“Do You Remember When”: 50 Pics That Might Not Make Any Sense If You’re Too Young (New Pics)
A walk through one’s old bedroom or visiting a mall you used to go to can hit you with a wave of nostalgia and memories that you often didn’t even know existed. Without these reminders, it can be hard to sometimes remember how things have changed.
The “Do You Remember When” Facebook page is dedicated to images, memes, and even ads that might jog some deeply buried memory. From plywood furnishings to pogo sticks, these posts are a real blast from the past, so get comfortable as you scroll through, be sure to upvote your favorites and comment your thoughts below.
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Pictures That Make You Feel Old
Gum And Comic For A Penny
Love It!
“Getting old” can be a pretty relative term. While most of us would agree that pensioners are “old,” you can also be hit by a wave of “oldness” when you first realize that you aren’t quite as up-to-date with popular culture. Or perhaps you overhear the younger generation (whose existence is already a sign) refer to the films you watch or music you listen to as “retro.”
Despite our best efforts, there is no escape from getting older. Of all the processes on this planet, the passage of time is the one we can’t even start to influence. Realistically, people need to make peace with the fact that every second they fight aging, they age regardless. Instead, images like the ones in this post serve to remind and perhaps educate beyond anything else.
I Have Several, Two Of Which I Inherited From My Parents!
It's also where we keep the restaurant menus, scotch tape and batteries. 🫣
And that thing which we don't know what it is but always gets stuck and stops you opening the drawer more than an inch.
Load More Replies...Or that unidentifiable object that you just know if you toss it... you'll need it within the hour!
Plus the random screws and washers that appear on the house floor because they must go to SOMETHING
And rubber bands and a book of matches (if you remember what that is!)
I had a neighbor once who had their baby's newly fallen off umbilical cord in their junk drawer. Thankfully they moved away and I only ever heard about it, never actually saw it.
Lol don’t forget about the rubber bands , paper clips , dried out pens , scissors , tacks (ouch!!) , tape measure , and sticky pads
Was going to say that! I live in northern europe and have a junk drawer in the kitchen!
I wanted to make a a coffee table book called The Great American Junk Drawer and it’d just be pictures of junk drawers full of stuff. But I’m lazy
Nope. Not just a southern thing. It knows no boundaries. Question for Pandas worldwide: Does your kitchen have a junk drawer?
I don't have enough space in my kitchens in Korea so I have a junk box every where I move
It's got pliers, a hammer, screw drivers, rubber bands, a slew of screws and nails, and countless rubber bands.
Don't dig too deep in there, I stopped putting screws in mine when one drilled itself under my finger nail. I still shudder thinking about that!
I didn't know they had a name until now. It was just "The Drawer" in my neck of the Southern U.S.
My junk drawer(s) are in my bedroom. I have three. And a half. Tape, scissors, extra insoles, chargers, travel containers (I haven't traveled in years, but I might need them some day), dead cell phones, ribbon, etc., etc. Some things I haven't used in years. If I get rid of them, I'll need them the next day. Right? My kitchen junk drawers just have kitchen junk. And again, some things I haven't used in forever. But, I might.
Australia - yes. One in the kitchen and a "repository for everything" in the laundry which has random tools, batteries (also in the kitchen drawer), zip ties, masking tape, hooks,, scissors (also some in the kitchen drawer),candy who knows what else.
I have 3. All in the kitchen. Although one is more of a tool drawer.
I think most American houses had a junk drawer. Definitely in Cali. Tho, not so much here in Hawai’i
I have an OMG room ... no-one who wishes to avoid injuries should open the door for longer than it takes to yeet something in & shriek & slam the door & run
Of course we have a junk drawer! In the kitchen. It contains, among other things: a 20+ year old camera, a christmas card from 2018, one if the kid's vaccination card from his baby vaccinations (he's 8 years old), a 100-pack of needles, a bunch of reciepts so old that the ink is gone 😂 Not just "a southern thing", I live in Sweden 😉
U said in kitchen which got me thinking..I have a jd in every area of my home that even has a area where junk could land forever. Be it a drawer or shelving unit.. or vase..vase great for pens old vapes pennies etc. Anyone else have these? Shelves hold hammer idk why hammer is on a shelf but it is..and all tapes.. every kind on a shelf. Every book of course but also old teeny tiny dolls. Just left. Never move again unless she comes back. Maybe she will in 25 yrs or so. I know I'll never move her stuff.
