After 6 Years And 720,000 Attempts, Photographer Finally Takes Perfect Shot Of Kingfisher
Alan McFadyen, who has been an avid wildlife photographer since 2009, just captured a perfectly timed photo that he has spent six years trying to get. By his count, it took him 4,200 hours and 720,000 photos to get a perfect shot of a Kingfisher diving straight into the water without a single splash.
“The photo I was going for of the perfect dive, flawlessly straight, with no splash required not only me to be in the right place and get a fortunate shot but also for the bird itself to get it perfect,” McFadyen told The Herald Scotland. “I would often go and take 600 pictures in a session, and not a single one of them be any good. However, looking back on the thousands and thousands of photos I have taken to get this one image, it makes me realize just how much work I have done to get it.”
The common kingfisher is mostly known for his very bright plumage, that is quite atypical for birds living in colder climates. The bird usually lives near bodies of water and catches their prey by diving.
McFadyen, who also runs a wildlife photography side business, was inspired to love nature and wildlife by his grandfather. “I remember my grandfather taking me to see the kingfisher nest, and I remember being completely blown away by how magnificent the birds are. So when I took up photography, I returned to this same spot to photograph the kingfishers.”
More info: photographyhides.co.uk | Facebook | Twitter (h/t: heraldscotland)
It took Alan McFadyen 6 years, 4,200 hours and 720,000 photos to get this shot:
“The photo I was going for of the perfect dive, flawlessly straight, with no splash required not only me to be in the right place and get a fortunate shot but also for the bird itself to get it perfect.”
“I would often go and take 600 pictures in a session, and not a single one of them be any good”
“I never really stopped to think about how long it was taking along the way as I enjoyed doing it but now I look back on it I’m really proud of the picture and the work I put in.”
“I remember my grandfather taking me to see the kingfisher nest, and I just remember being completely blown away by how magnificent the birds are”
“I’m sure my grandfather would have loved it, I just wish he could have seen it. All of my family contacted me when they saw it and said he would have been so proud of it.”
Share on FacebookAlan, not to worry - your grandfather DID see it, and he's just as proud of your perseverance and patience as we are! Flawless is your capture of nature and her beauty. I thank you for giving me the insight you had on the beauty I see in your photos.
Martin O'Mattaugh jeez what the hell is wrong with you
Load More Replies...It's like I always say, "If at first you don't succeed, try 719,999 times again." Simple.
Great Photography, I'm glad you got that shot and sharing it with us.
These sensational images are applaudable provided no flash was fired. Wildlife biologists maintain, sudden burst of light is harmful to the eyes of wildlife subjects.
The sensational images are applaudable provided no flash was fired. Wildlife biologists maintain sudden burst of light is harmful to wildlife eyes.
Because I'm *that* guy (and I have entirely too much time on my hands) I'm calling b******t. Going by his Flickr account (which he started in 2010: D80 -> 29 Dec 11 - last post shutter count: 52621 D300s -> 7 May 15 - last post shutter count: 66562 D7200 [popped up for a day on 8 June 15] shutter count: 1248 D4 (18 Oct 15) first post has a count of 71663 and *that* image (27 Oct 15) is 72901. So from a little over 7 years ago until *that* shot, he's taken 199332 photos (assuming D4 was new ..which I suspect it wasn't unless he knocked off 70k shots in 5 months and didn't post a thing). But even if he did rack up that number.. Where are the other 526,000? It's a cool shot but jesus.. sensationalism, much?
My question is how he have memorized that he have tried for 720000 attempts ??
What a splendid set of photos. The kingfisher is a wonderful bird and you caught one in perfect action. Splendid. :D
WOW stunning photo and also great story showing all the hard work and time it took into capturing this great shot!
Great job! This photograph is stunning! Your patience is admirable!!
And I'm sure your grandpa is very very proud of his grandson!
Load More Replies...I always admired wildlife photographers, the patient and sacrifice they do, away from comfortable life in order to capture such remarkable moments like the one above is astonishing!
Ces photos en mouvement de martin pêcheur sont magnifiques. A la fois rares et esthétiques. Bravo
Use 4 k video kamera. And printscreen the exact moment and woala you got it ;) No need for 720 thousand photos ? Just joking, amazing picture ! That dude have some real patience for sure
Absolutely stunning photos! I believe. Martin, I'm sorry for you.
