People Are Sharing Their Unpopular Opinions On This Online Group, And Here Are Their 50 Most Interesting Posts
Some people like to keep it low-key. Others are eager to spark some open-ended conversations. The remaining love diving deep into the burning zone where statements uttered are so controversial they get the discussion sizzling in no time.
And what for? Let’s say if you have a burning unpopular opinion, you’d know why. And there’s a safe corner of the internet known as the UnpopularOpinion subreddit that has had the most disputable points of view flowing since 2012. By disputable, I mean things like water with cereal is better, and clapping for healthcare workers who are only doing their job is cringy.
So let’s see what the community of a whopping 1.9M members is living for right below, and be sure to hit us in the comments in case you have an opinionated bomb to drop that will likely stir some reactions.
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Like come on, people who work their assess off have to struggle more so than people who are good at a sport? It's just like how Doctors are paid less than NBA Players... one saves lives, the other plays basketball competitively.
Agreed. And football athletes shouldn’t have huge stipends compared to track athletes
Yeah sure, it’s futuristic and all, but a lot of them are just becoming a hassle and a hazard. I shouldn’t have to spam tap a screen to change the climate controls, whereas a dial would be so much simpler and easy to use. The screens are basically impossible to use with gloves on if you live in a colder place. And frankly, most automakers just suck at making them. They are super laggy and hard to use. Cars can still look modern with a clean button and dial interior setup, and perhaps a smaller screen to display information. The infotainment system should not have to constantly take the drivers attention off the road.
Yes! I could change the time on the clock in my "old" car by turning one button. On my new car I have to access two menus and press multiple screens. I don't see how that's an improvement.
Like breaking and entering, assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, first degree murder, terrorism, etc... the coordinating police chief in charge of the raid should be held responsible for whatever happens.
I deleted Facebook in 2011 and since, never looked back and if anything so glad that I did.
The issue now, FB is so integrated into day to day life people only use that for advertising.
I hate getting emails about "Win this product" then you read how to enter and they say, Like Us/Follow Us and re post Us on Facebook to be entered.
Or a restaurant which is FB only and clicking the link you are greeted with a million log in screens and limited information.
IMO this is a rubbish way to get to your target audience and I avoid companies who solely use FB.
I see a lot of posts on Reddit of people whom have gone through traumatic experiences in their lives; be it war, rape, suicide, depression, that sort of stuff.
Usually, 50% of a comment thread consists of 'man up' and 'X can't happen to men!'. It's annoying as all hell, and yeeah often those comments do get downvoted, but not enough to send them straight to the bottom of the list.
You see it all over the internet these days, people recording themselves giving food or money or whatever to homeless people. All it is for these people is a personal boost, a way to get views on the internet and make themselves feel important. I think these actions should be shot down not praised and receive 10 million video views. If you’re really this good person you claim to be you would give to the homeless, give to shelters, help people and not tell anyone else about it, it’s that simple.
its not a good deed if the reason you do it is to blurt it out on social media
Graduates and school leavers already have an extremely hard time finding work in todays economy, most of which are forced to do jobs that had nothing to do with their fields because companies are too lazy to train and too cheap to offer training, they always want some other company to train them. Also if you require 3-5 years experience then the salary of those jobs should be considerably higher and NOT the basic entry level salary, they just want more for less. So long as your qualifications meet the required job they should be considered.
I will agree to that 100%. Entry level jobs should not require previous experience.
I've been going to baseball games my entire life. I have well over 1,000 games attended. One of my life long dreams is to catch a baseball in the stands. To me that is a chosen from the baseball gods moment. Lately I've been seeing more and more when someone catches the ball a parent will send a kid over to collect their prize. Everyone boos the person who caught the ball for not giving it to the kid. The person who caught the ball has likely been waiting since they were that kid's age to catch one and now they have an entire section if not stadium bullying them to give it to some little kid that will have 0 appreciation for it because they just did what their parents told them and went and asked for it.
Obviously if I ever catch a ball I will break it to the kid that inevitably gets sent over gently that no, I will not give them the ball AND I will take my boos. But to the parents who send their sex trophy over to collect something that they aren't entitled to, you are horrible parents/people and I don't feel bad that your kid is sad now, it's your fault.
Why on earth would ANY adult want to have their ass wiped by their children? I can think of nothing more humiliating or dehumanizing.
I never understood why nursing homes (pre pandemic) were always such an awful thing.
My bfs grandma would get up an wander around the neighborhood and forget where she was. She would trash the house. She would need to be bathed and fed by others because she couldn’t function. His aunt had to quit her job to look after her, all while having kids of her own. What mother would want that for their children?? What person would want their own health and safety in the hands of someone who is trying to juggle their own lives and children and work instead of a person who takes care of others as their chosen career?
