Owner Decides To Document Every Time Her Cat Called Oliver Goes Somewhere He Shouldn’t (19 Pics)
Interview With OwnerSondra M. lives with two cats -- Sunny and Oliver. Both adopted from the Humane Society, both absolutely gorgeous. There is, however, one difference between them. Oliver is a little bit more... independent. He likes to write his own rules. And one of the way ways he does this is by going places around the house where he shouldn't be.
His owner, Sondra, eventually started photographing Oliver's shenanigans. From the bread machine to the dishwasher, it looks like there isn't a corner where Oliver hasn't put his paws, and these amusing pictures purrfectly portray his curious nature.
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In The Silverware Drawer
Sondra said Oliver is an adorable combination of wicked and cute. "[He] is wild," the owner told Bored Panda. "He will just run around the house like an uncoordinated maniac. But he is also a sweet boy who enjoys chin scratches."
The cat is constantly in places he shouldn't be, but only when Sondra is in the middle of doing something. If she's putting clothes in the dryer, he jumps in the dryer. If she's trying to put dishes away, he gets in the dishwasher. And if she's making dinner, he'll try to make his way into the pantry. You get the idea. However, if Sondra is just hanging out, he will also join her, sleeping on the sofa next to his owner.
"He is an extremely picky eater where he only likes his dry kibble and 2 kinds of wet food. He won't eat meat that I try to feed him from my dinner, but he will eat day-old popcorn off of the floor. He has attacked me trying to get chives out of the grocery bags," Sondra said.
In The Backpack
Oliver also likes to splash the water out of the toilets, so Sondra has to keep the seat lid closed.
When guests come over, Oliver has been known to "comb" their hair with his claws and occasionally nip them in the cheek after nuzzling their faces.
Considering his wild ways, you'd think he'd be destroying the house but that's not the case. "He actually doesn't knock stuff over or break things that frequently," Sondra said. "If he does, it's normally because he tried to squeeze past something without room and it gets pushed out of the way. The exception to all of this is cups of water. Oliver constantly knocks cups of water over. My mom gave me a cat drinking fountain for Christmas one year and it took Oliver about 2 days to figure out how to take the lid off and splash the water all over the place."
In The Refrigerator
In The Dishwasher
Sora stopped doing this when I almost shut her in the dish washer. Now she just glares at it when I'm loading it like its responsible for the downfall of Egypt.
In The Bread Machine
In The Plant Pot
Under The Furniture
To be fair this is any cat. Cats a liquid and will go wherever they want.
Hiding In The Pans
I'm starting to think that Oliver and my Siamese Sora are spirit twins or something. She does this to any cabinet that's open. I had to put toddler locks on a couple of my cabinets she figured out how to get open.
In The Washing Machine
There are air vents behind him. That's a dryer, not a washer. Still, either place is pretty risky for a cat to hang out.
In The Cabinet
In A Box
In The Cupboard
In The Cupboard
Under The Stove
On The Kitchen Counter
I'll be impressed with this on when Oliver curls up into the Kitchen aid mixer bowl, and sleeps.
In The Bookshelf
is that a Beta in a tiny tiny bowl?!? They need FIVE gallons of water to be healthy
On Unstable Surfaces
In Several Plant Pots
One of our cats sat so much he killed the plant; we left the pot in the window because he liked to sit in it to watch birds. Five years later we realized the pot was completely empty - his feet had gradually worn an entire pot of dirt out of the pot and onto the window sill and floor. I had always wondered why that area was so gritty but never thought to look in the pot!
On The Washer Sink
What a character. My orange cat, Rocky, does some of those things but his specialty is knocking things off the nightstand until I get up and feed him during the night!
Many, many years ago we had a cat like this. One day we were folding clothes on our bed that had just come out of the dryer, so we had several drawers open on the dresser to toss in items as we processed them. When we were done, we closed the drawers, but one was stubborn. After several shoves to try and close it, we figured that some underwear or socks had fallen behind and caused a jam. Nope. After we pulled out the drawer to see what was going on, our cat proudly emerged. She had hopped up into the drawer and squished herself in behind it while we weren’t looking. She never made a peep after all that pressure to try and close the drawer. As I come to tell this story, I’m still shaking my head after all these years.
Yep, I had that experience too with my old Ginger. I pushed and pushed and not a peep out of him until he popped out.
Load More Replies...It is. I had ... haha ... two cabinets in a corner, leaving a 1-foot-square between/behind them free. About 2 meters high. When they were young, my cats both fell into this hole I even had forgotten is there. Punishment followed - I had to partially unload the cabinets because they were too heavy to move to free them. I put in a shelf as emergency exiting-aid, and they started hanging out there voluntary once they got how to get out again. Cool guys, miss them both (they'd be 22 by now, one lasted until 20, the other only got 13 due to complications after surgery due to granuloma).
Load More Replies...Many, many years ago we had a cat like this. One day we were folding clothes on our bed that had just come out of the dryer, so we had several drawers open on the dresser to toss in items as we processed them. When we were done, we closed the drawers, but one was stubborn. After several shoves to try and close it, we figured that some underwear or socks had fallen behind and caused a jam. Nope. After we pulled out the drawer to see what was going on, our cat proudly emerged. She had hopped up into the drawer and squished herself in behind it while we weren’t looking. She never made a peep after all that pressure to try and close the drawer. As I come to tell this story, I’m still shaking my head after all these years.
Yep, I had that experience too with my old Ginger. I pushed and pushed and not a peep out of him until he popped out.
Load More Replies...It is. I had ... haha ... two cabinets in a corner, leaving a 1-foot-square between/behind them free. About 2 meters high. When they were young, my cats both fell into this hole I even had forgotten is there. Punishment followed - I had to partially unload the cabinets because they were too heavy to move to free them. I put in a shelf as emergency exiting-aid, and they started hanging out there voluntary once they got how to get out again. Cool guys, miss them both (they'd be 22 by now, one lasted until 20, the other only got 13 due to complications after surgery due to granuloma).
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