Have you wondered what would happen if you did kind of a stupid thing? How it would have turned out and what your life would look like now? Well, it's natural to wonder. And sometimes, these ideas can be turned into actions.

And so, when people on Reddit were asked what they found out by "playing around," they did not shy away from sharing their stories. Let's just say that some of them certainly don't sound like something many would like to experience.

More info: Reddit


37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way A boy in elementary school was harassing me and said “What you gonna do about it? Hit me? I’m wearing glasses so you can’t!” So I took his glasses off his face, stomped them, and punched him in the face.

My 5th grade self regretted it because I had to pay for his glasses by working odd jobs all summer, but my 42 year old self pats that kid on the back all the time for doing it because that dude never messed with us again.

grumblebuzz , Ksenia Chernaya Report

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Janelle Collard
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I agree - totally worth working those jobs all summer to teach that a****le a lesson.

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    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way I used to think I was a tough guy and talked a lot of s**t about how I could kick my roommates a*s if I wanted to. He politely challenged me to a boxing match. I took two hits but didn't get a serious one in. I went down.

    In retrospect he was way cooler about it than he should have been. I was talking a lot of s**t and he brought out boxing gloves and even some foam helmet things. I went down like a b***h lol. I firmly believe that every s**t talker needs a good a*s kicking once in a while because that s**t humbled me and I'm a better man for it. If you're out there Isaac, it's Jibs and I'm still sorry for talking s**t lol.

    bigdreams_littled**k , Hermes Rivera Report


    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way My grandfather was an alcoholic. My father was an alcoholic.

    Definitely wouldn't happen to ME though.

    F*****g wrong.

    Drank too much beer in college. Party, party.

    Drank too much on weekends through my thirties.

    Finally got sober when I had my daughter at forty.

    Literally the best thing that ever happened to me other than my daughter was 100% stopping any form of alcohol in any way. Got my life back. Found happiness again.

    ssshield , Maurício Mascaro Report

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    Otto Katz
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wish my son would get there, he's still in the invincible 30's, and nothing anyone tells him will convince him that binge drinking in his 30's is a bad idea.

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    It is ingrained in human nature that we are curious beings. For instance, curiosity is a driving force for people’s development. It helps us learn new things when we’re babies and even when we grow up. 

    When a person is curious, their brain releases dopamine. This hormone makes an individual feel satisfaction and motivation, as well as controls memory, mood, learning concentration, and many other body functions. The positive reinforcement acquired from curiosity fuels a person to continue seeking out new experiences and information. Learning about one’s environment is what makes a person a properly functioning social creature. 


    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way Was using and selling d***s. Got locked up. Now im starting life over with nothing.

    Edit: thanks for all of the upvotes and kind words. Yes im sober and it is a big relief not to worry about the next time ill get busted or anything like that. Im very thankful to have a second chance.

    Mysterious-Oven4461 , RDNE Stock project Report


    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way About six years old. Having a picnic with my dad by the lake. Some ducks wander up near us. Dad says, “You know, ducks will bite you.”

    “That’s silly, they don’t even have teeth.”

    “Stick your finger out and see for yourself.”

    Got bit. Cried.

    kevinpro7 , Pixabay Report


    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way When I was 14 I had a friend that was a track athlete. This kid was seriously the fastest person I've seen in real life. It had been raining for 3 days and we were mostly stuck inside and bored. When the rain finally stopped I called him and we met up at the canal in-between our houses. It was our usual meeting spot as it was halfway.

    He had the bright idea that we should cross the canal, that was at max capacity and moving very quickly, by jumping from one concrete footing to the next. Mind you, these were about 10 feet apart but very wide. I was not interested in that. Truth is that I was scared but didn't want to show it.

    He decided to jump from one to the next. He barely made it and declared how easy it was. At this point the foolish pride kicks in and I make a run for it. I was comically short of making it across. So short that I hit face first into he side of the concrete footing and broke my nose. What's worse is that now I was in rapidly moving flood water with my eyes blurry from breaking my nose.