There is a HUGE difference between changing a 6 month old’s diaper and an 80 year old’s. And imo there is a HUGE difference between having a medical professional see you naked and clean you than your grown kids seeing you naked and cleaning you.
I would not want my children to remember me as an invalid who needed s*it wiped away from their vagina because of diapers.
As soon as a person is unable to function alone, they should be put in professional care and NOT be shamed for that decision.
Likewise, but I guess not everyone comes to that point in life with enough money to pay someone to look after them. Or the arrangement is - I won't spend all your inheritance on old-age care if you care for me in my old age.
Load More Replies...This was written by a person who has never seen the neglected elderly in homes. There's a lot.
That can be true, yes. But you need to remain active in their lives. Maybe not every day, but visit them, check-in on them, and bring your concerns to the manager of the facility immediately. I was very sad when it became necessary for my grandmother to move to a memory-care facility. I visited her every single week, without fail. It was the only option to make sure she had access to the level of care that she needed. Even if our entire family moved in under one roof, we wouldn't have been able to do it all ourselves.
Load More Replies...This might be an actual unpopular opinion, but if I live long enough to be unable to take care of myself, I would like to be given the option of just opting out of life, please. I'm an extremely private person, and being dependent on help to use the bathroom or clean myself sounds like absolute hell. I would literately rather die.
You have no idea how many medical professionals share your opinion.... And are listed as Do Not Resuscitate. Life is sacred. Death is part of it. Let us go, please, if we so choose. (Note: If the person chooses. Not someone else.)
Load More Replies...It can be combined. You can live in an assisted facility and still have family take on some of the care when visiting. Also some people find meaning in taking care of a relative. Some don't have the financial means to choose. Some people require care that's impossible to give as a family member, some people are healthy as a horse up till a hundred and die in their sleep. Don't even think about judging any of those options and how individuals follow their path until you experience it yourself. Because that's what it leans towards, not the, I don't want others to go through it and more the I don't ever want to do that myself so here's me saying don't help me when I'm older. It is not how life works.
I agree with Rissie. Every family will take the steps that is best for their situation. Care homes can be very, very expensive.
Load More Replies...When you have no training and no access to additional help you will get overwhelmed and frustrated at some point and often let your frustration out on the one you care for. That's human and the very last sign to seriously consider looking for a care facility. Neither you nor your loved one profits from you running yourself ragged.
Unfortunately, the cost of many of these places is ridiculously expensive. Some are easily over $4000 per month.
I looked after my mother at home as having worked in care homes for nearly 20 years I wouldn't want someone I love in most of them. It can be a good home but one bad carer can make their life unpleasant and unsafe! She was such an anxious lady it would have shortened her life and been most distressing for her
I have had two experiences. A very close family member died as the result of neglect in a home. However, my sister and I were extremely traumatized when we ended up taking care of my mother until she died. I burned out from my job, emotionally damaged my kids, I was a hot mess and I personally couldn't keep my mother safe the last three days of her life. I was in the process of moving her to a home right next to my house so I could be with her during my non working hours, but she died before that could happen. I never want to experience that again. What are your recommendation for what we should look for to determine the correct fit when we can't take care of our elderly and dying parents at home? I feel like for our family member who passed away we could have looked at more things that would have given us a red flag.
Load More Replies...A huge problem is that some countries don't have decent/humane nursing homes that offer the services needed, especially for old people who need constant watch like in advanced dementia. They might be few and cost an arm and a leg... Edit: this is a different issue though from people who need advanced care insisting to be cared for only by their children and refusing professional help. As others have said, it's a complicated issue with multiple factors and what works for a family doesn't for another.
After my mother died my father moved into sheltered accommodation (in the UK this means he was still in a house of his own but had help visit a few times a day). As the years went on his mobility became worse and worse to the point he was virtually housebound. Even though I went to visit him several times a day to cook meals, clean etc, I had a full time job and two very young children so trying to do all of this took a toll on me (I has no siblings to help). I knew deep down a nursing home would be the best option for him but I felt guilty for even thinking about it so I never once suggested it. Luckily one day he himself said he'd like to go into one as he wanted company and knew he needed the help. I thank god he said it as I don't think I could've maintained that lifestyle for much longer but I would have forced myself to do so.
This person obviously isn't aware of how horrible affordable nursing homes are. Many employees aren't paid well and abuse or steal from the patients. Both of my parents worked in homes and saw it happen. A good nursing home is only affordable to upper middle class and higher. It's not the old peoples choice most of the time anyway. It's the children who love their parents and want to make sure nothing happens to them.
