Misfortunes are an unavoidable part of life and we have to learn how to get past them. But how do you forget accidentally telling your crush you literally just peed your pants laughing? Or inadvertently informing your boss about your recent wardrobe malfunction? You don't. I'm walking about wrong-person texts, of course, So let's take a look at a Reddit thread where people have been sharing their funniest and worst mix-ups, marked with embarrassment and laughter.


40 "Wrong Person" Texts That Might Make You Laugh Or Cringe Was stoned at home watching tv texting a girl I was dating and my best friend from high school simultaneously (separate chats). My friend at the time was struggling with addiction problems and at the time I felt like I was being used and taken for granted and said something along the lines of “he’s probably getting coked out again” to the girl but I actually sent it to my friend. I felt a dread I’ve never felt before. Because I love my friends and I felt like I betrayed him by talking s**t. I immediately apologized and explained the mix up. Took ownership. But felt so bad for so long.

BUT! That girl is now my wife and that friend was one of my groomsmen and gave the speech at our wedding and I was his best man and also gave a speech at his wedding. Turned out my text helped him realize he had hit bottom and he made some really positive changes and I couldn’t be more happy for him.

Edited for typos.

where2next00 , diignat Report


40 "Wrong Person" Texts That Might Make You Laugh Or Cringe Texted my boss “I love you my cute pretty little princess”. This was for my girlfriend, my current wife. Anyway he responded with “I love you too sweetheart”.

IrrelevantSpaceTaker , NordWood Themes Report


40 "Wrong Person" Texts That Might Make You Laugh Or Cringe Finished an overtime shift and instead of texting my wife I ended up texting my boss “Leaving work now. I love you so much baber. See you soon.”

It’s like 2 years later and this man still calls me baber. 😂.

discombobulatedhomey , 花見 瀬田 Report


40 "Wrong Person" Texts That Might Make You Laugh Or Cringe Sent a naughty text meant for my fiancée to my aunt once. One day at work, I texted my girl everything I was gonna do to her later after I got home. I went all out. Didn't hold back.

I sent the text, and ten minutes later, my aunt texted: "Oh, dear. You sent this to the wrong person. Try again."


8inchSalvattore , Teona Swift Report

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Nathaniel He/Him Cis-Het
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This should have gone differently according to my research into family activities as shown by adult entertainment sites.

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40 "Wrong Person" Texts That Might Make You Laugh Or Cringe Dont have a bad text but I did once get drunk and called my dad while at a family reunion (i couldnt make it) and left him a 2.5 hour ramble of how great a father he was.

He played it at the dinner.

No hard feelings I thought it was funny as hell.

Forward-Essay-7248 , Adrian Swancar Report


40 "Wrong Person" Texts That Might Make You Laugh Or Cringe Not me. I had made out with a girl for the first time in high school and she asked for my number. In my adrenaline fueled daze I gave her my mom’s.

I get out of play practice and as I sit down in the car she goes “So my son is a good kisser huh?” I wish god would have taken me right then.

Karsa69420 , Image-Source Report


40 "Wrong Person" Texts That Might Make You Laugh Or Cringe Called my wifes dad sugar tits. "Hows it going sugar tits?"

He laughed and brings it up once in awhile.

Remmemberme666 , monkeybusiness Report


Autocorrect got me, I used to travel to regional towns as part of my sales job.

I was on my way to a place called Lancelin and planning to catch up with friends that night.

We were trying to work out a time to meet so I was quickly replying to messages between customer visits. Of course I didn't see that my phone autocorrected Lancelin to lingerie!

I sent a message saying "I'll be in lingerie all day and should be home around 6"

It took a while to live that one down.

YisNoMaybe Report


40 "Wrong Person" Texts That Might Make You Laugh Or Cringe I was sending an email from my phone about sodium iodide (NaI) detectors and it corrected it to Nazi detectors. I nearly sent an email about buying uranium for Nazi detectors.

riphitter , Solen Feyissa Report

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Nathaniel He/Him Cis-Het
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1 month ago

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40 "Wrong Person" Texts That Might Make You Laugh Or Cringe I accidentally sent a picture of a man f*****g a watermelon to my nana. That was 20 years ago. She still has the picture and regularly reminds me of it.

