I don’t believe in love at first sight. Sure, you can be infatuated with someone immediately, and you might be instantly drawn to their energy. But it takes time to build a relationship and truly fall head over heels.

Disgust, on the other hand, can be crystal clear from the first meeting. Redditors have recently been sharing stories of terrible dates where they instantly knew that the other person wasn’t “the one.” From hearing offensive comments to witnessing extremely dangerous behavior, these tales will take you on a wild ride, pandas. So enjoy scrolling through, and be sure to upvote the stories that remind you to stay off of dating apps!


Couple on a first date sipping wine outdoors, both looking thoughtful. He said he was a bartender. We went to his apartment, he said he’d make me a drink. Then he put my drink in a different style glass than his. I asked to add something to it, i took a single sip, noticed he was watching me very intensely, I told him “try this its so good!” He didnt swallow.

I left.

jennsnotscary , freepik Report


    30 Dates That Went So Wrong, People Noped Out Immediately It was a blind date. Surprise! Two of her friends "just happened" to show up. She invited them to join us without even asking me.

    They pretty much ignored me and ordered the most expensive items on the menu, including drinks. Every time I tried to join in the conversation, I was rudely dismissed.

    I realized pretty fast that I was being scammed. They barely paid attention when I finished my meal and excused myself to go to the restroom.

    I went to the bar and had the bartender call my server over. I was a regular there, so they knew me. I told her what was up, and I wanted to pay my share of the check. I tipped her generously since I knew my "date" was probably going to screw her over.

    I warned my server that they might try to run out on the bill when they figured out I wasn't a sucker. I left and met some friends at a bar I knew they would be at. We had a good laugh about it.

    A few days later, I stopped back in the restaurant for lunch. The bartender told me I was right. He said it took them a while to catch on that I'd left. They did try to dine and dash and got caught.

    The manager threatened to call the cops. They ran up a huge tab because they had several drinks each as well. One of the girls had to have her dad come down and pay the bill.

    AdFresh8123 , zinkevych / freepik Report

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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So ffing disrespectful to do this to someone. Really low behaviour

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    Two men in white shirts standing close together, one looking away, depicting awkward first date scenario. I'm a gay guy. Had a date with a guy that seemed okay until the end of the night when he told me he had just come out to his family - during his sister's wedding that caused a bunch of drama.

    No thanks. If you aren't mature enough to realize that this is your sister's special day and that you made it all about you, then this ain't gonna work.

    RelationshipIll9576 , freepik Report

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    Stacey Brennan
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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Announcing anything at someone else's wedding is peak selfish main character syndrome!

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    To find out how this conversation started in the first place, we reached out to Reddit user CosmosisJones42, who was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda.

    "I was inspired to ask [this question] because I was bored watching romantic comedies and wanted to see a few real-life romantic comedies," they shared.


    30 Dates That Went So Wrong, People Noped Out Immediately I have two nightmare dating stories, but this one takes the cake.

    About 17 years ago, I dated a guy that I met off of Match. We had a good connection via messaging, phone calls, and we went on four dates. After the fourth date, there was a sudden change. He would take days to answer back, so I figured he was just busy and I just left him alone. After a while, he finally contacted me to go out on a fifth date, and said let's go to Venice Beach, as I have never been there before.

    When I was in the car with him, he never said a single word. He drove us out to Venice Beach, never made eye contact with me, and we were just in this weird awkward silence the whole time. I would ask him what is wrong, what is on his mind, and if needs me to call for help. No answer. I knew something was bad. Of course, in my mind, I was running various scenarios in my head what my next move was. We went back to his car, and he was taking me back home.

    Before we got close to my place, he let out a deep sigh and says, "I have something to tell you." Of course, my insides were screaming at this point. He says, "I... I don't deserve you. You have a lot to offer someone to make them happy, and I am not that person...." He pauses, sighs again, and then says, "You know why I was not responding early on? Because I was in mandatory anger management counseling, and was having trouble coping with life." My eyes grew wide, and I asked what happened. He said his last girlfriend got on his nerves over something they argued about, and in turn, it frustrated him so much that he nearly choked her to death. Because of what occurred, he was in court-ordered counseling for the next few years and had to check-in with someone three times a week. He felt he was ready to date again because he felt he mentally moved onto becoming a better person.

