If we ban drugs, why not harmful food additives and alcohol?
Alcohol? We tried that once. It didn't work but it DID turn the Mafia into a serious crime enterprise.
Should the government make organ donation compulsory?
Yes and no. They should make it mandatory if not stated by the person otherwise. Like they should donate peoples organs except in cases where the person previously submitted their written statement that they do not want to do it for their special reason (such as religion).
Can we know what happiness is without sadness?
What is infinity?
Does understanding philosophy lead to progress?
The key point with understanding Philosophy is not about having answers to the present situations, but being able to make the appropriate questions that will stir up people’s minds enough to change the situation at hand. It’s not meant to bring about progress by itself, but to incite reflection, inquiry, insight, and then progress.
How do you know what is real and what isn’t?
Are certain types of experiences inherently “happier” than others?
Bumper cars at the carnival vs a 6-car pileup with mass casualties?
Is it always wrong to lie? When (if ever) is it okay?
This is from my own lived experience. I'm not generalising. The fact that these apply to EVERY woman I have EVER met is irrelevant. But yeah, mostly it involves women. If a woman asks you to guess her age, and you can't get out of it, you aim at least 10 years low, if she asks if her bum looks big then the answer is always, always, no, even if it looks like she's smuggling pillows back there, it's a no. Do you like my new shoes/clothes/handbag? Always yes, and you can enthuse about it a bit too if you want. Something along the lines of, 'ooo yes darling, it makes you look 10 years younger'. To answer your question, in those circumstances your survival may depend on how well you lie. So lie, and lie well. These lies are survival lies so they're ok. Also, DO NOT PAUSE! The lie must be convincing and delivered instantly. A pause will be classed as a wrong answer and frosty relations will ensue.
Do all people deserve respect?
I have a motto. Everyone deserves your respect, not everyone deserves your time.
Should people have the right to live and travel anywhere they wish with no state or country boundaries?
Is it always good to have choices?
But, go to the grocery store. You are only allowed ONE box of cereal. What do you choose?
Who is more important to the world, you or your neighbor?
Which would you rather be - an unhappy human being or a happy dog?
Should we fear death?
Nope. Absolutely no need to fear death. We shouldn't fear the only thing in life that is certain and inevitable. And I don't think it's death itself people are afraid of, but the unknown that follows it.
Is it worse to fail at something or never attempt it in the first place?
Can humans change their behavior if given enough time?
Individuals can change their behaviour with a little effort and a will to change. Corporations will never change their behaviour because bleeding the planet dry of all its resources in exchange for money is what they are designed to do. If one CEO leaves, there's hundreds more who would sell their grandmother to get the top job.
What harsh truths do you prefer to ignore?
What are some untruths you know about yourself?
I'm a little old dithery lady with grey hair, totally harmless and utterly forgettable. However, I'd happily operate on parts of male anatomy with a blunt and rusty knife and without anaesthetic if it was proven they had damaged children.
How far will you go to experience something for the first time?
Depends on what it is. I have vertigo,so I have to be cautious on heights.
Can you only achieve what you set your mind to?
No. You can do ,be anything you want to. Don't be like my mother. "Girls can't do that. Aka: dream killer.
Would you choose to live in a computer simulation if it will make you a lot happier?
What is true strength?
Do we love ourselves more in the virtual world and less in the real world?
If all the currencies in the world did not have monetary value, would our world be a much better place?
Will artificial intelligence help increase human lifespan in the future?
Will stricter laws make a better world?
Laws that take into consideration of both parties equally enforced would make a better world.
What is the truth and is it the same as reality?
That Headless Roach is the ultimate overlord [can't blame me for trying, can you eh?]
How and when did everything begin?
Do humans have a soul? Do animals have a soul?
Does utilizing time properly make our lives meaningful and happy?
No, some days I am happy that I was productive and used every minute, and other days I’m happy doing absolutely nothing, it’s just your outlook on life and some depression meds lol
What are thoughts and where do they come from?
Are religion and science compatible? Why or why not?
No. Science is about pursuing the truth, even when said truth flies in the face of what we currently believe to be true. Religion is all about assuming we already have all the answers and refusing to change our position even in the face of evidence that disproves your "truth".
Which is easier – to love or be loved?
Both can be easy. But to keep the love real takes work,and dedication.
Will a world without reliance on modern technology make any progress?
Answering on my smart phone. I've always wondered if the people alive today could live without . Like the rationing during WW2.
Is death a new beginning?
Why do we respect the dead more than the living?
Is the glass half empty or half full?
Do those who love us, really love us, or do they simply love what they think we are?
Would you rather be born smart or become smart?