It really is a very complicated decision. Every senior and their families are different. Different health needs (dementia or not for example), different financial situation (many poor folks houses have stayed in the family for generations and have been the only thing keeping them from being homeless but it's in Grandma's name), the size of the family taking care of Grandma, can you afford a home health nurse?, etc.. Simply saying you don't want your kids to wipe your butt is easy to understand but overly simplified to the point of ignorance.
Load More Replies...Caretaking for the elderly should not be taken lightly. All those people who advocate for people to care for their elderly don't seem to understand that some people in their old age are going to require a level of care that family members simply can't provide without suffering severe mental and physical burnout. As well as develop conflicting feelings of resentment and guilt towards their elderly family member. The fact that the cost of elder care in a facility is criminally sky high does not help matters.
Thank you! My sister and I took care of our mother for 18 months. I commuted 2.5 hours a day for work, had two young kids and then my mother who was more dependent on me. It DRAINED me. Her last two weeks were horrible and I couldn't physically keep her safe while she thrashed around. Hospice was no help at all! My sister and I were traumatized. I couldn't move her to clean her so she got sores and I felt horrible. Luckily that didn't happen until 24hrs before she passed. I don't want my children or my husband to go through something like that with me. I was severely depressed and anxious for months after and had to quite my position at work. I had to go to therapy to help me cycle through what I had experienced and medication. I did what my mom wanted because I loved her, but it impacted my mental health so bad.
Load More Replies...By the time my mother needs nursing care it is very likely I will be retired and my children are already in their late teens. I would be privileged to care for my mom.
I kind of agree with you...I can't have kids so I'll never have that problem...but there are sooooo many nursing homes that abuse the elderly and it scares the crap out of me.
I don't know if it should be a rule, but I think there should definitely be more help available for the people taking care of relatives like that, whether a bigger kid or a parent or sibling. First of all I don't understand how and why malicious neglect takes place in many nursing homes, even if understaffed and underpayed. But I don't think it is a rule either. There are a lot of good people working in these places. But at home one person has to be there 24/7 lift, wash, police, feed, entertain. It is exhausting and there is no leave no sic days and in most countries no income for that person either, or it is ridiculously small. The person will need to leave his/her job, be financially cared for by other family members and will have years and years of exhausting work with no relief, big chance of burnout and no income that counts for pension either. Therefore I see that taking care of a loved one is a great thing if you are able to but also it should not be ashamed if you just can't
Thank you. I'm the caretaker. People say, "Oh askt he state for help." Funnily enough, state laws have more holes than a spaghetti sieve. As for medical care facilities, they're run for profit. They double-bill medicare/aid in the US, then have one nurse per 40 patients. Unless you are VERY wealthY? You make do and pray a lot. I hit burnout about three years ago, out of the six I've been actively caretaking Mom solo. She alienated the rest of the family. And a lot of others. So.... Yeah. Caretakers are almost as left behind as the elderly in need.
Load More Replies...I care for my mother who has dementia and is very difficult to deal with at times. I do this because she never thought twice about caring for me in my youth (and adult years when I needed help) and who knows what would happen to her in a care facility operated by strangers. So I don't agree with this but to each his own.
God bless you! My aunt had dementia towards the end of her life. She was the sweetest person on the planet. She raised eight children, one who was autistic and had other special needs with my uncle who was in the military. When she became ill, only her two daughters and her one son helped. Her one son moved in with his son and between him, his son and my two other cousins they shouldered the majority of my aunt's care while me and my sister provided respite whenever we could. One of my other cousins lived less than five minutes away and thought by calling the house once a month he was doing his share. Your mom is blessed to have you care for her. I hope you can get some support for yourself. I wish you the best.
Load More Replies...Not an clear choice for every situation. Pennsylvania Amish keep Grandparents in home accepting all care. It can be painful at times. They see it as a family responsibility and part of there belief system. Maybe it is the full circle of life?
In ideal circumstances, yes. That said, the lifespan of people wiht severe ailments at home in the Amish/PA Dutch communities are shorter, b/c they do not take "English" medicine if they can avoid it, in my experience of their communities.
Load More Replies...I'm in a situation similar to this right now. I had to move my 76-year-old brother in with me and my son. While he can do some things for himself, he still has to be told to take a shower AND use soap, or he'll just sit under the water for a while. I have to make all his meals or he'll just eat candy and other junk food; and control his meds or he'll take them all at once "because the first dose didn't work" and "medicine doesn't work for me so I need more". Since he's hard of hearing, he doesn't comprehend things you tell him so they have to be repeated over and over. He's blind so he can't read anything. He's got a lot of medical problems that need to be addressed and complains about not feeling good, but resents it when I take him to the doctor. A nursing home is out of the question because of the expense. The only other family available are his grown children who are some 6,000 miles away - too far away to be of any use.
