People Are Fighting Texas’ Abortion Laws By Spamming The Anti-Abortion Tip Line Website In Masterful Ways
The Texas Heartbeat Act came into effect on September 1st, 2021. It’s a controversial new law that prohibits abortions after six weeks of pregnancy—the supposed amount of time that a fetus’ first “heartbeat” is recorded.
It’s created another massive division across the country due to it being one of the most extreme anti-abortion laws enacted. The time frame is so short that many women won’t even realize they’re pregnant, by which time they’d be branded a criminal for choosing to abort.
To support the ban, a pro-life group named ‘Texas Right to Life’ has set up an anonymous tipline website for others to report suspected offenders and those involved with the process. However, many have condemned the new law and this group, and they weren’t going to stay quiet about it.
Local Texans have sent out a rallying cry across the internet to fight back, and the internet has answered. In an act of online guerilla warfare, people have taken to spamming the website with memes, fake tip-offs, and other “content” to waste the group’s time, resources and otherwise just troll them. Bored Panda has highlighted some key moments (and hilarious ones) from the battle.
The ‘Texas Right to Life’ group has created a website for others to tip-off suspected lawbreakers
Image credits: dcopaken
Bored Panda spoke to Aimee Arrambide, the Executive Director of Avow—a non-profit organization that works to secure unrestricted abortion access for every Texan. They believe that everyone should have access to safe and legal abortion, but their work has been disrupted immensely by the Texas Heartbeat Act.
Aimee told Bored Panda what is being done to resolve the issue and help people affected by the ban. She said, “This bill is unconstitutional and an affront to the judicial system. Texans will keep fighting for access to abortion care.”
“There are several court challenges making their way through the judicial system but in the meantime, we are directing people to Need Abortion. It will have the most up-to-date resources on where they can get abortion care, and how they can find funding to help them pay for the procedure and other logistical support.”
What women do with their bodies is their choice and they should have control over it too. The case for abortion can be made if the mother is mentally or physically unprepared for carrying a child, or if the pregnancy is the result of a crime such as child sex abuse or rape. Aimee shared her thoughts on this matter and offered a disturbing thought. She said, “We expect thousands of Texans will be forced to carry their pregnancy to term and give birth against their will.”
She also explained how it will affect those struggling in society the most. She said that: “abortion access will be even more difficult for our most marginalized communities: people of color, trans and non-binary people, and undocumented people.”
Aimee urged people to help support those who are in difficulty at this time and told us, “Please follow the organizations on the ground in Texas. We are asking that people donate to the Texas Abortion Funds because they are trying to close the gap for those that have a hard time accessing abortion care. We are also asking people to donate to Avow so that we can elect abortion rights champions to the Texas Legislature.”
However, online activists realized they could fight back against the group
Image credits: ziibiing
And trolled them with memes and other spam content
Image credits: NoLieWithBTC
Image credits: ellepolloloca
Image credits: Lindsay31712712
@colethesciencedude had an idea to disrupt the group’s efforts
Image credits: ksccostello
ADVERTISEMENTImage credits: ksccostello
And he whipped up a computer script to create fake reports and overburden the website 
Image credits: ksccostello
Image credits: ksccostello
Image credits: ksccostello
Others decided to follow suit with his idea
Image credits: cameron_kasky
Image credits: indyfromspace
And let their artist licenses run wild on their own fake tip-offs
Image credits: citycyclops
Image credits: Dona_Ximena
Image credits: cryptic_yeet
Image credits: maqart55
Image credits: kathleenhanna
Image credits: JWoody907
Image credits: TaxTheRich408
Image credits: Bi_Laws
Image credits: commiedaughter
@black_madness21 had a similar idea to spam fake reports using scripting code
Image credits: b_denum
Image credits: b_denum
Bored Panda also spoke to Sean Black (a.k.a. @black_madness21) — that very same, very technical, and very handsome person above. Sean explained the initial inspiration for the bot and the video, and he said, “I first got the idea when a mutual of mine, @victoriahammett posted a video about the tipline.”