And those seldom used highly specialized kitchen devices that might see the light of day weekly, might get touched monthly, but only actually get used once every 3 years but you don't want to get rid of cuz you don't want to have to go buy a new one the next time you actually do need it... And a shipload of bread clips and twist ties... And a handful of pens that MIGHT still work, but you haven't gotten around to actually checking and/or tossing yet...
Not southern, not even from the US and still do. Husband from an entirely different country also grew up with one, so there's that.
LMAO my husband makes fun of my junk drawer. Is honestly SO convenient.
I would definitely question someone sense of kitchen organization if they didn't have a junk drawer.
I live up in the northeast of the country and we always had (still do ) a junk drawer. It's not just a southern thing.
Yep, have one too. I tried many times to organize it into some semblance of order, but it reverts to its natural chaos condition rather soon.
Nope, born/raised in MD, and we had one. But, it was my grandmother who made it. She immigrated from England in 1945 when she was 15. So even further north, technically. The drawer she used had decorative mushrooms on the front, we always called it the mushroom drawer. I never really made the connection until years later. I remember hearing "junk drawer" in my teens, never liked it. My drawer may not have mushrooms on front, but mushroom drawer it is.
I live in New SOUTH Wales and we've always had a junk drawer since before I was born 🤣😜😂
Plastic silverware in baggies, extra cords, a travel sized sewing kit, the remote for the compact treadmill under the couch.
Not just in the south. I'm up in Indiana, and I have 3 junk drawers, a junk pot, a junk bowl, a high-sided junk platter, a junk saucer, 2 decorative junk teapots, what must be at least $50 in coins wedged between sofa cushions, and sugary snacks stashed all around the house. LOL Oh! And I have a cat walkin' around here somewhere... ;-P
But I also have a bedroom junk drawer and an office drawer like that to go with the kitchen junk drawer
Mine isn't in the kitchen. I envy people who have such big kitchens that all their kitchen stuff is in their kitchen. I have cabinets of food in my dining room, and small appliances at the top of closets!
I live in Maine and have always had a junk drawer. Rubber bands, random nails, bolts, screws, the knife sharpener, and the chip clips.
Not from the South but we have 2 of them. It was the same growing up. :)
I'm 60 and have one of these in every room. Not as crazy as it sounds.
It's amazing we have found one thing everyone on the planet has in common! Lol!
And those loose screws you don't want to throw, cause you just might need it one day when you figure out what it belongs to. Or is it just me?
That's not just a southern thing as I was taught tht too & I grew up in NJ! I've also got 2 junk drawers. Maybe too much junk? 😆
...and some rubber bands, some take-out cutlery, a few odd coins and a bunch of business cards
Yep, third draw down, rubber bands, nails, screws, random junk, worth a look if you can't find it elsewhere..
I have literally never met anyone (and I've lived in 3 countries) who does not have a junk drawer.
Everyone has a junk drawer! The location may vary, but almost always in the kitchen!
I have always lived in the north and we have at least 1 junk draw in the kitchen.
My family has a junk drawer and I've had one since highschool. My grandparents were originally from West Virginia/Tennessee area so maybe that tells a lot 🤭
I was at my brother's place once and his partner complained about his junk drawer. I tried to stick up for him, saying "everyone has a junk drawer" only to be told, Yeah, but do they have 14 of them?
My friend from Louisiana called it the "Maw Maw drawer". His Maw Maw (grandmother) had a drawer full of odds and ends.
Growing up we actually had a room we called the “messed up” room. It was a dactly that( messed up! Lol
Not only do we have a junk drawer…. We also have a junk room for stuff which is too big for a junk drawer…
More "Southern" than you think. In Caracas, Venezuela, every kitchen has one of those.
Hey that's enough things for me to build something to get MacGyver out of trouble.
a tradition passed down to me from generatons before and i will pass it down as well. most useful drawer in the entire house :-D
I’m married and I have a 7-year-old, and I have a junk drawer in my kitchen. But it’s my son’s drawer😂!