Oddly I find this comforting. Have only been at it a few years sometimes feel like giving up. Sometimes I shoot 500 or so shots and feel lol
Wow.Amazing photos of Kingfishers all round. Is there some was I can get prints. My husband collects Malchite Kingfisher figurines and paintings and photos. Yours shown here would make a stunning addition to his collection. Please inbox me. Thanks.
Just stunning, what a shot. Just shows what perseverance can achieve. Well done
Stunning capture, congrats on sharing this. Love it. Seen via Facebook post. Paul O'Toole Kingston, Ontario Canada http://1-paul-otoole.artistwebsites.com/
Lovely photo. I personally find the ones with splashes more interesting. Glad you are such a perfectionist – in the pursuit of one, specific moment, you witnessed thousands of other, equally spectacular ones. Had you not been so specific, you might've walked away ages ago. Instead, you likely have the most extensive library of such images that exists on the planet. ;)
The Picture have just been posted by widlifeplanet in Instagram. But under another name. Thought I would let you know, since im a proffesionel wildlife and nature photographer myself. Such amazing work. Yours Nikolaj
The Picture have just comed put on instagram at wildlifeplanet. But under the name of another person. Thought I would let you know and I appreciate your work. Nikolaj
well done. Worth the wait. Love Kingfishers. Great work. One photog to another
So grateful to this young man for tsking the time and having thr patience-- Art is so much more than technique! It taked vision and love!
He's a cheat. He takes native species out their natural habitats (fish from the river) and puts them into a fish tank to be used as live bait. He is also very rude and has been slagging people off on facebook who call his unethical practices out. He's did not put in the hard work this article leads you to believe. He's a fraud.
Nice & Fresh Pictures that i have never seen before . It looks so genuine & attractive, Thanks for sharing these , I would like to use these pictures on my wallpapers & somewhere else. Cheers Kingfisher Beer
Stunning. Awesome pictures that look too fresh & genuine . I would like to share these one's. Thanks for sharing with us. Cheers Kingfisher
Absolutely amazing - and such a magnificent creature? Very well done!
there are so many ways to define a great photo (and I write this as a retired photojournalist). the one on the left, while admittedly a bit difficult to get with a traditional camera, is a rather standard, predictable photo while the one on the right is much more interesting and actually says something about the behavior of the bird, which is what you want when you are shooting wildlife. Some of the other shots are this link are terrific and much better than the dive shot. If this guy knew more technically he would not have had to spend 6 years--the joke's on him--all he would need is a high speed digital camera and one of the frames would have had that shot. It IS a great bird, and I understand his attraction to it.
there are so many ways to define a great photo (and I write this as a former photojournalist). the one on the left, while admittedly a bit difficult to get with a traditional camera, is a rather standard, predictable photo while the one on the right is much more interesting and actually says something about the behavior of the bird, which is what you want when you are shooting wildlife. Some of the other shots are this link are terrific and much better than the dive shot. If this guy knew more technically he would not have had to spend 6 years--the joke's on him--all he would need is a high speed digital camera and one of the frames would have had that shot.
Bravo! Absolutely brilliant photos & an inspiring read! Well done & thanks for sharing!! :D
photograph is absolutely beautiful. Now i would ask what would be the next challenge you would like to capture?
We all thought it was wonderful...of course the kids can't imagine "the 6 years" part.
Couldn't you just set up one of those 100,000 frame per second HD video cameras at the water and get one pretty easily?
No, because the camera would have to be pointing in precisely the right direction when a kingfisher happens to dive at that very spot and for the dive to be perfect.
Load More Replies...amazing !! well done...i admire you great shots...i love what you do...i must start getting out again...love photography especially wildlife....
I think the one of the bird once he has actually gotten the fish is pretty cool, as well.
If the other photos you have included here are examples of your "failures"...not so! They are wonderful. Congratulations on capturing the once-in-a-lifetime photograph you were determined to get.
