Perfectly Imperfect: I Upcycle My Dolls By Giving Them A More Natural Look
Rescuing and upcycling preloved dolls. Cleaning them, washing and brushing their hair, repainting their face and giving them new outfits appropriate for young children.
It is a joy to watch them transform before my eyes, and to create a unique personality for them embracing their strengths and passions.
More info: Facebook
Milly is a clever and vivacious young girl. She is a very quick thinker and loves to play with words – always making her friends and family laugh with her witty comments and puns. Funny, perceptive one-liners roll off her tongue spontaneously. Milly giggles and shrugs when asked how she thinks of responses so fast – it’s too difficult trying to explain that her mind just works like a visual dictionary and thesaurus. She just loves words, and words love her!
“Mary, Mary quite contrary, how does your garden grow?” Quite well thank you, replies Mary patiently, each and every time she is asked. Mary loves flowers but is not at all contrary. She has a little timber flower press and enjoys collecting petals and blossoms to press and dry. Her grandmother taught her how to do this using an old, heavy book with tissue paper to protect the pages.
Josephine loves all things rainbow and bright! The more colours, the better. She is a budding artist and uses colour to express emotions and experiences. Her artworks are a little too contemporary for some but she just loves to paint – it calms her swirling thoughts and unpredictable emotions. Jo really wants to study pediatric art therapy and work with sick children in hospitals, helping them understand and express their feelings, fears and complex thoughts in a safe environment.
Katie loves to climb trees; to breathe deep the scent of bark and sap, to think her own thoughts, to dream her own dreams, legs swinging gently in the breeze
Each girl is unique, and has their own story and personality
I try to rescue and reuse as much as possible, including carving high heels into ballet shoes
Meet Nancy! The sweetest, most loyal friend in the world. She is kind, and funny, and sensitive to others’ feelings and needs. She loves her pyjamas and would wear them every day if she could. Nancy has an amazing throwing arm and takes great pride in being able to peg a ball further than any boy she knows. She really does throw like a girl!
Jess is small but fast! She is captain of her soccer team and a winger due to her discipline and endurance. She loves to kick a ball around at all opportunities and has just about mastered the Crofe Move. She hopes to one day represent Australia and play for the Young Matilda’s!
Girl with flowers in her hair
Celia loves to dance! From the moment she took her first steps she has lived and breathed ballet – leaping around the loungeroom, pirouetting her way to dinner, and walking in pointe as soon as she could. Her favourite ballet is Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake and she one day dreams of performing with the Australian Ballet as the hauntingly beautiful Odette.
Imperfectly perfect
Each doll has her own unique imperfections, and is important and loved for who they are and what they are capable of, not for their appearance.
Share on FacebookSo much better than the originals by a long run. I hope that these replace all those creepy dolls that have way too much make up that are handed out to young children.
Now these dolls are appropriate for young girls to play with. More appropriate than street walkers!!
Re: Lena Sterling - The made-over dolls do not have any accentuation of their breasts, unlike the original whorish versions; in fact, the. The original head size was already too large for the streetwalker versions but Mim Hammonds has successfully softened the look - the head size cannot be changed in a makeover. Thankfully they no longer look like they'd give you a STD or steal your wallet.
Load More Replies...This message speaks volumes for what is wrong in our fake society it's utter madness that we strive to be a perfect looking doll when these makeovers show how natural beauty and normal is refreshing instead of holding onto this so called perfect image which I'n my opinion is hideous and harmful to our children crazy is it any wounde r President trump got where he is In a world that values fake over real and genuine thank you for showing your dolls they are inspirational x
Load More Replies...Absolutely beautifully done sweet simple features instead of over done and trashy. I hate the bratz and monster high dolls for making trashy acceptable. These need to take off. For all the girls they all need a good influence
Great job! If I had a daughter, I'd buy one of these. I can't stand the bratz type originals. My husband's comment as I showed these to him: "So much better, they look like proper dolls. Now they don't look like skanks anymore."
Amazing & unique! Well done you for promoting the natural look! these dolls actually look like people and have a down to earth story and real personalities <3 Delightful
Y'know, on the one who was named Jess, you could have given her a prosthetic.
No more trashy look, how nice. And yes, little boys play with dolls too. (Retired Kindergarten teacher).
