Money, money, money

Must be funny

In the rich man's world…

Okay, the members of ABBA definitely know what it feels like to have plenty of money now. But do you know what it’s like to have all the money in the world, pandas? Chances are, you don’t, because 47.8% of global household wealth is in the hands of just 1.2% of the world's population, according to a recent Credit Suisse report. But while many people dream of winning the lottery or making millions working for a tech startup, let’s not forget that having access to lots of money will not solve all of your problems. In fact, it might make some of them even worse.

Wealthy Reddit users have been sharing some of the biggest downsides of being rich, so we’ve gathered a list of some of their most eye-opening responses below. I recognize that your first impulse might be to roll your eyes at affluent people complaining about anything, and trust me, I understand. But I urge you to keep an open mind, pandas, and upvote any of the answers that might shift your perspective on money a bit. 

Keep reading to also find an interview with Shubham Kumar, founder of StartupTalky, to hear his thoughts on this topic, and then, if you’re interested in checking out a Bored Panda article discussing whether or not most rich people are actually “self-made”, you can find that right here!


30 Rich People Reveal The Dark Side Of Having Money That Most Of Us Don't Know About I come from a relatively upper-middle class family (doctor & professor parents) and I'd say the worst part is the assumptions a lot of people have about your life. I had a very dysfunctional childhood with symptoms of physical and emotional neglect from as early as I can remember but because I had a "posh" accent and my parents were wealthy nobody picked up on it, even my primary school teachers made jokes about how it was just a "quirky" family.

Just because a child is rich and their parents are polite and friendly, doesn't mean they're looked after or have a good home life.

squirrel_bro , IrynaKhabliuk Report

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Jodie daubenmire
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I experienced this as a middle schooler, I was not the child in question, but a boy I knew. He was being horribly abused, buy his rich families "staff". He was able to talk to a few of his good friends. But, as we went to our parents, for guidance because we were afraid for him. And our parents, reached out for help through our school. The abuse intensified, with his parents largely not at home, the staff was informed that CPS was opening an investigation, on behalf of concerned parents. He was denied food at home, was locked in a room. Until he agreed to say he was lying to us for dramas sake. Our parents would not back down. And I loved my Dad, for being so steadfast. Knowing the boys father, he went to him directly. The Father, came home. Listened to his son, and fired the entire home staff. But, it wasn't enough. My friend needed help. He couldn't deal with his shame, and embarrassment of EVERYONE knowing. My friend hung himself on his 14th. He had been brutalized by an employee.

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To gain more perspective on this topic, we reached out to Shubham Kumar, founder of StartupTalky, who was kind enough to have a conversation with us. First, we wanted to know if Shubham is even interested in accumulating wealth. "I want to be wealthy, but at the same time, I don't want to lose my freedom," he told Bored Panda.

"I think everyone should own their time," Shubham added. "Money is important, as it buys you time. But through my interactions with super rich people, I have learned that after a certain amount, it doesn't matter how much money you have." 


    30 Rich People Reveal The Dark Side Of Having Money That Most Of Us Don't Know About People only pretend to like you because they want your money. It's extremely rare to find someone who actually likes you for being yourself. It's almost impossible to have a close relationship with anyone. I just want like a best friend who I can mess around with and tell them everything and like spending time with. It's really depressing

    hi_im_nena , bernardbodo Report

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    Gina Babe
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I could not care less about how much money or who a person is. We hit it off, great, if not, peace. We all bleed red.

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    We also asked Shubham why so many people believe becoming rich will solve all of their problems. "Coming from a middle class family, I certainly say that money is the solution to 99% of the problems people have," he told Bored Panda. "If you have enough money, you won't think of petty things, and rather focus and use your time and energy to solve bigger problems, which can bring satisfaction to most people." 


    And while Shubham does believe that it is possible to have too much money, he's optimistic that we all have the potential to acquire wealth. "It's not rocket science; you just have to be disciplined in whatever you want to do. Of course, choosing this 'whatever' is the tricky part."


    30 Rich People Reveal The Dark Side Of Having Money That Most Of Us Don't Know About I grew up in a rich family. Allthough I havn't taken any money from them since I was around 16. But I lived at home for free until I was 20 and moved out. But by then I had been working for 2 years and spent the money well so I had around 14000USD of my own money I could do whatever I wanted with.

    People knew my parents were rich, we had a huge house, cleaninglady etc.

    I'd say the worst thing about being the son of rich parents is either the fact that EVERYONE expects you to be rich and successful, OR the fact that EVERYONE who knows you come from a rich family wants something from you. "Dude, youre rich as f**k you can buy me a beer", i've heard that like a million times and im sick of it.

