For some dating is an important thing in life. And it doesn’t matter if you consider yourself a dating guru or if you agree to go out once in a blue moon. I guess the very fact of it makes us all feel pretty much the same: jitters and excitement before the date or total disappointment afterwards. Let’s agree that beautiful and promising date stories should be left to be discussed with your best friends. But where to put the distress and disbelieve that was brought by these other awful dates? 

This time, for this particular reason, Reddit asked its community to share the pettiest reasons why its users refused to give a second chance to their date. People opened their hearts and gave some interesting, never heard answers, as well as common reasons that we all probably encountered through our dating experience. 

Can you relate to any of these situations? Or maybe you have an even better story of why you couldn’t say “yes” to a second date? Share your thoughts and "best" experiences in the comments!

More info: Reddit


40 Weird, Yet Understandable Situations After Which People Realized They Should Stop Dating Someone She was a volunteer at the Zoo and when kids asked her questions she didn’t know the answer to, she would make something up and lie.

Growing up on zoobooks and Steve Irwin, I take animal facts very seriously.

captjackjack , tomohisa suna Report


    40 Weird, Yet Understandable Situations After Which People Realized They Should Stop Dating Someone He was wearing a hideous brown fake leather jacket, it was so old that the ‘leather’ had started to flake off and parts were just now canvas.

    He kept stopping to look at himself in windows and saying ‘oh god I look so hot today’ ‘I just can’t believe how hot I look’ smoothing down his manky jacket, side eyeing me, expecting me to agree with him.

    I left so he could be alone with his jacket.

    LeonardBetts88 , Denkrahm Report


    40 Weird, Yet Understandable Situations After Which People Realized They Should Stop Dating Someone Didnt use the turn signal.


    hairymonkeyinmyanus , The Car Spy Report


    40 Weird, Yet Understandable Situations After Which People Realized They Should Stop Dating Someone She didn't know that foxes were real animals. She thought they were mythical and just in movies.

    rpp8 , jans canon Report

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    S O N G O
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't think this is petty. I think this is refusing to date an imbecile

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    40 Weird, Yet Understandable Situations After Which People Realized They Should Stop Dating Someone A very attractive, fun, smart woman asked me if I wanted to go get ice cream with her. I turned her down but I guess in a way that she felt was flirty, so she kept asking. And finally I had to tell her I was turning her down because she had both my mother's first and last name. She laughed a lot and agreed we couldn't date.

    notabot99_thousand , Helmut_Kroiss Report


    40 Weird, Yet Understandable Situations After Which People Realized They Should Stop Dating Someone Her complete inability to follow the plot of a movie.

    “Who’s that?”

    “Where’d he come from?”

    “Why’d she do that?”

    “Who is he again?”

    I just couldn’t.

    Jealous-Network-8852 , Eelke Report

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    Samantha Lomb
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My mom. Often because she was busy futzing around or fell asleep and woke up halfway through the film. Super annoying

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    40 Weird, Yet Understandable Situations After Which People Realized They Should Stop Dating Someone My mom stopped dating a guy because he unfastened and refastened the velcro on his shoes throughout an entire movie.

    hyteck9 , Velks Shoes Report

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    Daphne Williams
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would have just straight up murdered him half way through the movie though

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    40 Weird, Yet Understandable Situations After Which People Realized They Should Stop Dating Someone On the first and only date - she chewed her food with her mouth open - it was so distracting I couldn’t bear it.

    Nova_rez , David Zellaby Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As someone with misophonia/misokinesia, this is absolutely understandable

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    40 Weird, Yet Understandable Situations After Which People Realized They Should Stop Dating Someone Went on a first date to the movies. This f@#%!g guy...instead of picking up his drink and lifting the straw to his mouth, he would put his hands on his knees, keeping his eyes on the screen, and lean over to the drink and ‘hunt’ for the straw with his face and his mouth contorted sideways trying to land on the straw. Weirdest s#@t ever.

    Pocketeer1 , Dean Hochman Report

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    John C
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    lmao - that's just funny. You broke up with somebody over such a silly thing? That sorta stuff is ripe for making fun of, and laughter forms great relationships! Now if he couldn't laugh at himself for it, that's another thing entirely.

