35 Spot-On Answers To “What Do People Think Makes Them Look Cool, But Actually Makes Them Look Like A Douchebag?“, As Shared In This Online Group
Have you ever noticed a person driving a really expensive car but acting out on the road? What about knowing someone who criticizes what others are wearing and thinking that it’s actually cool to judge? What about carving on trees and thinking that they are badass?
People online are pointing out things that are actually more like being a douchebag than being cool. User u/finleyg113 of the Reddit group dedicated to asking all sorts of questions asked “What do people think makes them look cool, but actually makes them look like a douchebag?" And by the looks of it, people definitely think that certain things should be labelled as ‘douchebag’ and not ‘cool.’ Below are 39 brutally spot-on things about this topic.
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People who tease guys for drinking “girly drinks”. If a guy wants to drink a Strawberry Daiquiri let him drink it in peace.
You know what is manly? Drinking whatever the f*** you want without giving a s*** what people think.
Driving around residential areas too fast in cars with really loud engines and those exhausts that go BANG BANG BANG all the time. They look like nothing other than inconsiderate a***holes.
The amount of decibels produced compensates the lack of inches in a certain area.
Being mean to serving staff
Handing a homeless guy a ten dollar bill and posting it on Youtube
Vandalizing rocks, trees, etc. in parks and nature preserves. It takes you out of the experience when you’re scanning a gorgeous landscape and your eyes land on ‘butthead + dingdong forever’ in bright colors
Declaring themselves to a an 'Alpha-male', 'High Value Women' or anything like that it.
It screams immaturity and lack of self awareness.
If you have to declare yourself whatever, you are most certainly whatever not.
It's just a prank bro, It's just a prank! - said by every douche about to get their a** kicked because they pushed too far.
There's a difference between a prank and violent attacks or building contraptions to hurt people. I still can't see the fun in shoving a cake violently in someone's face, especially when that person is wearing glasses.
Gatekeeping a fandom or hobby. “You aren’t a real fan of XYZ band if you started listening to them after this album”, “You’re not a real beer drinker if you don’t like IPAs”
You're not a real asshole if you don't bash everyone who has a different opinion than you
Doing something nice for someone and video taping it for clout.
Undermining a person everytime they try to talk.
My ex did this to me and the amount of confidence I've lost is terrible. Still recovering after 3 years. Teasing someone when they gather guts to talk in a group and then laughing is useless. Cannot explain how badly it hurts
The line between joking and bullying can be a thin one, and a lot of douchebags either dont see it or they just dont care.
Using a cellphone in public on speaker.
My answer to that would be to join in the conversation with just one sentence while walking by the window. Dont make your calls public. The public will be tempted to join in.
Wearing name brand clothing just because it has the brand written all over the clothing, for everyone else to see.
Supporting a celebrity that doesn't give a s**t about your existence online to the extent of bullying and name calling people who don't worship that celebrity
Enough of this piece of trash. Can we just pretend she doesn’t exist anymore?
Picking on someone in a group and trying to get everyone else to laugh at them. Not in a hey! everyone’s joking around kind of way- in a being a nasty piece of work and embarrassing the person kind of way.
That whole “I don’t give a f***” attitude online where people just hate everyone and be super edgy, it doesn’t make you look cool, just makes you look like a d***.
I saw someone actually make a poll for self harm online....thankfully people have the sense to not vote or interact with it and talk to the person
Bragging about their income or material possessions
People who brag about this, are usually the ones who don’t have much money.
Being an a**hole to other people to boost your own ego
This is what most of the "call outs" I've seen are about: just an excuse to treat someone else like garbage with a free pass.
Teachers who are proud of many of their students not passing, if I ever get a teacher like that maybe I should ask why they are proud for being a bad teacher.
Testing is often a really stupid way to check knowledge and ability. Sometimes a lack of knowledge and ability is definitely due to bad teaching. But it's also sometimes down to a lack of interest in learning. Don't blame teachers for everything; they're not miracle workers.