    I'm not rich. My parents are. I have more money than you becouse I dont spend 150 dollars on weed every week. Buy your own beer and get a job.

    imnotapoetimaman , Hoverstock Report

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    Lisa McCourt
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ok, but if you lived at home for free, you did take money from them. You were not paying rent, and I assume, you were not paying any utilities. The rest of what you said, I totally get, but don't say you didn't take any money from them. You did, they just didn't hand you cash.

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    Commitment seems to be the key in making money, according to Shubham. "I see people flocking from one idea or organization to another, when something is not bringing results in a short span of time," he says. "Play the long term game, and you will see yourself grow very quickly." 

    "The job market is changing," he added. "Earlier Asian parents used to think only doctors and engineers could be wealthy. Today, you can earn a lot through following your passion of becoming a content creator, selling courses or even providing services to the ultra rich sitting at home. Don't rely on one source of income. Diverge once you have one income source set."

    If you're interested in learning more financial advice from Shubham and his team at StartupTalky, be sure to visit their site right here.


    30 Rich People Reveal The Dark Side Of Having Money That Most Of Us Don't Know About I have reasonably well off parents - big house in a nice town, that sort of thing.

    However, my brother and I were always taught humility. I had a job from 13 at a restaurant washing dishes, and I had to save for my first car. Yet people whose parents bought them their cars and never made them work still thought I was more spoiled because we had a bigger house.

    The perception that you don't have to work for anything is the most infuriating thing. Yes, if I were in a tight situation my parents would help me, and others may not have that luxury. But I have never once in my 28 years had to ask for any financial help from them, and I don't intend to as long as I can help it.

    hobonation256 , iheartcreative Report

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    Jennifer Clayton
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The difference is that you can take risks. It changes everything about how you make life choices.

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    30 Rich People Reveal The Dark Side Of Having Money That Most Of Us Don't Know About Spending time with other wealthy people.

    It's total Russian f*****g roulette. Rich people are always either totally laid back, amazing people that you'd never know were rich, or they're psychotic, self obsessed, judgemental a******s whose life revolves around proving to you just how rich and awesome they are.

    anon , Zinkevych_D Report

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    Luna Crow
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Seems to me this is the spectrum of humans, regardless of the size of their banana pile

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    Non-rich dude that became a rich dude. To be honest the changes in your old friendships. I am lucky enough to have had a very lucrative career in a field I love and have become markedly more wealthy than my circumstances growing up. I grew up with a very close knit group of friends who are like family (around 10 of us) who have remained in the same socio-economic class after university.

    As my income grew, naturally my life changed - I moved to a fancier suburb closer to work, started to buy nice things, travel for work etc. I also started to notice some of my oldest friends start acting differently toward me. I'm not a show off or ostentatious with my money, but I do buy things that none of my friends can afford (nice watches, furniture, art etc). I feel they are uncomfortable when they are around my place - though they never say anything snarky. Sometimes their wives and SOs will make comments like "wow you must be doing really well" or asking me how much a painting cost and my friends become visibly uncomfortable (and look pissed off with their partners) and it just makes everything awkward.

    They don't expect me to pay for things, it's almost the opposite. I sometimes try to treat my friends and I feel it makes them uncomfortable. Eg. if a band we loved growing up are in town and we want to go I will offer to get us all the best (more expensive) tickets. Now I know they would all love to experience that, but they seem uneasy accepting the gift. I dont want any recognition or anything in return for it - the money is seriously no big deal for me. I just want to have an awesome night out with my mates. Most of the time they will accept and then insist on giving me the money after the fact and it makes me feel like an a*****e cause I know they wouldn't have bought tickets that expensive in the first place. Another example is when I end up giving over the top gifts at weddings etc. I just want to give my friends the best gift I can afford and something I know they would love but I feel it makes them uncomfortable that they cant reciprocate.

    My mates still love me and I love them (they even regularly say they are proud of me etc) but I feel there is this weird void between us now that our lifestyles are so different. I've become very self conscious of my wealth around my old friends and most of the awkwardness is probably due to my own insecurity of not wanting my friends to think money has changed me :( sucks man.

    throwaway12235867576 Report

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    Max Fox
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I do have sympathy for this person. Suddenly having money, even if it's money you worked for, can change relationship dynamics, especially if the rest of your friends do not have money.