Being a Kingfisher fan (I had a family turn up each summer for 12 years in a former garden 25 years ago), and just by chance saw one sitting on a fence yesterday - first time since that garden - I just applaud your patience & care in taking such awesome photos. Just beautiful! :) Thank you for sharing with the world... so many would never have the chance to see such beauty. :)
I am an avid fan of the Kingfisher. I love to here it chattering when to is fishing. Where I live we have the Belted Kingfisher. It is a pretty bird but this one is a lot more colorful. Great shooting.
This was baited wildlife photography is it not? That's not a river surface the bird is landing in, but a container beside the river with bait inside it, to lure the bird from it's tree, which can potentially cause injury. So nah, photographs don't work without ethics i'm afraid.
I'm going to use my powers of reasoning and my skill at mathematics, confirmed by using my skills in Excel, to say that I believe this is b.s. He says that he spent 4,000 hours and 720,000 attempts. That comes out to 1 attempt every 1/3 of a second. That's one tired bird, or he found a huge flock of them...................The picture can stand on its own as a great picture. Why exaggerate, or outright lie, about what he did to get it?
Alan, not to worry - your grandfather DID see it, and he's just as proud of your perseverance and patience as we are! Flawless is your capture of nature and her beauty. I thank you for giving me the insight you had on the beauty I see in your photos.
Martin O'Mattaugh jeez what the hell is wrong with you
Load More Replies...It's like I always say, "If at first you don't succeed, try 719,999 times again." Simple.
Great Photography, I'm glad you got that shot and sharing it with us.
These sensational images are applaudable provided no flash was fired. Wildlife biologists maintain, sudden burst of light is harmful to the eyes of wildlife subjects.
The sensational images are applaudable provided no flash was fired. Wildlife biologists maintain sudden burst of light is harmful to wildlife eyes.
Because I'm *that* guy (and I have entirely too much time on my hands) I'm calling b******t. Going by his Flickr account (which he started in 2010: D80 -> 29 Dec 11 - last post shutter count: 52621 D300s -> 7 May 15 - last post shutter count: 66562 D7200 [popped up for a day on 8 June 15] shutter count: 1248 D4 (18 Oct 15) first post has a count of 71663 and *that* image (27 Oct 15) is 72901. So from a little over 7 years ago until *that* shot, he's taken 199332 photos (assuming D4 was new ..which I suspect it wasn't unless he knocked off 70k shots in 5 months and didn't post a thing). But even if he did rack up that number.. Where are the other 526,000? It's a cool shot but jesus.. sensationalism, much?
My question is how he have memorized that he have tried for 720000 attempts ??
What a splendid set of photos. The kingfisher is a wonderful bird and you caught one in perfect action. Splendid. :D
WOW stunning photo and also great story showing all the hard work and time it took into capturing this great shot!
Great job! This photograph is stunning! Your patience is admirable!!
And I'm sure your grandpa is very very proud of his grandson!
Load More Replies...I always admired wildlife photographers, the patient and sacrifice they do, away from comfortable life in order to capture such remarkable moments like the one above is astonishing!
Ces photos en mouvement de martin pêcheur sont magnifiques. A la fois rares et esthétiques. Bravo
Use 4 k video kamera. And printscreen the exact moment and woala you got it ;) No need for 720 thousand photos ? Just joking, amazing picture ! That dude have some real patience for sure
Absolutely stunning photos! I believe. Martin, I'm sorry for you.
Oddly I find this comforting. Have only been at it a few years sometimes feel like giving up. Sometimes I shoot 500 or so shots and feel lol
Wow.Amazing photos of Kingfishers all round. Is there some was I can get prints. My husband collects Malchite Kingfisher figurines and paintings and photos. Yours shown here would make a stunning addition to his collection. Please inbox me. Thanks.
