30 Times People Surprised The Internet With How Much They Looked Like Celebrities
InterviewThere are plenty of Pandas out there who aspire to be celebrities. Beloved by their fans all over the globe, showered with attention, and able to make a large impact on the world—it sounds wonderful.
While some people are struggling to make it big in places like Hollywood at this very moment, others are enjoying the same attention as stars due to genetic luck. They were born looking almost exactly like the celebrities we know and love. While some go about their ordinary lives like Clark Kent and Peter Parker would, others love to style their hair and dress up like those stars to highlight those similarities even more.
Bored Panda has a treat in store for you today: we’ve collected the most striking and impressive photos of celebrity lookalikes, including from the popular and well-known ‘Same de la Same’ Instagram account. Scroll down for some jaw-droppingly similar celeb doppelgangers and upvote the photos that impressed you the most. Did you have a hard time figuring out who was the star and who was the civilian? Let us know in the comments.
Bored Panda got in touch with Freddy Slivinski the founder of 'Same de la Same,' as well as with celebrity expert Mike Sington, from LA. Scroll down for our full interviews about stars and their lookalikes. And when you're done enjoying this article, you might be interested in checking out some more celeb doppelgangers right here and here.
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Bored Panda had a chat with Mike, who's known as Hollywood's Ultimate Insider, about the upsides and downsides of looking like a beloved celeb.
"It’s fun, it gets you attention, and you can actually make money at if the resemblance is extreme. There are actual agencies with rosters of celebrity lookalikes that book them for personal appearance," he said.
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However, he warned that it's also possible to get too much attention. "If you’re going about your day and don’t want to be bothered, you’re not in the mood to be 'on,' or seeing the disappointment that comes from a fan when they realize you’re not really a celebrity," he said that it isn't always glorious and amazing to look like a star. There are times when you'd rather blend in with the crowd.
"Actual celebrities usually love to meet their lookalikes. Celebrities have a great sense of humor about it, and there’s often an instant bonding that happens when a celebrity meets their lookalike," the celebrity expert told us that stars are fans of doppelgangers.
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According to Mike, some celebrities have used lookalikes in the past to evade the paparazzi. "Usually when they’re trying to make an entrance or exit to a building," he told Bored Panda. "The lookalike is used as a decoy to distract the paparazzi so the actual celebrity can make their move."
However, the expert believes that celebs wouldn't stoop to using lookalikes to do some of their work for them. "I know of no cases where a star has employed a lookalike to meet fans. If you think about it, this would be a cruel move, and if found out, no celebrity would want the ensuing blowback. It wouldn’t be worth the risk to alienate your fan base," he said.
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Meanwhile, Freddy, who founded 'Same de la Same' and has a major passion for celebrity doppelgangers, was kind enough to share his perspective with us again. He believes that the idea for stars to use lookalikes to evade unwanted attention is "excellent" and could be useful.
"I think the lookalikes take advantage of their resemblance to work/make money, but I don't think the real stars need them," Freddy told us, adding that he doesn't mean the doubles used for filming movies.
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In Freddy's view, learning to move and behave like stars requires a lot of energy, time, and dedication. "100% a lot of work, a lot of dedication. The lookalikes take the job seriously, they work really hard to make the resemblance works well. Without a doubt, they work really hard to do a good job like an impersonator," he said that lookalikes try to mimic body language as well, not just the style and looks.
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The founder of 'Same de la Same' also opened up to us about one doppelganger who recently left an impression on him. "I have a lot of favorites, not only one, everyone is amazing," he said. "If I need to choose from the latest ones, I will say a woman that looks like Scarlett Johansson. She looks exactly like her."
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During a previous interview with Bored Panda, Freddy told us all about the celeb doppelganger Instagram project that he created, ‘Same de la Same.’ In his opinion, seeing a double (whether your own or a star’s) can be one of the most surprising things that can happen to a person.
Collecting photos of ordinary people who look like stars has had a profound effect on Freddy’s life. "In recent years, thanks to my Same de la Same page, I was able to meet more than 220 people from all over the world who look like a celebrity and I can tell you for certain that that similarity completely changed their life for most of them," he told us.
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"It is incredible to hear their stories and how from being a 'normal' person they became almost like celebrities because of their resemblance to a famous person. People who have 'normal' jobs change their lives and start going on shows, going on TV, doing commercials, interviews, and all just because they look like someone else," Freddy explained how an ordinary person’s life can change once they realize that they look like some of the stars that we adore.
"There are people who from one day to the next who discover that they look just like a new celebrity that is now in a television series or a famous person from social media. And from one day to the next they go viral all over the world. It is completely incredible and without a doubt, it changes your life,” he told Bored Panda.
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Ella Norton, from the United Kingdom, looks almost identical to Emma Watson, who is probably best known for her role as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies. Ella had a few run-ins with fans and got to experience the kind of love and support that Emma gets on a daily basis.
“The most memorable experience with an Emma Watson fan would probably be when I visited Oxford once, and took photos with everyone there, including children in Harry Potter uniform, and even was asked to sign autographs. I always feel bad to let people down who think I actually am her! It is very surreal to have experienced a tiny bit of what it is like for a celebrity on a daily basis,” Ella told Bored Panda earlier.
“I always feel so bad to let people down who genuinely think I am Emma, as I don’t want to disappoint people,” the doppelganger told us that she doesn’t intend to trick fans in any way; however, she also doesn’t want to let them down.