50 Of The Funniest And Cutest Pets’ Reactions To Trying Something They’d Never Tried Before (New Pics)
Parents love documenting their babies' firsts: their first bath, their first word, the first time they eat ice cream, the first time they ride a bike and more. But as you’ll soon find out, pet parents are no exception. Because even their fluffy, furry, scaly and feathery little ones deserve to be celebrated for trying something new.
Down below, we’ve gathered photos of the most adorable first times pets have experienced new things, and I’ll warn you right now: they just might melt your heart. From playing in fresh snow to trying delicious foods, this list is full of precious pet moments. Keep reading to also find interviews with Maggie Marton, of Oh My Dog blog, Dog Behaviorist Nick Jones, MA, and Lisa Stemcosky, CCBC, CPDT-KA, SBA, of PawLitically Correct. And don't forget to upvote the reactions you’re glad were captured on camera!
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Rhodie's First Time Seeing Snow
To gain more insight on this topic, we reached out to Maggie Marton, the woman behind Oh My Dog, and she was kind enough to have a chat with us. First, we asked Maggie why she thinks pet owners are so eager to capture all of our beloved animals’ first times. “New experiences create new memories! It's so fun to witness the joy, excitement, even trepidation--as long as it doesn't turn to fear--of a new experience. Capturing it allows you to relive it over and over again,” she told Bored Panda.
“Plus, new experiences give pet owners really fun stories to share of their beloved pets. For me, I love telling (and retelling!) the story of the first time we took our cat, Newt, outside on a long leash,” Maggie shared. “It's such an adorable, fun memory for us, and I always break out the pics to show as I tell!”
We Adopted This Cute Boy, And For The Past Couple Of Weeks, He Has Been Super Shy. Today For The First Time, He Plopped In My Lap And Did This
First Night At Home After Being Adopted
We also asked Maggie if our pets understand what’s going on when they do something for the first time. “Yes! And it's so important, especially as our pets age, to continue to expose them to new experiences,” she told Bored Panda. “They know and react to novelty just like we do.”
“They might feel excited or nervous or confused, depending on their lived experiences so far; for instance, a dog who loves to swim in a pool might be confused about going to the beach, but that same dog also might be more confident to test those waters than a dog who has never been swimming before,” Maggie went on to explain. “Dogs have a reputation for being more open to new experiences than cats, but if you love a cat who has an adventurous spirit, get her involved, too!”
Look At That Contented Smile And Those Lovely Eyes
I see this post a lot but will never get tired of it. Hope meatball has a wonderful life with much love and spaghetti.
Clara's First Trip To The Backyard. I Think She Liked It
He Heard Me Sneeze For The First Time
We were also curious if there’s any way to predict whether our animals will enjoy having new experiences, or if we just have to take them out and see for ourselves. “Exposure is key,” Maggie noted. “A pet who is used to experiencing new and different things will likely be more adaptable than one who spends his or her whole life at home and is suddenly taken to the ski slopes,” she explained. “If your pet hasn't had many new experiences, start small. Try a different park or visit a swimming spot. Then, expand from there. Just like people, all pets have different thresholds for what's comfy and what isn't. Honor your pet's. Try lots of different things, and don't force your pet to do something uncomfortable.”
Timber Got To Ride In The Front Seat Of My Truck For The First Time. When Asked If He Liked The Air Conditioner, This Was His Reply
Two Brothers 5 Months Apart. They're Meeting For The First Time
And as for how we can ensure that our pets are comfortable and not overwhelmed when provided new experiences, Maggie recommends that pet owners keep a close eye on their little ones. “If she seems timid, give her time and encouragement. If she seems scared, stop. I've seen too many people force their pet to do something that was frightening only to have it backfire,” she told Bored Panda. “Start small and build. Go slowly. Give your pet tons of praise (and treats help, too!).”
Nimbus Met Our Dog For The First Time. This Is Her Being Intimidating
“New experiences are so good for people and pets,” Maggie added. “In humans, experiencing new things can improve our memories, our mood, and even the neural pathways in our brains. It makes sense that new experiences would do the same for our pets! Get out there and try something new; you'll both benefit!”
If you’d like to learn more about Maggie or gain tips on how to give your pets the best life, be sure to visit her blog Oh My Dog right here.
