People Are Saying That These People Have Gone Too Far With Their Emotional Support Animals, Others Disagree (17 Pics)
Emotional support animals are companions that a medical professional has prescribed as helpful to someone with a disability. These animals are usually regular pets like dogs, cats and occasionally rabbits or guinea pigs. Many airlines recognize that flying causes great anxiety to many people, and so allow emotional support animals to fly aboard planes with their humans.
Like all nice, good and helpful things however, there are always people that will go too far and ruin it for everyone else. This list, compiled by Bored Panda, is a series of times when people brought unusual, unnecessary and just frankly ridiculous animals along for their 'emotional support,' and while some here have a genuine need, many are just abusing a concept that has a real purpose for many people.
Scroll down to see what we mean for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments.
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Duck On Flight
Daniel the Duck is a certified emotional support animal, who helps his owner Carla Fitzgerald battle the post traumatic stress disorder. “Everyone just took notice of him and fell in love,” Fitzgerald told ABC News. “I mean, he’s an adorable, funny and sweet little guy. He was very well behaved at the airport and during the flight.”
Pony On An Flight
Flirty The Mini Service Horse (a.k.a. Flirty) is a miniature horse who is a service animal. She is a very small miniature horse, standing only 27 inches tall and weighing just over 130 lbs, who loves attention and helping her disabled owner/handler, Abrea Hensley. Abrea is allergic to dogs and has post-traumatic stress disorder, so she takes Flirty everywhere she goes. The little mare reminds Hensley to take her medication and provides support when she becomes overwhelmed
Actually mini horses and dogs are the only animals that can be registered as Service Animals. So the horse is completely trainable a performs the same assistance as a dog.
Emotional Support Peacock, Trying To Board A Flight From Newark To L.a
This woman brought along her emotional support peacock for her flight to L.A. from Newark Airport. It didn’t go well. Despite being warned three times that Dexter the peacock would not be allowed to travel with her, conceptual artist Ventiko showed up at the airport anyway. Dexter was promptly turned away by United Airlines
I remember a boredpanda article about this mediocre "artist". She bought this peacock for an "art" project, then registered him online as an emotional support animal so she can transport him by plane for free (which I would call a lot of things, beginning with inapropriate, stupid, fraudulently, b****y...). There is absolutely NO EMOTIONAL SUPPORT provided by that blue siren chicken.
'Emotional Support' Pig Kicked Off Flight For Being Disruptive
Woman has been kicked off her plane for bringing a 70-pound pig on board for 'emotional support'. She made it to the plane and was sitting with the pig on her lap, however, before long, the pig was reported as being 'out of control' and disruptive. So the passenger was asked to get off.
An animal that actually uses squealing like it's being murdered as a defense mechanism, and is pretty easily triggered is a terrible idea for a support animal to take to a strange and confined environment.
This has gotten ridiculously out of control. Instead of looking to find a real service animal (dog) due to a health need, people have a pet they feel entitled to impose on others, regardless of those others' safety and comfort. They just call their pet an emotional support animal. There need to be strict regulations on this abuse of the system.
Extrmely allergic to animal dander...I flew Norwegian air to and from Paris Orlando with " emotional support dog" in the cabin. When I booked the flight I listed the DISABLING and dangerous condition as a severe health issue. At the gate, the gate agent brought a passenger with an emotional support dog over near me asking " How far away do you need to be from animals since you are allergic ". Is this person insane ?? my response was " not onthe same plane" as I began to wheeze. " Your airline was.informed at the time I booked, since when does "emotional support" of an anxious passenger out rank the health and safety of your other passengers ?" Lets face it..Its emotionally and physically " unsafe and disturbing enough being packed in like sardine with germs dirt and filth from the nasty flying public, their screaming babie and children kicking the back of your seat, without adding animals pooping bl9cking aisles and emergency exits, germs and dander into the a etc etc .
same happened to my niece who's allergic to cats. Airline's reaction: "nothing we can do, sorry"
Load More Replies...I have two pet pigs who are just out to make trouble for me at home let alone on a plane oh the very thought of it brainy they may be but they like their own way
Pigs rule!!!! But they still don't belong on a plane!!! Take the bus!!! Or drug yourself to do things your too scared to do!! Like normal people!!
I almost agreed.... until the 'drug yourself like normal people'. As someone with a service animal, and who has to 'drug themselves' daily just to get out of bed, let alone function in the real world, that comment was uncool.
Load More Replies...Pigs are nasty creatures. It's OBVIOUS to anyone that this one isn't trained in any way.
If you need all of these extreme emotional support animals then maybe you should just stay home. Or just stop using emotional support to travel with your pet.
Pig On Flight
Here it is folks. If you ever thought you'll do something when pigs fly then you need to get started on that.