I used to work in the durable medical equipment business. I saw caregivers who looked older & sicker than the people they were taking care of. I wish I had some advice to offer you. One patient in particular was a very stubborn old man. He wouldn't do anything he'd been asked or listen to anything he was told. His wife was his primary caregiver & he fought her on everything. In the beginning, she was healthy & vibrant, but taking care of him took its toll on her health. She became more & more wore down. She ended up dying before him. I wasn't surprised.
Load More Replies...Story from the other side - in my countries, most nursing homes don't give a sh!t about your grandma/grandpa. They don't have enough staff, have way too many old people to take care of and are not well paid. The result? They are rude to and negligent with the elderly. I have experienced cases people developing black spots on their skin because personnel would not turn them when they weren't able to. They'd pass within a few months. I've seen elderly being burned with hot food because there were too many to feed and the "carers" were not patient enough. My ex's grandma would regularly have her breasts exposed because staff wouldn't care about properly dressing her... so yeah, if I can, I'll happily take care of my parents when they need me, even if it meant paying a nurse to be with them at home...
I've known a few people who have worked in different nursing homes over the years and those are definitely the types of stories I've heard. I'm not surprised one bit. It's awful and heartbreaking. I wouldn't want to put my parents in one either.
Load More Replies...Looking after a parent yourself certainly has its own challenges and it's probably not entirely comfortable for either of you, but some people don't trust that you'll get the proper care in a nursing home. We've just had a government inquiry into the aged care industry and some of the stuff that's come out has been horrific, I wouldn't put my worst enemy in one of those places.
I have three brothers and a sister. Together we took care of my mother when she suffered from Alzheimer's and then my dad when he declined. None of us thought it was degrading, disgusting or an unfair burden. It was our opportunity to help and take care of them and thank them for the way they always took care of us. Sometimes it was nose-wrinkling, sometimes it was sad, sometimes it was very funny. I cherish those memories of supporting my parents as they aged and am thankful for having the opportunity. It was one of the most rewarding times in my life; a pure demonstration of love. None of it tarnishes my memories of them. It makes them sweeter.
You are blessed in many ways. My sibling died young, so I'm it. Having siblings to share the time and sorrows and tasks is a huge help ------ my hubby has siblings who help with *his* aged parents, and it works out much better!
Load More Replies...i feel like this one is ridiculous. This post has to be from someone in the U.S.A. For one, statistically, on average more then 60 percent die in that first year. By putting them in a nursing home, you are taking away their right for a dignified death. "My Bf's Grandma would get lost...Trash the house.... yada yada yada." I guess you are forgetting when you were little- and the things you did and probably well up into your teen years. I dunno- any person that would not want to return the gratitude that they owe their family for simply giving them life, just seems incredibly selfish to me. Dont get me wrong- their are extreme circumstances that I totally understand... but if your biggest grip is "I dont want to clean their a**... then hopefully, one day, you will have the same fate as what you did to your parents.
Where are you from that makes this so different for you? Most adult children (even in the US) would like to take care of their parents in their old age, but sometimes it just isn't feasible (for various reasons). Perhaps you are referring to the lack of supports from the government?
Load More Replies...I'm an old guy who has had a couple of brushes with death. When I can no longer take care of myself, I want to be able to easily, painlessly check out, because I don't want to live that kind of life. What's the point of adding years to a life I wouldn't be enjoying?
You and me both. I want the choice to go before I *can't* make the choice.
Load More Replies...I'd happily look after my mum if she needed me to, I lived with her for a week during lockdown when she had to self isolate after surgery. Incredibly we didn't kill each other.
I should probably add that she wouldn't do that to me or my sister.
Load More Replies...Evidently the nursing homes you live by are pleasant I wouldn’t send my worst enemy to 90 percent of the nursing homes out here and the ten percent I would have 10-15 year wait lists and are unaffordable While I understand the need for some people to choose to send their loved ones to a nursing home, for many of the reasons you listed , if I can avoid it for my mom or myself I’m all over that Nothing like living in a tiny room with three other people and waiting to die It’s awful I have zero issues with my children seeing my naked body and I have zero issues with seeing my mother naked It’s human decency to care for others even if it’s messy
My parents took very good care of me as I was a child and they still do as I'm a adult that some times still needs mama and papa arms and voice saying that everything will be okay. When they got old I hope have the honor to take care of them with same love, sacrifice and devotion they did.
