It's a well-known stereotype that guys care less about the details when it comes to aesthetics; we are kind of chill about things like lighting, mood, and colors, just as long as the desired message gets across. This post reinforces that cliché and then some; it's girlfriend's pics of their beloved Vs. boyfriend's awkward photos.
You can see the method in the girlfriend pics: nice lighting, a good angle to make you look photogenic, and the timing of pose that suggests that she took a few photos at the same time and chose the one you are looking good in. On the other hand, there are the boyfriends. The timing suggests they took a few and chose the worst one, or simply waited until they could capture her at her most hilariously awkward facial expressions. Because, you know, it's funny!
Perhaps it's just a matter of goals. Maybe girlfriends want to photograph their guys at their smoldering best, capturing not just their looks but their unique personalities too, because that's what she would want. Boyfriends might prefer funny photos of a goofy shared memory, who cares about your 'good side?'
Either way, the list makes for some hilarious comparisons, so you know the drill: Scroll on down and check the funny faces and the hilarious 'caught in the act' poses out for yourself!
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The boyfriend was just trying to get the hot guy in the background into the pic... lol
I wonder if these boyfriends have caught onto the trend and are doing this on purpose.
I think this one of the gf is much more interesting. I like the light just above and behind the head and there is more of a story to it. Has fairly sharp detail. Good job. Good shot.
Really like the shot on the left. I don't normally like when shots are off kilter but this one works for me. Love the little lens flare. It tells a story, like all good shots. Way to go. I been playing around with photography for 25+ years and I have only taken one shot that I felt was really awesome. That's kinda depressing but I already know I am way to critical on my own stuff. You've got a possible future in this! Nurture it.
Well, as if it needed to be said... I think we know his focal point.
Why do so many people take pictures of each other eating?! I don't really get it
Why do so many people take pictures of each other eating?! I don't really get it