talented people.
Load More Replies...I'm fat. I'm also trying to lose weight, so snarky comments about my size are very unappreciated. I know I'm fat and I'm trying to change it, why bring it up? I'm not one of those "fat is healthy" people. I just have a potential eating disorder and I don't like it one bit. It's just mean-spirited to ostracize someone for something they MIGHT not even be able to control!. All in all, women (and men too) should strive to be healthy, but not beat themselves up if they don't conform to the stick-thin ideal of how one should be.
The "healthy fat" crowd would prefer to believe a lie rather than take care of themselves. The FACT is that obese people die younger than they need to, for a bunch of reasons, and that's a large part of the reason that the life spans of Americans have been going DOWN for the past couple of years. ....///... Losing weight is hard. My husband's doctor told him to lose weight last year because his blood pressure was creeping upwards, and I needed to lose, too. We gave up most of the carbs. There's no bread in the house, no rice, no pasta, no potatoes, not because they're fattening in themselves, but because of the stuff you put ON all of those things. We don't miss it. We each lost about 40 pounds and it feels great. ...///... I wish you all the luck in the world with your weight loss. Update us and tell us how it's going! ;-)
Load More Replies...It is not mutually exclusive to both know you need to lose weight and also still love yourself. I am not nearly as overweight as any of these women, but I know I need to lose about 50 for my health. Does that mean I'm required to hate myself until I do? No thanks. I'd prefer to appreciate my body in whatever stage it's in, even AS I'm attempting to improve it. Quit being so damn black and white.
I am as overweight as any of these women and I have no intention of purposely losing weight. And since my actual doctor, who went to medical school, isn't concerned about it, I have no idea why the hell you are.
Stop glorifying obesity. Weighing around 150kg isnt healthy no matter your body type. Im chubby myself. You shouldnt be bullied or fatshamed but helped. Eating disorders no matter if youre skinny or fatty is not healthy and will affect your overall life.
Though with that said, lovely art, talented people.
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