Yes, they ho and alwaus have. They're called action figures.
Load More Replies...Www.facebook.com/mimsdandydolls or www.instagram.com/mimsdandydolls
Lovely work, but can I give some constructive criticism? I would be happy with dolls that don't have high heels, since those are bad for the body. (But pointe in ballet is too!) And I would like dolls that didn't reinforce the idea that makeup = beautiful. But one thing I really liked about BRATZ dolls- they had popular non-white names. I would have kept the dolls original names. And try more brown eyes. BRATZ do have a strength that they allow dolls of different ethnicity to shine through. These reworked dolls seem a bit....neutralized.
And many nationalities. This article only shows a small selection x
Load More Replies...Love these! Great idea - they're very inspiring little characters x
I always found dolls creepy and generally not something I every wanted to play with. But I want these
They look amazing with their make up off! Much better than all that makeup! I hope people in this generation take these pictures/dolls and use them in the real world.
They're very nice --after makeover. But how did you DO it ? We'd like to see some instructional shots !
Personally, I don't really like them. I love the idea to tone down dolls, but these ones aren't my cup of tea, face wise. Maybe if a doll more proportionate to the new faces was used, but the Bratz just don't do it for me..
I was thinking the same thing. The concept is admirable and the execution is skillful. But the proportions are still odd and unnatural.
Load More Replies...My one criticism is that you do get some janky proportions because of the original dolls' huge heads and skinny bodies.
SO cute and much more appropriate for young girls!! Congrats for standing up for simplicity and natural beauty!!
FYI the same if not more amount of damage is done to a ballet dancers feet as is done by high heels. Both cause nerve damage to the main nerve that runs along the middle of the foot. Many dancers have deformed toes and toe nails as do those who wear shoes which are to narrow. Both groups of people have been known to get botox injections into their feet to numb the nerve so they can CONTINUE to damage it with less pain. Nerve pain is incureable/life long and the treatmemt options are pretty poor.
Hmm... My mom used to buy me the original Bratz dolls when I was around pre-teen (10-13) years and I used to love them! I thought they were so glamorous and sassy looking. To be completely honest I didn't take away any negative influence from the more made-up dolls. I will give my kudos to your reinvented take on the dolls but I'm still more drawn to the glitzy ones...
There are beautiful children out there with foetal alcohol syndrome through no fault of their own.Great if I can make a doll they relate to.
Load More Replies...These are great but the original person to do this was the "Tree Change Dolls". The creator of these upcycled dolls encourages people to do as she does and give bratz dolls a makeover. http://treechangedolls.com.au/
Hi Thea. People have been repainting dolls for many years, even before Sonia from TCD began. She is very talented, isn't she!
Load More Replies...These dolls are sweet. I used to modify my dolls when I was young. I drew tattoos on them and cut their hair into crazy punk styles. I think i like yours better 😉
I agree Lena Sterling!!! I actually liked them he way they were before, sorry...
Fantastic! Lots of children have syndromes and genetic disorders. Great to have dolls they can relate to.
Load More Replies...This has nothing to do with rape. It's about the message of beaty we give to our children. If little girls play every day, all day with dolls that appear to have over-botoxed lips and a thick layer of make up, they will internalize the idea that this is what beauty beholds. These upcycled dolls promote a more natural look that empowers girls to embrace their natural beauty, instead of getting carried away with tons of make up and maybe even plastic surgery later on in life, to please who exactly? These dolls do not propagate rape culture, they are exactly the opposite: they are a feminist statement to let you be you.
Load More Replies...So much better than the originals by a long run. I hope that these replace all those creepy dolls that have way too much make up that are handed out to young children.
Now these dolls are appropriate for young girls to play with. More appropriate than street walkers!!
Re: Lena Sterling - The made-over dolls do not have any accentuation of their breasts, unlike the original whorish versions; in fact, the. The original head size was already too large for the streetwalker versions but Mim Hammonds has successfully softened the look - the head size cannot be changed in a makeover. Thankfully they no longer look like they'd give you a STD or steal your wallet.