I’m married, and I have a son, and yes I have a junk drawer in my kitchen, but it belongs to him😂!
It is not just a “southern” thing. But I wonder if it’s just an American thing?
Oh, no! If it's not in the junk drawers, then WHERE is it? And "it" can be anything you happen to need at that moment-- I ACTUALLY FOUND the "it" the other day laying right on top!
It's an Ohio thing, too. You can find anything you need in the junk drawer! 😂
Don't forget random small appliance manuals, takeout cutlery, and escaped thumbtacks/nails waiting for a stray hand to rummage through w***y-nilly
In Scotland a tradesman's similar stash is called a "cunning kit." I think we called it the "bits and pieces" draw. Of course I have one.
huge rubber bands from produce, extra batteries, lighters, random paper clips, misc chargers and doublemint gum
All my drawers turn into junk drawers. Organizing my drawers is a task I'm reserving for my grand kids. Is this really a Southern thing?
I’m from Philly and we have always had a junk drawer. So did my friends!
I am in Maine and have at least two junk drawers and a couple catch alls
I have one I keep old instruction manuals in even though I haven't looked at one in years. Can't be too careful y'know?
We even called them "junk drawers" in New England. It's not just a "Southern" thing.
Hmmm, definitely not just a Southern thing at all. I'm well north of the Mason-Dixon line and know my grandparents had a junk drawer, my family had a junk drawer and I'm the proud owner of my own junk drawer to this very day.
It's not just a Southern thing. Grew up in Colorado and we had one! Still do, but more than one! Lol
I'm up in the northwest and we have a junk drawer. Right now there are actually two.
As an Oregonian, we have Junk drawers too. Though I feel like the Official Junk Drawer has to have at least a few tools, hammer, scissors, tape, twisty ties etc. Otherwise it's just a drawer with junk in it.
We also have such a drawer. Ironically, we call it only "Schublade", which means drawer. No junk before.
I also have a junk drawer in my kitchen, my mom kinda taught that to ms
Plus shoelaces, extra earphones from past devices, curtain hooks, more batteries, battery charge checker, old keys that must go somewhere, padlocks, battery recharge from when that seemed like a good idea, cables and chargers from devices that have long gone...
I've always had a junk drawer in my kitchen. That's where I store the batteries, scissors, tape, twist ties, etc.
Not sure where you are south of, but as far as I know, it's a human thing to have a junk drawer!
We call ours the 'Everything but' drawer (from the book Archer's Goon, because it has everything but the thing you were looking for...
I have two. sticky notes, rubber bands, a pen that probably doesn't write anymore...
I'm from NJ, everyone had a junk drawer, where else would you keep that stuff?
Sadly, my original junk drawer wasn't big enough so I have an auxiliary junk drawer.....
I have 2 in my livingroom, 2 in my bedroom and one in the bathroom. Now... I see... maybe I am crazy.. 🙈🙈
I've never lived in the south and have always had a junk drawer. It's the first drawer we pick in a new house ..were redoing out kitchen right now and it has already been chosen .
This isn't a childhood thing, this is an actual still going on thing
This is universal isn't it? I'm in England and this is normal here too 😁
Alright, Pacific Northwest checking in. Everybody has a junk drawer and knows exactly what it is.
Unless by southern you mean so cal, no. I have always had one. I have on now.
Wow, I never realized this was a thing! My parents had a junk drawer in the kitchen. My house and my apartment has one, and the glove compartment of my truck! I find some of the craziest things in those drawers and I don't remember putting it in there! Edit: I actually have an entire junk House, inherited that one.
Well, I’m Canadian and junk drawers are common. I actually recently “organized” mine so I kind of know what’s in there.
Is New Zealand far enough South to have a junk drawer? I've always had one. And so have my family. I think I have three, too.
Not just the south. I’m Canadian and I have had a junk drawer in every house I’ve lived in.
Definitely not,I'm in Scotland and have a junk drawer in just about every room
Ontario Canada here. Never lived in a house without one. And a gadget drawer too!
I grew up in Montana and we had one as a kid and I have always had one. It isn't just a southern thing.
My mom had one when I was a kid that even had the kitchen sink (well...some parts for the kitchen sink, at least).