    By the time he pulled up to my house, he finished everything he was saying. He asks, "What do you think I should do? What advice do you have for me?" I told him calmly, "I admire your courage to tell me the truth. I think the best move from this point is to remove your dating profile, finish your healing, rebuild yourself, and maybe try again when you feel ready." I said bye to him, went back in the house, and I literally just sat in my bed just in a weird stupor because I could not believe what happened, and thanking my stars that nothing happened to me. Strange but true, he actually did write me a final email thanking me for everything, and he did take down his profile a day later.

    Psychotic_Parakeet , freepik Report

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    Bored Seagull
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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is rather sad than nightmarish. What her date did to his ex was really terrible, but the description also sounds he regretted what happened and wanted to overcome his anger issues. Although he might have overestimated how far he had progressed, I hope he mananged to overcome his issues in the end.

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    Two cars in a minor crash on a road, illustrating a potential worst first date scenario. She drove through a red light going 50 mph and totaled 2 cars. Almost k**led me.

    InfamousClown , fxquadro / freepik Report

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    David Morgan
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    1 day ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    OK, everyone else can stop now. This one wins. I loathe, detest and have nothing but contempt for people who drive recklessly.


    A couple on a first date at an outdoor cafe, discussing the menu while sitting under umbrellas. He asked me how much the bill was for his portion on our first date. I scan the bill and say just put in $15 and it’s fine, I’ll get the rest. He grabbed the bill out of my hand and proceeded to explain to me the exact amount he owed for about five minutes like I didn’t understand basic math.

    Oh and I’ll throw in a bonus here. Another guy, first date. We met online so it was our very first time meeting. Met at the restaurant, parked close so our initial meeting was in the parking lot. He says hi, asks how the drive was and then told me that if I didn’t agree to f**k him after dinner he wasn’t going to bother with the meal. I got right back in my car and left.

    ThatOne1983 , freepik Report

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    David Morgan
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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "Sorry pal, you asked for a date, but you're thinking of escorts. BTW, they want considerably more than the cost of dinner for guaranteed intimacy. Try having a personality, see how that goes".

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    We also asked the author if they've ever been on any tragic dates that ended quickly.

    "I've been on many dates where it didn't work out but none as bad as what was posted!" they shared.

    So is it a good idea to end a date as soon as red flags appear, or is it best to simply not schedule a second date? "I think it's a good thing to end the date early if you're not feeling it, as to not waste people's time and emotions," CosmosisJones42 says.


    A couple on a first date sitting in a car, sharing a light conversation. When he wouldn’t get out of my truck until I kissed him. I threatened to drive to the police station to get him out of my f*****g truck. Spoiler alert: there wasn’t a 2nd date.

    Skeets2680 , standret / freepik Report


    A couple sitting back-to-back, looking upset, reflecting a worst first date scenario. Prior to the date he told me he had a son. During the date he casually mentioned he actually has three children but two don’t count because “their mom is a b***h”.

    ETA: some of yall are doing some mental gymnastics to excuse this man 😂 he meant what he said. I asked him to elaborate and he doubled down.

    maximum-nothing-4106 , romankosolapov / freepik Report

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    Earonn -
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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Even if the mother was a bad person, how does that reflect on the children? Who makes excuses for that? (Who am I kidding, we all know what people make excuses for it)

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    We also wanted to know what the OP thought of the replies to their post. "I loved reading this thread! People are wild!" they told Bored Panda. "Most of the replies beat the romantic comedies in terms of crazy dates!"

    Finally, the author shared some words of wisdom. "If your date doesn't go well, it is for a reason. That person is out there, and they will show up in your life when the timing is right," CosmosisJones42 says. "Don't give up on love because some people are crazy!"


