50 Times People Failed At Geography With Such Confidence, They Got Shamed For It Online
There’s a certain baseline for geographical facts that we expect from the people we meet. Like knowing that New Zealand has millions of inhabitants and is not an uninhabited island. Understanding that Spain, Italy, and Greece are a part of Europe. And realizing that Africa and Hong Kong are not in South America. It sounds ridiculous when you say it out loud that someone would believe the opposite. Right..?
Well, hang on to your thinking caps and cling tight to your sanity, dear Pandas—we’re about to dive deep into our sad reality where public education has failed so many people. Bored Panda has collected some of the most egregious geography mistakes that folks have shared over on the r/facepalm subreddit, a giant online community of over 6 million.
If you know even the basics of geography, then odds are that you might find this list very painful, dear Pandas. Scroll down for some truly awful geographical mixups, and remember to upvote the pics that made your inner critic cringe the most. Got your adventuring gear ready? Good, it’s time to head into the lush jungles of This Hurts To Read.
Bored Panda got in touch with Patrick McGranaghan, the founder of another massive subreddit that unites nearly 2 million map lovers around the world. He was kind enough to share his thoughts about ignorance about geography and why it's important to make the subject exciting and not teach it in isolation.
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Someone Failed Geography
This is sarcasm. Yes, there are Americans who don’t know those countries are in Europe, but they are the same people who don’t know Greece is a country.
In Patrick's opinion, geography has a negative reputation among some students. What's more, geographic education isn't prioritized in many schools.
"I think that a lot of geography ignorance comes from the lack of geographic instruction in schools. Schools have an increasingly long list of subjects that must be taught and geography is losing its share," he told Bored Panda.
And I Thought Americans Only Knew American Geography
It's Basic Geography *sigh
"Geography has this reputation of rote memorization of things like countries and capital cities. This is not exciting to most students," Patrick pointed out that many students don't get hooked on geography because of the associations the subject has. That's why it's vital to change people's perspectives on it.
"The way to encourage geographic learning is to make it exciting," Patrick shared with us.
Geography Is Important, Kids
Looks Like Someone Failed Geography
Is Not Good With His Geography
"This may be by including geography lessons in learning about different cultures around the world. Geography is a component of current events and there needs to be an emphasis on how these events are occurring in a geographic context. Geography should not be taught in isolation, it should be tied to some context such as history, the physical Earth, culture, or travel," he explained that the entire approach to the subject should be altered.
Bye!! America See You... Never!
What kind of world does this person live in? Is education that bad in some schools in the US?
In my opinion there are dumb people everywhere, however good the education system is.
Load More Replies...'I've taken samples and it's clear that the Precambrian crystalline basement rock, is consistent with the Baltic region of Modern Europe!'
The guy calling her stupid said geology instead of geography (geology is the study of rocks) get your priorities in order dude.
Yes it is not paris. I saw this on another website and was furious when everyone said that she did not know the difference between new york and paris.
Load More Replies...Again, I think this is a fake post. "Hahah, funny stupid Americans" C'mon. We're all better than that as a world.
okay, in fairness most Americans don't consider New York part of the "real 'Murica". Unless it's Sept 12th 2001, then New York is in 'Murica. and that lasted for a solid 4 months. New York isn't alone in being excluded from "real 'Murica". Pretty much any state with a Democratic legislature is considered a foreign country, and therefore shouldn't have voting rights. And that's why 41% of senators represent 27% of the population, and can shoot down legislation supported by the other 73% of the people. Democracy in action!
Not just the fact that New York is in the USA but the other girl/boy said GEOLOGY not GEOGRAPHEY
Mgood thing she took a "geology" class or she would never know where New York was.
I think that the peoples socialist republic of new york is so different from the rest of the country that this one could be forgiven!
The second comment had me when they mentioned about taking a geology class.
I can’t stop thinking about this. I saw this post years ago and it hasn’t left my brain since. Is she really that dumb? And with such confidence too.
Welcome to New York, state of New York, and which country?… errrr, The USA, of course!
Allow me to explain. Residents of New York City don't consider themselves part of America. They don't regard themselves as "part" of anything. They are the center of their own universe, the rest of which is ridiculous conspiracy theory supported by morons.
I'm not sure which adjectives to use to describe how I feel about the abject stupidity of so many of my fellow Americans. I am simultaneously enraged, baffled, pixelated, weary, and just sad... so sad.
Unfortunately, yes. I find non Americans speak better English and know our geography better.
what in the absolute s**t. Really hope this was a foreigner who was visiting somewhere else and then was going to NY, but......... im thinking thats not the case
Well, if she's taken a geology class she should know what kind of rocks are in her head.
Wow. All this time I thought I was living in a state; so awesome I'm in a completely different country from the U.S.
I have seen this before, but it has to be fake. Am I actually breathing the same air molecules as this person? Geology!
Well yes but that doesn't change the fact that New York is in America. York is another story though.
Load More Replies...Geography Is Hard
Geography Wasn't Their Strongest Suit
Look, nobody saying that everyone’s born knowing every tiny part of the globe. Education, learning, collecting knowledge—they’re all processes. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone learns at their own pace. We get that.