His video currently has 1.3M views on TikTok and he told us what the response has been like. He said, “The reaction to the video has been largely positive. Support has been coming in from all over the country, especially in Texas, so it shows that there is staunch opposition to this bill.”
Sean will continue to support the cause against the bill and told us what he thinks on the matter: “Many of us believe that it’s a direct attack on women’s bodily autonomy. So, if there is anything I could do to oppose that, then that’s the thing I’ll do.”
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Innes is a writer at Bored Panda. His work combines his passion for the weird and wonderful with helping others on their mission to learn. Outside of work, he loves exploring all kinds of music and will often listen to a new album every day.
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Innes M.
Author, Community member
Innes is a writer at Bored Panda. His work combines his passion for the weird and wonderful with helping others on their mission to learn. Outside of work, he loves exploring all kinds of music and will often listen to a new album every day.

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Denis is a photo editor at Bored Panda. After getting his bachelor's degree in Multimedia and Computer Design, he tried to succeed in digital design, advertising, and branding. Also, Denis really enjoys sports and loves everything related to board sports and water.
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Denis Tymulis
Author, Community member
Denis is a photo editor at Bored Panda. After getting his bachelor's degree in Multimedia and Computer Design, he tried to succeed in digital design, advertising, and branding. Also, Denis really enjoys sports and loves everything related to board sports and water.
I love to see all the people on this thread that are pulling together to support the women in Texas. No man should ever have a say in what a woman does with her body. And Republicans, you need to keep your noses out of other peoples private parts. It's disturbing.
The governor needs to stick his nose in a mask, not women’s lives.
Load More Replies...It just makes no sense! They have this “abortion is murder” stance, yet somehow Texan leaders are obsessed with “freedoms” like gun rights and fighting mask mandates - even punishing those places that want to require them. Ummm what do those two things do? Kill people! Spreading Covid at an alarming rate is killing those most susceptible. Wielding a gun with no regulations? I mean come on! You don’t like abortion and feel it’s morally wrong, kudos to you. Don’t do it. But think outside of your little bubble and realize that others may need the MEDICAL PROCEDURE for reasons you have no right to judge. Until you are ready to ban every single way a person can be murdered, shut your traps.
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As also it is unnecessary for you to attack republicans specifically, and you sir, need to stop your awful attitude. If you really want to go down the whole," My body my choice" route, then maybe consider the action of demanding others to get vaccinated a violation of that "rule."
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What are your thoughts about the babies after they are born? Will Texas help the parents or let the baby starve?
So you're saying it's ok to hurt someone as long as their pain is just to further another goal?
No, you're not, your highness. Taking away the rights of women is NOT the moral high ground you've been led to believe. You are a republican lying to yourself.
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Sure… as soon as people get their nose out of my immune system too
Only when you stop spreading easily preventable diseases to other people & affecting THEIR immune systems.
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You mean like crabs, genital warts, herpes and HIV? All stemming from the same irresponsible act which cause an unplanned pregnancy? Not wrapping it up. At some point people, YOU bear the responsibility for your actions. I know this word may be foreign in your vocabulary, but it is not in MOST people's - around the world.
Maybe just mAyBe Texas should teach realistic sex education? Abstinence Only is unrealistic. Safe sex practices and contraception are important. At least that would be a start. My vote: Keep Abortion Safe and Legal!
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I personally caught covid from vaccinated people. Have fun dying from the vaccine you moron
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So if its his kid he has no say???? That sounds like your mother should have had one
He has no say unless he's capable of carrying that fetus HIMSELF.
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So it's wrong to say, "Um, you know what? Killing a baby is bad". Men and women have every right to use protection or just not have sex if they don't want a baby. Or if they do get pregnant, then can give up to baby. Newborns are almost always taken up by loving parents.
