30 Hilarious Screenshots Of Overconfident People Completely Missing The Joke (New Pics)
Nobody is exempt from having a brain fart. People are far from perfect. And the subreddit 'Woooosh' is an excellent example of this.
This online community with 1.1 million members shares pictures of folks missing the joke so badly that they sort of became one with the bit, adding to the hilarity of the moment.
Sometimes our gears turn slower than others fire their wit. But in the end, it's all part of the fun.
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Get Your Facts Straight!
1918 Netflix
Normally, we recognize that we've messed up only after it's a bit too late. But according to studies, brain farts are detectable by head scans up to 30 seconds before the occurrence of the mistake.
So why do our brains betray us in such awkward, embarrassing ways? Seth Slater, M.F.A., who's a former dolphin trainer for the U.S. Navy, thinks it is because our routines are easy to disrupt.
Only 2-Maybe 3
Wow They Don’t Speak There?!?!
Good thing she wrote it in all caps so we know how seriously she considers this matter lmao
On A Facebook Italian Cooking Page
"Context shifts – really just simple changes in circumstances – can throw the best of us for a loop," Slater wrote.
"We are often especially prone to the disruptive influence of a context shift when we are attempting to perform a chained behavior – one in which completion of each individual behavioral link becomes the cue to perform the next behavior in the series."
There Is Always Somebody
Guys The Mother Also Got Pregnant At 18
I’m Tired Of This
This Is Another/Rare Insult
When our behaviors are well established, they often fall into well-worn neural grooves.
Familiarity signals to the brain it can downshift as an energy-saving measure, which makes us susceptible to glitches born of inattentiveness.
However, Slater reassured us that we humans are not alone in fouling things up when a brain fart lets fly.
Nice This
Ah Yes… Cunningham
There's always one trying to be a smärtarse that will fall for it.
Cats Are So Dense
Um, Have You Guys Ever Heard Of Metallica?
"In teaching tasks to animals in my former career as a dolphin trainer, I regularly witnessed the behavioral backstepping that is a normal and predictable part of any learning process. No one learns overnight, dolphins included," he said.
"But even fully trained dolphins who had become experts at performing all sorts of tasks occasionally experienced mental glitches. Interestingly, dolphins react to such moments with as much surprise as we humans do to ours."
Women Don’t Know The Pain
Also Avengers Infinity War
There No Last Digit
Slater explained that when making a misstep during a series of routine behaviors, dolphins often pause mid-task, clearly aware they’ve done something odd.
Some of them even whistle or squeak in acknowledgment of the awkward moment! Others might slap a pectoral fin against the surface of the water in mild frustration. And a great many of them slip beneath the waterline to expel a cloud of air from their blowhole in what looks, truly, like a world-class brain fart of epic proportions.
Mother Is A Word By Itself
Poor Kid
I'm Not Sure If He Was Joking Or Not
Somebody Would Be So Dissapointed
Hopefully, this knowledge and the pictures you've been scrolling through will help you recover from your own brain farts quicker. They happen even to the best of us.
For more whooshes, fire up our earlier articles on this subreddit here and here.
How Does People Not Get It?
But I suspect that the dogs will interpret what they see, according to the rules they know? It's called 'theory of mind'
There's Always This One Guy
You Can't See Me
He's A 19 Goddammit
They Forgot To Put The Dehydrated Water In!
"That's A F**king Horse"
Ice Spider
There Was No Attempt To Understand
R/Thathappened Back At It Again
Some people in the original images seem to suffer from an irony deficiency
Actually, a lot of people suffer from iron (not irony) deficiency and I’m pretty sure it doesn’t affect their ability to understand jokes. /s
Load More Replies...A hint to other Jokesters - "subtlety" in your witticism is a guarantee that 87% of readers will miss it entirely. Yes, I have hard data. Just be prepared for that.
Tbh, the former seems to be the latter except they think that they're smart and calling someone else's stupidity out, while doing so.
Some people in the original images seem to suffer from an irony deficiency
Actually, a lot of people suffer from iron (not irony) deficiency and I’m pretty sure it doesn’t affect their ability to understand jokes. /s
Load More Replies...A hint to other Jokesters - "subtlety" in your witticism is a guarantee that 87% of readers will miss it entirely. Yes, I have hard data. Just be prepared for that.
Tbh, the former seems to be the latter except they think that they're smart and calling someone else's stupidity out, while doing so.