    This track athlete buddy hopped on his bike and pedaled from that bridge to the next one and beat me there. I was desperately trying to grab onto the shore and pull myself up. But is was so wet and muddy that all I did was slow myself down a bit. He climbed down the embankment by the next set of concrete footings and started yelling at me to grab his hand. I did and he pulled me out. He absolutely saved my life that day. But also my bike, that was left on the other bridge, was stolen by the time we got back to it.

    Obiwan_ca_blowme , Blake Cheek Report


    Learning isn’t the only benefit of curiosity. When a person's brain is driven to be curious, it doesn’t let their mind be passive. This trains mental strength, which helps people deal with life’s challenges effectively. It also trains coping skills, such as adaptability, emotional resilience, self-awareness, and others. 

    Inquisitiveness also opens new possibilities for a person, as by being curious, they do not shy away from trying new things. Only by doing that can an individual find things, activities, or people they enjoy and enrich their lives by incorporating it all into their lives. 


    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way I thought after 4 years of sobriety I could celebrate with just a drink or 2. 6 months later and I almost lost my amazing new job, and am currently a week sober after a month long bender and suffering severe anxiety/panic attacks, paranoia, and audio hallucinations.

    NagoGmo , Mario Heller Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's the hell of never, ever goes away. It lies in wait and whispers lies about being able to just enjoy a couple of drinks, and then tears your life apart again. It can only be put into remission, never cured.

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    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way Kept dating a girl legit my whole family told me to get rid of. She emotionally abused me for years, cheated on me after my dad died and probably was during and still, 8 years later cries about how im her abuser and blah blah blah.

    If your whole family gives you an intervention, LISTEN.

    Kalos9990 , RDNE Stock project Report


    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way I looked at my now ex-wife’s phone and she was 100% in a relationship with another dude while I was at work.

    Joke’s on her though. I got promoted and now making twice my salary at the time, and I’m about to be engaged to the most amazing woman.

    Expensive_Dingo_1805 , Thom Holmes Report

    At the same time, curiosity isn’t always the best thing. The saying “curiosity killed the cat” suggests that there are some downfalls to being curious. Some things can be so interesting for people to find out about that they can even act in an overly risky manner. And while riskiness can sometimes be worthwhile, in other cases, it can end on a sadder note.  

    Certain demographics are more likely to engage in risky behavior. According to Psychology Professor Matthew Tull, young adults are one of them. Since during early adulthood, the brain is still maturing, it makes people more impulsive and take more risks without consideration of the consequences. 


    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way I ran for Congress thinking I could change the world. It nearly ruined my life. Took years to recover professionally and emotionally.

    Active_Letterhead275 , Andrea Piacquadio Report


    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way On a construction site I didn't want to be a baby and take the stairs down the 3 flights to get to the can. Figured I could just climb down the scaffolding like a real man. The first step onto the metal piping was fine. The dew on the second step caused my foot to slip. I fell, hitting my chin on the way down, smashing my shin about halfway down, and bounced off something hard just as hit the ground (luckily feet first).

    I also learned that there was another actual working bathroom on the 2nd floor.

    frank-sarno , Troy Mortier Report


    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way Archery hunting on about 300 acres of hardwoods with about 150 acres cattle pasture. I had crossed over the electric barb wire a hundred times, usually just by placing my backpack or something similar on the fence to push it down enough for me to step over.

    Once I lazily used my bow to push it down and the limbs slipped while my crotch was dead nuts over the electric fence. Despite multiple layers on, that fence fried my a*s and nuts so bad my kidneys and bladder felt it.

    I f****d around and found out.

    Miserable_Wrap_4914 , mehdi benhamdi Report

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    Pa Pa Panda
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As a kid 4 of us cousins all within 3 years of age convinced the youngest to pee on the wire that it would "tickle". Boy did we get in trouble from our parents.

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    Some say that biological sex can also have an influence on engaging in risky behaviors. It might be due to either the levels of testosterone or gender norms. Also, apparently, certain genetic variants influence an individual's willingness to make risky decisions. Just as there are certain genes, there are also some personality traits or mental disorders that prompt people to act in a risky way. 