It's fine to say that killing a baby is bad. But forcing a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy is worse. Unwanted pregnancies are inevitable. Contraceptives fail. People mess up. You could give up the baby, but only after 9 months of pregnancy, which is emotionally, physically, and financially draining. I don't think very many people enjoy getting abortions; they just sometimes need the option in order to survive.
"Newborns are 'almost always' taken up by loving parents" Ian Bartels? Exactly, not 100% of the time and what about the ones that aren't? Adoptions don't always go well. I know of a couple who adopted a baby, thinking they could not have their own, got pregnant and then the adopted child was not wanted anymore - at less than 5 years old. Was unloved and had a desperately sad childhood. That's heart breaking. People have got to stop assuming that babies will always go to good loving homes. Most, yes, not all. If I know of that one unwanted child from adoption it is extremely unlikely it's the only one.
abortions will never be out of reach for the wealthy. They are only impossible for the most vulnerable and for whom an unwanted pregnancy would spell disaster.
What about those babies AFTER they are born? I say this time and again and again and again when I hear anti-choice pr*cks face-fart about protecting the "pre-born." What plans do they have if the mother can't care for a child? "Adoption not abortion" works only if the baby is white - and does not have any obvious birth defects, or is very lucky. Far, far too many children spend their entire childhoods in the foster "care" system, never knowing a loving family, suffering neglect and abuse, possibly even rape, bouncing from one house to the next like human pinballs, and then when they turn 18 ejected from the system into an ice-cold world without any support network. They are likely to wind up homeless, or victims of human trafficking, or in prison because they had to turn to crime in order to survive.
Yes because women aren’t incubators and it doesn’t work to just force people to be pregnant if they don’t want to be. Or use protection if they don’t want to. People will need options for if protection fails other than “risk your life for someone else, who isn’t even born yet.”
Excellent points; and, it is not true that newborns are adopted by loving parents, and it's not easy to put a child up for adoption either.
🤣 that made me laugh. Indeed...Mormons.
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Actually, there are MANY cultures and religions that do not believe in abortion. True Christians, Catholics, Muslims, and Eastern religions do not. Traditionally these cultures do not: Indians, peoples from the Near & Middle East, Africans, Latin Americans and Asians. Do not confuse "modern" populations with those that have existed since the beginning of mankind. Not all Westerners support this decision either - though it is more common in the countries that fall under this category. I hope that you realize this "right" is almost exclusive to western countries - or those under communist states, which actually encourage and in some cases ENFORCE women to have abortions (such was the case of China until very recently). Perhaps before reacting with your virtue-signaling platitudes and emotional outbursts, you should realize that Americans are lucky enough to voice their opinions EQUALLY about a subject.
Then consider how this too shall pass, like the Female Genital Mutilation crusade of the 90's. Are you upset about this as well? A young girl's labia majora, labia minora, and her clitoris removed with a broken shard of dusty glass, then her vagina sewn up until her husband-to-be forcibly rapes her on their wedding night, and she dies due to the damage caused by this act and the infection that racks her body. Are you STILL upset about a woman's right to control her body and fertility??...
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Actually stupid if he is the father he does have a say because if the girl had the baby he would have to pay child support or sign his rights over. Half his DNA and guess what you dumb f***s its no longer just your body anymore when you get pregnant.
Does that mean it's no longer just my body if I get a tapeworm? I'm not playing host to a living thing without my consent. Besides, if we play by your rules, a mother is allowed to make medical choices on behalf of her child as it isn't mature enough to think for itself. Think of it as a joint decision on behalf of her & the "baby" (because you people can't accept that it's just a fetus).
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Fetus is from Latin, meaning offspring. So, literally, child. Sorry Sleazy
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Tapeworm isnt a human being
That's right, Freya, and the Right (who are so wrong) define that heartbeat earlier than exists the heart. what they call a heartbeat are just electrical pulse signals between cells, firing off. Rob is a mouthing-off fool, and what's more, sadly, wilfully ignorant.
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It is. But anything with a heartbeat is alive. I don’t care if you kill it, I just hate all the semantics and couched language. It’s something that’s alive. You kill it. That’s what abortion is. Do it, don’t do it—not my business. But be honest.