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    40 Weird, Yet Understandable Situations After Which People Realized They Should Stop Dating Someone He didn’t re-rack his weights. I will never, for the life of me, understand why people don’t return/re-rack their weights.

    pharmdap , Colin Davis Report

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    Vicky Z
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Generally it's a deal-breaker for me when the other person doesn't respect the working staff! Waiters, cashiers, gym staff or anyone! Shows a lot about a person

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    40 Weird, Yet Understandable Situations After Which People Realized They Should Stop Dating Someone I couldn't date a guy because my brother pointed out that he looks EXACTLY like my uncle. I couldn't unsee it because it was absolutely true.

    OpossumJesusHasRisen , Michael Lehet Report


    40 Weird, Yet Understandable Situations After Which People Realized They Should Stop Dating Someone During s*x, she would close her eyes and frown in concentration. Once my brain made the connection that she looked like Sam the Eagle from the Muppets, it was over for me.

    browncoat47 , The Muppets Studio Report


    40 Weird, Yet Understandable Situations After Which People Realized They Should Stop Dating Someone He stared at me blankly when I said the word "republican" when describing one of my family members. I followed up and sure enough, he literally had no idea what the word republican meant and didn't know about our largely two-party system. He was in his late 20's. If you're not into politics, that's one thing, but he had managed to live nearly three decades in our country without knowing basic information about our political system. My brain could not comprehend and I worried about what other basic information he had managed to avoid was. 'Twas a hard no on my end.

    DuchessOfTears , Jordan Hatcher Report

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    Paul Aguilera
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i'm not really sure what a republican is either. i know there are democrats and liberals and other political words for certain groups but dont know the difference of any of them. i just know they exist.

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    40 Weird, Yet Understandable Situations After Which People Realized They Should Stop Dating Someone She kept using the word "Redonkulous" in normal conversation. I felt my soul dying every time I heard it.

    Fromhe , Nenad Stojkovic Report

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    Night Owl
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My ex loved (and probably still loves) to use the word "Whee!" It gets annoying after a while

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    40 Weird, Yet Understandable Situations After Which People Realized They Should Stop Dating Someone When I found out that he thought lemons were unripened oranges.

    CoffeeSmooch , Wikimedia Commons Report


    40 Weird, Yet Understandable Situations After Which People Realized They Should Stop Dating Someone I went out on a few dates with a guy that I had been really into for months. I was starting to realize he wasnt the brightest bulb in the room. Then one day he said he liked watching commercials on TV and that was that.

    lostkarma4anonymity , mohamed_hassan Report


    40 Weird, Yet Understandable Situations After Which People Realized They Should Stop Dating Someone Not me, but someone refusing to date me because, “it’s weird you don’t have Instagram.”

    thepoint29 , Nenad Stojkovic Report


    40 Weird, Yet Understandable Situations After Which People Realized They Should Stop Dating Someone His name was Mario and he was a plumber. I just couldn't.

    danabanana83 , Alexas_Fotos Report


    40 Weird, Yet Understandable Situations After Which People Realized They Should Stop Dating Someone She would insist on a job interview level of formality whenever we talked.


    For those asking for examples, the first time I asked her to my place went like this:

    Me: So do you want to take this back to my place?

    Her: Is this an invitation for intercourse?

    Me: ... yes... it is...

    Her: Please ask again properly please.

    Not-an-Ocelot , Search Engine People Blog Report

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    Paul Aguilera
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    anyone else immediately think amy farrah fowler from the big bang theory?

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    40 Weird, Yet Understandable Situations After Which People Realized They Should Stop Dating Someone He would call me his "beautiful angle". He really didn't know how to spell angel so for 5 months I put up with being an angle.

    Also dated a guy who wanted to put a singlewide trailer on his parent's front lawn and thought I was unreasonable for not wanting to move in with him once he did so.

    Nicole_xx19 , Wes Dickinson Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You put up with something for 5 months that you could have just corrected him on in 5 seconds?

    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My husband once wrote me a note that started with, "Dear Sweet Pee...." And for months my teenaged daughter called me Sweet Urine.

