We love our pets but they can be incredibly naughty and mischievous animals at times. Like when your ferrets ‘accidentally’ order a phone from Amazon. Or when your doggos make a mess by eating toilet paper and pieces of a puzzle (and you were so close to finishing it, too!).
Pet owners are shaming their misbehaving pets by posting photos of them along with signs stating their ‘crimes.’ Bored Panda has collected some of the best pics, so scroll down, enjoy, and remember to upvote your fave ones. We’re sure that you’ve got some stories about your pets getting into shenanigans, too, dear Pandas—we’d love to read them in the comments! Bored Panda spoke about pet shaming, dog discipline, and positive reinforcement with Bill Lambert, Head of Health and Welfare at The Kennel Club. Read on for the full interview.
When you’re done with this list, we invite you to look through our earlier posts about the hilarious times that fish got shamed for being naughty, about mischievous cats, and about farmers who are shaming their chickens for their ‘crimes.’
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There Are Two Types Of Doggos
He Even Looks Proud
Left This Note For My Husband
"We all love seeing dog pictures and videos on the internet, especially ones that show off their unique characters but we must remember that most behavior problems can often be a sign of something else, such as separation anxiety, fear, or simply being unsure of how to deal with a situation," Lambert warned.
"We are also not sure that dogs actually feel 'shame' or embarrassment in the same way that we do. The way that a dog acts will often reflect the tone of voice that’s being used to talk to it and it’s highly unlikely that it will associate past behaviors with what is happening right now. It’s very easy for us humans to misinterpret a dog’s emotions and behaviors," he said.
I Just Thought My Mom Would Like Some Company
Throwback To When Dad Decided To Make Home Improvements I Didn’t Agree With
True Story
My husband and I went out to the garage to feed our black lab thus leaving the ferrets to their own devices. After a short time we returned to the following:
1. Someone had opened one of my husband's Harbor Freight emails and searched for item number "1q''''''smffmnnnn". There were no results.
2. Wesley (on the left) had ordered a Samsung Galaxy S4 for $180 using the ever so convenient Amazon one-click option.
3. Ryan (right) turned off the power strip which supplied the laptop, phone charger, ferret litter box ventilation fans, and the internet, but not before Wesley's purchase went through.
This is a true story. We canceled the order. We weren't really sure what to put in the explanation box.
The Kennel Club's Head of Health and Welfare pointed out that a lot of future problems can be prevented if animals are given lots of positive new experiences as early on as possible. "With older dogs, you may need help from a specialist trainer such as the Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme or with a Kennel Club Accredited Instructor."
Lambert believes it's possible to discipline dogs with positive reinforcement, without shaming them. "As the owner, you should take every opportunity to praise your dog for good manners, and instead of punishing them, divert them away from undesirable behavior, as this will reinforce the correct behavior."
He continued: "It is unfair and also counterproductive to punish them for something after the incident has taken place as they don’t know what they are being punished for. If you do catch your dog doing something that it shouldn’t, interrupt them and then distract them with a toy or a game and then praise them once they have stopped and are settled.”
She Screamed At Dingleberry
Hamburger Thief
I Feel Like A Little Bit Of Cat-Shaming Is Ok Here
Lambert added that a trained dog is a happy dog and urged owners who are struggling with their dogs’ behavior to reach out to a trainer.
Bored Panda also spoke to Lambert about how dogs show that they’re anxious or frightened. “Anxious dogs tend to pant more and appear more thirsty than usual or be uninterested in their food. Other signs can include excessive yawning, licking, or curling its lips, an inability to settle, and other noticeable behavior changes,” he said.
“Prevention is always better than cure. However, if your dog is displaying anxious or frightened behavior try to act and behave as normal, keeping calm, happy, and cheerful and if they come to you for comfort, make sure you give it to them. However, if they do retreat, make sure to allow them their space.”
Well, Pete Wasn’t Such A Good Boy Today
The Smile Says It All
Groundhog Day
The pet shaming meme is a spinoff from the ‘Dogshaming’ Tumblr blog that was launched in 2012. It all started with a photo of a dachshund (aka a sausage doggo) with a sign saying, "I am an underwear eating jerk!" This then led to the creation of the ‘Dogshaming’ online community. They even have a website.