Polythe_Aries , Lisa Fotios Report

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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

But...why do you have that picture in the first place?? WHO WAS THAT PICTURE FOR ORIGINALLY????

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40 "Wrong Person" Texts That Might Make You Laugh Or Cringe I was trying to shave my penis with a electric razor and nabbed myself a little. So i thought it would be funny to send a picture to my friend with the caption “when i ask the barber to take a little off the top” but accidentally posted a picture of my bloody, flaccid, and bald penis to my public story on snapchat. Also, it took like 30 minutes before someone thought to say, “did you mean to post this?”.

r32_fan , Sanket Mishra Report


I was in the backseat of a car with someone I didn’t like. I texted my mom how bad it was going and I accidentally send it to the person who happened to be driving. SIRI READ IT OUT-LOUD OVER THE APPLE CAR PLAY TO EVERYONE.

CompuuHiWi Report


40 "Wrong Person" Texts That Might Make You Laugh Or Cringe This guy I was friends with in a dark time in my life took another friend’s phone and changed the autocorrect. He made maybe the worst change ever. He changed the word people to the N-word’s.

The other friend didn’t catch it until he group messaged people from his company during a business trip. He meant to send “when do we have to pick up these Pfizer PEOPLE from the airport?” Needless to say the autocorrect changed that.

He was fired.

It was shortly after that we realized that the first guy wasn’t quirky and funny but that he was toxic.

HoneyBucketsOfOats , nina_p_v Report


40 "Wrong Person" Texts That Might Make You Laugh Or Cringe Back when my brother and I were in high school. my dad would get drunk, and be a jerk. Well my brother and I were each others support person. One day the whole family was in the living room together watching a movie. My dad had recently walked in, while my mom, brother, and I had been there for a while. Dad said some s**t that bothered me. So I went to text my brother about how much of an a*****e dad is. Well I accidentally sent it to dad. My body went into shock. But my mind went into survival mode or something. Because I felt myself just push my phone into the crack of the couch.
Then I walked straight to dad and said “hey I lost my phone, can I use find my iPhone on yours to find it?” He grabbed his, and said “oh a text from my son” I laughed and grabbed it before he read it, deleted the text, rung my phone, and was luckily in the clear. Ever since that day, I always clear my messages with him.

Daniel_crates , KATRIN BOLOVTSOVA Report

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Red PANda (she/they/he/ze)
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Great quick thinking 😬 I’m glad that messages now has an “unsend” function so people don’t have to resort to risky things like this to unsend a message

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40 "Wrong Person" Texts That Might Make You Laugh Or Cringe Oh man..

My 21 yr old son (at the time) was living with me as he was between places and trying to sort some things out.

At the time I had the Motorola Droid with the hardware keyboard so I tended to typey type and send without double checking my work.

One day I meant to send him, "Can you join us for a sec?" as my gal and I needed help with something and really needed another pair of hands.

Somehow not only did I typo that one word that you all see coming, but I double typoed it to send, "can you join us for sex?"

When he sent back, thankfully, "uhh, I don't think so" and I looked, confusedly, as to why the f**k he wouldn't help us with something we needed him for.... I realized how I had f****d up.

After my profuse apology and correction for what I meant to say, we never spoke of it again.

MajYoshi , Raphael Schön Report


40 "Wrong Person" Texts That Might Make You Laugh Or Cringe When I texted this girl I was going on a date with “Hey Olivia, I’m out front”

….her name was Natalie. She never came out.

anon , Hannah Busing Report

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Seanette Blaylock
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Can't say I blame her. I'd take that as saying you'd much rather be with Olivia to begin with.

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I complained rather bluntly, and using colorful language, about my M&A attorney to one of my business partners... It was a group text.


Fortunately, he was a professional. I called him to apologize, and explained that deal frustrations were getting the better of me. He allowed me to save face, and even put me at ease by saying that people have said far worse to him to his face.

bradland Report


I accidentally sent my boss a message that meant to read "I have a bigger problem". I missed the B and hit the N. Yes, he's black 😭.

ThickSleevePlease Report


40 "Wrong Person" Texts That Might Make You Laugh Or Cringe I was at work and tried to text my girlfriend, "I can't wait to get home to f**k you in the a*s."