My New Kitten's First Encounter With The Big Ball Of Flame In The Sky
The Way My Cat Looked At My New Boyfriend When She First Met Him
First Time Being Carried In The Arms After The Rescue
We also reached out to Dog Behaviorist and Dog Expert Witness Nick Jones, MA, to hear his thoughts on why we’re so excited to capture out pets’ firsts. “The bond an owner has with their dog is usually deep and long lasting, and to experience the world through the life and senses of a dog is a wonderful thing,” Nick told Bored Panda. “Who can resist laughing as a dog bobs up and down as it runs in long grass or charges through fresh snow fall or roots around in crisp leaves on the ground? Dogs are normally easy to read and especially when they are curious and excited by a new experience and witnessing this brings great joy to the owner.”
Our Kittens Were Outside For The First Time. Never Seen Them This Happy Before
He Saw Me Wearing A Hat For The First Time
Nick also assures dog owners that their furry friends can handle taking on new tasks and activities. “Provided that a dog has plenty of positive life experiences and a good degree of exposure to the world from a young age, it can cope with most new experiences without a hitch. And a well-balanced dog is able to have a new experience without concern for its welfare and reaction,” he explained. “Provided we are not overwhelming a dog and that the owner feels the dog can cope, then most life experiences can be provided to a dog without concern.”
This Was The First Time My Kitten Watched Our Christmas Tree Light Up
‘One day, that tree is gonna be MINE and MINE only… to destroy *insert evil kitty cackling sounds*’
Puppy Met His First Box Turtle
“Most owners will already know the nature of their dog and how adventurous or otherwise the dog is,” Nick went on to note. “This basic understanding of the dog's character and ability to accept new experiences should be the measure to apply before carrying out a new experience where you might think twice in the sense that it may overwhelm the dog. Most dogs embrace life and all the variety it brings, so with a little preparation and planning, by all means take your dog to the beach or out in the snow and enjoy the experience.”
My Pomeranian's First Snow
His First Leaf Pile
And when it comes to how to introduce a new experience to your pet, Nick says it’s important to have a feel for what your dog can cope with and to consider that before making any big leaps. “Think of the experience you'd like to expose your dog to as a number of chain links that start with the first link and end with the last one,” Nick told Bored Panda. “Be sure to move forward one link at a time and to build on the last positive experience that you had with the dog. You're building until you are at the last link and the process is complete, and [ensure] that your dog is enjoying the process as you go.”
My Labrador Puppy Chased A Ball For The First Time
My German Shepherd Experienced Snow For The First Time
“Dogs are able to cope with a wide range of experiences in life. Most pet dogs will enjoy a relatively relaxed lifestyle, but we know that dogs can be trained to sniff out cancer cells, to jump out of planes attached to a parachuter in the military, to guide blind people or to hunt for game,” Nick noted. “This adaptability makes dogs the perfect companions for people in the modern age, but for any dog to achieve anything like this level of achievement, it will need a progressive socialization and training program, combined with a balanced leadership style to bring the best out of the dog.”
If you’d like to learn more about Nick and his approach as a Dog Behaviorist and Dog Expert Witness, be sure to visit his website right here.
Peat Experienced Catnip For The Very First Time And Transformed Into The Stoner Meme Guy For 20 Minutes
Gary Was Pretty Excited About Reaching His First Ever Summit
We were also lucky enough to get in touch with a cat expert to hear about what it's like for our kitties to experience new firsts. Lisa Stemcosky, Certified Cat Behavior Consultant, CPDT-KA, SBA, and owner of PawLitically Correct in Washington, DC, was kind enough to answer some of our burning questions. "People welcome pets into their homes as part of the family. The care for them and nurture them, so it’s natural to celebrate all those first time experiences together," Lisa told Bored Panda.
My Puppy's First Time At The Beach. He Couldn't Stop Smiling
My Dog Saw Me In The Bathtub For The First Time. She Was So Worried That She Had To Call The Backup. Cat Was Not Impressed Too
My cat regularly tries to save me from the Most Evil Water by screaming at me in the bathroom.
Lisa also says that our felines do understand when they see something new or experience something novel. "They may be curious and want to investigate it, or they may be fearful of it. It often comes down to previous experiences of similar situations, during their critical period of development," she explained.
