Max Asabin Is Called By Some As A Photoshop Wizard, And Here Are 40 New Pics To Prove It
Let's admit it—everyone wants a cool profile picture of themselves on their social media. But it's hard to make a picture perfect. And even if the picture turns out great, it may lack a certain magic in it that makes it truly outstanding. There's a saying that begins with "when life gives you lemons..." Well, sometimes life doesn't give you even that. What to do then? Digital artist Max Asabin's answer is—Photoshop them in!
The Russian retoucher started small, as a hobbyist, but has become a true master and professional of photo editing. Over that time, he has gained a solid followership of 267k followers on Instagram and other social media profiles. The guy's (obviously) digitally savvy, so you can find him on virtually any social media platform that there is. Asabin was also featured on Bored Panda a few years ago and has improved leaps and bounds over that time.
More info: Instagram | Facebook | maxasabin.deviantart.com | behance.net | twitter.com | youtube.com | asabinart.tumblr.com | asabinart.artstation.com
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His secret is that he has no secrets that he's unwilling to share. He's always open about the process of doing these photos, and always shows the initial work side-by-side with the finished picture. In a sense, his works are very educational, as he provides tons of tips and learning material along with his photos. First, he makes a composition of a few roughly cropped images. Then he finely crops it in, and that's where the tricky part usually begins.
The Photoshop wizard then adds fine details, blends in lighting and shadows, and adjusts the color scheme so that the person blends in seamlessly with the whole composition. Afterward, he polishes it up and voila—you have a picture of yourself that you'd never get in mere reality. From magical to hi-tech, to post-apocalyptic, the possibilities look near limitless for Asabin's skills.
Beautiful. Reminds me of pre-Photoshop darkroom work of the artist/photographer Jerry Uelsmann.
Believe it or not, it wasn't always like this. He was as unskilled at photo editing as most of us. He began with Photoshop CS6 at 2007 and never looked back. As of now, that's 13 years of experience. Impressive. What's more, he is completely self-taught, which explains the amount of knowledge the guy has and is willing to share. All in all, the dude's as inspiring as his works. And if you, fellow reader, are struggling at cropping the image, please know that once Max has struggled too just like you.
I feel he really dropped the ball by not making that horse a unicorn
idk why but my favorite thing to say is "shoto-phop" im just really weird
first one looks like dove Cameron, second looks like Jennifer Lawrence(anyone else see it)