    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Daily sex? Sorry, dyslexia. Perhaps he was dyslexic.

    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not being able to spell correctly is so common in the US....

    Gabunya Matata
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A boy ( i believe he was 19, maybe 23 i don't remember correctly) asked me if i felt "naushus" once. he's from America...

    Daniel Marsh
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's an awful obtuse reason. You all right? It's awful reflexive you. (The acute joke was already done.)

    Bama Belle
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm no angle, but some of these seem petty to me. Just correct the guy, nicely.

    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My husband spells baby with an ie. But he isn't a native speaker so it's cute

    Vicky Z
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    3 years ago

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    40 Weird, Yet Understandable Situations After Which People Realized They Should Stop Dating Someone She was super hot, but she smelled. I dunno if she didn't shower or use deodorant, but she just smelled funky. I couldn't do it. My best girl friend at the time was like, "just tell her". How do you tell a girl you've known for a few weeks that she smells bad?!?! So I just stopped talking to her. Brilliant.

    OmgOgan , Nathan Rupert Report

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    Brandi VanSteenwyk
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Such and awkward situation. And unfortunately not that uncommon. My 22 year old son has encountered the exact scenario and came to me for advice on what to do because he really liked the girl. All I could come up with was offering to shower TOGETHER frequently.

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    40 Weird, Yet Understandable Situations After Which People Realized They Should Stop Dating Someone All The Words In Every Text He Sent Were Capitalised. Trust Me, It Got ANNOYING.

    Daffodildandy , Wikimedia Commons Report


    40 Weird, Yet Understandable Situations After Which People Realized They Should Stop Dating Someone Everytime I touched her, I would smell of egg. Like holding hands, egg.. Hug her, my shirt would smell of egg.

    Strangest bit was, she didn't smell like that whatsoever.

    Also, when I broke it off, the egg smelling stopped. So IDK.

    SuperSquirrel13 , Amy Ross Report


    He was awful in a trivia game we were playing. I mean, really bad, like it was his first day pretending to be a human on Earth and the aliens hadn’t briefed him sufficiently.

    kara_anna Report

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    Paul Aguilera
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i hate trivia games. i dont want need to broadcast my ignorance, i need to be safe in my personal knowledge bubble

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    One word replies, literally no effort at all, felt like I was writing a monologue.



    Every time I took a bite of food he asked me a question, after which he stared at me while I finished chewing. The date went on like this for an hour, he had a supernatural sense of poor timing.

    impossibleturtle Report

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    40 Weird, Yet Understandable Situations After Which People Realized They Should Stop Dating Someone He wore a Bluetooth piece in his ear. The constant blue light blinking from the side of his head was too much for me. Another guy would text “dame” instead of “damn”. It wasn’t a typo either, it was every time.

    ldgrffn , FitNishMedia Report


    They did that thing where they inflect their voice upwards at the end of everything they say as if it were a question.

    After about 10 minutes talking to them I was completely done.

    graeuk Report

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    Susan Stead
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I was growing up in California, that was normal, especially among the younger folks. I haven't lived there for a few decades, but I recently was on a conference call with members from California, and one of the speakers (who was a recent college graduate) used that inflection, so I guess it's is still alive.

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    I was the receiver of the petty reason, not the giver. When I was in college, a girl wouldn't go on a second date with me because my dorm room was too clean.

    (edit to add: what I got told by a mutual friend was that because my room was clean, it had to mean that I was gay so she wouldn't date me).

    I_feel_so_mop Report

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    He tried to say what I was saying... as in at the same time. He started mouthing it and then slowly including more and more voice. I would stop talking and start again.... he mimicked the whole time.

    Grieie Report

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    N G
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's a genuine thing - can't remember the name of it now, but it's not mocking or p1ss-taking (giving the benefit of the doubt in this case) and people who do it are often unaware that they are doing it. ETA: it's either Echolalia or Palilalia and is in the same class as Tourettes, in that it's a complex verbal tic.

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    He said he'd do a full health check on any pets I had. I was pretty peeved at the implication that I might not be caring for them. Also, he wasn't a vet.

    bi-of-little-brain Report


    She kept using the chick emoji when she texted and said "hewwo" instead of hello. Her face resembled a chick as well. And I couldn't unsee that.

    redsnowdog5c Report

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    She lived across the bridge and i hate going across the bridge.