Judging another person for their interests even if the other person’s interests don’t affect or hurt anyone else. The other day I had an acquaintance tell me how a friend of mine who likes to collect Funko Pops must be such a virgin even though the guy is literally married with a kid on the way.
Wut. I’ve decided I’m gonna start collecting funko pops on my b-day. I’ve always liked em. (I’m gonna collect Simpsons, spider verse, marvel and mandolorian funko pops)
Smoking in “no smoking” zones
No smoking zones are there so people can go places without having to breathe in your smoke. And people with lung issues like me REALLY don't appreciate it. And don't get mad when we glare at you, you're the one smoking where you're not supposed to.
Judging people who dress differently to them
Also judging people for their music choices. Like when someone goes through your iPod/Spotify/whatever and is all “eww you listen to this” then proceeds to tell you about the super edgy music they listen to that “no one really knows yet” 🙄🙄
I literally listen to only Disney, Christian Worship, Star Wars, and a couple musicals. I get Judged SO. MUCH. for not listening too/liking T swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Billie Ellish, Etc. YOU AREN'T LISTENING TO MY MUSIC, SO WHY DOES IT MATTER!
Revving your engines and blasting s***** music through a city neighborhood regardless of the time.
I live in Jersey City and this happens quite often, you don't look cool.
This is very specific, but I once knew a bloke who thoughy he was cool for not liking Game of Thrones, which is fine, but would then post spoilers of it on social media along the lines of "I don't watch or care about Game of Thrones, but X died in the most recent episode, unlucky if you saw this". I fell victim of it once and I literally thought my blood was boiling. I was so angry.
The lesson here is probably to stay off social media before you've seen the most recent episode of a show you love.... But still.... F*** that guy.
Failing school does not inherently make you a douchebag, but bragging about it as if it's something that is cool isn't the best presentation of character either.
Yeah, like those kids who are like "haha i have an F in this class." *pause, no one replies." "[Louder] HAHA I HAVE AN F IN THIS CLASS DID YALL KNOW THAT I'M LIKE FAILING THIS CLASS HAHAHHA" dude if i have anything below a B- I freak the f**k out idk how you can be bragging about your Fs
Constantly telling people about the women they've slept with or were otherwise involved with. I knew a guy like this in college, he was one of the most obnoxious dudes I've known.
That's YOUR personal information. TMI, I don't need to know who you've banged.
The ones who don't know how to get attention so they start gossiping about everyone. And I'm like I know your life is not interesting but please have some respect for others and for yourself.
You can actually take someone's life with gossip. Either it's so bad the person commits suicide, or if someone believes something seriously enough they may choose to actually kill them. Both have happened. Dont do it! You don't know what may be the consequences of the "telephone effect".
driving expensive cars & cutting people off.
People driving expensive cars have more reasons to drive carefully than that guy in his '74 Toyota rustbucket.
I have a coworker who has the "gift of gab" and is very proud of his ability to give people false assurances while being extremely vague, essentially just bombarding them with words until they're satisfied. It's a useful trick, I suppose, but when you hear him do it in real time, you realize he's just a very good liar.
Gotta say it: people with too much cologne or perfume. You don't smell good.
I have a colleague that sits opposite me like that. I always know when he is close by as i can smell him.
Load More Replies...People that stand in the way of others rather than standing to one side.
Yes! One of my biggest pet peeves is when people stop in the middle of a walkway or at the landing of a staircase and act surprised when someone else tries to go around them or through them, especially at a busy establishment.
Load More Replies...Gotta say it: people with too much cologne or perfume. You don't smell good.
I have a colleague that sits opposite me like that. I always know when he is close by as i can smell him.
Load More Replies...People that stand in the way of others rather than standing to one side.
Yes! One of my biggest pet peeves is when people stop in the middle of a walkway or at the landing of a staircase and act surprised when someone else tries to go around them or through them, especially at a busy establishment.
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