Load More Replies...This message speaks volumes for what is wrong in our fake society it's utter madness that we strive to be a perfect looking doll when these makeovers show how natural beauty and normal is refreshing instead of holding onto this so called perfect image which I'n my opinion is hideous and harmful to our children crazy is it any wounde r President trump got where he is In a world that values fake over real and genuine thank you for showing your dolls they are inspirational x
Load More Replies...Absolutely beautifully done sweet simple features instead of over done and trashy. I hate the bratz and monster high dolls for making trashy acceptable. These need to take off. For all the girls they all need a good influence
Great job! If I had a daughter, I'd buy one of these. I can't stand the bratz type originals. My husband's comment as I showed these to him: "So much better, they look like proper dolls. Now they don't look like skanks anymore."
Amazing & unique! Well done you for promoting the natural look! these dolls actually look like people and have a down to earth story and real personalities <3 Delightful
Y'know, on the one who was named Jess, you could have given her a prosthetic.
No more trashy look, how nice. And yes, little boys play with dolls too. (Retired Kindergarten teacher).
Yes, they ho and alwaus have. They're called action figures.
Load More Replies...Www.facebook.com/mimsdandydolls or www.instagram.com/mimsdandydolls
Lovely work, but can I give some constructive criticism? I would be happy with dolls that don't have high heels, since those are bad for the body. (But pointe in ballet is too!) And I would like dolls that didn't reinforce the idea that makeup = beautiful. But one thing I really liked about BRATZ dolls- they had popular non-white names. I would have kept the dolls original names. And try more brown eyes. BRATZ do have a strength that they allow dolls of different ethnicity to shine through. These reworked dolls seem a bit....neutralized.
And many nationalities. This article only shows a small selection x
Load More Replies...Love these! Great idea - they're very inspiring little characters x
I always found dolls creepy and generally not something I every wanted to play with. But I want these
They look amazing with their make up off! Much better than all that makeup! I hope people in this generation take these pictures/dolls and use them in the real world.
They're very nice --after makeover. But how did you DO it ? We'd like to see some instructional shots !
Personally, I don't really like them. I love the idea to tone down dolls, but these ones aren't my cup of tea, face wise. Maybe if a doll more proportionate to the new faces was used, but the Bratz just don't do it for me..
I was thinking the same thing. The concept is admirable and the execution is skillful. But the proportions are still odd and unnatural.
Load More Replies...My one criticism is that you do get some janky proportions because of the original dolls' huge heads and skinny bodies.
SO cute and much more appropriate for young girls!! Congrats for standing up for simplicity and natural beauty!!
FYI the same if not more amount of damage is done to a ballet dancers feet as is done by high heels. Both cause nerve damage to the main nerve that runs along the middle of the foot. Many dancers have deformed toes and toe nails as do those who wear shoes which are to narrow. Both groups of people have been known to get botox injections into their feet to numb the nerve so they can CONTINUE to damage it with less pain. Nerve pain is incureable/life long and the treatmemt options are pretty poor.
Hmm... My mom used to buy me the original Bratz dolls when I was around pre-teen (10-13) years and I used to love them! I thought they were so glamorous and sassy looking. To be completely honest I didn't take away any negative influence from the more made-up dolls. I will give my kudos to your reinvented take on the dolls but I'm still more drawn to the glitzy ones...
There are beautiful children out there with foetal alcohol syndrome through no fault of their own.Great if I can make a doll they relate to.
Load More Replies...These are great but the original person to do this was the "Tree Change Dolls". The creator of these upcycled dolls encourages people to do as she does and give bratz dolls a makeover. http://treechangedolls.com.au/
Hi Thea. People have been repainting dolls for many years, even before Sonia from TCD began. She is very talented, isn't she!
Load More Replies...These dolls are sweet. I used to modify my dolls when I was young. I drew tattoos on them and cut their hair into crazy punk styles. I think i like yours better 😉
I agree Lena Sterling!!! I actually liked them he way they were before, sorry...
Fantastic! Lots of children have syndromes and genetic disorders. Great to have dolls they can relate to.
Load More Replies...This has nothing to do with rape. It's about the message of beaty we give to our children. If little girls play every day, all day with dolls that appear to have over-botoxed lips and a thick layer of make up, they will internalize the idea that this is what beauty beholds. These upcycled dolls promote a more natural look that empowers girls to embrace their natural beauty, instead of getting carried away with tons of make up and maybe even plastic surgery later on in life, to please who exactly? These dolls do not propagate rape culture, they are exactly the opposite: they are a feminist statement to let you be you.
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