It shld also contain that weird half broken yellow green crayon.
Same I got a wire drawer. Teatowel and birthday stuff and papers of gosh knows
Not necessarily. My grandfather was polish and from Rhode Island and called it the polack drawer
My solemn vow when we build our jext house is to defeat the junk drawer. This cycle of evil must end ✊️😤.
It will never be defeated! There will always be some junk that needs to be corralled!🙃
Omg I have a drawer with all of these things too! We don't have a name for it though (from Colorado here)
I have a tiny kitchen with just two small drawers…and one of them is still a junk drawer.
It's not a Southern thin. It's universal. My wife and I each have a junk drawer in our dressers. We also have a junk drawer in our kitchen. There may be others we have forgotten.
My mom was from Alabama (b. 1920) so we have one. Didn't realize it might be regional,,,
I've spent most of my life in states with a Canadian border, and I know the junk drawer intimately
Various screws, straws, the odd cat toy (because I have odd cats), twine...
I'm from the northwest US and we always had a junk drawer growing up. I also have one now as an adult.
Not a drawer but a basket in my cupboard. Sewing needles, screw driver bits, duct tape, medicine dropper, etc.
B.S. everyone I know in Washington state and Oregon have always had a "JUNK DRAWER".
We had a junk drawer in northwestern Massachusetts, so it’s apparently not a southern thing. I’m pretty sure everyone everywhere needs a spot to store things that don’t fit anywhere else, the weird odds and ends you keep “just in case” you need ‘em again.
It's called the "Second Draw Down". Everything fits in the second draw down.
Nope, not a southern thing at all. I've had a junk drawer my whole life.
You just haven't met the right northerners; we most definitely have junk drawers in New York. How can you not have a junk drawer? Who actually utilizes all drawers in the kitchen for kitchen stuff?
"A" junk drawer? Like, just one? You dishonor Anoia. ("How can it close on the damned thing but not open with it? Who bought this? Do we ever use it?")
I also have a junk drawer and potatoe chip can, they make fun of until something "odd" is needed. Then it's my turn to 😃
And loose screw/ nails and pad locks with lost keys or with coded no one has known for the last 25 years
flashlights. incense. lighters. mini squeaky kong balls. packing tape. pennies. match books. reading glasses... etc. not southern. universal.
UK here, junk drawer is at the end on the unit run right by the back door.
I have a whole cabinet for that stuff....something tells me I need a clear-out 🤣🤣
My friend and I call it the string drawer because there's always unrolled string trapping things
A friend of mine recently decided to connect my new gaming console to my stereo, and asked if I had an optical cable. I told him to check my “box of wires” in my utility closet, which I hadn’t looked at in at least six years. He came back in less than a minute with an optical cable.
Had A Datsun B210
Who just learned that Datsun became Nissan, and that they’re not mutually exclusive car brands? 🙋🏻♀️
Pictures That Make You Feel Old
I remember when we first got a phone that had a speakerphone function. That was groundbreaking.
In much of the world, aging is actually celebrated. In Korea, when one turns 60, they will have a special party called a hwangap. Part of this celebration’s history comes from the fact that many people in the pre-modern era did not even reach the age of 60. As a result, Koreans have also started to celebrate “Gohi” or “Chilsun” when they turn 70 and “Palsun” when they reach the venerable age of 80.
Pictures That Make You Feel Old
Division Was Goesinto
Pictures That Make You Feel Old
One reason to make your peace with aging is that it can actually help you live longer. A positive self-perception of health in old age appears to be directly correlated with longer lifespans. So if living as long as possible is really important, then it’s almost as vital to believe it will happen. Worrying just wastes time for little-to-no gain.
This Brings Back So Many Memories (Of Getting Thorned)
I Remember Swinging So High That The Poles Came Out Of The Ground. What Do You Remember?
It Was Much More Rewarding. I Miss Researching And Enjoy Reading My Encyclopedias!
After my parents bought me a set of Encyclopedias at the age of 11, I announced that I would no longer be going to school since I could now look up anything I needed to know!
Memory plays just as important a part. We tend to have a lot of what scientists call “flashbulb” memories, itself a reference to older cameras that would provide lighting with a bright flash from a lightbulb. These are instances, moments, and events that feel “burned” into our memories. Traumatic or important events are often featured, particularly if it was something shared with many people. Witnesses of 9/11 would be an example of “flashbulb” memories.