    30 Dates That Went So Wrong, People Noped Out Immediately Attempted to rekindle a relationship because we bumped into each other at a happy hour, and had a fun conversation—and thought perhaps things ended prematurely.

    She was game for grabbing dinner, and even suggested a good Italian place that she had been wanting to try.

    Done! Reservation booked. Time set.

    The day of our date arrived. We were supposed to meet there separately but mid morning she texted asking if she could get picked up.

    Sure! No problem.

    She texted again. This time asking if we could change the reservation time to an hour later in the evening.

    Ok, I’ll see what I can do. Done.

    Another text. This time asking about possibly going to a different restaurant because one of her girlfriends suggested a “better” spot.

    I actually reserved a table at said “better” spot at the later time and everything.

    Oh. But then I found out that she didn’t want the later time at the “better” spot. She wanted to go back to the original time.

    I forget exactly what my text message said at this point but it was something along the line of “I’m sorry to do this but I’m just not hungry anymore.”.

    CaffeinatedRob_8 , pressfoto / freepik Report

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    David Morgan
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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "I'm NOT sorry to do this. You have shown me exactly who you are going to be, and I'm doing you the courtesy of believing you".

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    A couple looking unhappy during a first date, sitting in a home setting with a drink on the table. He kept telling me how much I reminded him of his daughter while he kept trying to grab my face to try to go for a kiss. When he went to the bathroom I ran out.

    fartsypooper , lookstudio / freepik Report


    Man talking while woman seems disinterested during a first date in a cozy cafe setting. When this first date of ours turned out to be an Amway recruitment meeting.

    ned23943 , Drazen Zigic / freepik Report


    Socks on a couch with spilled popcorn, capturing a worst first date moment. We went to a movie and as we got up she threw the popcorn on the floor. Flipped the bag and gave it a good shake. I said that wasn't nice and she said they have people to clean up. I wish i had said something else but i sorta just went on auto pilot until i dropped her off. .

    ktsb , freepik Report


    Couple on a date looking at a smartphone screen together in a cozy kitchen setting. She showed me two pictures of exes and asked where I would rank myself with them.

    OK_weird1229 , Racool_studio / Freepik Report


    Woman looking upset on a first date as man talks on phone, illustrating worst first date experience. He asked me how many other guys I was talking to, and when I said no one else, he said "fine lie to me if you want, I'm talking to 7 other girls. It's kind of a slow week for me because it's usually like 15-20" LOL. I laughed because I thought he was joking, and that pissed him off even more. He told me he could have anyone he wanted, and he left.

    _Justag1rl_ , wayhomestudio / freepik Report


    30 Dates That Went So Wrong, People Noped Out Immediately So this is embarrassing in retrospect. Back in my second year of college, I was pulling an all-nighter at the same time as this very cute girl who I was friends with. We weren’t in the same place, but we kept messaging over facebook or hangouts or what have you the entire night. It was really nice just talking with her. I had been single for about two months, and was just getting over the break up. When dawn hit and our papers were finally done, she asked me out for celebratory breakfast.

    I went looking kinda gross. I absolutely looked like I had just finished an all-nighter. She looked radiant and had clearly put more work into this meeting than I did. As our breakfast went on, we’re talking, laughing, and the caffeine is mixing with the satisfaction of completing my work for the semester, and I just feel like I’m in a really good place and I tell her as much. The sun is starting to fill the windows of the restaurant we’re in, and there’s this warm light everywhere. She smiles, looks coy, and asks me if I’m over my ex. I smile back, say that I am, and tell her that I’m already thinking of the person who I’d like to ask out next. She smiles even broader and asks me if she knows who it is, while touching me on the hand...

    Still smiling I say, “I don’t think so, her name is Rebecca and she was in one of my history classes”. Distinctly, this was not the girl I was out to breakfast with.

    The girl I was with, looked absolutely devastated. And I had no idea why. I think I said something like “I’m sad the semester’s ending soon, but I’ll see you in the spring!”. And thus ended what I would later learn was the first date with the woman who would later become my wife.