My Friend Had An 'Emotional Support Turkey' On Her Flight To Seattle
Easter the turkey was Jodie Smalley's support animal. Smalley found it 'as a shivering chick standing in the road on Easter Day', hence the name. “Easter came to me as a tiny poult at an emotionally difficult time in my life being in a mentally abusive and failing marriage,” Smalley explained
Monkey Business! Meet Gizmo Who Stirred All That Trouble On A Las Vegas Bound Frontier Airlines Flight
Marmoset Gizmo got through TSA screening and boarded a Frontier Airlines flight from Columbus, Ohio to Las Vegas. Gizmo's owner, Jason Ellis, didn't warn other passengers or crew about his emotional support pet, so their surprise when Gizmo started poking its head out of Ellis's shirt was understandable. Gizmo was never loose on flight and stuck to owner's shirt the entire time.
When My Mom Has A Kangaroo On Her Flight As An "Emotional Support Animal"
Kangaroos are not pets. Makes me boiling mad that you can buy Roos in Pet shops in the US.
Monkey Helper
Richard, a bonnet macaque monkey, belongs to Debby Rose, who suffers from agoraphobia, the fear of places and situations that causes panic, helplessness, or embarrassment. She brings her monkey everywhere and will even drive with him in the front seat.
That's illegal. Driving with any animals on your lap impairs driving and is a moving violation
Woman Removed From Flight To Cleveland With Emotional Support Squirrel: 'You Will Not Take My Baby'
A passenger was removed from a Frontier Airlines flight when she attempted to fly with her “emotional support” squirrel and then refused to get off the plane when she was told no, according to the airline. A Frontier spokesman said in a statement that the passenger had alerted the airline that she would be bringing an emotional-support animal on the flight but did not mention it would be a rodent. “Rodents, including squirrels, are not allowed on Frontier flights,” the statement read. “
There Is Such A Thing As A Service Pony And I Want One
That poor woman. I don't think people with emotional support animals should be allowed to make other passengers so uncomfortable.
Emotional Support Kangaroo
"A customer tried to bring a baby kangaroo on the plane as a service animal," a retired airline customer service agent with 18 years of experience told Business Insider.
Don't Act Like You've Never Seen A Therapy Turkey Going Through Airport Security
This emotional support turkey was spotted at San Francisco Airport.
The turkey was seen going through security sometime last week by KTVU journalist Frank Somerville, who shared the story to his Facebook page.
According to the post, the turkey is an emotional support animal for a woman who lost her husband. The woman takes the turkey everywhere with her, and it even sleeps with her at night.
We've Got Cock!! Emotional Support Rooster For. The. Win
Piggy Pilot. Hoggin' The Cockpit
Hamlet the Beach Hog is the emotional support animal of Megan Peabody who loves flying, but suffers from anxiety. According to Peabody, having her hog on board makes her feel "more comfortable and provides a lovely distraction."
Just Your Everyday Emotional Support Kangaroo...
Emotional Support Hamster's Owner Claimed The Staff Working For Spirit Airlines Told Her That Pebbles Would Have To Be Flushed Down A Toilet
Belen Aldecosea said she contacted Spirit airlines twice to confirm that her emotional support hamster can fly with her. But the animal was refused entry upon arrival, and an employee suggested she flush her pet down the toilet
This is absolutely sick, why didn't she try giving the hamster to someone at the airport or something, anything would be better than literally being DROWNED IN THE SEWERS?
I get the part where one needs Emotional Support but please mercy on those animals. Poor babies are not designed to travel in such congested seats.
Interestingly, the rest of the world manages just fine without this circus. Seriously, what is wrong with Americans? Why do people feel so entitled to bring along a nuisance like a smelly pony or loud peacock with complete disregard for other passangers. Get your act together for god's sake.
you can downvote all you want, that does not explain why this is mostly an American thing though
Load More Replies...As a disabled person please knock this off! Our teams are in danger. Our dogs have been attacked by untrained 'support,' animals. I have almost been thrown from my chair. You are making it so hard for us to move in the world
Just like a 5 yr old girl on a flight to Alaska that was attacked by a fake pit bull service dog and had half her face bitten off, I believe last year. A lady had a Great Dane running around in the local Walmart a few weeks ago and no one said anything. There are all kinds of random dogs in there all the time and they are not all friendly, but it goes without being addressed. It's just a incident and lawsuit waiting to happen, then the backwards town I live in will want to kill the dog and will it have been the dogs fault ? No, it's not, but too little too late. Many people today are completely apathetic to everyone's life but their own and sadly it causes costly mistakes. Do my dogs whimper and cry when I leave them at home? Of course! But I'm not bringing them to the grocery store with me. Yes, I get stressed out there. It's overcrowded and I have agoraphobia as well, but I have to put on my big girl panties and get my items and get back home. Then I can manage my anxiety. Self indulgent a******s, need to get their heads out of their holes and grow up.
Load More Replies...I think I'm alright with an animal that is taught how to behave. That can be taught that - dogs, some cats (check out Thula and Iris - an autistic girl), some ponies (I know they're sometimes used for blind people). A peacock/kangaroo/squirrel/turkey? No way. People are getting entitled and we shouldn't be letting them.
I agree with this. Small monkeys can also be useful to perform needed tasks. But if the animal cannot sit still or be relatively quiet, then your emotional support ends where others mental stability begin...
Load More Replies...Are there no rules in the US about service animals? Here you can't just print out your own label and call whatever animal you want a service animal. It's ridiculous! Also, most of these animals are completely stressed out and not suitable for this 'work' at all.
There are. The ADA does not recognize emotional support animals. People are stupid though or think the rules don't apply to them.
Load More Replies...Former service animal trainer here, per ADA law an emotional support animal is not recognized as medical equipment, therefore it does not have public access rights. There are plenty of legitimate emotional support animals that work with their owners in pet friendly places, they’re well behaved, know to heel, and are paying attention to the person they’re supposed to be providing support to. That being said, just because you love your pet/it makes you happy doesn’t make it an emotional support animal and absolutely does not justify taking wild animals that could never task in the first place on an airplane
There is a huge difference between service animals, emotional support animals and therapy animals. The only animal that should be allowed to travel in-cabin (aside from the small dog/cat that fits under the seat) are service animals. Service animals provide a much needed function for their owners. The rest are basically pets. Period. I realize that a person will justify and throw a tantrum because their "emotional support" snake can't fly with them but the snake (aside from a warped imaginary "emotional" connection) cannot provide emotional support. Period.
Same with turkeys and peacocks - vicious birds, not known for their empathic ability.
Load More Replies...I don't get it. We're strapped into those seats as if our lives depended on it. Horses don't normally lie down. How the everloving hell are take offs and landings safe for them without a box? Birds s**t all over the place without much of a warning. Who's cleaning it up? Pigs smell to the high heavens, turkeys and peacocks are generally super aggressive. Yet I can't take my SAR Spaniel on board because I'm not afraid of flying. I don't like flying him in cargo either, but this is ridiculous.
Because miniature horses are actually service animals, not emotional support animals. And Title III of the ADA requires common carriers to accommodate them. And do a little research before you just spew your uninformed bigoted opinion. Or just be honest and say, "I would prefer to not have to deal with disabled people." Because that is really what you are saying.
Load More Replies...Please don't add to the confusion - #2 is NOT an emotional support animal as claimed in your headline. A "service animal" is entirely different from an ESA, and miniature horses and dogs are the only two species recognized in the US as service animals. People with service animals struggle constantly to make the distinction clear, because there's no such thing as a registered service animal, and flying with service animals is specifically protected by law, unlike ESAs.
Thank you thank you thank you!!!! Ugh, to see miniature horses posted twice here, where they are both clearly service animals, not ESAs, really got me got under the collar. The unfounded prejudice and vitriol around them is just astounding.
Load More Replies...How can aircraft pilots allow that? This is against all aviation safety. I had never heard of Emotional Support Animal before, but have to admit I am from old fashioned Europe. It is remarkable that the term is only only available in English on Wikipedia. Please keep the zoo in the New World.
I used to volunteer with the blind and some people choose to use miniature horses as guide animals because they can work for 25-30 years. Dogs can only be guided for 7-9 years before they must retire. It can become very difficult to say so many goodbyes. I suspect some of the horses/ponies were actually trained guide animals.
Dogs are one of the very, very few animals who can be trained to actually enjoy and properly do their support job. They are super empathetic and protective. A turkey? Not so much. Having a baby kangaroo on a leash in a confined space as a means of emotional support seems like selfish animal cruelty to me. I can't even process the thought of smelling a goddamn horse on a flight. I'd for sure cause a ruckus if I had to smell barnyard animals at 30,000 feet.
Just forbid any kind of animal in the traveler area. This is beyond ridiculous. You can not fly without your pig, ya should not fly at all!
service dogs are the only animals that should be allowed on planes
Load More Replies...No, just no. I love animals, but there is no way these could be "emotional support". Peacocks, turkeys, chickens are very aggressive and cannot be trained to behave. An emotional support animal should be quiet and helpful and not just entertainment. Should obey orders and sit quiet for a long time. How is the turkey helpful at all? Just get real service dogs if you have a problem, but don't make the air travel a circus. These animals are dangerous, should not be allowed in the cabin, and I dont have any sympathy for the owners.
In my country, there are no emotional support animals, only service dogs. I wonder how people manage to travel.
Does Emotional Support mean "I need to be the center of attention/get facebook likes"? Because some of these animals just make it seem like a person wants to be noticed. Maybe that is what our culture of facebook/instagram/bored panda is creating. If a person isn't being acknowledged with likes or comments they start feeling sad or depressed?
Getting attention is very different from being recognized for something. A lot of people are the clown in the area, and others don't want to take your place, but they take advantage of it, before! For me feel free. Not close to me. I don't need to join the ram.. People don't know how to say NO??? What is going on???
Load More Replies...This all is completely insane and absurd. For firsts, it's animal abuse. Secondly, it's disrespect of other pax whom they egotistically don't give a s**t about. Looking at the level of hell those 'in need of support' raise when denied their kink at the gate, their biggest problem is how to maintain the prince/princess status and seek more attention at all costs. Their plane of existence is completely different from that of individuals with real support needs.
I know from friends in the US that they had their dog registered as a support animal just to be able to take him on flights. When they got a second dog, they said they'll be doing the same thing. I don't get this, how it can be so easy to get a pet registered. (And is it just an American thing? never heard of this anywhere else)
Yes, it's easy to got a piece of paper in the US. The reason the airlines don't just say no is they are afraid of lawsuits. It's ridiculous that fear of lawsuits allows so much craziness to go on in the US.
Load More Replies...ahahahah there is not! They live well with it.
Load More Replies...Kangaroos are not domesticated, they are wild animals that belong in the bush of Australia. Makes me boiling mad.
What every person who needs an "emotional support animal" really needs is an emotional support person. Some day, one of these animals is going to cause a disaster (or near disaster) and and they will be banned... if legislators and airline regulators are doing their jobs. Only trained, real service animals (of the sort used by the blind) should be allowed in public arenas. Maybe it's time to legally authorize them through Congress so those sort of animals (and only those sort) can be licensed.
I would much rather sit next to a turkey than a screaming kid. 11hr flight with a baby continually whine-screaming, only pausing to take breaths. Eleven. Solid. Hours. Passengers were coming undone. When does it stop screaming? The very second we land. And what do parents say? 'Aww, you should have supported the mom and dad of the baby'. Well, we did - for the first 4 hours. People tried. Then none of us could take it any more. Know who remained unaffected? The parents. There should be separate flights for babies. Yes, I know I'm so evil for saying that. I'll take turkeys, ponies, peacocks, squirrels or hamsters any freaking day or someone's snotty nosed, scream-whining offspring.
As you can imagine, not everyone is prepared to be a parent. Not everyone has babies in distress for 4 hours on a flight... If the child needs something, let it be known why he cries and take care to reassure him. Doing nothing is not an option, neither is traveling in a corral! I don’t know how you live and eat among animals, but I can take care of a child.
Load More Replies...In the US, service animals are defined as TRAINED dogs or, in some cases, miniature horses. The other animals fly at the airlines discretion. So don't whine if your airline says no to some weird "emotional support" critter. I agree that miniature horses, even if they are a service animal, should not be on the airplane for the animal's comfort.
(1) I think this is cruel to the animals. It's unnatural and has to be frightening for most of them. So to soothe a human's anxiety we must make an animal anxious? (2) Why should I have to pay for a ticket to ride with a horse or pig that will in all likelihood take a dump or be disruptive? (3) I'm not sold on the fact that there are this many people who need animal binkies. Maybe they want animal binkies, but I'm not sold on the fact that they actually need them. Airlines should limit the type of animal that is considered a service animal and they should alert other passengers to their presence so we can choose another flight or if enough passengers protest riding with a horse, the anxiety-ridden human can choose another flight. This whole attitude of caving into a single person at the expense of many others has gotten so far out of control that it's ridiculous.
I have to call b******t on this one. Most of those people definitely don’t need support animals. Just look at their faces.
Also - how on earth can turkeys or peacocks be support pets - they are both bloody vicious birds?
People just loooove attention. And sadly, the people dragging kangaroos, monkeys and donkeys on airplanes are doing it PURELY to seek attention. When this happens it ruins it for people who require actual service animals. People are so damn selfish because society is so afraid to say “no” anymore.
I am all for emotional support animals, but some of these people took it way to far. There is absolutely no reason to make a turkey, a kangaroo, or a peacock an emotional support animal. Some of these people just wanted to bring their pets on the plane and this was their excuse. Some of these animals were probably very uncomfortable in these situations and that's unfair to the animal. It's also wrong to make other passengers uncomfortable because you want to do whatever you want.
I have an Irish Wolfhound service dog (literally the size of a miniature pony). For the sake of others, I will not travel on a damn plane with him. I'm not going to make other people uncomfortable OR shove my dog in a tiny aisle. These ESA's are beautiful but misused and many take advantage of the system when they genuinely do not qualify for one.
Well alot of these animals should not be kept as pets people really have no respect for wildlife
I have traveled (domestically and internationally) with my cats on planes, not as emotional support animals, simply pets that were moving to new homes with me. I had to pay to take them on board AND they were my carry-on luggage (which had to fit under the seat in front of me.) I was so stressed and worried about my cats and how they would handle the flight, being kept in the carrier for an extended amount of time and their well being. I just can't imagine bringing an animal on a plane as emotional support. It seems really selfish and self centered. You can't explain to these animals what is happening, and why they are feeling changes in air pressure. The only animals that should be taken on a plane should be Service Animals (NOT emotional support) and animals that are properly vetted and ticketed and in travel containers.
What the hell is wrong with these people?! And of course I am talking about ridiculousness of service animals' species and idiocy regarding such travelling with them.
If you need an animal to fly, Then WALK you morons. Don't subject me to your animal diseases which could kill me! That's why we have health laws!
I think it's funny! I took my Bichon Poodle on a flight to Marco Island Florida he sat on my lap the whole entire time but compliments from the airline stewardess for his behavior North came back from Florida with me to Boston set on my lap again for 3 and 1/2 hours did not move that's an emotional support dog for real love my teddy bear. But he's a Bijan and the true emotional support dog.
I would like to know what on earth happens in an emergency - will the rest of the passengers be delayed getting to the emergency exits as the duck/turkey/monkey goes batshit crazy in the chaos - or if the pig/horse just won't move? Will the turkey claws or the horse hooves puncture the inflatable slide? How many people are going to die while the precious petal demands a suitable life jacket for their 'support' pet (apart from the ducks, they'll be fine). How is this whole thing not a health and safety issue on multiple levels?
i'm waiting for the Moment someone comes up with a freaking support hippo... just get a support snail, what's the matter
Plane seats are already small enough to make it frustrating for people to sit now imagine a dog or a freaking pony squeezed ino that tiny space. Emotional support animal permit should only be granted to the people who actually need like the visually impaired but for anxiety its a bit much.
no one knows what others are going through but I do think this has gone to far, what can a turkey , chook, Kangaroo, peacock give a person , whereas an animal you can hug, play with , can take all that stress away can a turkey play ball, look at you with love in its eyes, or is this just to get noticed, go by car if you need out of the ordinary support animals
This is getting ridiculous and what about the other passengers? They don't have any rights? I would not want to sit next to any of these support animals.
Most of these people have a valid reason for being upset. Plane seats are small enough already and people did not pay hundreds of dollars just to have a pig's butt in their face the entire flight. A small, well behaved animal is ok, but not a horse pig, turkey, etc.
Well then, I want to bring my emotional support honey badger on my next flight.
why the f**k cant people get dogs or cats instead of literal ducks, pigs, kangaroos and ponies? Do these people have no self respect or respect for others?!
Hm I wouldn't mind flying next to most of those animals. My only worry would be the poop situation - if they ensured that their animals have enough room (seems not to be the case in many of those here), that they do not inconvenience other passengers AND that they ensure a clean and safe travel in cooperation with the airline who is informed beforehand, this would not be an issue. Judging from those, it seems that people just bring their animal and hope for the best, which is not how this should go at all.
Don't see how that could ever be possible with birds. Their digestion works very, very fast to save weight - it's biologically impossible for them to not poop constantly.
Load More Replies...This seems to be an Ameican thing, normal adjusted people don´t need "emotional support animals!"
"normal adjusted people don´t need "emotional support animals!"". Uh....yeah. That's literally the point. *whoosh*
Load More Replies...I've never met an animal I didn't like. Some passengers on the other hand..,..well....
Right I understand ducks for support or maybe a chicken heck even gizmo the monkey counts mostly cuz he's small. Ponies yes but not on a plane... The rest of them is stupid in my opinion you'd be better off bringing a blankie for comfort
But then they should have their pet travel as a pet, not lie about it being an emotional support animal. I paid $200 to bring my cat as a carry-on when I had to move us both to another state.
Load More Replies...And we should totally stop encouraging cancer, epilepsy and broken limbs. FFs. You can't 'encourage' an actual illness.
Load More Replies...I get the part where one needs Emotional Support but please mercy on those animals. Poor babies are not designed to travel in such congested seats.
Interestingly, the rest of the world manages just fine without this circus. Seriously, what is wrong with Americans? Why do people feel so entitled to bring along a nuisance like a smelly pony or loud peacock with complete disregard for other passangers. Get your act together for god's sake.
you can downvote all you want, that does not explain why this is mostly an American thing though
Load More Replies...As a disabled person please knock this off! Our teams are in danger. Our dogs have been attacked by untrained 'support,' animals. I have almost been thrown from my chair. You are making it so hard for us to move in the world
Just like a 5 yr old girl on a flight to Alaska that was attacked by a fake pit bull service dog and had half her face bitten off, I believe last year. A lady had a Great Dane running around in the local Walmart a few weeks ago and no one said anything. There are all kinds of random dogs in there all the time and they are not all friendly, but it goes without being addressed. It's just a incident and lawsuit waiting to happen, then the backwards town I live in will want to kill the dog and will it have been the dogs fault ? No, it's not, but too little too late. Many people today are completely apathetic to everyone's life but their own and sadly it causes costly mistakes. Do my dogs whimper and cry when I leave them at home? Of course! But I'm not bringing them to the grocery store with me. Yes, I get stressed out there. It's overcrowded and I have agoraphobia as well, but I have to put on my big girl panties and get my items and get back home. Then I can manage my anxiety. Self indulgent a******s, need to get their heads out of their holes and grow up.
Load More Replies...I think I'm alright with an animal that is taught how to behave. That can be taught that - dogs, some cats (check out Thula and Iris - an autistic girl), some ponies (I know they're sometimes used for blind people). A peacock/kangaroo/squirrel/turkey? No way. People are getting entitled and we shouldn't be letting them.
I agree with this. Small monkeys can also be useful to perform needed tasks. But if the animal cannot sit still or be relatively quiet, then your emotional support ends where others mental stability begin...
Load More Replies...Are there no rules in the US about service animals? Here you can't just print out your own label and call whatever animal you want a service animal. It's ridiculous! Also, most of these animals are completely stressed out and not suitable for this 'work' at all.
There are. The ADA does not recognize emotional support animals. People are stupid though or think the rules don't apply to them.
Load More Replies...Former service animal trainer here, per ADA law an emotional support animal is not recognized as medical equipment, therefore it does not have public access rights. There are plenty of legitimate emotional support animals that work with their owners in pet friendly places, they’re well behaved, know to heel, and are paying attention to the person they’re supposed to be providing support to. That being said, just because you love your pet/it makes you happy doesn’t make it an emotional support animal and absolutely does not justify taking wild animals that could never task in the first place on an airplane
There is a huge difference between service animals, emotional support animals and therapy animals. The only animal that should be allowed to travel in-cabin (aside from the small dog/cat that fits under the seat) are service animals. Service animals provide a much needed function for their owners. The rest are basically pets. Period. I realize that a person will justify and throw a tantrum because their "emotional support" snake can't fly with them but the snake (aside from a warped imaginary "emotional" connection) cannot provide emotional support. Period.
Same with turkeys and peacocks - vicious birds, not known for their empathic ability.
Load More Replies...I don't get it. We're strapped into those seats as if our lives depended on it. Horses don't normally lie down. How the everloving hell are take offs and landings safe for them without a box? Birds s**t all over the place without much of a warning. Who's cleaning it up? Pigs smell to the high heavens, turkeys and peacocks are generally super aggressive. Yet I can't take my SAR Spaniel on board because I'm not afraid of flying. I don't like flying him in cargo either, but this is ridiculous.
Because miniature horses are actually service animals, not emotional support animals. And Title III of the ADA requires common carriers to accommodate them. And do a little research before you just spew your uninformed bigoted opinion. Or just be honest and say, "I would prefer to not have to deal with disabled people." Because that is really what you are saying.
Load More Replies...Please don't add to the confusion - #2 is NOT an emotional support animal as claimed in your headline. A "service animal" is entirely different from an ESA, and miniature horses and dogs are the only two species recognized in the US as service animals. People with service animals struggle constantly to make the distinction clear, because there's no such thing as a registered service animal, and flying with service animals is specifically protected by law, unlike ESAs.
Thank you thank you thank you!!!! Ugh, to see miniature horses posted twice here, where they are both clearly service animals, not ESAs, really got me got under the collar. The unfounded prejudice and vitriol around them is just astounding.
Load More Replies...How can aircraft pilots allow that? This is against all aviation safety. I had never heard of Emotional Support Animal before, but have to admit I am from old fashioned Europe. It is remarkable that the term is only only available in English on Wikipedia. Please keep the zoo in the New World.
I used to volunteer with the blind and some people choose to use miniature horses as guide animals because they can work for 25-30 years. Dogs can only be guided for 7-9 years before they must retire. It can become very difficult to say so many goodbyes. I suspect some of the horses/ponies were actually trained guide animals.
Dogs are one of the very, very few animals who can be trained to actually enjoy and properly do their support job. They are super empathetic and protective. A turkey? Not so much. Having a baby kangaroo on a leash in a confined space as a means of emotional support seems like selfish animal cruelty to me. I can't even process the thought of smelling a goddamn horse on a flight. I'd for sure cause a ruckus if I had to smell barnyard animals at 30,000 feet.
Just forbid any kind of animal in the traveler area. This is beyond ridiculous. You can not fly without your pig, ya should not fly at all!
service dogs are the only animals that should be allowed on planes
Load More Replies...No, just no. I love animals, but there is no way these could be "emotional support". Peacocks, turkeys, chickens are very aggressive and cannot be trained to behave. An emotional support animal should be quiet and helpful and not just entertainment. Should obey orders and sit quiet for a long time. How is the turkey helpful at all? Just get real service dogs if you have a problem, but don't make the air travel a circus. These animals are dangerous, should not be allowed in the cabin, and I dont have any sympathy for the owners.
In my country, there are no emotional support animals, only service dogs. I wonder how people manage to travel.
Does Emotional Support mean "I need to be the center of attention/get facebook likes"? Because some of these animals just make it seem like a person wants to be noticed. Maybe that is what our culture of facebook/instagram/bored panda is creating. If a person isn't being acknowledged with likes or comments they start feeling sad or depressed?
Getting attention is very different from being recognized for something. A lot of people are the clown in the area, and others don't want to take your place, but they take advantage of it, before! For me feel free. Not close to me. I don't need to join the ram.. People don't know how to say NO??? What is going on???
Load More Replies...This all is completely insane and absurd. For firsts, it's animal abuse. Secondly, it's disrespect of other pax whom they egotistically don't give a s**t about. Looking at the level of hell those 'in need of support' raise when denied their kink at the gate, their biggest problem is how to maintain the prince/princess status and seek more attention at all costs. Their plane of existence is completely different from that of individuals with real support needs.
I know from friends in the US that they had their dog registered as a support animal just to be able to take him on flights. When they got a second dog, they said they'll be doing the same thing. I don't get this, how it can be so easy to get a pet registered. (And is it just an American thing? never heard of this anywhere else)
Yes, it's easy to got a piece of paper in the US. The reason the airlines don't just say no is they are afraid of lawsuits. It's ridiculous that fear of lawsuits allows so much craziness to go on in the US.
Load More Replies...ahahahah there is not! They live well with it.
Load More Replies...Kangaroos are not domesticated, they are wild animals that belong in the bush of Australia. Makes me boiling mad.
What every person who needs an "emotional support animal" really needs is an emotional support person. Some day, one of these animals is going to cause a disaster (or near disaster) and and they will be banned... if legislators and airline regulators are doing their jobs. Only trained, real service animals (of the sort used by the blind) should be allowed in public arenas. Maybe it's time to legally authorize them through Congress so those sort of animals (and only those sort) can be licensed.
I would much rather sit next to a turkey than a screaming kid. 11hr flight with a baby continually whine-screaming, only pausing to take breaths. Eleven. Solid. Hours. Passengers were coming undone. When does it stop screaming? The very second we land. And what do parents say? 'Aww, you should have supported the mom and dad of the baby'. Well, we did - for the first 4 hours. People tried. Then none of us could take it any more. Know who remained unaffected? The parents. There should be separate flights for babies. Yes, I know I'm so evil for saying that. I'll take turkeys, ponies, peacocks, squirrels or hamsters any freaking day or someone's snotty nosed, scream-whining offspring.
As you can imagine, not everyone is prepared to be a parent. Not everyone has babies in distress for 4 hours on a flight... If the child needs something, let it be known why he cries and take care to reassure him. Doing nothing is not an option, neither is traveling in a corral! I don’t know how you live and eat among animals, but I can take care of a child.
Load More Replies...In the US, service animals are defined as TRAINED dogs or, in some cases, miniature horses. The other animals fly at the airlines discretion. So don't whine if your airline says no to some weird "emotional support" critter. I agree that miniature horses, even if they are a service animal, should not be on the airplane for the animal's comfort.
(1) I think this is cruel to the animals. It's unnatural and has to be frightening for most of them. So to soothe a human's anxiety we must make an animal anxious? (2) Why should I have to pay for a ticket to ride with a horse or pig that will in all likelihood take a dump or be disruptive? (3) I'm not sold on the fact that there are this many people who need animal binkies. Maybe they want animal binkies, but I'm not sold on the fact that they actually need them. Airlines should limit the type of animal that is considered a service animal and they should alert other passengers to their presence so we can choose another flight or if enough passengers protest riding with a horse, the anxiety-ridden human can choose another flight. This whole attitude of caving into a single person at the expense of many others has gotten so far out of control that it's ridiculous.
I have to call b******t on this one. Most of those people definitely don’t need support animals. Just look at their faces.
Also - how on earth can turkeys or peacocks be support pets - they are both bloody vicious birds?
People just loooove attention. And sadly, the people dragging kangaroos, monkeys and donkeys on airplanes are doing it PURELY to seek attention. When this happens it ruins it for people who require actual service animals. People are so damn selfish because society is so afraid to say “no” anymore.