And When A Person Gets Older.....you Lose Them, In More Ways Than One! Lol
Tin Kaleidoscope Toy
That's my favorite toy. I enjoy all the colors and shapes and the way they change.
Yep, And My Dad Would Criticize My Teachers Handwriting For Being Illegible!
We do tend to remember our firsts, as they set the standards and expectations for most events. First kisses, first days of school, and first day on a job all feature here, even though subsequent ones will often be forgotten very quickly. Try to imagine a specific day in fourth grade in November and most of us will draw a blank, even though in the abstract we have an idea of what could have happened and what the classroom may have looked like.
Hey Boo Boo!
I Did It Way Back When When I Was In School And Then Made Them For My Kids!
Pictures That Make You Feel Old
You got dropped off? We would take ourselves there by bus or bike. (From about 10 years old.)
That being said, memories do degrade with the passing of time. Most “unimportant” memories disappear after the first couple of days unless there is a reminder or we convince ourselves to keep track of something. So if many of the things seen here are the first time you’ve thought of them in years, that’s a normal function of how our memory works. This “whiplash” of seeing something the brain has purposefully forgotten is also why these images might make someone feel “old.”
Pictures That Make You Feel Old
"I'm Strong To The Finich, Cause I Eats Me Spinach, I'm Popeye The Sailor Man!"
Drying My Hands In A Public Restroom, 1975
Of course, a lack of attention also plays a part. If you stop to carefully look around you, there are a lot of dates. Colors, shapes, textures. Remember, every place you have ever gone has an abundance of information that, thankfully, our brain filters out. It’s enough to know in the abstract that most walls have some sort of coat of paint without systematically categorizing every wall you have ever seen. It could be a cool party trick, but realistically you would just get overwhelmed.
Remember These Days ?
Eugene Levy, Dan Aykroyd, Gilda Radner, Rosemary Radcliffe, And John Candy, 1974, Sctv Cast
The Good Old Days Puts A Big Smile On My Face
Plus, as you age you take in a lot of new memories and information. Like building on top of a ruin, new memories “push back” older ones and make them harder to retain. The deeper these ideas are buried, the “older” one feels when they are rediscovered through the images here, or visiting a once-familiar place after a long time.
And The Sound Of Music Too!!
Just A Random Question
Can still find cans that open like this now. Corned beef comes to mind.
Pictures That Make You Feel Old
What also causes these feelings of “being old” is the fact that, despite what we often think, our memories are not actually recordings. We can misremember all sorts of details, falsify memories, and remove or add things that never actually happened. This only becomes apparent when we encounter images such as these that serve as a reminder that a lot of things we think we remember don’t actually look the way they did.
Kurt Russell And Goldie Hawn...40 Years Together
Instead of talking about how they look ... consider that they have loved each other for 40 fckn years. Most of you have NO idea what it is like to be with someone that long. ( been with my hubby 46yrs)
What A Truly Incredible Snapshot To A Simpler Time
The Flavor Only Lasted For Like A Second.. But It Was Super Delicious
But don’t despair, just because you can’t recall the precise model of a neighbor's car doesn’t mean that this memory is lost forever. Somehow, somewhere, you will probably come across something that will jog your memory into place, and you’ll get that little rush as a bit of your past rematerializes in your head. So if you are trying to unlock as many memories as possible, Bored Panda has got you covered, check out our other articles here and here.
Pictures That Make You Feel Old
I mean, anyone who camps or backpacks still mows what a percolator is.
Pictures That Make You Feel Old
WRONG! Ozzy and Harriet did it first and the stars were a real married couple and they insisted they were shown in bed together in 1952. So not animated but definitely "otherwise".
Pictures That Make You Feel Old
I Love The First Three Seasons Of The Show The Most. The Writing Was Really Sharp And Funny
I Absolutely Loved These!! Forgot About Them! The Tropical One Was My Favorite!
Look Out!!
Cue the coughing if somebody clapped these together and you were standing fairly close to that person for any reason!