    Edit. Didnt expect this to blow up. Its the bay bridge in the SF area. I live in oakland. For me to date a girl in the city itll take me an hour to get there an hour home. All of this after working all day. Just not some id want to do unless i was super into someone, whoch ironically id never know since, the bridge. TBH it wouldn't have been fair to her either.

    Side note more than a decade later im married to a girl from the other side of the bridge so you could say "i got over it".

    chenyu768 Report


    He was VERY allergic to peanuts. I eat peanut butter toast nearly every day and I just didn’t want to give that up.

    freezethawcycle Report

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    Bama Belle
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's honestly understandable. You don't want to accidentally kill someone because you forgot and ate your peanut butter toast.

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    Everything was going great, thought she was an amazing girl and we'd been seeing each other for two months. Go to her house for the first time and it was a little messy, but nothing to write home about. Then I go to the bathroom and put up the toilet seat... I don't think she'd ever cleaned the bottom of the toilet seat given how disgusting it was. From then on, the only thing I could think about when talking or being with her was that disgusting toilet seat.

    sctrojans1112 Report


    She once wanted a burger without chips. I wanted one with chips. She ate all of my chips. Her reason was that because I wasn't eating my chips because I didn't want them. I asked her if I didn't want then why did I order them?

    willbeonekenobi Report

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    Not me, but someone I worked with refused to date this very handsome, successful and kind man because “he has too many things in his pockets”.

    Quack_Candle Report

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    Theater Kid
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is extremely petty. I think it's useful to have many things in one's pockets (although I'm a girl so these pockets are largely a figment of my imagination).

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    40 Weird, Yet Understandable Situations After Which People Realized They Should Stop Dating Someone A guy on a dating app said he wouldn’t date me because I didn’t like oysters.

    Awkward_turtle404 , Malcolm Murdoch Report


    I had to explain everything to a girl. Everything.

    I still don‘t know if she was exceptional stupid or tried to keep the conversation going and was just really bad at it.

    Do you remember the guy who acted like he didn‘t know what a potato was? Texting with her was exactly like that.

    inetkid13 Report

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    40 Weird, Yet Understandable Situations After Which People Realized They Should Stop Dating Someone Same name as my ex.

    Hercule_Porotta , Wyatt Fisher Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One person i dated (when i was trying to be straight) had the same name as my brother. That was weird.

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    She ate her peas one at a time.

    02K30C1 Report


    We had a date and it went well but at the end she said I needed to contact her because her value was higher then mine and I simply didn’t call he again, to prove my worth being the greater, I don’t know if it worked.

    Truejustizz Report

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    Vicky Z
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What? I wonder if anyone ever called her back


    His laugh. It was the weirdest sounding laugh I’ve ever heard. The first time I heard it I was like “Nope, can’t deal with that for the rest of my life”.
    Edit: Since many of you want to know what it sounded like, here’s my best description. It’s like he was trying to inhale and laugh at the same time. Very breathy, like gasping except worse?

    LizzieLibrarian Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My uncle's laugh sounds like a donkey braying. I use to wonder how my aunt could tolerate it, as I grew older I loved it for it's uniqueness. That and I will never forget the one time he laughed after a lungful of helium.

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    She called someone "a pompous". Nope, she didn't say he was acting pompous or that he was a pompous ass. He was a pompous.

    bandi53 Report


    Every single text of her ended with '...'

    I just couldn't do it man.

    DeuceSe7en Report


    She had camo sheets lol.

    aspiring_optimist Report


    His tattoos. He had this god awful Medusa looking thing on his right calf. I went on a hike with him and had to stare at that f@#$%&g tattoo for two solid hours. I ended it when we got off the mountain.

    Hel-lohB Report


    She asked me if I was a breakdancer while we were flirting like it was something she was hoping for.

    garlic_naaaannn Report


    His hair was prettier than mine.

    CheeseMakingMom Report


    Her nostrils were f@#$%&g tiny.

    justlurkingmate Report