    Puree_Butterflies , user18526052 / freepik Report

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    Paul C.
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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm glad it worked out for you in the end, but boy, you nearly blew that mate.

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    Man looking frustrated on a bad first date, sitting at an outdoor cafe table with tea set. It was our fourth date.

    *She* brought up the exes conversation (how many relationships have you been in, why didn’t they work out, etc.)

    Without skipping a beat she told me she’d probably still be with her last partner but he left because she lied about taking birth control.

    JetPlane_88 , cookie_studio / freepik Report


    30 Dates That Went So Wrong, People Noped Out Immediately First date. Starbucks was closing and he asked me if I wanted to continue the conversation in his truck. I happily agreed- as soon as we got in, he turned the truck on and took off down the highway. He said he’d take me back when I proved to him what my mouth could do while whipping out his p*nis.

    Basically got kidnapped on the first date. Oh yeah, and he was a middle school resource officer 🙃.

    GingerSnaps94 , freepik Report

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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Geez, I hope you got out safely and reported him to the police.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Woman holding a coffee cup, looking unimpressed on a first date in a cozy cafe setting. I was on a first date with a young Mormon lady, we were in our mid-twenties. She was telling me a little bit about her beliefs, about the seven stages of heaven and how most people can get to at least the first level of heaven. Then she started talking about sin, and how you can see deeper sins in the color of people’s skin. That darker skinned people have more inherent sin, so cannot go to heaven. But, if they repent their sins, their skin will become pure and white, and then they can at least enter.

    As she was explaining this to me, her speech got slower…and slower…you see, I’m Latino. Needless to say, we didn’t make it to the first base of heaving.

    FriendOfSelf , peoplecreations / freepik Report


    30 Dates That Went So Wrong, People Noped Out Immediately Went on a dinner date at a guys house. He surprised me and had invited his parents over and that was awkward enough. Then, in the middle of dinner, he got down on one knee and was our FIRST date. I just got up and walked out. Thank God I had driven there. At that point, I would have walked home if I had to, though.

    Cat_tophat365247 , freepik Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    30 Dates That Went So Wrong, People Noped Out Immediately She littered fast food wrappers out my car window. I made a u turn and took her home instead of the movie we were supposed to go see.

    truffleddumbass , pvproductions Report

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    Sara Frazer
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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Good for you! I would've pulled over and made her pick it up lol and if she said no I'd be like "well have fun walking" 😂

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    Woman bored on a date, resting her chin in her hand, holding a coffee, while the man looks at his phone. When he told me I reminded him of his sister and then wouldn’t stop talking about her.

    Kindly-Question-7357 , gpointstudio / freepik Report


    30 Dates That Went So Wrong, People Noped Out Immediately She showed up wearing a (dirty) white crop top and started playing with her exposed belly button in the middle of our dinner date and then proceeded to say out loud with people surrounding us “Ew What the hell is that in my bellybutton?!”.

    poetadin , Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Two people sitting in a car, looking serious, experiencing one of the worst first dates. He asked me to go to a movie, then pulled up in crocs and pjs. Said we were gonna go to his house instead of the movie theatre. Then proceeded to tell me he doesn’t actually have his drivers licence.

    itso-complicated , zinkevych / freepik Report

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    Fire Singer
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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm all for an at-home movie date, but not a first date without that being agreed on before hand. You don't get to just change the place from public to your home on a first date unless all parties agree. Oh...and take an uber!

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    30 Dates That Went So Wrong, People Noped Out Immediately When he said he traveled to Africa often for work. I lived in Africa for a bit and initially loved this…it was something we had in common. Until he said he doesn’t think people in rural villages in Africa should have access to clean water or electricity because “someone has to pay for it”. After back and forth for a bit I got up and left.

    kikihippiex , katemangostar / freepik Report


    30 Dates That Went So Wrong, People Noped Out Immediately He owned several car lots and he sold my car for me. He asked me to dinner. Everything was great. He asked if I wanted to see the house he’d just bought on his credit card. 👀

    It was still early out and the house was only a few blocks away. The real estate agent was there and he wanted to sign some papers so I agreed. It was a modest little brick house, super cute and he had indeed bought it. He used his credit card for the down payment and he was signing some documents for the finalizing of the sale etc. I was pretty impressed I admit. Then he dragged his finger along a dusty ledge and said “needs a woman’s touch” and I noped right the heck out of there. Big bucks or not, I am nobody’s servant. Never saw him again.

