‘Please Hesitate To Reach Out’: 50 Pics That Are Beyond Bizarre And Ridiculously Confusing
Like car crashes or burning buildings, there are certain images that simply draw our eyes towards them. And as the spooky season approaches, it’s the perfect time to dive into images that creep us out even when we can’t exactly put our finger on why.
The “Please Hesitate” Instagram page gathers images that are unnerving, weird, and perhaps a little bit cursed. So get comfortable, draw the blinds, light some candles, and get to scrolling. Be sure to upvote your favorite posts and comment your thoughts below.
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A common theme throughout these images is some element that manages to catch your eye without it being entirely clear why. Just a single element out of place, like an eyeball floating around a bowl of soup, can put us on edge, before we even know what’s happening. Partially, this is just our brain reacting to danger (or what we think is danger) even if our conscious self doesn’t know what’s going on.
For example, things that are vaguely human, but off by just a bit are often said to reside in the uncanny valley. Most people have a negative reaction to the robots and CGI almost-humans people have made, even if they can’t quite understand why.
Some people weave fantastical theories about why we have such a visceral reaction to something that appears to be almost human. Many budding sci-fi novelists can no doubt put together an interesting story about this element of our evolution. But the “boring” real answer is that most likely it’s simply an evolutionary reaction to corpses.
While for modern humans, a corpse is perhaps uncomfortable, most of us will only encounter it in the context of a funeral. So it’s important to think from the perspective of our ancestors, who would probably only encounter a corpse if there was some imminent danger, a poisonous plant, or a predator.
Seeing such a thing often causes a number of physiological reactions, from an increased heart rate, adrenaline, hairs standing on end, and, of course, goosebumps. It can be a bit humbling to realize that very often, your body actually realizes or detects danger much faster than you do. This is perhaps why we are sometimes recommended to trust our instincts since they might be working with better information than our minds.
Interestingly, the hair standing on end isn’t necessarily related to fear, and many people actually misreport having this particular reaction. It’s possible that we have seen it happen in cats often enough that we just attribute it to ourselves. Alternatively, we do get goosebumps when afraid and the sensation on our skin might make it feel like our hair is also participating.
That is the scrungliest kitten I have ever laid blessed eyes upon. ♡
While not explicitly scary, these cursed images do in some way trigger the body's fight or flight system, mostly through the unexpected. In some cases, it’s not so much the visual at play, but the contents. Our brain begins concocting a story for why these disparate elements are all in the same image.
This is the same strategy used by many horror films and thrillers (and in rare cases, comedies, like the “Hangover” series), where just enough is left up to the imagination, that the “blank spaces” get filled in by our minds. Since we all know what scares us best, our brain does all the heavy lifting for the director.
I have one like this too! My disabled dog Stilgar's first trip to the beach XD stilly_bea...f9c2ff.jpg
This is also why the degree of fear one might feel while watching a horror flick may diminish when the monster is revealed. Once we can contextualize it and understand where it begins and ends, it becomes more “solid” and less scary. If just enough is left up to the audience, a good amount of uncertainty can help maintain some fear.
As images, these cursed pics manage to do the same on a micro level. We see a bizarre collection of elements with no further context. Our poor brains must do their best to make sense of this mess, so we start concocting stories, grasping at whatever straws the images have. Unfortunately, we will probably not get more context for anything here, which is disappointing, but perhaps helps maintain the magic.
So perhaps treat it like a haunted house, there isn’t any plot or greater meaning beyond what you bring to it. Just allow yourself to experience whatever emotions your brain manages to scrape together and enjoy. And, perhaps in preparation for the spooky season, if you want more cursed images, look no further, Bored Panda has got you covered. Check out our articles on cursed aesthetics and other random cursed images.
Just an average day in the life of a cat - eat, sleep, flash the neighbors
obviously her husband has EVENTUALLY stopped the car for a pee break - I seriously know this feeling
Ah, finally the perfect snack for the Predator a46bc2ef81...35e5d1.jpg
The what and the how are easy enough but don’t think I’ll ever understand the why.
Load More Replies...Forget my comments on exercise equipment, I want the quad-wich
Not much meat with so much bread. Better have lots of water to wash it down.
“Cursed BP Titles” It’s just a stack of unrelated images and I read like two things about corpses for some reason. Wtf is this site
In a very real way, we ALL can really did anything in between the photos, can't we?
“Cursed BP Titles” It’s just a stack of unrelated images and I read like two things about corpses for some reason. Wtf is this site
In a very real way, we ALL can really did anything in between the photos, can't we?