While there are some nuances, the truth is that something or someone tends to be the butt of most jokes. Indeed, in some places, the village next door or the country on the other side of the mountains (and its people) fill this role quite perfectly.
Someone asked “Which country do you joke about most in your country?” and people shared their best examples from where they live. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote the ones that made you chuckle and be sure to add your thoughts and own suggestions to the comments below.
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From America. I mostly joke about America.
In Germany, we made a lot of jokes about France and Poland.
But since Trump is President, I think people, especially my friends and me, make more jokes about the USA than every other country.
Trump is a never ending supply of jokes. I'm in America, and I'm so ashamed and embarrassed by what is happening here. I am dumb founded by devoted republicans voters that just don't see it. They just double down.
For Canada I would have to say America. We are exposed to a lot of their media, a high percentage of Canadians have either visited America or had exposure to American tourists, and their lifestyles are similar enough to our own that it feels kind of relatable.
From England and we joke about America. In fact me and my Dad talked about it this evening. I had asked if the Americans were aware of how other people viewed them. He said "The East coast know how they are viewed, the West coast is too cool to care, and the people in the middle are waiting for God to intervene.".
I'm from the Netherlands, we mostly joke about the Belgians that they are not the smartest cookie in the jar.
Examples from some jokes 🤗
How do you sink a Belgian submarine?
Just knock
How do you recognize a Belgian pirate?
He wears two eye patches
Why will Belgian be at war with the Netherlands in 20 years?
Because they will finally understand our jokes.
America (guns, police, trump, health care), France (cheese eating surrender monkeys), Germany (two world wars and one World Cup), Wales (sheep), New Zealand (sheep) and Australia (convincts).
But since I’m from the north of England, we mostly joke about the soft southern shandy drinkers.
From New Zealand, mostly joke about Australia and the US.
Australian here. We usually joke about NZ. Now they have an amazing prime minister while ours is a crook, so we take the p**s out of ourselves and fantasise about moving there (or merging our countries and have Jacinda look after us all).
In UK probably America.
When Italians are not joking about other Italians, they usually pick France.
G*****n baguette eating ppl. /s
It's an old feud, and both parts are not going to withdraw.
From Scotland. England.
In Turkey we joke about greece and in greece they probably joke about us.
American, we mostly just make fun of our own states around us or certain sub-cultures in general i.e. rednecks, 'woke' people, California, etc.
Yea, here in the US we keep it in the family. We make jokes about the other regions of the US. But everybody jokes about Florida... especially the "Florida Man" memes.
Western Slovakia
I am from Eastern Slovakia.
Classic! Those Western Slovaks with their... their westerly-ness....
As a swede I grew up with jokes about the Norwegians... A couple of examples:
How do you sink a Norwegian submarine? You swim down and knock on the hatch.
Why do Norwegians crawl on the floor of the supermarket? They are looking for low prices.
What are clever people in Norway called? Tourists.
Why wasn't Jesus born in Norway? They couldn't find three wise men.
What do you get if you enter 1+1 on a Norwegian calculator? "Please wait..."
From what I've heard, the Norwegians have similar jokes about Swedes. But it's like a fight between siblings, we still like each other.
Greece here. Can speak for everyone but in my family we joke about all the neighbor countries, Cyprus, Italy, Turkey, Albania and about the UK cause my sister lives there. I joke about the US because Internet has taught me some people there are truly... well... special...
we have a lot of folks. therefore, we have a lot more interesting people. i agree.
In Poland, coincidentally, we joke most about Poles, Russians and Germans. There's a lot of jokes based on a Pole, a Russian and a German meeting the Devil, and then the punchline is that the Pole uses the most absurd solution to a problem, but it ends up working.
I visited the science museum in Warsaw (well worth the visit by the way) and there was a section on humour from different countries, I laughed most at the Polish section and the Indian one. (The UK one was one of Mr Bean's less amusing excerpts)
If we’re talking about the UK, it’s probably America. However if we’re talking about Wales, it’s definitely England.
Canadian here. I've noticed people like to joke about America, mostly their healthcare system. Although I talked to some people at school before they closed and they jokingly said we need to build a wall so the US doesn't spread COVID through the border lmao.
Which isn't fair, because while the French did surrender in WWII, they did it to save their people from being steamrollered and then created the most badass underground resistance movement in human history.
No, they created most badass propaganda about their highly incompetent resistance movement. One Briton during the war volunteered to join the resistance because he was s******l but it was against his religious beliefs to k**l himself. During the war, the second greatest cause of casualties in the resistance was injuries sustained while robbing tobacconists. The number one cause was being betrayed to the Germans by their countrymen - usually members of competing - yes, competing - resistance groups. Read any book not written by a French person about the resistance.
From Ukraine. Mostly joking about ourselves. Often about Russia. Sometimes about European countries. Recently, also about China.
Brazil here. When we are not joking about our own country, we usually joke about Portugal (fair, since they took all our gold lol) and Argentina.
American. I think it’s a tie between England and Canada.
Canada is sort of viewed as a polite sibling/cousin. We joke about them loving hockey, syrup, and apologizing. We love Canada!
We tend to joke about England losing the revolutionary war, their obsession with tea, and calling it soccer to annoy them. The whole “we don’t need kettles for our tea, we harbor it instead” type of joke is a favorite. We love the English as well.
I'm from Argentina and people joke a lot about people from Uruguay since it used to be a province here before they became an independent country, many people here say that it's another province of ours. Also about people from Chile.
Edit: I forgot about or own country since pretty much every politician here is corrupt and steals a s**t ton of money so there's that.
I'm from Chile. The answer is Peru, Bolivia and Argentina. We have a looooong history lol I'm sure we would be their answer too. but there isn't something that we joke about the most that our own government lol.
In Romania we mostly joke about Hungary but sometimes also Serbia and Russia.
Venezuelans. I don't do it, but people are going crazy xenophobic in Latin America since the economic crisis. They're the punchline to every joke nowadays and tbh it's really sad.
I'm American and have jokes for just about every country there is. My personal favorites are Turkmenistan, Germany, the UK, and India.
Poll Question
Why do you think people make fun of other countries?
Cultural differences
Historical rivalries
Lack of knowledge
grew up in South Africa many years ago. White English speakers would tell jokes about white Afrikaans speakers from up north (low intelligence, lack of worldview and their accent when speaking English, similar to American Southern rednecks I guess). White Afrikaans speakers would tell racist and crude jokes about black people. This of course a gross generalisation
grew up in South Africa many years ago. White English speakers would tell jokes about white Afrikaans speakers from up north (low intelligence, lack of worldview and their accent when speaking English, similar to American Southern rednecks I guess). White Afrikaans speakers would tell racist and crude jokes about black people. This of course a gross generalisation