    PeaceOut70 , prostooleh Report

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    Betsy S
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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In your area you are permitted to use borrowed money for a home downpayment? No wonder your country had a housing collapse in 2008.

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    30 Dates That Went So Wrong, People Noped Out Immediately Buddy of mine wanted to get in the game but is super cheap, so he was using Plenty of Fish (mistake #1)

    Connects with a chick who seemed down to clown, so he (mistake #2) invited her to his house. She immediately is upset that he doesn't have Tito's vodka and that's the ONLY thing she drinks. So she insists they go to the liquor store and get some.

    Now my buddy is 50/50 that he's going to get robbed, but the other 50% is a good chance of getting laid. So he compromises by telling her to drive and leaves his wallet behind.

    They get into her car, and there's no seat in the passenger side she says she has a huge dog so she took the seat out, and just sit in the back. And they head off to the liquor store

    During the drive, he comes to the understanding that this woman is drunk. He's still holding out for the sex possibility though they get to the liquor store, and it's to late, closed. The chick says "I know a store there open late", but the liquor stores are all state stores, they all have the same hours. She insists she knows a place, and he's captive in the back seat.

    She gets on the interstate, and a while goes by in silence, and he eventually asked "where are we going?" And she screams in terror... She'd forgotten he was in the back seat. She tells him they're going to the liquor store in a city 30 minute away.

    Now he's almost given up on the failing hope of getting some strange, and just wants to live. Asks if they can just go home, and she screams again... Forgot he was in the car again

    So he tried to keep a full conversation going to keep her awake and aware of him, and they eventually get to the destination magic open liquor store. It was closed.

    She insists it's open and goes to the door and starts pounding on it.

    Now comes the peanut gallery. Some Mexican guys are sitting in a truck drinking beers, and yell at her "that's closed. You want a beer?" And she starts yelling racial slurs at them... And not even the right ones for Mexicans. Now three Mexicans and a drunk/high/bi polar chick are trading profanities

    And my buddy finally reached "sex chance = 0%" point, and just walked away. Turned around the corner and sat down at a bus stop and called me.

    It's like 1:00am on a work night, and I see the call and like "this can't be good"

    So I drive to get him, he tells me this whole long story that I honestly can't remember half of... It was much worse. Then we drank at his place until dawn and called in sick to work.

    Underwater_Karma , freepik Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Man sitting on a sofa, holding a glass, reflecting on a first date experience. When he asked me if I thought he smelled nice. I politely said yes, and he reached into his leather jacket and brought out a little sample atomiser of Ferrari cologne. He proudly presented it to me, saying I could keep it as a memento of our date and him.

    In the right way, it could be rather kitschy and cute, but this guy was fully into himself all night, and this was the cherry on top.

    He was shocked when I didn’t want to go home with him that night hahahaha.

    towers_of_ilium , senivpetro / freepik Report


    Woman in a car checking her phone, conveying a sense of disappointment on a date. Gave her my phone to put music on in the car & saw in the reflection of the passenger window she was going through my texts.

    Ac997 , talkinapa Report

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    Robert Beveridge
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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am constantly surprised people don't regularly clean out their texts. Even if you have nothing to hide, how do you find anything in the avalanche of 2fa texts, walgreens notifications, spam, and wrong numbers if you don't delete them every few days?

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Couple in white shirts having a conversation during a first date. On our first date, when he showed up with a framed photo of himself and his dog for my apartment.

    Feeling_Voice1053 , prostooleh / freepik Report

    Note: this post originally had 68images. It’s been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes.