78 Surreal Digital Manipulations From The Artist Behind The Photoshop 2021 Splash Photo
Interview With ArtistEvery time you open the latest version of Photoshop, you are greeted with a surreal sight: a pair of towering flamingos made from clouds. This surreal scene comes straight from the mind of digital artist Ted Chin.
He makes some of the most eye-catching, surreal composite images you will likely ever see, and here are a few more that you will also enjoy—all placed into a lifetime project called Ted’s Little Dream.
With the lockdowns in full force, the world definitely needs a little bit more dreaming and magic. I bet you would love to escape into his dream worlds—if only for a few hours.
Which one is your favorite? Don't forget to upvote and read a short interview with the artist below!
More info: Instagram | Facebook | twitter.com | tedslittledream.com
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Flamingo Cloud - Photoshop 2021 Splash Photo
They say that a picture speaks a thousand words—and for Ted, that couldn’t be more true. As a non-native English speaker, his art is the easiest way to invite people to escape into a world where dreams and reality blend seamlessly together.
"There are things in the world that inspire childlike wonder and awe. It is my passion to recreate and share them with the world," Ted Chin told Bored Panda.
Little Red Riding Hood
Storytelling has always been something that inspired Ted. When Ted was in grad school, he was not able to travel as much as he wanted to.
"I’ve always dreamed about visiting different places, to see and experience new things, and to tell stories."
Turtle Island
A Cat's Adventure
Chin has been making photo manipulations for the last six years. We asked Chin how he discovered Photoshop.
"When I was exploring my options to become an artist in college, digital art was one of the mediums I was interested in. After I tried Photoshop for the first time, I immediately fell in love with the program and started to have fun with it. Since then, it became the best way for me to escape my reality. I learned it from friends and YouTube tutorials. One of my favorite channels is Phlearn."
“I believe that we all have this secret power called imagination," Ted Chin said. "We can use it to create many beautiful things and make our minds wonder. But for some reason, when we got older, we forgot to use it.”
Lucky for us, Chin didn't forget how to use his imagination, and his Instagram is transporting 147k people into a dream world.
Birth Of The Milky Way
Why does this remind me of the kid sitting on the moon at the beginning of Disney movies
Getting noticed by the creators of his favorite program, Adobe Photoshop, was one of the most notable moments of the artist's career.
"It was definitely one of the top 5 in my happiest moment list. For me, it's more than a milestone or an achievement. I know my family had faith in me when I decided to become a full-time artist, and this is my way of telling them 'thank you for believing in me.' From here, I need to push myself to be better and create more fun and wild imagination worlds!"
PB And J
Forest King
Big Fish
The big animals kind of scare me while being kind of relaxing at the same time...
Moon Light
Elephant Trunk Tornado
Sweet Dream
Release The Kraken
The End
Lake House
Forest Queen
Morning Routine
Her King, His Queen
Don’t Give Up
Black Sheep
Butterfly Effect
Seeking For Higher Thoughts
Introducing CLOUDHOUSE™ the sequel to your old favorite, TREEHOUSE™. Now with gloom!!