I feel like kitchen disasters tend to happen more than we'd like to admit at times, so please feel free to share your funniest or worst attempts at cooking or baking.
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Plot Twist To The Post! This Isn’t Backed Nor A Fail! Just A Cute Cat To Brighten Your Day. He Very Chonky
I Tried To Make Caramel With Left Over Sweetened Condensed Milk
First Attempt To Make Cinnamon Rolls…
When In Doubt Decorate It Out!
Youtube Souffle Pancakes
Mom Joked She Wanted A Wedding Cake For Her B-Day. So I Made One!
Tried To Make A Lemon Cream Cake Like Olive Garden
If You Can’t Tell They’re Blueberry Scones
Self Cutting Cake
You Can Cook An Egg By Microwaving It, Some How I Messed It Up
Actually, this will very often end in explosion and severe burns! Never microwave an egg!
My “Beautiful” Chocolate Chip Cookies
I Tried Making Cupcakes For My Own Birthday And They Tasted Great!
I Made Tortillas For Halloween With Cookie Cutters. The Masa Was Expired...
I thought they were cookies up until I read the caption ;-;
Chicken Fried Bacon It Sounded Good But The Bacon Ended Up Not Cooked On The Inside
Cake. Gummy, Holey Cake
Tried Cooking An Egg. (I Think We Were Poaching It, I Forget.) Bird Still In Egg. (In Bowl) Was One Of Our Hens Eggs
Ice Cream Sandwich Cake Or Epic Fail???
B For Bad, Not For Bear
Tried To Bake Chocolate Cupcakes…
Weird piping them into cupcake tins(changes batter). Would like to see the after pic
Hunter Safety Orange, Enough Said
May I Add, My Sons Pizza? He Forgot It In The Oven For Approximately 5 Hours.
I Tried To Make Pavlova. Tasted Good, But It Dhattered Lol
Cooking Project For School. It Caught On Fire, My Group Screamed While The Teacher Put Out Fire
Roasted Red Potatoes- With A Surprise In The Middle
Attempted To Make My Sister One Of Those Popular Frog Cakes
Had To Make This For Math Class. Looked Terrible But Probably One Of The Best Cakes I Have Ever Made
I Choose The Rejects
Came Home From Work On My Birthday,only To Find My Children Made Me A Mac(And Cheese) 🍰🍰
My Thanksgiving Pumpkin Pie From 2020
Homemade Potato Chips (Some Too Thick/Burnt)
Plan And Result... Pommes Duchesse, Never Again
Took Forever To Make A Homemade Blueberry Strawberry Smoothie. It Was So Clumpy I Eventually Just Threw In A Bunch Of Milk. You Can See It Stuck In The Straw...
I've had this happen. Try turning the berries into a coulis before adding them, or blending and straining out any seeds/stems. Add the milk first, and add in fruit bit by bit. Too much fruit at first just gums up the blades and fails from the get go. Now, if this happens again, mix in the milk, and freeze 😁 Flake it up with a fork every so often (15-20 mins?), and make yourself a nice treat!