Can people really change, or is everyone doomed to stay the same?
Is it wrong to spend money on expensive food when people are dying of hunger?
Anthony Hopkins says" live your life . Eat the delicious food,dance in the rain. None of us are getting out alive." Or something like that.
If you go back in time and teach young Einstein relativity theory, where does the idea come from?
Do guns protect people or kill people?
Guns don't kill. The gun is an inanimate object. A human has to take in hand for the gun to be dangerous.
Do we change when we have power?
No. People who have power never need to show it. They (0.1%) have others to exercise their power on their behalf. We never really know who these people are. Then there are the follies who pretend to be in power on behalf of the real ones behind the scenes. Some of these don't even realise that they have no real power and are mere puppets and shields, the ugly face of power for the people to throw stones at. (Governments)
Is it possible time is being altered right now?
Considering it takes your brain ~80 milliseconds to process what's happening, you never really experience "right now".
Does time have a beginning or an end?
Time is a linear construct , invented by ancient man.. On the other hand, I know people who would be late for their own funeral.
Can you really experience anything objectively?
Is there such a thing as absolute morality?
Does nature or nurture form a person’s personality?
Is there such a thing as truth, or is it relative?
What happens to a person after they die?
Does what a person observe alter what actually occurs?
How much control does a person have over their life?
Is there anything wrong with being selfish?
Where does self-worth come from?
Does anyone else’s happiness affect my own?
Can life be meaningful without friends?
Is being obsessive about someone or something a good thing?
Is it ever okay to tell a secret?
Would you break the law to save someone you love?
If our minds are made of particles and atoms, which both behave probabilistically, how can we think we have freewill?
Are emotions rational or irrational?
Are there universal human rights? What are they?
Should we limit the amount of money people can earn and save to avoid an unequal distribution of wealth?
Which is more important, justice or mercy?
Conditional. A man kills his 9 month old girl, because she won't stop crying. Is it fair that she died, or that he couldn't deal with her crying . If he had controlled himself, she would be 21 today He was put to death last week for her murder. His lawyer tried to convince the courts that he was mentally unstable. The courts didn't buy that.
Is true beauty subjective or objective?
If a child becomes the parent, who then becomes the child?
What do you believe but cannot prove?
What do we consider moral?
What we're told to by the majority. It's surprisingly flexible, even in religious texts. Pædophilia used to be fine, in many cultures now its just some States for 'religious' white people and Republicans!
Do people exist simply to live, or do they live to exist?
Is happiness the most important purpose in life?
No. Serving those less fortunate than ourselves. This gives life purpose.
Is there progress in art?
Can we be certain of anything?
Is there progress in philosophy?
If everyone spoke their mind would this world be a better place?
Probably not. People are just too sensitive about other peoples opinions.
Is trust more important than love?
How much control do you have over your life?
How do you know that your experience of consciousness is the same as other people’s experience of consciousness?
What’s more important: doing the right thing or doing things right?
Would you want to know you are going to die beforehand or die suddenly without warning?
How come we judge ourselves by the actions we take but not by our intentions?
Is there such a thing as free will?
The whole concept is ill-defined. Is there a situation that would have different outcomes based on existence or nonexistence of free will?
Do humans need God to exist?
Does living your life for others make your life have meaning?
When do you think the world will “end”?
Does the “Law of Attraction” exist and what is it?
Does belief make God exist?
Are beliefs and superstitions the same?
Do parallel universes exist?
Existence is a nebulous concept. If something cannot affect me, not even in theory, then it's neither existent nor nonexistent; it is irrelevant.
Does democracy work for every country?
Is preservation of a country’s culture a good reason for limiting immigration?
If the culture is so weak that it cannot survive contact with other cultures.
How would you define honor?
If people are able to erase bad memories, would anyone choose to forget their entire life?
What are some things that are better left unsaid?
Is patriotism irrational?
Are you the same person you were ten years ago?
Yes. But the person I was ten years ago is not the same person as me right now. The relation is not symmetrical.
Why is there something rather than nothing?
Does time flow? How fast does it flow?
How do you know you are not dreaming right now?
Because I'm laughing to hard to be dreaming. I don't laugh like this in my dreams.
Does sound happen if nothing is present to hear it?
Where is the line between insanity and creativity?
It is the line between dark and light half of the tapir. Prove me wrong.
When do people cease to be innocent?
Do numbers really exist or are they something man has created?
Is suffering a necessary part of the human condition?
Has social media been a net positive or a net negative for our society?
Can nature be explained by innate order or is it ruled by chance and chaos?
Both are neccessary. Without order, there would be no rules. Without chaos, those rules wouldn't have exceptions.