    Yet, just as we said before, sometimes, risks pay off in one way or another. That’s how we learn. Maybe you’ll get hurt in some capacity, but it’ll be a lesson for the rest of your life. If you want examples of it, just take a look at today’s list. 


    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way I grew up racing motocross. My dad rode as well and was pretty good. As I got into my teens, I started to catch up to him in speed. One day while we were out at a practice day I kept trying to pass him in not so respectful ways. Like I would try to make him fall over in corners and stuff. I finally pass him and as I approach the next corner, my dad is magically right next to me. Before I could even react, he slams his rear tire into my front tire and makes me crash. It didn’t hurt physically but it sure hit the ego. When I got back to the truck, my dad had a big grin on his face. “You mess with the bull, you get the horns.”.

    PNW35 , Rodolfo Clix Report


    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way Severe anger issues. Family & Friends kept telling me to take a step back and let it go. I never did. Yelled at my girlfriend of four years two months before the wedding. She called it off. Lost a an amazing woman because of a silly argument.

    Four years later - I have taken steps to work on my anger issues. I know to recognize my triggers and I know to walk away. Cost me a relationship.

    a220599 , Christopher Ott Report

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    Andrew Keir
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So easy to ignore the fact that 'anger' is only one letter away from 'danger'.

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    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way I was always warned to not play with fireworks as a kid. My dad had set up mortar shells in the vertical tubes that launch them, and went inside to grab his drink. I thought it would be a good idea to light the mortar shell while he was gone. I didn’t realize how short the fuse was, and it went off a lot quicker than I had expected, with my face inches away from the outside edge of the tube. It launched so close to my face that my eyebrows and front of my hair were singed off.

    Safe to say that I learned my lesson after having to appear like that in school the next week.

    Most-Organization410 , Markus Spiske Report


    In it, you can see stories of people “playing around” and learning some stuff that they’ll hardly forget in their lifetimes. For some, the lessons were less harsh, like getting bit by a duck or getting a warning letter from the police. For others, the consequences were more severe – injuries, diseases, or even ruined lives. In fact, some are so harsh that it’s quite hard to see a silver lining. 

    Well, maybe it can at least work as a warning for us to be more cautious if we don’t want to find ourselves in these people's shoes. And while it’s probably not as effective as experiencing it yourself, it can still be a form of a lesson. 

    Do you have any similar stories? Share them with us in the comments!


    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way Wrap it up. Herpes is for life.

    Krispyxb , cottonbro studio Report

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    Greyling Streets
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wrapping it up reduces your risk, but herpes virus is transmitted by skin-to-skin contact, so there’s a whole lot of surrounding area not covered by the condom. Stay safe fam!

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    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way F****d around with a crazy girl.

    Found out when she broke into my apartment and kidnapped my cat.

    Then again when she popped out of my walk-in closet at 2am.

    And again when she whipped me like a slave with a vacuum cord after breaking down my apartment door.

    On that last, I was wishing for the days when she only left 200+ texts or waited to ambush me in the parking lot at work.

    Actius , Nataliya Vaitkevich Report


    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way Once while hanging out with friends at my house, we decided it would be funny if I ate an entire 8 oz bag of Haribo sugarless gummy bears. 

     We had a good laugh. 

    20 minutes later, I had to sprint to the toilet and didn't quite make it. I had unbuckled my pants and the effort of bending down to sit on the toilet caused my a*****e to blow out with the force of a garden hose.  Because of the position only about half the stream made it into the toilet bowl.  

    The wall beside the toilet, the, toilet seat and the toilet paper in the holder were sprayed with a stream of chunky liquid s**t. I was forced to sit in my own mess for about 10 minutes as an almost continous fire hose of diarrhea splashed noisily into the bowl.  My friends left early that evening.  

    I had to clean it up myself in the end.


    KreedKafer33 , Amit Lahav Report


    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way I got married young when everybody told me not to.

    I learned that there’s a good reason they were telling me not to. I also learned that you can never judge a marriage from the outside looking in. Everyone was shocked that I left him, but I had been struggling for a long time and had even contemplated taking my own life just to escape how toxic it was. I was raised believing it was only okay to leave someone if they cheat on you or beat you. I then learned abuse isn’t always physical.

    Yes I regret it lol.

    ETA: Just in case it wasn’t clear, I regret the marriage, not the divorce. The divorce saved my life. The marriage is what almost ended it.

    AmberKF13 , Jeremy Wong Report

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    2 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Omg, I had to double check that I didn’t submit this! I too got married young and it was fine at first and then he became an alcoholic. He hated work and the more the hate grew, the more alcohol he consumed and his anger got taken out on me. Lots of verbal and emotional abuse, lots of accusations of cheating which I had never done. I was so miserable that I had plans to commit suicide. My breaking point was being out to dinner with his family and I was called a f***ing b***h because of some imagined slight.

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    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way Passed a slower vehicle on the shoulder in my younger years. I was being hasty and just thought f**k it. Like 20 mins later I was getting gas and they had followed me, gotten out and threatened to beat my a*s. Screaming about how unsafe what I did was, filming me and everything. Dude was jacked. I was mostly confused like who they were but eventually it clicked.

    Bit of an overreaction on their part but yeah you shouldn't pass people on the shoulder. Also found out road rage is real and people will indeed follow you lol.

    PartamRuhem , Kaique Rocha Report


    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way 17 years old trying to impress a girl by jumping off a relatively high, maybe 50 foot, cliff to the sea. Lots of guys did it and was telling me it's fun. I jumped feet first.

    Broke my right shin bone and calcaneous(?) on impact. Sharp pain up to my hips. Can't paddle with my leg. I got pulled up by one of the guys and spent summer in a cast.

    Yes I regretted it.

    Hermit_Bottle , Jawad Ijmek Report

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    Apatheist Account2
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Feet first is how the high divers do it...but they have bubbles pumped in to disrupt the surface tension, otherwise it's like jumping on to concrete. If you went arms first, you'd break them.

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    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way I left my old job because I thought I could find a better one. I was wrong.

    SolomonRex , Mikhail Nilov Report

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    2 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've left a lot of jobs before finding the next one. The secret is to save up enough to live on until you can find a new gig and lower your loving expenses before you leave the old one. EDITING TO ADD: Staying at a job you're unhappy at leads to long term failure.

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    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way My friend and I had been playing on out on the ice for hours, literally 6+ hours. We decide at that point we're gonna start walking home.

    She was on the other side and almost off the ice and I heard the crack. Didn't even have time to react... I went under.

    To this day I don't know how I survived. I have no memory of anything past looking up at the ice when I was under water.

    According to my friend I somehow crawled out, she stripped me down and I walked the like 2 miles home barefoot and in my underwear.

    HmNotToday1308 , Julien-Pier Belanger Report

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    Kayleigh haigh
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If fall through ice look for the dark patch on the surface they are holes the sun reflects on the ice making it clear it won't reflect off the hole showing u a way out

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    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way I ran track and cross country in college. Not exactly amazing or top dog, but very solid, ran D1, all that. The real reason I was good is just that I was very resilient - I could basically run a shitload of mileage without getting hurt. Naturally, that made me better at longer distances - 5k, 10k, and longer were my strengths. So the year after I graduated undergrad, I trained to try and hit the U.S. Olympic marathon trials standard. I went entirely too hard. It's not just that I was running 110+ mile weeks at 22, but I was doing a lot of the mileage way too fast and wasn't taking proper rest. And to boot, most people who run high mileage run 2-3 times per day, but I insisted on doing as few two-a-days as possible. Anyhow, I did hit the trials standard, but majorly f****d up my leg doing it. That was my first major injury as an athlete, and it was the one that ended my running career.