I am all for emotional support animals, but some of these people took it way to far. There is absolutely no reason to make a turkey, a kangaroo, or a peacock an emotional support animal. Some of these people just wanted to bring their pets on the plane and this was their excuse. Some of these animals were probably very uncomfortable in these situations and that's unfair to the animal. It's also wrong to make other passengers uncomfortable because you want to do whatever you want.
I have an Irish Wolfhound service dog (literally the size of a miniature pony). For the sake of others, I will not travel on a damn plane with him. I'm not going to make other people uncomfortable OR shove my dog in a tiny aisle. These ESA's are beautiful but misused and many take advantage of the system when they genuinely do not qualify for one.
Well alot of these animals should not be kept as pets people really have no respect for wildlife
I have traveled (domestically and internationally) with my cats on planes, not as emotional support animals, simply pets that were moving to new homes with me. I had to pay to take them on board AND they were my carry-on luggage (which had to fit under the seat in front of me.) I was so stressed and worried about my cats and how they would handle the flight, being kept in the carrier for an extended amount of time and their well being. I just can't imagine bringing an animal on a plane as emotional support. It seems really selfish and self centered. You can't explain to these animals what is happening, and why they are feeling changes in air pressure. The only animals that should be taken on a plane should be Service Animals (NOT emotional support) and animals that are properly vetted and ticketed and in travel containers.
What the hell is wrong with these people?! And of course I am talking about ridiculousness of service animals' species and idiocy regarding such travelling with them.
If you need an animal to fly, Then WALK you morons. Don't subject me to your animal diseases which could kill me! That's why we have health laws!
I think it's funny! I took my Bichon Poodle on a flight to Marco Island Florida he sat on my lap the whole entire time but compliments from the airline stewardess for his behavior North came back from Florida with me to Boston set on my lap again for 3 and 1/2 hours did not move that's an emotional support dog for real love my teddy bear. But he's a Bijan and the true emotional support dog.
I would like to know what on earth happens in an emergency - will the rest of the passengers be delayed getting to the emergency exits as the duck/turkey/monkey goes batshit crazy in the chaos - or if the pig/horse just won't move? Will the turkey claws or the horse hooves puncture the inflatable slide? How many people are going to die while the precious petal demands a suitable life jacket for their 'support' pet (apart from the ducks, they'll be fine). How is this whole thing not a health and safety issue on multiple levels?
i'm waiting for the Moment someone comes up with a freaking support hippo... just get a support snail, what's the matter
Plane seats are already small enough to make it frustrating for people to sit now imagine a dog or a freaking pony squeezed ino that tiny space. Emotional support animal permit should only be granted to the people who actually need like the visually impaired but for anxiety its a bit much.
no one knows what others are going through but I do think this has gone to far, what can a turkey , chook, Kangaroo, peacock give a person , whereas an animal you can hug, play with , can take all that stress away can a turkey play ball, look at you with love in its eyes, or is this just to get noticed, go by car if you need out of the ordinary support animals
This is getting ridiculous and what about the other passengers? They don't have any rights? I would not want to sit next to any of these support animals.
Most of these people have a valid reason for being upset. Plane seats are small enough already and people did not pay hundreds of dollars just to have a pig's butt in their face the entire flight. A small, well behaved animal is ok, but not a horse pig, turkey, etc.
Well then, I want to bring my emotional support honey badger on my next flight.
why the f**k cant people get dogs or cats instead of literal ducks, pigs, kangaroos and ponies? Do these people have no self respect or respect for others?!
Hm I wouldn't mind flying next to most of those animals. My only worry would be the poop situation - if they ensured that their animals have enough room (seems not to be the case in many of those here), that they do not inconvenience other passengers AND that they ensure a clean and safe travel in cooperation with the airline who is informed beforehand, this would not be an issue. Judging from those, it seems that people just bring their animal and hope for the best, which is not how this should go at all.
Don't see how that could ever be possible with birds. Their digestion works very, very fast to save weight - it's biologically impossible for them to not poop constantly.
Load More Replies...This seems to be an Ameican thing, normal adjusted people don´t need "emotional support animals!"
"normal adjusted people don´t need "emotional support animals!"". Uh....yeah. That's literally the point. *whoosh*
Load More Replies...I've never met an animal I didn't like. Some passengers on the other hand..,..well....
Right I understand ducks for support or maybe a chicken heck even gizmo the monkey counts mostly cuz he's small. Ponies yes but not on a plane... The rest of them is stupid in my opinion you'd be better off bringing a blankie for comfort
But then they should have their pet travel as a pet, not lie about it being an emotional support animal. I paid $200 to bring my cat as a carry-on when I had to move us both to another state.
Load More Replies...And we should totally stop encouraging cancer, epilepsy and broken limbs. FFs. You can't 'encourage' an actual illness.
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