“Fluffy Food Thieves”: 38 Of The Best Photos Of Pets Trying To Steal Food Or Beverages, As Shared By The Panda Community
Have you ever caught your pet trying to steal food? If you are here, then it means that you most likely have.
As funny as it sounds, pets do not regard objects as "yours/theirs." In fact, most animals are quite opportunistic. However, house pets can be trained to learn that some items are off-limits. Still, most of them, even when they are made aware of this, will still attempt to steal food when out of sight, and then run away, concealing themselves while doing so, if they perceive an opportunity.
With that being said, I asked some Pandas to share pictures of their pets being caught at the "crime scene."
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Crockpot Thief
Caught A Popcorn Bandit!
Speaking of popcorn...has anyone tried the popcorn M&M's? I am on the fence about them.
Coffee Cake Stealing Pizza
Everyday Usual
My Kitty Stealing Food At A Possum Convention :-O
These photos usually go the other way, with the cat surprised by a possum snagging food. Possum on the right looks kinda shocked
Maple The Chip Licker
Successful Attempt By My Cat
Yes, Dexter Ate It All
Yes it is. He also likes corn and beans. He's a very special cat
Really Should Block That Serving Hatch Up
It's a serving hatch amirite? You didn't specify who was to be served. And greyhounds are front of the queue anyway
Even 19-Year-Old Senior Kitties Love To Lick The Spaghetti Bowl!
Oliver. I’ve Never Had A Cat More Interested In Human Food
My Cat Drinking From My “Angry Bird” Mug
I Can Haz Pizza?
Found Her Snacks In The Mail A Lot
Unagi? You Got Unagi?!
Someone Couldn’t Wait For His Birthday Cake
Milk Thief…every Time!!!
Ermmmmm Paws Off Mate!
Drinking With Fish On The Side
My cat jumped on our fishtank and fell right in. He was more scared than the fish were.
Nanny Begging Every Time Chicken Is On The Menu
That sweet face! Surely a tiny piece of chicken could *accidently* fall off your plate.
Caught Red Handed!
I had one that would do this, and taught all her babies to do this, and then they'd leave little sticky footprints everywhere!. They were very partial to fruit juice.
Skallet Guarding The Tequila
It's A Gin O'clock, Baby
Let Me See If I Can Find Some Salmon
Is There Some For Me?
Mmmm, Garlic Bread
Bender And Me Having A Landy And The Tramp Moment Over A Donut
I Swear He Had A Bowl Of Fresh Water!
It's Ok Wally. I Want Some Too
Forget Being Sneaky, One Has To Be Fast
This Little Girl Saying “Are You Done Yet!? I Want To Lick The Bowl!”
Pandora The Teacup
Discovering Fizzy Drinks. Left Is Tj, Right Is Blanche
Mila Decided She Wanted My Water Instead Of Her Own
In summer, I put a few ice cubes in the water bowl. The youngest cat is especially fascinated by them. Initially she tried licking them directly. Then she discovered the water around them is nice and cold, so now she just drinks around them, changing position as they move on top of the water. Tabitha is a strange and wonderful cat.
That’s Not My Martini, Hooman
But let me just do a short taste test. Mmmmmmm… Still not sure. Let me taste test it again. Mmmmmm…. Oh look! It’s gone. Damn.
I tried several times to upload mine, but it wouldn't do it. It was my Ava Piglet shoving her face in my frappe. I made the mistake of giving her a little taste of the whipped cream. It must have been delicious because she completely lost all sense of reason. I was trying to drive us home and laughing so hard I could barely see. I also have a blurry follow up of her sticking her tongue out with whipped cream on her nose. I love that naughty pig so dang much!
I grew up with a very spoiled, very naughty dachshund. The kitchen had a large opening to a buffet board in the den. Somebody pushed a chair too close to the buffet board. Mom left a big pot of sloppy joes spaghetti mix out in an open pot on the stove on slow simmer. We ran to the store for something for dinner, and we came back to find the spaghetti mix had cooked down to about half the level we left it. Then we noticed little orange dog paw prints all over the floor. The darn dog had put both front paws into the pot and feasted away until he heard us drive in. The dog noticed us noticing the paw prints and pot. He panicked and ran to hide. He was sure he would be spanked. He went to his bed to hide. We looked and his belly was swollen with the spaghetti sauce. He looked scared and sooo guilty. Mom & I just laughed it off, enjoying the irony of his invention. Mom said she had noticed other meals had cooked down like that before. Ewww... Mom just put the remaining spaghetti sauce in the freezer & doled it out to the sneaky dog for part of his dinner for the next week or so. The dog was amazed and grateful. Darn dog. We moved the chair, & Mom always put a lid on anything cooking after that. He would get into leftover beer also if someone left it out, obviously drawing on his German heritage. I miss that dog.
Oops! Lucy's favorite food a a puppy was banana pudding. Earlier this week, she ate an entire pound of cooked bacon her human intended for some recipe. Lucy just can't resist get on the dining room table.
Load More Replies...No surprise there :D Adorable sneaky little thieves
Load More Replies...I tried several times to upload mine, but it wouldn't do it. It was my Ava Piglet shoving her face in my frappe. I made the mistake of giving her a little taste of the whipped cream. It must have been delicious because she completely lost all sense of reason. I was trying to drive us home and laughing so hard I could barely see. I also have a blurry follow up of her sticking her tongue out with whipped cream on her nose. I love that naughty pig so dang much!
I grew up with a very spoiled, very naughty dachshund. The kitchen had a large opening to a buffet board in the den. Somebody pushed a chair too close to the buffet board. Mom left a big pot of sloppy joes spaghetti mix out in an open pot on the stove on slow simmer. We ran to the store for something for dinner, and we came back to find the spaghetti mix had cooked down to about half the level we left it. Then we noticed little orange dog paw prints all over the floor. The darn dog had put both front paws into the pot and feasted away until he heard us drive in. The dog noticed us noticing the paw prints and pot. He panicked and ran to hide. He was sure he would be spanked. He went to his bed to hide. We looked and his belly was swollen with the spaghetti sauce. He looked scared and sooo guilty. Mom & I just laughed it off, enjoying the irony of his invention. Mom said she had noticed other meals had cooked down like that before. Ewww... Mom just put the remaining spaghetti sauce in the freezer & doled it out to the sneaky dog for part of his dinner for the next week or so. The dog was amazed and grateful. Darn dog. We moved the chair, & Mom always put a lid on anything cooking after that. He would get into leftover beer also if someone left it out, obviously drawing on his German heritage. I miss that dog.
Oops! Lucy's favorite food a a puppy was banana pudding. Earlier this week, she ate an entire pound of cooked bacon her human intended for some recipe. Lucy just can't resist get on the dining room table.
Load More Replies...No surprise there :D Adorable sneaky little thieves
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