After it was sent I realized I had texted my mom. I quickly added that the text was not intended for her. She replied, "OKAY."

We never spoke about it.

Northmansam , StockRocketStudio Report


40 "Wrong Person" Texts That Might Make You Laugh Or Cringe Let me preface this by stating I use to be a real big piece of s**t: 

When my wife and I were dating we went out to eat at Applebee's in our relatively small town.  Looking around the restaurant I noticed there were several females there that I had previously had 'relationships' with. 

I thought I was texting my then room mate when I said:

"Including *future wife* there are 5 girls at this Applebee's that I've boned"

Instead I sent it to my now wife who was sitting across the table from me.

Had to do a lot of damage control after that.  Been married 15 years this summer!

2nickels , Mike Mozart Report

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Tropical Tarot
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1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yeah I feel this. When I realized at least 80%of my wedding party had seen me at least topless.And i accidentally sent this to my niece.

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I texted my MIL while she was in my house. I meant to text my mom, she brought a friend to my house to meet my new baby without letting me know and I was going to say to my mom “ugh MIL brought over a friend without saying anything 🙄”.

anon Report


40 "Wrong Person" Texts That Might Make You Laugh Or Cringe In around 2001, I was an 18 year old team leader in a sales-based workplace. Importantly, I was shagging a chick on my team and while I was sitting on the toilet and she was outside 'working', we were sending each other some fairly raunchy messages. One of my team sent me a message at the same time, and so I then accidentally messaged Justine, the 40 year old matronly woman in my team, about the many explicit things I wanted to do with her vagina.

I had a very red face and Justine laughed her a**e off.

DarkMellie , cait00sith Report

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Accidentally texted my boss instead of my coworker. About how big of a b***h our boss is. Lol.

Honestly it worked out bc we talked it out and resolved a lot of pent up tension but when I first realized I was like omfg.

JollyMcStink Report


40 "Wrong Person" Texts That Might Make You Laugh Or Cringe I sent a text to my cousin in New Mexico instead of my FIL, letting him know my wife was in labor. He still made it to the hospital in time but barely.

j3horn , Lisa Fotios Report


40 "Wrong Person" Texts That Might Make You Laugh Or Cringe He texted me a gym pic out of the blue, I texted him back a screenshot and the text
“Omg what should I say”.

anon , YuriArcursPeopleimages Report


40 "Wrong Person" Texts That Might Make You Laugh Or Cringe I was sexting a girl, and had another start to text me asking for advice on her car. Accidentally got the two swapped. Girl I was originally sexting was confused… but girl asking about her car was receptive and went along with it until I realized what I did.

k0uch , Porapak Apichodilok Report

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Working at a non profit. The receip ant was a hardcore Texan conservative white guy. I was running late and sent him a text through voice:

Me: “sorry about the wait, man”

My phone: “Sorry about the white man”.

swingjiujits Report


Worked as an IT auditor, i supposed to write “ill return the hard disk tomorrow” but finger slipped “ill return the hard d**k tomorrow”. Sent to female colleague.

triplesspressso Report

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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Previous job required us to put notes in the system. I'd put sec for secondary claims multiple times a day, but the x key is dangerously close to the c key so , more than once I put 'sex' in the notes. You couldn't edit the notes after you hit enter, so lots of * sec not 'sex' notes with my initials in them 😂

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Not a wrong text.. but i knew a girl who became a celebrity. She is a big time actress now.

She had given me her number long back but I didn't call/text her. But a few years after she blew up, me and my friends had gone drinking. On a game of truth or dare, they dared to give me my phone and they would text a random person.

Guess who they chose... They sent a text saying " can we meet tonight".

I wanted to die.

Aisay-Kaisay Report

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Crouching hippo hidden panda
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I don’t believe it was random, I think he was prob bragging and they were all in on it

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40 "Wrong Person" Texts That Might Make You Laugh Or Cringe My cousin had posted that she was going through a tough situation, so I ofc messaged to ask her what’s up. What I typed “Hey, I saw your post on FB, what’s going on?” What autocorrect did to me “Hey, I saw your pussy on FB, what’s going on?”