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    I don't understand all this "people only want me because I'm rich" stuff... are you walking around telling people about your trust fund?? I know poor people with extremely expensive cars, people who find designer clothes in consignment shops, people with tons of class and no cash. why don't you wait to reveal the money until you know what kind of person they are?

    in-site Report


    30 Rich People Reveal The Dark Side Of Having Money That Most Of Us Don't Know About People act like you can spend money all the time. Just because I'm wealthy doesn't mean i like to waste my money on fast food or useless crap I don't need

    deleted , AZ-BLT Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My parents were "wealthy" (to some friends at least) because we didn't go out to eat, have cable or cell phones or even internet for years after their families did

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    30 Rich People Reveal The Dark Side Of Having Money That Most Of Us Don't Know About I wouldn't say rich but I had the most money out of my group of friends and it was always every weekend the same questions "can you get bud?, I'm starving can you get some food for me bro?", or the classic "Let's go out and do something tonight." And sometimes I didn't mind buying food if I was hungry too but all the time it gets a little ridiculous how much people will use you for money.

    SuckonthisWaW , biasciolialessandro Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was the human ATM machine for some people and I wasn’t even THAT wealthy. These people were jerks

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    I currently have no income. (new college grad. job hunting. hurray.) But I went to a school full of honest-to-goodness trust fund babies, people who have summer houses in different states and all that. The worst part from my observation is that people think if you're rich, nothing bad can happen to you. And it's true that money can protect you from a lot of things: it feeds you, clothes you, can pay for good doctors, etc. But it doesn't protect from things like infidelity, mental illness, cancer or other serious illnesses, abusive relationships, broken families, or sexual violence. And if any of those things happen to you and you're wealthy, people think you're an ungrateful moron if you talk about it. Money can't necessarily fix those things. I get the whole "check your privilege" thing, but rich people face a lot of the same stuff as poorer people.

    thisjonquil Report

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    Jill Sadler
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The difference is having the means to get yourself out vs knowing there’s no hope. Living without hope… thats the end.

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    30 Rich People Reveal The Dark Side Of Having Money That Most Of Us Don't Know About feeling s****y because of something then feeling guilty because you feel like you're being ungrateful and feeling more s****y

    preach_the_rhetoric , Iakobchuk Report


    30 Rich People Reveal The Dark Side Of Having Money That Most Of Us Don't Know About I was raised in a wealthy house and basically it made me resent the f**k out of rich people. Regardless of how you get to where you are, I don't necessarily appreciate how some richfolk are perfectly fine with having all of their s**t done for them without taking good care of their help or good compensation for services. For example having someone cleaning your giant a*s house for about the same price as a normal house. I think that's stupid

    pottyclause , jdvolcan Report

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    Max Fox
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Again, this is a small percent of "rich". A family with an income of $300,000 a year is rich. However they cannot afford a live-in maids or nannies. Even $500,000 a year, so top 1%, is not enough, in the USA and most of Europe at least, to pay for full time help at that level. Most will pay for somebody to clean their house once a week, but that's usually it.

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    30 Rich People Reveal The Dark Side Of Having Money That Most Of Us Don't Know About There are none. I grew up poor, govt housing, public schools, worked/studied hard and am not apologetic to anyone. Expensive cars, watches, etc. I actually do value money and people that know me, know Im not going to pay every time, or give them money etc. Dont have many friends cause of it, but who cares, I grew up an only child, no one was ever there to help me, so I like it better this way. Have a small circle of friends who I trust and quite frankly dont care about the rest

    cook_mons4 , photocreo Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is how you do it! All of these other folks saying they pay for everything or get used for money... Just don't! Drop the idiots who do that to you!

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    30 Rich People Reveal The Dark Side Of Having Money That Most Of Us Don't Know About Having people devalue your accomplishments because your parents are rich.

    Hugh_Jasoal , westend61 Report

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    The Darkest Timeline
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Being given every advantage means your only job is to not screw it up so, congrats? You’d have to be as stupid as, say, Donald Trump to be so terrible at being rich as to fail to beat the market.

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    30 Rich People Reveal The Dark Side Of Having Money That Most Of Us Don't Know About People don't think of you as a real person anymore. I grew up in a lower-middle-class family, worked in my Dad's liquor store and delivered newspapers, I graduated college deep in debt, I've been evicted from apartments for late rent, been chased by debt collectors, and spent one entire summer riding a motorcycle to work (sometimes in pouring thunderstorms) because my car's engine block cracked and I couldn't afford a new one. Saved a lot on gas, though.

    However I was an outstanding computer programmer and was invited to join a startup company that eventually went public, so I was able to retire at a very early age. I'm still pretty much the same person but now I'm classified as "wealthy" so I'm now a "thing". So I lost many of my old friends who can't think of me as still being an actual ordinary person.

