Now that the hottest movie of this summer is out, the world seems to have gone pink. Pink outfits, pink popcorn, and the whole internet full of Barbie memes. Even nature seems to be going along with it – a rare pink dolphin has been spotted in Louisiana by a local fisherman who has been fishing in the same waters for 20 years. The pink dolphin captured the attention of the locals and animal lovers worldwide.
More info: Facebook
Rare pink dolphin has been spotted in Louisiana
Image credits: WKYC Channel 3
Experienced fisherman Thurman Gustin has explored the Louisiana waters for over two decades. During that time, he never noticed anything too unusual until one fated day. While Thurman was on his routine fishing trip, he saw something that left him in awe. Luckily for us, he decided to record it and share with the world.
“As we were going, I noticed something just under the water that I knew wasn’t normal,” Gustin recalled. “I stopped the boat and up popped this beautiful pink dolphin. I had to record it.”
In the blues of the water, a beautiful pink dolphin popped up to catch some air or maybe say hello to the fisherman. A truly unique sight – many people didn’t know pink dolphins existed, us included.
Pink dolphins are very rare – only 20 or so sightings have been recorded since the mid 20th century
Image credits: Pinky the Dolphin
Pink dolphins are a rarity and there have been only a very few sightings of them. Thurman’s new friend stood out among other dolphins, its vibrant pink color glistening in the sun. No other dolphins had the pigmentation, so this one truly stood out.
This dolphin could’ve been a rare pink river dolphin, a species native to freshwaters in South America. However, marine experts think that these dolphins are more likely bottlenose dolphins with albinism.
Image credits: Pinky the Dolphin
Image credits: Pinky the Dolphin
The dolphin that Thurman spotted might be the famous “Pinky” the dolphin. Pinky is a local celebrity and is well known in southern Louisiana. She first made headlines way back in 2007, capturing the attention of the locals. Everyone loved Pinky so much, she even got a dedicated Facebook page, garnering 21,000 loyal followers who are excited for any updates about beloved Pinky.
There’s a possibility that the dolphin Thurman met was Pinky’s offspring, as she had been spotted with a calf in the past. Either way, it was a breathtaking encounter and Thurman is very grateful to have witnessed such a beautiful creation of mother nature.
We are grateful to Thurman that he captured and shared the video, allowing us to take part in his extraordinary experience. Social media was full of the comments about these pink beauties, sharing their dreams to see them in person one day.
“I stopped the boat and up popped this beautiful pink dolphin. I had to record it”
Image credits: Clearwater Beach Is Awesome
Image credits: Brian Garside
Many people wondered if it was the same dolphin, known as Pinky
Image credits: Clearwater Beach Is Awesome
Dolphins continue to surprise us. They work as therapy animals and aid people with various problems, from arthritis to diabetes, and help people with Down’s syndrome, alcoholism and depression.
Dolphins are able to understand complex emotions and act appropriately, offering gentle nudge or encourage to play.
This pink dolphin is another jewel created by mother nature that we are lucky enough to see. Encounters like these remind us how many beautiful things and creatures there are still to see, many mysteries to uncover.
The world just got a little brighter and more pink not only because of the Barbie movie, but also because of this gorgeous pink dolphin.
Watch the latest video of the pink dolphin here:
People in the comments were amazed by the Barbie dolphin
The photos are a bit of a mish mash of the dolphin the fisherman saw (who may have been Pinky), Pinky the famous bottlenose dolphin, and pink river dolphins.
The photos are a bit of a mish mash of the dolphin the fisherman saw (who may have been Pinky), Pinky the famous bottlenose dolphin, and pink river dolphins.