If you’re getting that technical Bobby, then technically you’re just “letting it die,” since it will die on its own without a woman’s body to host it, but she doesn’t actively have to do anything to kill it. Let’s be honest here.
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It has a heartbeat. Anything with a heartbeat is alive. A few weeks after that it can feel.
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No. It’s true. Kill it or not, I don’t care, not my business. But it’s still alive.
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😂 so only people who groupthink are allowed. F*****g boring.
Thank you for confirming that you are indeed very uneducated and mentally impaired
Ok but isn't that offensive to the mentally impaired? I mean, no one's as stupid as this.
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Should have kept your private parts out of it so you wouldn't need an abortion
Just because you don’t like sex doesn’t mean nobody else does, Damo.
I've decided I'm going to spam this site by telling true personal experiences of sexual crimes against my body...starting at the ripe old age of 6....growing up in Texas. I am now 57.....sadly...I have lots of stories....the price of being born female in this sick world. I encourage other women to do the same. Capture55-...89-png.jpg
OMG Auntie. This is horrible. I'm so shocked I don't know what to say. Are you OK now?
Load More Replies...Hello Caro Caro. Yes, I'm fine in regards to living a life of happiness in spite of that (and other sexual crimes against my person). But as a woman in this world, no, I am not okay. I am not okay that girls and women are sexually assaulted, molested, raped, abused, impregnated, controlled, bought and sold, and murdered by men. I am not okay with men never being held accountable for their actions. I am not okay with men using fake religion to control women's minds and bodies. And I am not okay with anyone, man or woman, having ANY say in what should be my private and personal healthcare. The story I posted above is only the first of many. For now, the website has changed domains, and the anonymous comments have been disabled. But I will keep my eye on this and should the snitching form return I will share every disgusting detail of growing up female in Texas.
Auntie Social, I admire your courage. I am deeply sorry to hear this but also encouraged that a strong women like you is on the side of all those woman out there that need your support and strength. I'ma follow you, we Aunties need to stick together and take care of our girls. Big HUG.
Girl I worked with lawyers for 22 years. If I had a dollar for every sexual offender that said a six-year-old teased him, I'd have some dollars.
Yes, I am Carmen. Actually, writing it out was cathartic, even though I did so in a snarky sarcastic tone...or perhaps because I did write it that way. Either way, speaking out against oppressive unequal rights against women always feels good. Cheers, and thank you. :-)
This legislation was not the action of a country that supports freedom and democracy. Getting people to snoop on their neighbours is how the Soviets and Nazis held power.
Every day we witness that USA is not a democracy. USA is lead by people who have the most money and they will only pursue their own interests and make sure they pay as little taxes as possible. They don't care about you. They aren't interested how regular people will survive or what would be sustainable in the long term for the world. And the freedom is just an empty buzzword they can justify anything with. It's not freedom if you don't have the choice. Instead they gave freedom to other people to choose on behalf of women. This is beyond stupid, I don't have words to describe it. It's like some 3rd world country where women are worth zero and only exist if men allow them to exist. But people in US have their precious freedom to die of curable diseases under a bridge without national health care. Maybe your abortion rates would be lower if you made sure pregnant women have security that they will survive raising the kid and if the child birth didn't cost an arm and a leg.
Big Blue Cat - might interest you to know that the US has not been officially classed as a democracy for some time now (interestingly the last time it was a full democracy was 2015). it is officially a Flawed Democracy. See the Democracy Index: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy_Index
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You do know no cops were killed 1/6 right?
Spot on! Shout it from the mountaintop! We need to fight back, and HARD, to keep the USA from becoming the next fascist dictatorship. Fight back now with ballots - so we don't have to resort to bullets.
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😂 should be an interesting few years. Those on the other side are itching to settle it with bullets too.
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I said the other side. I didn’t say we, I—nothing. So f**k off with your lies.
And it's not even a new strategy for them. Remember Joe McCarthy and the Red Scare?