    The other problem with being a "thing" instead of a person is that specifically that "thing" is a "target". One aspect of being considered wealthy is a phenomena known as the "Rich Man's Tax". Basically it's considered praiseworthy to cheat rich people out of their money. So, if I need a plumber to come fix something he'll look at my house and try and charge me triple rate. And many people reading this will say "good for him, stick it to the wealthy bastards" well F**K YOU IN CAPITAL LETTERS. I'm still the same person I've ever been and I don't like being cheated. But it's a symptom of our society - people bash the wealthy and try and cheat them but everyone wants to *be* one (for example, the billions spent on lottery tickets).

    joeomar , jm_video Report

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    The Darkest Timeline
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Compared to the tax and responsibility evasion by the rich, your plight is nothing

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    30 Rich People Reveal The Dark Side Of Having Money That Most Of Us Don't Know About 'Must be nice' because if I dare complain, that's what I'll hear.

    I'm a rich kid so I automatically lose the moral high ground in any conversation. I've gone the whole poverty route, worked overnight crew as a Target stockboy, but it doesn't matter because I'm 'fake poor' and can always ring up my daddy if things get tough.

    I've actually heard poor people complain about Barbara Eichenrich's *Nickle & Dimed*. "Well, she was only pretending to be poor . . . " Ummm . . . .she's trying to help out poor people by showing how it's impossible to make ends meet on a minimum wage salary. Show a little gratitude!

    laterdude , Tim Evanson Report

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    Max Fox
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But they're right. This person will not die because they can't afford insulin, nor will they be homeless and starving if they lose their Target Stocky job. Of course, if their parents have cut them off, then they're not rich.

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    30 Rich People Reveal The Dark Side Of Having Money That Most Of Us Don't Know About I come from a wealthy family. Not to the point where people know our names, but to the point where if we drop the company name in most European countries, people get worked up.

    The worst part of it is that everyone thinks your life is perfect. To the rest of the world, your life must be perfect, because you're rich.

    Some of the time, that's true. I've gone to the best schools, the best doctors, best restaurants, best vacation spots - I won't deny that in many ways, I've had a blessed life.

    However, my dad worked his a*s off. I spent most of high school living alone in an apartment off a trust fund, because he was never home. Before him and my mom split, I endured years of emotional and sometimes physical abuse from her. I grew up with epilepsy, and horrible acne (used to get called scrambled egg face). Life is life - mine might be easier in some ways, but it has absolutely been harder than others, and being rich, no one gives a second thought to the fact that life might not have been totally perfect for me.

    TheUnfindable , Prostock-studio Report

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    Matthew Fox
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Literally no one thinks rich people have perfect lives and no problems. That's another projection. Everyone knows the rich have their problems but their economic privilege renders them in a completely different league. This dude's biggest complaint was that he was living off a trust fund. And his physical and mental health issues? Yeah, they suck, but his economic status gave him tools and resources which renders them far less damaging than they would be for a poor person. Edit: Wasn't expecting to get downvoted HERE of all places.

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    30 Rich People Reveal The Dark Side Of Having Money That Most Of Us Don't Know About You never really know if your relationships are genuine or if it's because people want something from you. I met my wife and my close friends before I made a lot, so I'm not worried about them, but I do about almost everyone else. I never really knew why rich people hung out with other rich people, what difference does money make right? Well it kind of does. I realize it's because you get a better sense of where you stand with people that don't want anything from you.
    I might be way too cynical, but I buy cheap clothes and hide the wealth because I'm afraid of how new people will change around me if they find out.

    anon , LightFieldStudios Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I feel weird saying this, but not all people are like this. I do not care about anyone's bank account, I care if you're a decent person or not.

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    Other people's envy and/or bitterness. Pain is pain. Money alleviates some pains, but not others. It can't undo death, or serious trauma.

    Having your pain denied because others can't empathize with you is incredibly alienating. I think that cuts both ways; it affects the poor who aren't able to make their pain understood because the wealthy aren't confronted with the same problems. And it affects the rich who can't make it understood that money doesn't make you invulnerable, much as it seems it might.

    We are all human. Some have tougher lives than others. Money is one, but not the only factor.

    foxsweater Report

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    Joshua Russell
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have some sympathy for rich people when it comes to the problems that truly affect everyone equally, like mental illness, growing up with abuse or neglect, etc. Those things aren't easy for anyone. For the other stuff, like people treating you like an ATM, the ultimate solution is a more equal society. The price of everything is going up, and just coping with everyday life is ridiculously difficult for a lot of poor people. It shouldn't be surprising that poor people will try to get money from rich people when rich people have created a society that is miserable to live in when you're poor, and designed to keep most people poor. So I hope all the wealthy folks bemoaning these problems are going to pay their full share of taxes, donate to charities, pay their employees generously, get politically active to pass laws that will create a more equal society, and encourage other wealthy folks to do the same. As the saying goes, the love of money is the root of all evil.

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    30 Rich People Reveal The Dark Side Of Having Money That Most Of Us Don't Know About Not super rich, but my parents did alright. However a lot of friends I went to college with weren't in the same boat. It amazed me that most of them had never traveled to another country (I grew up in Asia as an expat, so "normal" for me was going visiting countries for school trips). The girl I'm dating right now is struggling to pay for an incredibly cheap college (tuition is about 6k a year), whereas my parents are able to put me and my brother through medical school at the same time. Granted, I had a scholarship through undergrad and earned enough at my on campus job to pay my living expenses, but I'm not paying s**t for my first year of medical school.

    Another reason it's different is because my parents were self made. Their parents emigrated to the US and my parents were born there. Their families were pretty poor growing up. Now, I've grown up with everything but I'll be lucky to be even half as financially successful as my father was. And I'm going to be a doctor. Unless I go into an incredibly competitive specialty that I'm not interested in, I won't make anywhere near as much. So much for that.

    TLDR as a kid of wealthy parents it skews my sense of normal, and it's hard for me not to take things for granted like education. Also, pressure to succeed.

    aznsk8s87 , sofiiashunkina Report

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    Anouk T
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One of not many posts here that sounds genuine and the author acknowledges his position and skewed world view

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    30 Rich People Reveal The Dark Side Of Having Money That Most Of Us Don't Know About The worst thing is when people *judge* your character by how you spend and donate your money.

    Back2Bach , Johnstocker Report

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    Max Fox
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's because "their" money was usually the result of the hard work of people who are paid a lot less. For a corporation to make money, they have to pay their workers less than what the workers contribute. For every $100 of value that the workers provide, they're paid substantially less than $100. The rest of the value goes for higher pay for upper management, for the bonuses for upper management, and for the capital gains of the stockholders. People like Elon Musk are becoming Billionaires because they pay their workers far less money that the workers are worth to company. Every person making money off of the stock market is living off of the hard work of the people who actually do the manual work.

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    That I should be happy. I have all the resources in the world, so I should be able to afford the things that make me happy including the top mental health professionals.

    I'm f*****g miserable and really hopeless because I have tried everything and don't feel better. Literally my doctors are now just telling me to keep holding on and that apparently breakthroughs in science are coming that would help me.

    And other people make me feel guilty that I'm not happy because I'm so privileged. People assume I'm not grateful or that I'm spoiled. But really I'm just sad and empty. I've been called "poor little rich girl." I just don't think thats fair because I think about suicide all the time.

    I would do anything to have my only problem be money. I don't think people realize what a luxury that is. It sounds like paradise compared to depression.

    But back to your question. It is the expectations that others have for me. I just can't live up to them. I'm a waste of an opportunity.

    anon Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Maybe you can volunteer and give back instead? You don't have to be this Nobel prize winning astronaut - just leave the world a better place than you found it.

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    People expect you to pay for everything and they will invariably order the most expensive things (food, liquor, etc). I don't mind paying at all and I know how bad this sounds, but to me, the cost is irrelevant. But when people make zero attempt to pay, it's very disheartening and I will rarely meet up again with someone who does that.

    When I meet someone who could be a potential friend, I am vague about where I live, lifestyle, etc because I want to let the friendship grow without the issue of money. Eventually the person will figure out my situation and the best people are the ones who don't change as a result, but some people simply get weird around you and it can be uncomfortable. Rich people often hang out with other rich people simply because it's less complicated, not because they may like the person a lot.

    JonnyBravoII Report

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    A P
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I know there's all different sorts, but if someone else is paying for my dinner, I always specifically look for the least expensive options that still sound good. I suppose for comedic effect, I should say I always order the second most expensive thing so that I won't offend the rich person.

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    Due to different circumstances I'm quite wealthy considering I'm a student, and despite doing my best to hide it to prevent people being false friends, and judgemental, people inevitably clock on to the fact you've got a bit of money. They then judge you, and constantly drop snide comments, about really petty things. Example, I don't have to buy rock bottom price own brand spirit / drinks / food. I don't go buying grey goose or w/e which i've seen people do to simply show off, I'm not buying tables and ordering moet in clubs, but just because I can afford to buy premium vodka or branded drinks, don't take it out on me simply because you can't.

    Same for food, I'm in the fortunate enough position to not have to buy aldi / lidl, and can afford to buy the food I like even when its not on special. I can go to the more upmarket shops and afford their ranges. I don't flaunt my money or brag about it, I don't even discuss it, I just keep to myself and buy the food that I like. But the amount of times i've had people dropping snide comments about what I eat, and the brands of food I eat, petty s**t like that is too many times to remember. (I wouldn't even mind if I was buying gold plated beluga caviar, but I'm talking like, regular s**t). Like, I'm well aware that I can get a spaghetti bolognaise ready meal for a quarter of the price in aldi, but I don't want it, and preaching at me about it every time I go to get something out the fridge is just poking your nose in where its not wanted.

    Like also I can afford to get the train to uni, which is more expensive than getting the bus. Again, snide comments. Or getting a cab home from a club at 4am instead of walking back for an hour, then if someone can't afford it, offering to pay for them, but they'll decline my offer and get funny over the fact I got a cab home.

    Its just petty s**t like that that really gets to me. Its unnecessary. I don't flaunt or waste money at all, I don't look down on people for buying own brand if thats what they want to do, its their prerogative and its not my place to comment on what they eat. I just keep myself to myself, yet people can be so quick to judge and pass comment.

    Edit: Romantic relationships can be very difficult as well, like whilst people may not know you've got a bit of cash when you start dating, soon after they realise, and 9/10 times their attitude changes, and you're expected to suddenly cough up for everything they want, at which point you have to dump them because you begin to realise the only reason they stayed with you was for money. I had a relationship that was quite serious once, and I really opened up to her, and when we were discussing the future, I mentioned that given my situation, my family have written clauses into trusts that I must have a prenup, but it shouldn't be an issue cause I know your not here for that. Yup, she upped and left the week after because 'we weren't going anywhere the relationship was dead.'

    KingBooScaresYou Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    sorry, how do people know what brands of food you're eating if you don't tell them.....also, do they brand the fresh fruit, veg, meats//dairy where you shop

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    Sometimes other people feel like they're entitled to my money. Its kind of hard to explain. For example, Im supposed to pay for everything else and if I don't then its a problem. Or, all shop owners or whatever sell me everything way over priced. If i try to bargain I get a death stare, and if they're rude enough they will actually say that I'm rich and it wont matter to me if I pay a bit more. That's not how it works!!!

    meowsaysthecow Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just take your money elsewhere. No need to be held hostage by morons.

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    I'm not rich, and never have been. In fact, I used to be poor as f**k. All that being said, I am at times very sympathetic toward rich kids, because they always had a "safety net" that hinders the development of their work ethic. If I am truly honest with myself, it is not my "work ethic" that got me my first few jobs. I hated that s**t. The cover letters, the interviews, the waking up early for a newspaper route, the days where I spent my weekends mowing lawns while my wealthier friends went to the beach. Fuckkk That. But I do believe it was my lack of a "safety net" that has conditioned me to be the hard worker that I am today. Rich kids are born without the choice of being rich or not, but due to their environment, if they didn't get a job they still had a source of income or some sort of support. If I didn't get a job, I was homeless.

    Being born rich or poor is out of our hands. I believe being born poor comes with a huge advantage that rich kids don't have and that is the necessity for a work ethic. Being born poor means you are born within an environment where not working is not an option. It was my environment, not me, that developed my work ethic that is invaluable in my own life today.

    Disclaimer: obviously I made some huge generalizations about rich kids and families. I have known multiple rich kids that grew up to have excellent work ethics. But as a whole, this is what I have perceived to be true in my own life.


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    Thomas Ewing
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Without being born rich, I taught myself to appreciate everything as if I were rich, because it adds an extra layer of humility to life: What if THIS weren't available? Zero base. A paved street? Wow. Wealth is an attitude as well as circumstance. Complainers and whiners are losers. Raise yourself.

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    This is going to get buried because I'm late to the thread but here goes. My dad founded a tech company about 10 years ago now it's grown in size and is publicly traded, the market caps gone over 1billion before but it's only worth about 400milion.I don't know his exact income but it's a lot. But anyways I have to say the worst part is being "rich kid" in my group of friends, I go to public school and almost all dirt poor like they live in trailers and s****y houses and whenever they come over to my place for the first time it always makes them view me entirely differently.

    The second worst part I got to say is everything is always related to my dads work. Everybody seem to know me as Mr. Boss guys son. For example as I'm typing this comment my dads hosting a party at our house. There's several hundred people here, tons of employees for the party, and a lot of people who have worked for my dad and their family's. I originally walked around with a name tag that just had my first name on it and only a few people talked to me/knew who I am. But then my mom said I should put my last name too and everybody suddenly started saying "Oh you must be Mr.boss guys son." And then they would start talking about what the company is up to and various things my dad is involved with. I felt so out of place I just hid in my room and went on reddit. Still contemplating whether I should back outside.

    Richkidthrowaway420 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I feel like this kid's attitude is what really sucks. The kids probably view him differently because he shows off his house and stuff in it, while he views the places they live in as "s****y houses" and trailers. I also get wanting to be your own person, but he just sounds annoyed that people want to talk to him because they know who he is. It's just small talk...I'm sure they don't know what else to say.

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    30 Rich People Reveal The Dark Side Of Having Money That Most Of Us Don't Know About Sounds like I'm bragging but I'm not but I've more money than I'll need and tend to be generous, paying for my daughters' groceries etc but I'm sure both of their partners think I'm showing off, throwing my money around.

    rennaps4 , Pressmaster Report


    Two physician family:

    #1: ENT+Ophthalmologist~$1m/y

    #2: Family doc+Pediatrician~$300k/y

    Neither poor by any measure, but insanely different realities with the same expectations.

    thegreatestajax Report


    It's kind of uncomfortable having a maid around. Can't I just eat my cereal without her putting the box back? Jesus Christ, Julie. I might want another f*****g bowl. I'll put the box back when I'm done.

    mild_mort Report

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    Although I'm not very wealthy, there's an upcoming Europe trip for school and my mother, being a person who was born in a different country with little money, is basically making me go so that I have the opportunity to explore new places, something she's always wanted to do but has never been able to do.

    Though we're not very wealthy at all and are struggling to make payments for me to go on this trip (Yes, I feel extremely bad), the worst part about this is when other students find out you're going. They assume I'm wealthy and start talking about how privileged I am, when, in reality, we're not really wealthy. Especially after some of the struggles we've been through, it gets to me when people start saying stuff like "Damn, you're rich" or "Wow, I can't believe you're throwing away that kind of money. You don't know the struggle".

    Anyways, it's definitely not a pissing contest as to who struggles more, but some people treat it that way and, even though I am grateful for a mother who will scrape money together to provide for me and pay for an expensive trip, it gets really annoying and frustrating when people think my problems (and the problems of actually wealthy people or people well off in general) are not validated.

    We are human, not an income.

    dulcetdreamer Report

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    I will never apologize for my family's fortune or privilege. I won't belittle all the hard work and suffering that my family has gone through to get to where we are. Don't assume that every family that is well off was born into fortune and opportunity.

    My dad is the epitome of a self made man and busted his a*s to provide for us. He passed on his beliefs to me and my siblings about hard work and that you shouldn't take anything you haven't earned. Someone may have more than you but don't always assume that they didn't work, struggle, suffer, or sacrifice to get it.


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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's the thing. Other people also work hard and bust their a*s off to provide, they struggle, suffer and sacrifice too.

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    My parents just bought a third house. I'm 21 and I work a student job, and frequently I get asked, "why do you even bother working?"

    Just cause my parents are rich doesn't mean I'm rich! Granted I don't have student loans, but I still have to buy my own s**t!

    Isunova Report

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    I made a lot of money when I was really young, lost my business and went broke, started another and made more money. The worst by far is losing very close friends because they're jealous of your financial success. They still like you and don't hate you, they just feel like life screwed them somehow and don't want to be around you. I'm the same person he'd known for years. Some that stick around, they change their attitude towards you which is frustrating. They love to see anything go wrong for you and try to outdo you in areas of your life you're not good at.

    A girl I dated decided I couldn't be making money legally and stopped talking to me. I've had other girls accuse me of being a drug dealer many times and call it off. My ex told I was "entitled" and needed to experience what being poor was like, even though I'd lost my first business and went completely broke.

    Philmecrackin Report

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    To many people ask for money or for you to invest in them/idea plus a lot of fake friendships

    anon Report

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    Not rich but my dad is. First off I feel I do need to state the obvious: I grew up well. I never had to worry about money nor the fear of not having money. That being said, on to answer the question.

    It took me a long a*s time to be calibrated. Because money was never a problem nor did I ever nor will probably ever have the fear of not having money, it takes away a lot of the psychological aspect of spending it.

    I was about to buy a laptop for a good friend of mine before another friend stopped me and told me it was inappropriate. Took me a while to learn that money's a touchy subject.

    anon Report

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    Toss up between being under the microscope whenever you spend to being discredited for any success you've had.

    * If I spend responsibly, who the hell cares how much I spent on this season's wardrobe? I know I'm very fortunate to be able to spend like I do. I know I could probably feed a lot of hungry people, or something. But I don't. And that makes me Satan, apparently. If any of my friends had the same income and networth, they would spend on the same bags, vacations, clothes and food. I do my charity, attend fundraisers, and get my hands dirty when I have the time but none of that matters.