Esp The All You Can Eat Buffet -- Absolutely The Best Bread Sticks In The World
Pictures That Make You Feel Old
Pictures That Make You Feel Old
Heck - This Was A Snack When I Was Growing Up
I Wonder What Happened To Mine
Meanwhile, my Norwegian grandparents had the old fashioned trolls...and I never fully recovered.
Childhood In A Jug! They Were Essential To Camping And Picnics!
Accurate As Heck
We Remember Baby Cribs That Looked Like This
U Only Had To Remember 4 Numbers The First 3 Were The Same Everywhere Near
My Mama Made Some Of The Best Fried Chicken Ive Ever Had In This Baby!!!
Cheech & Chong.... What Comes To Mind?
'scooby-Doo, Where Are You' (1969-75)
Only until Scrappy came along. Scrappy ruined Scooby Doo. If they ever make a Roger Rabbit 2 I hope Scrappy gets the DIP.
Never Seen This In My Life, Definitely Never Put Any In Any Toilets
My Husband Got Me One As I Was Always Cutting Up My Legs
A lot of these are still around. Should change the title to nostalgia or something.
I'm Gen Z and I've done/had/seen most of these??? Hello?? I don't get these articles
To be fair, most of them has become pop culture icons, so yeah of course most people would've done/had/seen them. Like the Flintstones, it's not aired anymore, but everybody knows them. Or the stupid alarm clock, it's not being sold anymore, but since EVERYBODY had them, the chance that you've seen them is pretty huge.
Load More Replies...Okay Mr. He/They (clearly gen z). Although I don't doubt you're aware of the existence of most of these, I highly doubt you grew up on 70's toys, watching 70's TV shows, using phone booths, listening to music on systems so outdated, you couldn't find in a p**n shop, etc. There's a difference between being aware of something and growing up with something. But, just like everyone else in your generation, you clearly have a hard time telling two things apart from each other😉 (if you think really really hard, you might be able to get the joke there at the end)
I grew up watching those tv Okay Mr. Cptn_Oblivious shows and listening to music on outdated systems and Im gen z. I also played with those outdated toys. I agree with your name you are pretty oblivious.
I love watching people get mad cause I have pronouns in my name. It's such a delight. And btw I grew up with at least half of these. You seem to have some serious hatred for Gen Z, perhaps you should seek help about that, hm?
It was a delight to see examples even 5 to 10 years older than I am. I'm not so old after all. Also a delight that most of these are international, not just limited to the USA.
Well, this was a waste of time. Did you mean: when I see these things, I think back to my youth? Or did you mean things that don't exist anymore (because epic fail)? Or, like the pictures of Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell and Cheech and Chong make me feel old? I don't get it: I looked at the FB page from which the "writers" compiled this mess, and there were so many choices that were actually true to the theme--how hard did they have to search for this mess?
The best part about a lot of these is they span a decent amount of generations. I’m a millennial and some of the older stuff (rotary phone, the crib, the electric counter top grill) were a regular part of my childhood because those products lasted so long. Also my dad worked for the phone company which explains why we had a working rotary phone at home into the 90’s.
Not my parent's house. Never one spec of paneling. Ever. Way to go, mom and dad!!!
I understand this post is just supposed to be nostalgic but I think it's funny that I understand/relate to over half of these and I'm only 17
61, and remember almost all of these. Life was better in many ways back then, but not in all ways.
Mimeograph! Microfiche! Card catalog! Dewey decimal system! Pop-o-matic bubble! "Calgon, Take me away!" "Ancient Chinese secret huh?" Lawn Darts! Mean Jo Green! "Where's the beef!?"
Horseshoe games that were actually horseshoes. Transistor radios! Ball and jacks, those were some great times for me! (We actually had a chance to attend church while in school; not sure if everyone was given this opportunity-I was raised in the Midwest)
Load More Replies...Roommate and I were just talking about the Mr. Lee and the ancient Chinese secret 3 days ago. - We had forgotten that they used to use calgon as a water softener.
Sorry, I just glanced before I posted the last. Of course Sunbeam made them too!
If you drank from a water hose in the US as a child your probably still doing OK today because of it.
Some young person who just discovered these, thinks no one else has never seen them either.