Just stunning, what a shot. Just shows what perseverance can achieve. Well done
Stunning capture, congrats on sharing this. Love it. Seen via Facebook post. Paul O'Toole Kingston, Ontario Canada http://1-paul-otoole.artistwebsites.com/
Lovely photo. I personally find the ones with splashes more interesting. Glad you are such a perfectionist – in the pursuit of one, specific moment, you witnessed thousands of other, equally spectacular ones. Had you not been so specific, you might've walked away ages ago. Instead, you likely have the most extensive library of such images that exists on the planet. ;)
The Picture have just been posted by widlifeplanet in Instagram. But under another name. Thought I would let you know, since im a proffesionel wildlife and nature photographer myself. Such amazing work. Yours Nikolaj
The Picture have just comed put on instagram at wildlifeplanet. But under the name of another person. Thought I would let you know and I appreciate your work. Nikolaj
well done. Worth the wait. Love Kingfishers. Great work. One photog to another
So grateful to this young man for tsking the time and having thr patience-- Art is so much more than technique! It taked vision and love!
He's a cheat. He takes native species out their natural habitats (fish from the river) and puts them into a fish tank to be used as live bait. He is also very rude and has been slagging people off on facebook who call his unethical practices out. He's did not put in the hard work this article leads you to believe. He's a fraud.
Nice & Fresh Pictures that i have never seen before . It looks so genuine & attractive, Thanks for sharing these , I would like to use these pictures on my wallpapers & somewhere else. Cheers Kingfisher Beer
Stunning. Awesome pictures that look too fresh & genuine . I would like to share these one's. Thanks for sharing with us. Cheers Kingfisher
Absolutely amazing - and such a magnificent creature? Very well done!
there are so many ways to define a great photo (and I write this as a retired photojournalist). the one on the left, while admittedly a bit difficult to get with a traditional camera, is a rather standard, predictable photo while the one on the right is much more interesting and actually says something about the behavior of the bird, which is what you want when you are shooting wildlife. Some of the other shots are this link are terrific and much better than the dive shot. If this guy knew more technically he would not have had to spend 6 years--the joke's on him--all he would need is a high speed digital camera and one of the frames would have had that shot. It IS a great bird, and I understand his attraction to it.
there are so many ways to define a great photo (and I write this as a former photojournalist). the one on the left, while admittedly a bit difficult to get with a traditional camera, is a rather standard, predictable photo while the one on the right is much more interesting and actually says something about the behavior of the bird, which is what you want when you are shooting wildlife. Some of the other shots are this link are terrific and much better than the dive shot. If this guy knew more technically he would not have had to spend 6 years--the joke's on him--all he would need is a high speed digital camera and one of the frames would have had that shot.
Bravo! Absolutely brilliant photos & an inspiring read! Well done & thanks for sharing!! :D
photograph is absolutely beautiful. Now i would ask what would be the next challenge you would like to capture?
We all thought it was wonderful...of course the kids can't imagine "the 6 years" part.
Couldn't you just set up one of those 100,000 frame per second HD video cameras at the water and get one pretty easily?
No, because the camera would have to be pointing in precisely the right direction when a kingfisher happens to dive at that very spot and for the dive to be perfect.
Load More Replies...amazing !! well done...i admire you great shots...i love what you do...i must start getting out again...love photography especially wildlife....
I think the one of the bird once he has actually gotten the fish is pretty cool, as well.
If the other photos you have included here are examples of your "failures"...not so! They are wonderful. Congratulations on capturing the once-in-a-lifetime photograph you were determined to get.
Being a Kingfisher fan (I had a family turn up each summer for 12 years in a former garden 25 years ago), and just by chance saw one sitting on a fence yesterday - first time since that garden - I just applaud your patience & care in taking such awesome photos. Just beautiful! :) Thank you for sharing with the world... so many would never have the chance to see such beauty. :)
I am an avid fan of the Kingfisher. I love to here it chattering when to is fishing. Where I live we have the Belted Kingfisher. It is a pretty bird but this one is a lot more colorful. Great shooting.
This was baited wildlife photography is it not? That's not a river surface the bird is landing in, but a container beside the river with bait inside it, to lure the bird from it's tree, which can potentially cause injury. So nah, photographs don't work without ethics i'm afraid.
I'm going to use my powers of reasoning and my skill at mathematics, confirmed by using my skills in Excel, to say that I believe this is b.s. He says that he spent 4,000 hours and 720,000 attempts. That comes out to 1 attempt every 1/3 of a second. That's one tired bird, or he found a huge flock of them...................The picture can stand on its own as a great picture. Why exaggerate, or outright lie, about what he did to get it?