    * My family has been in the shipping industry pretty much as long as there's been steam-powered shipping. I'm an associate director at a pharmaceutical company. My parents didn't get me this f*****g job. I'm young, I have degrees from mid-tier schools. I'm aware. I got a lucky foot in the door and maybe, just maybe, I worked pretty darn hard to get here. Now I'm under no illusion that a lot of my success isn't down to my background, but I don't have the job I do because of it.

    There's a significant class division in the U.S. and it's not just one way. There's significant and infamous examples of the wealthy having derision for the poor. The people with the derision for the poor are usually the self-made or children of the self-made who worked really hard and don't understand why everyone else can't do the same. Older money couldn't really care less.

    But there's many more in the lower-classes, and a larger percent of them, who just unabashed hate the rich for no good reason other than thinking the economy is a zero-sum game; that because I have mine, you don't have yours. Some of it's jealousy, some of it's insecurity, some of it is misinformation, and some of it is justified.

    Nerazula Report

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    Luna Crow
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes, "for no good reason." The top ten percent of households own 76% of all wealth in the U.S., while the bottom 50% of households own just 1% of all wealth. Also we pay higher taxes than you. And get zero bail-outs. This person has no idea what they're talking about and should STFU.

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    People act like you can spend money all the time. Just because I'm wealthy doesn't mean i like to waste my money on fast food or useless s**t I don't need.

    anon Report

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    The un-happiness. With wealth comes problems within families. Useless fights over useless things. Stress also comes along with it. Being rich doesn't band together a family, it sort of separates. Yeah its cool to have nice things, but at what cost? Mo money, mo problems.

    jamescaveman Report

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    Seedy Vine
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Poverty separates families in a million different ways. Most of mine have died by now of curable diseases they couldn't afford to have.

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    It makes me feel isolated.
    My achievements and all that I accomplished is scrutinized to the core. I deleted Facebook for this very reason. I dred getting phone calls from distant family members or friends. They will ignore you for months befriend you for about a week and give you a sob story as to why they need money. It's almost always the same b******t when it comes to being payed back. Next week, I shouldn't worry about money if I'm well off or I'm an a*****e for rushing someone in the time of need. I literally don't tell anyone what I do for a living anymore. My response when I am asked what I do is I work at McDonald's. This has caused me to be emotionally and physicaly distant from most family members.

    Princethor Report

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    the pressure to succeed is immense.

    anon Report


    Obviously there are some things, most of which have already been mentioned, that are annoying/frustrating. Always being expected to pay for things can become overwhelming, especially if someone voices this expectation and makes a scene if their demands aren't sufficiently met. I also find myself becoming a bit sad when I buy [well thought out] gifts and get accused of trying to buy their friendship or expecting something in return... No, just no. Oddly, these accusations always seem to come from people that I've known for quite some time, and I thought were already friends. Clearly, I'm incapable of differentiating friends from whatever people keep thinking we are.

    With all that being said, I think the "worst" thing is people insisting they have any say in how money is spent. I donate to things I care about or am involved in, but I don't think anyone is obligated to give money away. In fact, as I've gotten older, I see more value in offering time then money. There's also a lot of ways to give back to a community, and it doesn't have to involve a check or even face-to-face interaction. I also find unwarranted opinions on spending get even worse when it comes to luxury spending or lifestyle choices. An actual discussion is one thing, an almost picketed protest of someone's personal life, that doesn't concern you, is another.

    anon Report

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    30 Rich People Reveal The Dark Side Of Having Money That Most Of Us Don't Know About I'm not personally rich, my parents are rich. I work so I can afford my own clothes and social expenses, but I don't have to pay for school or rent out of my own pocket.

    I personally don't earn enough per year to pay income tax, so even though tax gets deducted from my pay cheques, I would get that amount back in my tax return.

    Or rather it would, if I didn't have a trust fund...

    It's the ultimate first world problem, I don't get a tax return because I have a trust fund. The trust fund counts as income for me, and puts me into a higher tax bracket.

    canuckfanatic , YuriArcursPeopleimages Report


    maids are definitely annoying and having to have cameras all over the house is more annoying.
    i dont like the driver either but since nothing is really mine and it all belongs to my parents then yeah i have no opinion in kicking them out

    reehuman Report


    30 Rich People Reveal The Dark Side Of Having Money That Most Of Us Don't Know About People think your private plane is a f*****g free taxi service. They get so angry when you don't lend it out as such. I get requests to use my plane on a weekly basis from people I know. "Hey Panther, it would really make my wife's birthday more special if our group could use your jet to get us to and from Vegas." I shut them up by telling them I will have the pilot call them to arrange things. He then tells them how much it will cost to charter the flight and they usually drop the request pretty quickly. Only once have they called back expecting me to foot the bill.

    anon , oneinchpunchphotos Report