A Washington state Rep likened the republicans of Texas to the Taliban in how they commit atrocities against women. Bunch of people flipping their lids over that alignment.
I think this was to avoid governmental enforcement of their law- by doing it this way (with citizens) there is no legal precedent set already and the courts are all left scrambling. Does anyone know more? I'm not sure I really understand what have been reading on the topic.
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You were equally upset by this, right? https://www.kgw.com/article/news/politics/oregon-covid-freeze-call-police-neighbors-kate-brown/283-d25ae28a-f177-4b68-a5a6-882004da1862
Yes, this is messed up too. But I'm more upset at the Texas severe consequences from tattling vs. these consequences.
I love to see all the people on this thread that are pulling together to support the women in Texas. No man should ever have a say in what a woman does with her body. And Republicans, you need to keep your noses out of other peoples private parts. It's disturbing.
The governor needs to stick his nose in a mask, not women’s lives.
Load More Replies...It just makes no sense! They have this “abortion is murder” stance, yet somehow Texan leaders are obsessed with “freedoms” like gun rights and fighting mask mandates - even punishing those places that want to require them. Ummm what do those two things do? Kill people! Spreading Covid at an alarming rate is killing those most susceptible. Wielding a gun with no regulations? I mean come on! You don’t like abortion and feel it’s morally wrong, kudos to you. Don’t do it. But think outside of your little bubble and realize that others may need the MEDICAL PROCEDURE for reasons you have no right to judge. Until you are ready to ban every single way a person can be murdered, shut your traps.
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As also it is unnecessary for you to attack republicans specifically, and you sir, need to stop your awful attitude. If you really want to go down the whole," My body my choice" route, then maybe consider the action of demanding others to get vaccinated a violation of that "rule."
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What are your thoughts about the babies after they are born? Will Texas help the parents or let the baby starve?
So you're saying it's ok to hurt someone as long as their pain is just to further another goal?
No, you're not, your highness. Taking away the rights of women is NOT the moral high ground you've been led to believe. You are a republican lying to yourself.
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Sure… as soon as people get their nose out of my immune system too
Only when you stop spreading easily preventable diseases to other people & affecting THEIR immune systems.
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You mean like crabs, genital warts, herpes and HIV? All stemming from the same irresponsible act which cause an unplanned pregnancy? Not wrapping it up. At some point people, YOU bear the responsibility for your actions. I know this word may be foreign in your vocabulary, but it is not in MOST people's - around the world.
Maybe just mAyBe Texas should teach realistic sex education? Abstinence Only is unrealistic. Safe sex practices and contraception are important. At least that would be a start. My vote: Keep Abortion Safe and Legal!
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I personally caught covid from vaccinated people. Have fun dying from the vaccine you moron
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So if its his kid he has no say???? That sounds like your mother should have had one
He has no say unless he's capable of carrying that fetus HIMSELF.
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So it's wrong to say, "Um, you know what? Killing a baby is bad". Men and women have every right to use protection or just not have sex if they don't want a baby. Or if they do get pregnant, then can give up to baby. Newborns are almost always taken up by loving parents.
It's fine to say that killing a baby is bad. But forcing a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy is worse. Unwanted pregnancies are inevitable. Contraceptives fail. People mess up. You could give up the baby, but only after 9 months of pregnancy, which is emotionally, physically, and financially draining. I don't think very many people enjoy getting abortions; they just sometimes need the option in order to survive.
"Newborns are 'almost always' taken up by loving parents" Ian Bartels? Exactly, not 100% of the time and what about the ones that aren't? Adoptions don't always go well. I know of a couple who adopted a baby, thinking they could not have their own, got pregnant and then the adopted child was not wanted anymore - at less than 5 years old. Was unloved and had a desperately sad childhood. That's heart breaking. People have got to stop assuming that babies will always go to good loving homes. Most, yes, not all. If I know of that one unwanted child from adoption it is extremely unlikely it's the only one.
abortions will never be out of reach for the wealthy. They are only impossible for the most vulnerable and for whom an unwanted pregnancy would spell disaster.