Eventually, people started posting photos of other misbehaving pets, not just dogs. We’ve had people shaming cats, fish, birds, and plenty more.
Next Time, Pay Attention To Me
Binx Has Officially Destroyed All The Living Room Blinds
This Happened Today On Our Walk
Some animal welfare experts and vets believe that pet shaming might be detrimental to their wellbeing and undermines the animals’ dignity. According to some vets, the photos of pets that are looking guilty might actually show them afraid or anxious.
“The idea of shaming a dog is daft. Dogs don’t like having the mickey taken out of them and can undoubtedly plug into that. So why would you do that to your pet? You wouldn’t mock your family or your friends like this, so why your dog?” secretary of The Kennel Club, Caroline Kisko, told The Telegraph.
“It might be a bit of fun when it is kept to a reasonable level, but people take them too far and it stops being funny for the dog. Dogs have a level of dignity and we don’t want to undermine that. They are meant to be a companion, not a joke.”
I Was Having A Good Morning. Everything Was Going Well. Then I Came Home To This Glitter Bomb
Self-Sufficiency Level: Unlocked
Darcey tore up the screen door, and now she uses it to go in and out
Sneaky Pooper
I Found Out I Wasn’t Included In Mum’s Next Holiday, So I Ate Her Passport
This Cat Being Publicly Fat-Shamed
This Cute Dachshund Surely Loves Pizza
Meatball Is A Jerk
somehow a dead mouse ended up in my slipper licked to death by my dog. It was a heck of a shock!
Dog Ate Husband's Teeth
My husband lost 2 front teeth due to a skateboarding accident. His new flipper wasn't comfortable and he took it out and left it on the end table. Leaving the room for a moment was all it took for our Daphnie to get a hold of them.
Daphnie was NOT hurt, what ever pieces she actually ingested passed without incident. The only thing this hurt was our budget! Even the best Dental Coverage doesn't replace teeth when your dog eats them.
And This Happened
Colin My Naughty Cockeral. The Kids Are Scared Of Him And So Are The Neighbors
These Bad Dogs Deserved To Have Some Dog-Shaming For This One
Atlas The Service Dog Sits In Front Of The Camera With A Toothy Grin Wearing A Sign That Says "Mom’s Underwear Is Not A Present For Guests"
When I was younger one of our dogs ate my mums undies and had something sticking out of her a**e. I drew the short straw and had to remove it, it ended up being the elastic of my mums knickers.
Shame On You
“I Just Had To Explore That Noise In The Bushes At 3am, I Only Wanted To Play But Mr. Skunk Was Not Having It"
Let’s Not Forget About The Other Sketchy Character Living In Our House
Bovine Business Calls
Stealth Licker
Had A Bit Of A Scare Yesterday When I Got Home. There’s Never A Dull Moment With These Two, I Swear
What You Snackin’ On, Willis?
I Ate Alexa And I’d Do It Again I Tells Ya
Then I Run Into My Cat Cave And Hide
Taste-Test Concludes: February Least Filling
I’ve Been Told This Belongs Here, And I’m Inclined To Agree
Candy (Left) And Casper (Right). Casper Is Pretty Stupid. Picture Says It All
I'd be pissed at the dog sitter for bringing drugs into my home more than the dog eating them!
Apparently Puzzles Are A Delicious
This is probably wrong but I don't care. Since she was a puppy, whenever I leave the house, I give my dog a treat. My leaving is a positive thing to her. She's excited to see me leave and return.
Positive reinforcement isn't wrong. it's the best. My dog dances when I put my shoes on because she knows if I leave the house she gets a peanut butter kong treat. She *used* to have separation anxiety issues.
Load More Replies...Zoom meeting last week. Everyone hears the melodic tones of my cats both asking for attention, and then one of them gave a great view of her nostrils. *sigh*
This is probably wrong but I don't care. Since she was a puppy, whenever I leave the house, I give my dog a treat. My leaving is a positive thing to her. She's excited to see me leave and return.
Positive reinforcement isn't wrong. it's the best. My dog dances when I put my shoes on because she knows if I leave the house she gets a peanut butter kong treat. She *used* to have separation anxiety issues.
Load More Replies...Zoom meeting last week. Everyone hears the melodic tones of my cats both asking for attention, and then one of them gave a great view of her nostrils. *sigh*