May is almost over, so Bored Panda has put together another list of adorable animal adoption photos. After all, Good Samaritans from all over the world keep saving kittens, puppies, and other critters from a miserable life on the streets or at shelters, so celebrating their new family additions is the least we can do, right?
Continue scrolling to check out the images and be sure to check out our April, March, February, and January articles if you've fallen behind on the series!
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This Cat Was Abandoned And This Is His Photo Minutes After Being Rescued
Even though some rescues have been seeing an unprecedented number of foster applications, people shouldn't get a pet just because of the lockdown. The coronavirus pandemic won't last forever, and adopting an animal is a big responsibility.
Kayla Fratt, a certified dog behavior consultant and owner of Journey Dog Training, recommended thinking through these questions before adopting a doggo.
- How much time will you have to care for a dog, now and post-pandemic?
- Do you have the funds to adopt right now? Do you have job security or extra savings to cover unforeseen pet-related expenses?
- How much space do you have for a dog? Does your current housing situation allow for pets?
- How much time and energy are you willing to commit to training a dog?
- Consider your lifestyle. Do you want a dog that can run miles with you every day? Or are you looking for a less active dog that will be content skipping walks here and there?
The same questions can be applied to other animals as well.
This Is My Quarantine Cat, Ahsoka, I Adopted Her To Help Manage Her Anxiety And Prevent Her Going To The Humane Society. I Was Told She Would Hide All Day And Generally Avoid People. After About 3 Hours Of Being At My Place I Felt A Tapping On My Arm
Anecdotally, some shelters are even having a hard time filling up with new animals they can pair with potential owners. “We simply aren’t able to intake enough animals with the three closed county shelters not taking stray animals and what appears to be a decrease in owner surrenders during this time,” Patricia Kennedy, the executive director of City Dog Rescue in Washington, DC, told DCist.
Uncontrollable Tippy-Taps Right Before Adoption
The pandemic has reminded us a lot about our pets. They stave off loneliness, and living with animals helps us to be more active, even if we are talking about basic tasks, such as cleaning the litter box or filling food bowls. Most importantly, our companions comfort us, and the presence of a dog or a cat can very well be the only thing between isolation and despair.
Yesterday I Adopted A Kitten But I Think They Gave Me A Meerkat
We Adopted A Pair Of Kittens Today. My Husband Was A Little Worried About How They'd Do With Our Dog.. He's No Longer Concerned.
I love seeing cats and dogs cuddling together. One of my dogs is a very anxious rescue and he wouldn't do well with cats - he's scared of so much.
Khemjira Klongsanun Found An Abandoned Puppy On The Road Side In Thailand Whilst Running A Marathon, Carrying It For 19 Miles To The Finish Line And Adopting It. That Puppy Is Now All Grown Up!
Just Adopted This Dude. His Name Is Tucker And He Is Good Boye
Rescued Good Girl Wants All The Love
My Friend Adopted A Senior Dog That Had Been Shot In The Leg And Left To Die. These Pictures Are A Day Apart
Adopted Her 3 Hours Ago And She’s Already So Comfortable And Happy To Have A Home, I Laid Down Next To Her And She Just Climbed Onto Me Anybody Who Hates On Pitbulls Has Never Owned One Of These Big Babies
This Is Louie, Our Adopted 16-Year Old Pupper! He Makes This Face When He Is About To Get Treats.
4 Years Since We Rescued Her And Her Brother And She Still Holds Onto Us When She Sleeps So We Dont Leave Her..
I've had my little rescue going on 2 years. He had never been on a leash, kept in a cage his whole life for breeding. He won't go to sleep at night unless he has his nose in my armpit. I still jump a little when he puts his wet nose there lol
This Is Little Arietty, Patiently Waiting For Me To Throw Her Toy. I Am Starting To Suspect That We May Have Adopted A Doggo!
Our Smudgy (tabby cat) is a dog in a cat suit, and our Scruffy (terrier mix) is a cat in a dog suit. Happens that way sometimes.
Rescued This Little Guy A Week Or So Ago And He Keeps Peaking Over The Couch At Me Like This
We Adopted A Puppy Today. He's Terrified Of The Car Because He Thinks We're Taking Him Back To The Shelter. But He Loved Bedtime
My rescue hates the car too! I'm sure it's because he thinks I'm going to abandon him
Lucia Was Skinny And Mangy And Naked And Itchy And Scared When Rescued From A Hoarder. Now She’s Fluffy And Happy And Dare I Say It A Bit Plump. Rescued By Good Karma In Florida
Husband Was Not Happy About Rescuing This Feral Cat
Golden Retriever Rescue With A Lot Of Anxiety - He Likes To Just Hold Toys In His Mouth So I Had To Get Him This One. It’s Too Damn Cute
Look Who I Adopted Today!! Her Name Is Ash And I Was Told That She Is Very Cuddly
A Year Ago Today We Adopted This Beautiful Boy! From The Streets To The Shelter To Our Loving Home! (Nsfw)
He Spent 5 Years In A Rescue Shelter. I Will Make Sure He Has The Best 5 Years With Us From Now On.