What about those babies AFTER they are born? I say this time and again and again and again when I hear anti-choice pr*cks face-fart about protecting the "pre-born." What plans do they have if the mother can't care for a child? "Adoption not abortion" works only if the baby is white - and does not have any obvious birth defects, or is very lucky. Far, far too many children spend their entire childhoods in the foster "care" system, never knowing a loving family, suffering neglect and abuse, possibly even rape, bouncing from one house to the next like human pinballs, and then when they turn 18 ejected from the system into an ice-cold world without any support network. They are likely to wind up homeless, or victims of human trafficking, or in prison because they had to turn to crime in order to survive.
Yes because women aren’t incubators and it doesn’t work to just force people to be pregnant if they don’t want to be. Or use protection if they don’t want to. People will need options for if protection fails other than “risk your life for someone else, who isn’t even born yet.”
Excellent points; and, it is not true that newborns are adopted by loving parents, and it's not easy to put a child up for adoption either.
🤣 that made me laugh. Indeed...Mormons.
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Actually, there are MANY cultures and religions that do not believe in abortion. True Christians, Catholics, Muslims, and Eastern religions do not. Traditionally these cultures do not: Indians, peoples from the Near & Middle East, Africans, Latin Americans and Asians. Do not confuse "modern" populations with those that have existed since the beginning of mankind. Not all Westerners support this decision either - though it is more common in the countries that fall under this category. I hope that you realize this "right" is almost exclusive to western countries - or those under communist states, which actually encourage and in some cases ENFORCE women to have abortions (such was the case of China until very recently). Perhaps before reacting with your virtue-signaling platitudes and emotional outbursts, you should realize that Americans are lucky enough to voice their opinions EQUALLY about a subject.
Then consider how this too shall pass, like the Female Genital Mutilation crusade of the 90's. Are you upset about this as well? A young girl's labia majora, labia minora, and her clitoris removed with a broken shard of dusty glass, then her vagina sewn up until her husband-to-be forcibly rapes her on their wedding night, and she dies due to the damage caused by this act and the infection that racks her body. Are you STILL upset about a woman's right to control her body and fertility??...
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Actually stupid if he is the father he does have a say because if the girl had the baby he would have to pay child support or sign his rights over. Half his DNA and guess what you dumb f***s its no longer just your body anymore when you get pregnant.
Does that mean it's no longer just my body if I get a tapeworm? I'm not playing host to a living thing without my consent. Besides, if we play by your rules, a mother is allowed to make medical choices on behalf of her child as it isn't mature enough to think for itself. Think of it as a joint decision on behalf of her & the "baby" (because you people can't accept that it's just a fetus).
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Fetus is from Latin, meaning offspring. So, literally, child. Sorry Sleazy
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Tapeworm isnt a human being
That's right, Freya, and the Right (who are so wrong) define that heartbeat earlier than exists the heart. what they call a heartbeat are just electrical pulse signals between cells, firing off. Rob is a mouthing-off fool, and what's more, sadly, wilfully ignorant.
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It is. But anything with a heartbeat is alive. I don’t care if you kill it, I just hate all the semantics and couched language. It’s something that’s alive. You kill it. That’s what abortion is. Do it, don’t do it—not my business. But be honest.
If you’re getting that technical Bobby, then technically you’re just “letting it die,” since it will die on its own without a woman’s body to host it, but she doesn’t actively have to do anything to kill it. Let’s be honest here.
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It has a heartbeat. Anything with a heartbeat is alive. A few weeks after that it can feel.
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No. It’s true. Kill it or not, I don’t care, not my business. But it’s still alive.
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😂 so only people who groupthink are allowed. F*****g boring.
Thank you for confirming that you are indeed very uneducated and mentally impaired
Ok but isn't that offensive to the mentally impaired? I mean, no one's as stupid as this.
