Plus-Size Models Ask Photographer To Make Them Skinny, Reveal How Much Photoshop Can Change Your Body
Nowadays it’s hard to tell what’s real and what’s not. Most of the images that we see in social media or magazines have been more or less altered using photo editing software and that has been putting unrealistic beauty standards in our heads and slowly distorting our understanding of reality itself. But some people refuse to put up with this and want to open people’s eyes to the truth.
Two beautiful plus-size models, Diana Sirokai and Callie Thorpe teamed up with professional photographer Karizza to show how the media takes photo manipulation to a different level. Diana and Callie had their picture taken and Karizza used photoshop to make extreme body image edits.
“I have to say we look amazing both ways”, Diana wrote on her Instagram post. “The purpose of this was to show you all how magazines and the media take editing to a different level. Models and celebrities do not even look like themselves in those photoshopped images. We live in such a fake world it’s time to bring real back. Own who you are and slay!”
Take a look at the before and after images of the beautiful women below and let us know what you think.
More info: Diana’s Instagram | Callie’s Instagram
These two beautiful ladies, Callie on the left and Diana on the right, decided to show how magazines and the media takes editing to a different level
They asked a professional photographer to use photoshop on their bodies to show how much can be changed using computer software
In the same post, they showed the original image encouraging people to “Own who you are and slay “
This was not the first time these ladies spread the body positivity message
Last month Diana shared an image of her body next to Kim Kardashian with an empowering note – “We are both women with different bodies”
The main message of these girls is that everyone should love themselves and that’s something that everyone can get behind
Share on FacebookSure, you should love yourselfe, but just as supeskinny should'nt be encouraged because it's unhealthy, overweight shouldn't be encouraged either, for the same reason.
But I guess the Point here was to show how magazines use editing and that I like.
Load More Replies...That weight does not come from eating healthy. That leads.to illnesses. Being overweight is a predesposition for illness. People who claim they like themselves like this are trying to make others believe they are happy. I wont be happy carrying that weight around
overweight could be fine, obese is not. I am overweight, more because of poly cystic ovarium syndrome that I had since kid. When I try to eat better, work out regularly, being more positive minded, I actually aimed at being healthy, not losing weight. This women are campaigning on how to respect and love yourself, despite what size of the curves might be; they're not endorsing people to be overweight.
Load More Replies...They look happy, but maybe they would be more healthy inside with losing weight.
everybody can look happy enough if a picture. Suicide people will have terrific days before killing themselves. Ultra skinny people isn't happy either, no matter how bid they smile for the pictures. As for the healthy issue, obese young people will be diabetic adults with blood pressure issues. If you're that young and you're over 200 pounds, it's not healthy and you wont be laughing when you need dialysis, kidney or heart transplant, just like a skinny girl will loose her periods, would be cronical anemic and develop a massive failure pretty much on every organ: just like obese people (not a little fat people, not a little round people, not a normal woman weighting 150 pounds in her forties)
Load More Replies...Sure, you should love yourselfe, but just as supeskinny should'nt be encouraged because it's unhealthy, overweight shouldn't be encouraged either, for the same reason.
But I guess the Point here was to show how magazines use editing and that I like.
Load More Replies...That weight does not come from eating healthy. That leads.to illnesses. Being overweight is a predesposition for illness. People who claim they like themselves like this are trying to make others believe they are happy. I wont be happy carrying that weight around
overweight could be fine, obese is not. I am overweight, more because of poly cystic ovarium syndrome that I had since kid. When I try to eat better, work out regularly, being more positive minded, I actually aimed at being healthy, not losing weight. This women are campaigning on how to respect and love yourself, despite what size of the curves might be; they're not endorsing people to be overweight.
Load More Replies...They look happy, but maybe they would be more healthy inside with losing weight.
everybody can look happy enough if a picture. Suicide people will have terrific days before killing themselves. Ultra skinny people isn't happy either, no matter how bid they smile for the pictures. As for the healthy issue, obese young people will be diabetic adults with blood pressure issues. If you're that young and you're over 200 pounds, it's not healthy and you wont be laughing when you need dialysis, kidney or heart transplant, just like a skinny girl will loose her periods, would be cronical anemic and develop a massive failure pretty much on every organ: just like obese people (not a little fat people, not a little round people, not a normal woman weighting 150 pounds in her forties)
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