My Husband And I Rescued A Five Week Old Kitten Yesterday And I Just Wanted To Share. His Name Is Figaro
Another User Told Me I Should Post This Here. Meet Rimosa, She's A 3yr Old Staffy I Rescued 11 Months Ago. I Call Her Wonder Dog
Two Catalan Police Officers Found This Kitten With Two Dead Sibling In A Bush, While Doing A Road Control. They Rescued The Kitten And One Of The Police Officers Addopted The Little Buddy
Adopted A Stray Abandoned Kitten, 5 Day Difference In His Eyes
This Is Daisy, She Was Extremely Abused Before We Got Her, I Could Hardly Pet Her Without A Yelp Or Whimper. We Adopted Her Almost 2.5 Yrs Ago. She's Now Officially Been In A Loving Home Longer Than She Was In A Bad Home. Such A Sweetheart That Loves Luvins!
Daisy’s previous owners are examples of the worst kind of humans. Kids and animals should be strictly off limits to people like them. They need to learn a hard lesson about picking on someone their own size.
Little Baby I'm Adopting! She Has One Pink Bean Per Foot
There is a big version sleeping next to me. Enjoy your beautiful baby penguin.
So The Other Day My Dad Called Me And Told Me His Golden Retriever Found A Baby Squirrel That Was Half Alive In The Yard. He Rescued It And Fed It. This Is Them A Few Days Later. Now It Won’t Leave His Side
This Is Alan. He Lost His Eyes In A Dog Attack Prior To Us Adopting Him. Despite Not Being Able To See, He Moves With Courage And Confidence. A True Inspiration
Aw - one of my dogs went blind as she got older. She was amazing and could navigate her way around the house so well.
Just Adopted These Two Loaves.. Meet Quinn And Kit!
Come and play with us Danny! (Sorry, but that was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw this picture.)
My Rescue Pup Has A Helicopter Tail!
We adopted a dog who has a tail similar to this! Her name is Midnight, but I like to call her Princess Wiggle Butt!
Just Rescued Another Bunny. Momma Ate His Ears So He’s Now Earless. Everyone Meet Skip Evander-Holyfield
My Daughter Has Been Asking Every Christmas And Birthday For 5 Years For Her Dream Dog. This Week We Adopted Her New Best Friend. So Far They’re Inseparable
My Best Friend Got A Text Saying That A 10 Month Old Dog Would Be Put Down In A Couple Of Days Unless Someone Adopted Him. Immidiately Got In His Car And Picked Up Baloo. They Bonded At First Sight
Adopted This Little Floof Over The Weekend. We Hope She Likes Her New Home!
Hi! This Is Our New Rescue Dog And We’ve Named Her Apples! She’s Really Shy, Cuddly, And Also Tries To Speak Human!
Welcome Home Rosie! Just Adopted Today!
My Grandma Adopted Her This Way After Our Old Cat Died At 13 Years. Currently Undergoing Dechonking
When I First Rescued Him And Now! He And 4 Other Kittens Were Left In A City Work Truck
Jolene Was Rescued From A Lab Where She Was Going To Be Euthanized, Now She's Safe At Rancho Relaxo Farm Sanctuary
First Camping Trip With My Newly Adopted Pup! 10/10 Will Do Again
Fairly serious as they supervise setting up camp. A friend for life.
Finn’s Loving Life After Being Adopted Yesterday! Took This Photo Before The Drive Home
This Is Bert. Today We Rescued Him, And Hope To Give Him A Much Happier Life. He Didn’t Get Much Sleep On The Way Here Due To His Excitement; Here He Is Trying To Fight Off The Snooze
I will bet you five dollars he flopped about a minute later and woke back up... then immediately went to sleep
Lost Our Pibble Last Month Due To Epilepsy Complications. Adopted This Rescue Yesterday; He's Already Family!
My Boy Bubba Who Cries If I Don't Let Him On The Bed Rescued Him A Day Before The Shelter Was Gonna Put Him Down
It Was Love At First Site Her Pic From The Rescue Center (4 Months). She Just Turned 1! Happy Birthday Nori
The Shelter Sends Us The Dogs Nobody Else Can Handle To Foster. We Took In Our Foster Tulip A Month Ago, Who Was Code Red For Being Terrified Of People And Biting. She Was Also Terrified Of The Leash, So It Had To Stay On. We Officially Adopted Her On Tuesday And Celebrated By Learning How To Swim!
Oh, good luck Tulip - you are somewhere safe and are very much loved now.
Im Getting Adopted!
From Growling To Smiling In An Hour Post-Rescue. Meet Teeny, Everyone
We Just Adopted This Silly Girl. She Always Has A Blep
Thank you to all of those that gave these precious babies a loving home and a second chance. I really don't understand people that can be cruel to an animal, dump an animal and or all of the other horrible things that humans do and have done to animals.. it just boggles my brain. Animals are so pure and innocent; #allanimalsneedlove - however someone hurts an animal, they should have it done back to them.
Thank you to all of those that gave these precious babies a loving home and a second chance. I really don't understand people that can be cruel to an animal, dump an animal and or all of the other horrible things that humans do and have done to animals.. it just boggles my brain. Animals are so pure and innocent; #allanimalsneedlove - however someone hurts an animal, they should have it done back to them.