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Should have kept your private parts out of it so you wouldn't need an abortion
Just because you don’t like sex doesn’t mean nobody else does, Damo.
I've decided I'm going to spam this site by telling true personal experiences of sexual crimes against my body...starting at the ripe old age of 6....growing up in Texas. I am now 57.....sadly...I have lots of stories....the price of being born female in this sick world. I encourage other women to do the same. Capture55-...89-png.jpg
OMG Auntie. This is horrible. I'm so shocked I don't know what to say. Are you OK now?
Load More Replies...Hello Caro Caro. Yes, I'm fine in regards to living a life of happiness in spite of that (and other sexual crimes against my person). But as a woman in this world, no, I am not okay. I am not okay that girls and women are sexually assaulted, molested, raped, abused, impregnated, controlled, bought and sold, and murdered by men. I am not okay with men never being held accountable for their actions. I am not okay with men using fake religion to control women's minds and bodies. And I am not okay with anyone, man or woman, having ANY say in what should be my private and personal healthcare. The story I posted above is only the first of many. For now, the website has changed domains, and the anonymous comments have been disabled. But I will keep my eye on this and should the snitching form return I will share every disgusting detail of growing up female in Texas.
Auntie Social, I admire your courage. I am deeply sorry to hear this but also encouraged that a strong women like you is on the side of all those woman out there that need your support and strength. I'ma follow you, we Aunties need to stick together and take care of our girls. Big HUG.
Girl I worked with lawyers for 22 years. If I had a dollar for every sexual offender that said a six-year-old teased him, I'd have some dollars.
Yes, I am Carmen. Actually, writing it out was cathartic, even though I did so in a snarky sarcastic tone...or perhaps because I did write it that way. Either way, speaking out against oppressive unequal rights against women always feels good. Cheers, and thank you. :-)
This legislation was not the action of a country that supports freedom and democracy. Getting people to snoop on their neighbours is how the Soviets and Nazis held power.
Every day we witness that USA is not a democracy. USA is lead by people who have the most money and they will only pursue their own interests and make sure they pay as little taxes as possible. They don't care about you. They aren't interested how regular people will survive or what would be sustainable in the long term for the world. And the freedom is just an empty buzzword they can justify anything with. It's not freedom if you don't have the choice. Instead they gave freedom to other people to choose on behalf of women. This is beyond stupid, I don't have words to describe it. It's like some 3rd world country where women are worth zero and only exist if men allow them to exist. But people in US have their precious freedom to die of curable diseases under a bridge without national health care. Maybe your abortion rates would be lower if you made sure pregnant women have security that they will survive raising the kid and if the child birth didn't cost an arm and a leg.
Big Blue Cat - might interest you to know that the US has not been officially classed as a democracy for some time now (interestingly the last time it was a full democracy was 2015). it is officially a Flawed Democracy. See the Democracy Index: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy_Index
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You do know no cops were killed 1/6 right?
Spot on! Shout it from the mountaintop! We need to fight back, and HARD, to keep the USA from becoming the next fascist dictatorship. Fight back now with ballots - so we don't have to resort to bullets.
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😂 should be an interesting few years. Those on the other side are itching to settle it with bullets too.
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I said the other side. I didn’t say we, I—nothing. So f**k off with your lies.
And it's not even a new strategy for them. Remember Joe McCarthy and the Red Scare?
A Washington state Rep likened the republicans of Texas to the Taliban in how they commit atrocities against women. Bunch of people flipping their lids over that alignment.
I think this was to avoid governmental enforcement of their law- by doing it this way (with citizens) there is no legal precedent set already and the courts are all left scrambling. Does anyone know more? I'm not sure I really understand what have been reading on the topic.
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You were equally upset by this, right? https://www.kgw.com/article/news/politics/oregon-covid-freeze-call-police-neighbors-kate-brown/283-d25ae28a-f177-4b68-a5a6-882004da1862
Yes, this is messed up too. But I'm more upset at the Texas severe consequences from tattling vs. these consequences.