I found you from a comment on a different one and these are really good pictures
All of these photographs are so pure and beautiful! They represent the simple joys of life we should all step back and appreciate!!
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Just an iPhone 13 mini camera, nothing super special.
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I found you from a comment on a different one and these are really good pictures
All of these photographs are so pure and beautiful! They represent the simple joys of life we should all step back and appreciate!!
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PublishAuthor, Community member
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Hi there! I'm Gabrielė, but you can also catch me responding to Gab, Gabi, Gabert, or Gabe – take your pick. Professionally, I'm the senior community manager over at Bored Panda, helping people share their awesome work and connecting artists with a worldwide audience. Beyond work, you'll catch me traveling, listening to vinyl and diving into movies, art exhibitions, and concerts. I'm a culture buff at heart, always eager to explore and embrace the richness of the human experience.
Read less »Moderator, BoredPanda staff
Hi there! I'm Gabrielė, but you can also catch me responding to Gab, Gabi, Gabert, or Gabe – take your pick. Professionally, I'm the senior community manager over at Bored Panda, helping people share their awesome work and connecting artists with a worldwide audience. Beyond work, you'll catch me traveling, listening to vinyl and diving into movies, art exhibitions, and concerts. I'm a culture buff at heart, always eager to explore and embrace the richness of the human experience.