And although certain activities, such as swimming and playing in the snow, are often more associated with dogs, there's always a chance our cats will love them too. "There are some cats that may enjoy these things. Some breeds are known to like water, like the Turkish Van," Lisa told Bored Panda. "Some cats have bolder personalities are up for an adventure." In an email, Lisa even shared adorable photo of her cat, Davey, on his first snow day, and he appears to be having a wonderful time.
Their First Taste Of Peach. My Fingers Were Not Safe
My Kitty Saw Me In The Tub For The First Time And Was Very Concerned That I Was In The Water
Oliver Is Unsure Of What To Do With His First Time Under The Christmas Tree
When it comes to how our cats will respond to new things, Lisa says, "It’s a combination of nature versus nurture. If you start out with a kitten and expose them, in a slow and positive manner, to things like baths, harness walks, hiking, boating, they’ll be more likely to enjoy them as they get older. But nature, genetics, is always at play. Some cats may have a predisposition to be extremely fearful of novel situations, despite exposing them in a slow and positive way."
If you'd like to gain more insight from Lisa on cat behavior, be sure to visit PawLitically Correct's website right here!
I Took My Dog On His First Boat Ride
The First Time My Little Guy Got Groomed
I feel like I already follow my dog around with a camera constantly because I find everything she does to be adorable, but I’ll definitely be on the lookout for any new experiences she has from here on out. There’s something beautiful about seeing the genuine reactions our pets have to trying new things, so I hope you pandas have enjoyed viewing these precious photos for the first time. Keep upvoting the pics that warm your heart, and then if you’re in the mood for even more adorable animal photos, you can find Bored Panda's last article featuring pet first times right here or an article featuring pets looking lovingly at their owners right here.
My Indoor Cat's First Time Experiencing Heights, And He Instantly Regretted It
When Mom And Dad Take You To The Dog Park For The First Time
Luna Was Very Excited To Explore The Outside For The First Time
Rescue Lizard's First Experience Of The Outside World. Look At That Face
Bear's First Time In The Mountains, And Needless To Say, He's In Heaven
Hildegard's First Snow Experience Went Well
Say Hi To Baksik. It's His First Day On The Beach
Today Is My Kitten's First Birthday. My Mum Got This Painting Of Him, And He Was Very Surprised
My Dog Fell Asleep In My Arms For The First Time
First Time Outside
First Time Playing In The Snow
Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom
Our Cat's First Bite Of Snow And Subsequently First Brain Freeze
First Bath
That poor thing. Bathing cats is unnecessary except for medical reasons. And this "breed" has a horribly deformed skull. It's gonna have trouble breathing and teeth problems a lot.
First Nail Trimming Session
What are you doing?! (Looks around for help) They're taking my weapons!
Rudy Went For A Swim For The Very First Time
She Found A Way To Get Under The House And Out For The First Time
First Snow
She Experienced Rain For The First Time
Mimi Tried Lime For The First Time
Bailey's First Time On A Moving Escalator
isn't that one of them horizontal airport ones? I think they are called travelators.
When My Dog Ravioli Saw His Puppies For The First Time
This really cheered me up. Pets are such a treasure and absolutely deserve unconditional love and respect
BP please don't cut this list down! we need all 136 of these pictures, it's important
The past few days have been emotionally straining for me and this has made me smile from ear to ear. I never knew how much I needed pictures of pets and their firsts!! Made my day!!
I have a video somewhere but when me and my ex first rescued our first puppy at 4 months old, she didn't know how to drink out of a bowl properly. Nose and mouth in the water every time! Took her a while but it was so funny! She over a year now and puts her nose on the edge of the bowl and drinks from the side.
There are so many people on here who say things like this: 'Make sure your cat never has kittens again!' 'This poor animal is suffering because of its breed!' 'Animals shouldn't be bathed unless really needed!' 'Why are you making this poor animal suffer, even though it's clearly nothing abusive and just some light fun, and this animal probably likes it anyways?!' If you are one of these people, you are judging over something you literally know nothing about, and maybe you can just enjoy its cuteness for once and not attack the owners? Maybe the cat is having kittens safely, or the breed of animal is taken extremely good care of, or the animal actually needs a bath? These things aren't even related to the picture/caption. You, sir/ma'am/zir, are what I call rude and judgmental. Stop making assumptions.
i dont have an image of it,but my kitten's first reaction to a mirror was to look at it itently,then start licking his reflection
I can't find the pic but I have a photo somewhere of my dog experiencing me playing video games for the first time! She was a puppy and she was on my lap while I was playing Fallout 4, and all the noises made her very confused. She barked every time Dogmeat (the dog in the game) barked!
Oof the pictures were great but the comments… I was expexting things like “don’t ever take your pet to a vet it may cause unnecessary stress and lead to heart disease!” near the end.
Once again, the comments sections are just chock full of judgemental snobs. You don't know the context. And you don't have to try to save the dàmn world. The person who took the pic can't hear you. Sometimes it's okay just to enjoy the cuteness of a picture. If you don't like it, just move on. Jesus Christ.
This made me sad. We've had 5 cats at one time. 4 of those cats have aged out. D, the She cat, is 11 yo with recurring UTI. I accept getting peed on.. Took her to the vet yesterday. I have to face she is not going to be with us forever. Since wife and I are 64 yo we can't resonantly expect to outlive a kitten 🐈 so D is our last. No more firsts. The house will feel empty.
Generally speaking, humans behave as though even our petty desires carry more weight than any substantial consideration and any suffering brought onto other species (or other humans) by our hand is simply irrelevant. It will do us all in eventually. As for these dogs, cuteness is in the eye of the beholder. But cuteness shouldn't be more important than health and comfort. There's no reason to continually create more puppies when so many of them find that after their cuteness has waned, it's off to the shelter...for the lucky ones.
This really cheered me up. Pets are such a treasure and absolutely deserve unconditional love and respect
BP please don't cut this list down! we need all 136 of these pictures, it's important
The past few days have been emotionally straining for me and this has made me smile from ear to ear. I never knew how much I needed pictures of pets and their firsts!! Made my day!!
I have a video somewhere but when me and my ex first rescued our first puppy at 4 months old, she didn't know how to drink out of a bowl properly. Nose and mouth in the water every time! Took her a while but it was so funny! She over a year now and puts her nose on the edge of the bowl and drinks from the side.
There are so many people on here who say things like this: 'Make sure your cat never has kittens again!' 'This poor animal is suffering because of its breed!' 'Animals shouldn't be bathed unless really needed!' 'Why are you making this poor animal suffer, even though it's clearly nothing abusive and just some light fun, and this animal probably likes it anyways?!' If you are one of these people, you are judging over something you literally know nothing about, and maybe you can just enjoy its cuteness for once and not attack the owners? Maybe the cat is having kittens safely, or the breed of animal is taken extremely good care of, or the animal actually needs a bath? These things aren't even related to the picture/caption. You, sir/ma'am/zir, are what I call rude and judgmental. Stop making assumptions.
i dont have an image of it,but my kitten's first reaction to a mirror was to look at it itently,then start licking his reflection
I can't find the pic but I have a photo somewhere of my dog experiencing me playing video games for the first time! She was a puppy and she was on my lap while I was playing Fallout 4, and all the noises made her very confused. She barked every time Dogmeat (the dog in the game) barked!
Oof the pictures were great but the comments… I was expexting things like “don’t ever take your pet to a vet it may cause unnecessary stress and lead to heart disease!” near the end.
Once again, the comments sections are just chock full of judgemental snobs. You don't know the context. And you don't have to try to save the dàmn world. The person who took the pic can't hear you. Sometimes it's okay just to enjoy the cuteness of a picture. If you don't like it, just move on. Jesus Christ.
This made me sad. We've had 5 cats at one time. 4 of those cats have aged out. D, the She cat, is 11 yo with recurring UTI. I accept getting peed on.. Took her to the vet yesterday. I have to face she is not going to be with us forever. Since wife and I are 64 yo we can't resonantly expect to outlive a kitten 🐈 so D is our last. No more firsts. The house will feel empty.
Generally speaking, humans behave as though even our petty desires carry more weight than any substantial consideration and any suffering brought onto other species (or other humans) by our hand is simply irrelevant. It will do us all in eventually. As for these dogs, cuteness is in the eye of the beholder. But cuteness shouldn't be more important than health and comfort. There's no reason to continually create more puppies when so many of them find that after their cuteness has waned, it's off to the shelter...for the lucky ones.