I l’île thinking about today’s kids looking at an article like this in 40 years. “Remember when we all carried a phone in our POCKETS?! How crazy was that!? And we had drones hat delivered our orders! It seems insane now, but people really lived like that!”
I'm not American, and I remember most of these things from my childhood (except the bubblegum and the TV ones). I grew up in Africa and spent childhood holidays in England.
Load More Replies...As an american I would be thrilled to see something from your country. instead of complaining - write an article showing us things from YOUR culture.
"boomer energy"...? Homie thinks boomers grew up in the late 70's to 80's??😂😂
A lot of these are still around. Should change the title to nostalgia or something.
I'm Gen Z and I've done/had/seen most of these??? Hello?? I don't get these articles
To be fair, most of them has become pop culture icons, so yeah of course most people would've done/had/seen them. Like the Flintstones, it's not aired anymore, but everybody knows them. Or the stupid alarm clock, it's not being sold anymore, but since EVERYBODY had them, the chance that you've seen them is pretty huge.
Load More Replies...Okay Mr. He/They (clearly gen z). Although I don't doubt you're aware of the existence of most of these, I highly doubt you grew up on 70's toys, watching 70's TV shows, using phone booths, listening to music on systems so outdated, you couldn't find in a p**n shop, etc. There's a difference between being aware of something and growing up with something. But, just like everyone else in your generation, you clearly have a hard time telling two things apart from each other😉 (if you think really really hard, you might be able to get the joke there at the end)
I grew up watching those tv Okay Mr. Cptn_Oblivious shows and listening to music on outdated systems and Im gen z. I also played with those outdated toys. I agree with your name you are pretty oblivious.
I love watching people get mad cause I have pronouns in my name. It's such a delight. And btw I grew up with at least half of these. You seem to have some serious hatred for Gen Z, perhaps you should seek help about that, hm?
It was a delight to see examples even 5 to 10 years older than I am. I'm not so old after all. Also a delight that most of these are international, not just limited to the USA.
Well, this was a waste of time. Did you mean: when I see these things, I think back to my youth? Or did you mean things that don't exist anymore (because epic fail)? Or, like the pictures of Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell and Cheech and Chong make me feel old? I don't get it: I looked at the FB page from which the "writers" compiled this mess, and there were so many choices that were actually true to the theme--how hard did they have to search for this mess?
The best part about a lot of these is they span a decent amount of generations. I’m a millennial and some of the older stuff (rotary phone, the crib, the electric counter top grill) were a regular part of my childhood because those products lasted so long. Also my dad worked for the phone company which explains why we had a working rotary phone at home into the 90’s.
Not my parent's house. Never one spec of paneling. Ever. Way to go, mom and dad!!!
I understand this post is just supposed to be nostalgic but I think it's funny that I understand/relate to over half of these and I'm only 17
61, and remember almost all of these. Life was better in many ways back then, but not in all ways.
Mimeograph! Microfiche! Card catalog! Dewey decimal system! Pop-o-matic bubble! "Calgon, Take me away!" "Ancient Chinese secret huh?" Lawn Darts! Mean Jo Green! "Where's the beef!?"
Horseshoe games that were actually horseshoes. Transistor radios! Ball and jacks, those were some great times for me! (We actually had a chance to attend church while in school; not sure if everyone was given this opportunity-I was raised in the Midwest)
Load More Replies...Roommate and I were just talking about the Mr. Lee and the ancient Chinese secret 3 days ago. - We had forgotten that they used to use calgon as a water softener.
Sorry, I just glanced before I posted the last. Of course Sunbeam made them too!
If you drank from a water hose in the US as a child your probably still doing OK today because of it.
Some young person who just discovered these, thinks no one else has never seen them either.
I l’île thinking about today’s kids looking at an article like this in 40 years. “Remember when we all carried a phone in our POCKETS?! How crazy was that!? And we had drones hat delivered our orders! It seems insane now, but people really lived like that!”
I'm not American, and I remember most of these things from my childhood (except the bubblegum and the TV ones). I grew up in Africa and spent childhood holidays in England.
Load More Replies...As an american I would be thrilled to see something from your country. instead of complaining - write an article showing us things from YOUR culture.
"boomer energy"...? Homie thinks boomers grew up in the late 70's to 80's??😂😂