Some of us have made really embarrassing geography slip-ups, too: for some reason, yours truly got it into their head since they were a kid that New Zealand was northeast of Australia, instead of southeast, where it actually is. However, natural curiosity, a willingness to be humble, and fixing our mistakes means that, eventually, we get to correct our geography fails. Or, well, some of us do.
Statistics Are Hard. So Is Geography
Dogs are not inherently vicious. They respond to treatment by their owners. Pitbulls are pretty nice dogs depending on the owners, same with most breeds
How Many People Failed Element School Geography
Spotted On Twitter
Some of the most embarrassing geography fails and facepalms happen when news presenters end up having to stand in front of error-filled maps. Or when high-profile figures get their info mixed up. Maybe someone made an honest mistake. Or maybe someone is actually incredibly ignorant. Whatever the case might be, these are the moments that end up being photographed, screenshotted, and shared for years and years on the internet.
It’s very hard to recover from a public fail like this. On the other hand, acknowledging the fact that we made an embarrassing mistake opens us up to a lot of growth potential. And it can actually win us the respect of our peers.
You don't really want to say "German patriots" too loud. The last bunch sort of left a mess.
Geography Is African Hard Subject
Geography Fail
Recently, Bored Panda spoke about accepting our flaws and those of others with psychologist Lee Chambers, from the UK.
“As humans, we are a wonderfully unique mix that is personal to each one of us. It can always be difficult to find peace with our flaws Whether they [the flaws] be physical, mental, intellectual, or social, many of us will at some point in our childhood been bullied or singled out for our differences,” he told us.
“It can be easy to ignore them [the flaws], and pretend they don't exist, but the real power comes in accepting them, embracing them, and realizing that some flaws we can change, and others might not be flexible,” the mental health expert said.
3 Different Geography Fails Along With Some Ebola Panic
They Didn't Get An A In Geography! One Facebook Poster's Point About People Mourning The Death Of Cecil The Lion Who Was Killed By A Hunter In Zimbabwe Was Somewhat Lost
Geographical knowledge has nothing to do with being upset about a lion getting killed.
According to Lee, we can lead a high quality and rewarding life when we adopt a growth-oriented mindset. He said that the point is to develop in other ways and have amazing strengths despite our flaws. In short, messing up with geography or anything else isn’t the end of the world if you don’t let it be. But owning up to your fail and learning from it all can be very powerful.
European Airline Failed Geography
Rip Us Geography
Geography Is Tough
These people seem to be homeschooled by uneducated parents. Any 7 year old would know that it is Africa
“The beauty is that sharing our flaws helps us to become more human and connect with others, as we all have weaknesses, and being vulnerable and open will have others seeing you as authentic, honest, and courageous,” the psychologist said.
Geography Probably Isn't Their Strongest Subject
Someone's Failed Geography Class
Someone Needs To Go Back To Geography Class...
“The process of taking ownership of your flaws is powerful as it also makes us more accepting of the flaws of others and less worried about fitting in. For as long as we don't embrace our flaws, we will be running from them and be more judgemental of others, less tolerant of differences, and more controlling.”
Geography Is For Weak
East Virginia
Why is south Virginia above Virginia? I’m Australian am I correct that that south Virginia doesn’t even exist?
Which of these geography fails did you think were the worst of the bunch, dear Readers? Do you think that geography classes should be given a higher priority in schools everywhere? What have been your own biggest geography mixups or mistakes? Share your thoughts with all the other Pandas in the comments. We can't wait to read what you have to say!
Geography Class Aint Gonna Go Well
Most Maldivians can’t point to where Maldives is in a map, mostly because it’s not even there in a lot of maps!
So... Came Across This Excellent Lesson In Geography On My Insta Feed Today
So I Guess She's Never Learned Geography Either
Some American Level Geography Skills From My Friend (Who Isn’t American)
I Think They Didn't Pass Geography Class
Throwing Darts At The Map Would Be More Accurate
California. Ladies And Gents
Someone Skipped Geography Class...
Maybe they're predicting the future, the way things are going in the US...
I Love The State Of Canada
I Too Am A Student Of Geography
Ah Yes, Geography
Geography 100
Geography Is Hard
“College Geography”
Try Taking A Geography Course
This Guy Doesn't Know Anything About Geography
Travel Blog Really Knows Their Geography
R.i.p. Geography!
Geography Is Not Their Strong Suit
Geography Is Hard
I Can't Tell Whether This Is Satire Or Not But They Should Have Looked Up The Geography Of The UK Before Claiming Racism
Up Is Down, North Is South, Chaos Ensues
I didn't even see north and south were swapped as I was looking at the map trying to figure out what was wrong and I questioned my own existence there for a second
When You Don’t Understand Geography
This reminds me of an old Jay Leno joke where he went around and asked people basic questions about our solar system, space, etc. He asked a couple of high school kids what the name of our galaxy is and they said "Mars."