    I 100% regret it. F****d around thinking I was invincible, found out I'm definitely not.

    jkoodoo , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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    detective miller's hat
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I was deep into my eating disorder, I would run miles every day until I had burned off AT LEAST as many calories as I had eaten the day before. Started snorting opiates so I could keep going past my endurance. Majorly f*cked up my right achilles tendon because I injured it and kept running like nothing was wrong. Got hooked on the opiates. My "goal weight" kept going down as my actual weight went down. Took me the better part of a decade to beat the eating disorder, but I did it (of course now I'm overweight because I'm extremely limited in what exercise I can do). Also haven't touched opiates in 10 years. :D

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    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way I was around 9 and playing in a creek after heavy rains, and there was a whirlpool, maybe 2 feet across at max. We had been warned, multiple times, about not playing around whirlpools, but I had always imagined some huge 20 ft wide thing. My older brother would hold my arm, and I could reach my hand right into the center of it. I had him let go, took one more step, and found myself swirling around under water thinking "whe'llp, I'm dead".

    scrubjays , Pixabay Report


    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way Oh I f****d around alright. And I found out that the office does in fact have security cameras in it.....

    i_love_everybody420 , PhotoMIX Company Report


    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way When i was about 6 or 7, my visiting cousins and I went to prank call the police while our parents were out with friends. We absolutely regretted it. Few days later we got an angry warning letter in the mail from the cops.

    brylcreem_ , Paul-Alain Hunt Report

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    Andrew Keir
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Cops are playing for keeps; they have to. Don't tickle a sleeping dragon.

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    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way Quitting a job without having another one lined up. If you don’t have a big savings to cover several months of expenses DONT QUIT you will feel the insane stress when bills start coming and your paychecks don’t.

    Googy21 , Mikhail Nilov Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've done this BUT first I reduced my expenses by living with relative or getting a roommate AND building serious savings. Job hunting is a job and it's nice to have a break between jobs.

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    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way I was super drunk having a chill night outside with some friends. My bffs fiance brought out fancy cigars. He said “don’t inhale. Only taste you’ll throw up if you do.”

    Well I was Billy Badass and inhaled anyways (it was also my first time ever smoking a cigar so I lowkey didn’t even know what he meant by ‘taste’)

    Let’s just say he was right lol that was a quick lesson.

    onetew_ , cottonbro studio Report


    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way Talked s**t on a sub about my specific field and I stupidly put details in about myself and was subsequently caught in the sub and terminated lol.

    Kirko28 , Viktor Forgacs Report

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    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way Accepted free d***s from the stranger in the tent next to me at a music festival. Scary day that was.

    xswicex , Wendy Wei Report

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    Joseph Dixon
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I keep thinking it's not saying drügs in these posts, and saying dícks instead.

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    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way I didn't "FAFO" in the toughness sense, but rather the professional one. I spent FAR too many hours at my first job distracted, not working, and otherwise screwing around on the internet (which is funny because that's where I am rn). This led to be getting the axe due to performance.

    In all honesty, this was ultimately the best for both my career and personal / professional growth. I still get distracted on the internet, but I learned a valuable lesson in not letting it get in the way of my work. I'm at a much better job now, doing work I enjoy much more.

    auswa100 , charlesdeluvio Report


    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way Really didn't want to pay an old bill from 2020 and was told to try and have it dismissed. Filed and got called to court a week later. The judge and lawyer were talking about their last fishing trip together while I waited.

    The68Guns , Sora Shimazaki Report

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    I thought I was smart enough to time the market. Wrong!

    GoodGuyGlocker Report


    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way Idk. I pushed my father once. He threw me through a wall.

    theblackyeti , Kindel Media Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My pops is smaller than me, in his late 50's, has been battling cancer for over 2 years and I still wouldn't try to take him. 30+ years working construction only amplifies the dad strength.

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    37 Netizens Who Foolishly Played Around And ‘Found Out’ The Hard Way I stuck my hand into a hole in the ground to try and catch a lizard, and got bit by a rattlesnake. I regretted it at the time and for months later, but do not regret it now.

    jig-fluke , Pixabay Report


    Found out that the loud muffler at 4 or 5 am wasn't a d**g dealer, it was in fact the newspaper guy.   Also if you come running and screaming down the street after the newspaper guy he jumps out of his car with a pistol with the 'stendo.

    ChipotleLaw Report

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