I tried to quickly send a message to let her know what I actually meant and for some reason it didn’t send any of my tries. She read it and started to freak out big time.

anon , YuriArcursPeopleimages Report

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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Has no one learned autocorrect is not your friend? Double check you messages before hitting send.

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Not a text but an email:

I replied to an email during a brutal Child custody battle I was in.

I typed a long-winded, a bit nasty, “showing my cards” reply, solely meant for my lawyer's eyes….not realizing my reply “replied all” including the opposing lawyer.

DarkSkyDad Report

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LakotaWolf (she/her)
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I have such a fear of things like this that when I am sending an email that contains something important/private/for one set of eyes only, I NEVER "reply" to a previous email. I copy the recipient's email, open up a new email, and paste the email into the "To" box and write an entirely new email XD It's too risky if it's something REALLY important, and I've been known to be oblivious, so it's safer to just send a new "clean" email.

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I’m a realtor and I meant to text another agent trying to schedule a showing of their listing but I somehow accidentally sent a “sticker” of a sultry cartoon rabbit with pink cursive text that said “Netflix And Chill?”

Tough to recover from that. I don’t even know how to GET to “stickers”. It was wild.

-Olive-Juice- Report

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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My dad once sent stickers of our cat on a parents and students group of my university (created to discuss the COVID plans). He didn’t even know how to send stickers and definitely didn’t know how to make stickers… (I kicked him off the group and decided to just convey the messages to him directly)

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Not me, but my mom.

When I was younger and much more mischievous, I particularly hated *being told* to wash the dishes. It wasn’t as if I didn’t ever do them, I was and still am a “is the sink full” kinda dishwasher, or if I needed a particular dish I would clean that and just not stop. But being told to wash the dishes?

In all of my infinite wisdom, 14 year old me made a shortcut on mom’s phone that changed the word “dishes”to the German Oath to Hitler. I was very excited about the day it finally worked and laughed maniacally when the text was eventually delivered, and my plan had worked. After that, we both kinda just… forgot about it for a few months.

Until my mom was in a bit of a rush at work, and tried to text me to wash the dishes before she got home so she could cook. She texted her boss.

KraydleTM Report


My wife sent “My crazy client likes her hair” to the crazy client by mistake. The look on her face when she realized what she did was priceless. Needless to say she never did her hair again.

andyc3020 Report

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One of my best friends in high school was a girl named Nataly and we were suuuuper close. One night I’m texting Nataly and I fall asleep mid-conversation. I wake up at 3:00am to a text saying “Hey, sorry I fell asleep. I love you, goodnight”. Which wasn’t weird at all, because we said “I love you” all the time. Without thinking, I reply back “I love you too! Goodnight Nataly!” And I get an immediate text back from my girlfriend who hadn’t texted me in hours saying “Wow, this isn’t Nataly but if you love her so much why don’t you be with her then”. I couldn’t help but laugh all the while knowing I f****d up lmao.

PumpkinFeathers Report


Was exchanging pics with my current FWB of us having sex. Accidentally sent one of her pegging me to another female friend, she’s super religious and was horrified.

GullibleBed2001 Report

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Beak Hookage
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1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Why does religion make people so prudish? (General comment; in this particular situation it's 100% natural that she'd be upset).

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Worst one was to a guy I was nannying for occasionally who was in my phone as just a first name which was the same first name of a guy my ex and I were talking to when we were doing stuff with other people and I sent a short video clip of me in bed (nude) pulling back the covers 😬.

anon Report

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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is why I always save professional contacts with who they are in brackets following their name. So it’s something like “Alice (nanny)”. Really helps to avoid the confusion when, after several years, you see the contact still on your phone.

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Texted my best friend bitching about my roommate who I shared a dorm with. Except, my roomie and BFF have the same name 🤦🏻‍♀️. She got it while we were sitting next to each other.

Savings_Rock_2368 Report


My friends and I used to take pictures of our s**t and send them to each other to be gross. Make sure you put your dad in as Dad not as his name….

anon Report

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I once sent a dikpic to my sister instead of this girl I was talking to. Same name different spelling.

Longjumping_Put_2921 Report

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Bob Jones
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Are there circumstances in which sending a dijpuc doesn't end up badly ?

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