Ok fun but sad game I played with younger coworkers when I was a waitress and yes, we are from the U.S. They were between 18 and 23 (me late 20's almost 30) and I first asked them to name the continents; noone could name all 7 and I even received China as a continent as well as "the North Pole where Santa lives". Then I tried asking them to name like 2 countries in South America and well 1 kid surprised me by rattling off like 5 but noone else could name 1. I did this after I said my family was from South America to which someone replied "so you're African!?!" with much surprise. I'm quite pale and many people don't realize white people live in African countries and are actually African, hell some dont believe white people are Spanish (they're all tan), so this is what prompted my geography questions since they appeared puzzled a white person could be African even though I said South America.
A coworker was excited to be sent on a work trip to Atlanta because she'd always wanted to see Atlantic City.
Load More Replies...I can't believe all of these are real anymore BP is starting to feel like Dailymail.com
Also we have to remember that we have no idea the age or nationality of the person saying the "stupid" stuff. I am not gonna judge a 13yo the same as an adult. And I'm not going to judge someone from Peru, Poland, etc, that doesn't know everything about the US.
Load More Replies...I honestly think most of these are fake. Just people looking for attention. God I hope so.
I would say I'm bad at geography because I don't always remember which state (Australian) a particular town or wine region is in, but at least I know the difference between a state, country and a continent!
The scariest thing about these is that the votes of these people are worth the same as the votes of educated people who read the news around the world and know basic geography. Democracy sucks.
The most disconcerting part of this is how many commenting don’t recognize when the posts were pretty obvious jokes or satire. Talk about one giant facepalm.
This is one hell of a ride. I could be facepalming and laughing my guts out at the same time. It's torture, it really is. But so funny!
I get paid over 190$ per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I'd be able to do it but my best friend earns over 10k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless. Heres what I've been doing.. :) AND GOOD LUCK.:) HERE====)> https://www.hmjobz.com
Google pay 97$ per hour my last pay check was $8500 working 1o hours a week online. My younger brother friend has been averaging 12k for months now and he works about 22 hours a week. I cant believe how easy it was once I tried it outit.. :) AND GOOD LUCK.:) HERE====)> www.worksful.com
Yeah I’m pretty sure in a LOT of schools in America they don’t have geography. Which is really weird. Even if they do they’re not required to take it.
Maybe it is you that is disparaging Americans if you automatically assume that all of these idiots are American... or maybe you are part of the reason people make fun of Americans... because you assume that everything posted on the net is by an American.
Load More Replies...It's not BP's fault that Geography Illiterates are mostly American
Load More Replies...This reminds me of an old Jay Leno joke where he went around and asked people basic questions about our solar system, space, etc. He asked a couple of high school kids what the name of our galaxy is and they said "Mars."
Ok fun but sad game I played with younger coworkers when I was a waitress and yes, we are from the U.S. They were between 18 and 23 (me late 20's almost 30) and I first asked them to name the continents; noone could name all 7 and I even received China as a continent as well as "the North Pole where Santa lives". Then I tried asking them to name like 2 countries in South America and well 1 kid surprised me by rattling off like 5 but noone else could name 1. I did this after I said my family was from South America to which someone replied "so you're African!?!" with much surprise. I'm quite pale and many people don't realize white people live in African countries and are actually African, hell some dont believe white people are Spanish (they're all tan), so this is what prompted my geography questions since they appeared puzzled a white person could be African even though I said South America.
A coworker was excited to be sent on a work trip to Atlanta because she'd always wanted to see Atlantic City.
Load More Replies...I can't believe all of these are real anymore BP is starting to feel like Dailymail.com
Also we have to remember that we have no idea the age or nationality of the person saying the "stupid" stuff. I am not gonna judge a 13yo the same as an adult. And I'm not going to judge someone from Peru, Poland, etc, that doesn't know everything about the US.
Load More Replies...I honestly think most of these are fake. Just people looking for attention. God I hope so.
I would say I'm bad at geography because I don't always remember which state (Australian) a particular town or wine region is in, but at least I know the difference between a state, country and a continent!
The scariest thing about these is that the votes of these people are worth the same as the votes of educated people who read the news around the world and know basic geography. Democracy sucks.
The most disconcerting part of this is how many commenting don’t recognize when the posts were pretty obvious jokes or satire. Talk about one giant facepalm.
This is one hell of a ride. I could be facepalming and laughing my guts out at the same time. It's torture, it really is. But so funny!
I get paid over 190$ per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I'd be able to do it but my best friend earns over 10k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless. Heres what I've been doing.. :) AND GOOD LUCK.:) HERE====)> https://www.hmjobz.com
Google pay 97$ per hour my last pay check was $8500 working 1o hours a week online. My younger brother friend has been averaging 12k for months now and he works about 22 hours a week. I cant believe how easy it was once I tried it outit.. :) AND GOOD LUCK.:) HERE====)> www.worksful.com
Yeah I’m pretty sure in a LOT of schools in America they don’t have geography. Which is really weird. Even if they do they’re not required to take it.
Maybe it is you that is disparaging Americans if you automatically assume that all of these idiots are American... or maybe you are part of the reason people make fun of Americans... because you assume that everything posted on the net is by an American.
Load More Replies...It's not BP's fault that Geography Illiterates are mostly American
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