Absolutely. It’s one thing to look after an old parent who lives with you by covering their regular needs like cooking and laundry, and a completely Different story to look after a physically and/or mentally incapacitated person in ways that would normally require medical training.
As someone who put her life on hold to take care of a family member for 6yrs, I completely agree with the sentiments. Unfortunately, at least in my experience, the funding for convalescent care isnt great & yet its still extremely expensive to pay for. We couldn't afford a place with a great reputation & didnt want to place her somewhere where we werent sure how great she'd be taken care of. That in itself can cause more health issues, as well as the guilt we'd feel if something happened to her that could've been avoided at home, like bed sores, bad hygiene, etc. That doesnt mean I necessarily agree that homecare is better though. Those yes wrecked my sanity, my body, & our finances. Its not for the faint of heart & should NOT be entered into lightly.
I agree, but for the most part home health homes for the elderly are horrible. They are often neglected and understaffed so their needs aren’t properly addressed. My dad was forced to put my grandma in one and she died 6 weeks after going.
Plus, we need to upgrade nursing homes, including licensing and paying ALL staff, including the janitorial staff, a true living wage according to, and consistent with, their licensure.
Some children would rather take on the burden than entrust their loved ones to strangers. You hear all kinds of horror stories about elder neglect and abuse in those places.
a burden? to take care of someone who gave you life? and had to take care of you for how long?
Load More Replies...Recently had to do this with my MIL so our son didn't have to put her on the potty chair. Daddy is a truck driver, and I'm not strong enough to lift her. My son, (her grandson) DOES NOT need to (nor deserve to) see & deal with all that. I cared for MY mom from 13 to 16 (when she passed) and ... I suffered trauma ..... leme tell you. At 55 now (me...)already have a living will, for a HOME (or Dr. Kevorkian?) if I get that ill. TYSM for this.
My sibling and I just went through this with taking care of our mother with dementia. It was 15 months of absolute hell that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. Yes, we had to change her sh*tty diapers and yes, we hated having to put our lives on hold to take care of her. Have a plan, people! Don’t make your relatives go through this. They will hate you for having to put into that situation.
No child/ caregiver should be forced or shamed into paying for costs above theirs or their parents SSD/SSI income either.
If I'm old and unable to take care of myself, I want the right to end my own life with dignity and care. Because I have no children, and will never be able to afford professional care.
When I can't take care of myself anymore, I'll go somewhere with a beautiful view and take care of myself one last time. I'm not giving some f*****g FOR-PROFIT medical service my kids' inheritance so I can stare at a f*****g ceiling and s**t myself for 2 years while they suck my accounts dry. I have made a video of myself saying this and have handed each of my kids a document stating this as well so there is no confusion or doubt. I will NOT be put in a care facility and I will not be a burden to my family. I'm checking out my terms.
Plus : it is really not good for the mental health of the adult child to care for their (demented) parent. It is really really hard to see your beloved mother or father in a temper because they forgot who you are and don't like you wiping their ass or being snarky because they can't really move anymore and have nothing else to vent their feelings. I, as an adult child, would really like to avoid that.
It depends on where you live. I live in Greece. It's very common here to take care of our parents when they get old. It's tradition, good care homes are terribly expensive, and they are also terribly horrible.
My grandma took my grandpa's father (my great grandfather) in when he was like 85 thinking it would only be a few years. He out lived my grandpa by like 10-15 years lol
Nursing homes are horrible because the staff are horrible and neglectful or downright abusive. The onus is not on the families, but on the staff, and if residents were properly cared for, there would be no shame in having your loved one in a home to be cared for.
i can tell you’re young and of the opinion that someone has enough money to buy that nice institutional care. no one wants it but life isn’t fair.
I currently live in Assisted Living, because I choose to, and I do so because all of my children are young professionals or in young marriages and I refuse to be a daily problem with my handicap. This way the time we spend together is beautiful and joyous. They didn't understand what first, but it's been six years now and it's still the solution I would choose.
I salute your courage, both physical and moral. I am glad you can live in assisted living, and accept the aid you need. My mother will not/cannot. I had no prolbem at first. Nobody does. Six years later?..... Unrelented 24/7 ......... No state aid, not enough $ for help, etc.? ......
Load More Replies...Spoken like a whiny little brat who doesn't love their parents. You can get professional in home care you know, so your parents can stay in their own home.
I looked after both of my parents and other family members during their final illnesses. It takes so much out of you not just physically but emotionally. My uncle and aunt (they had no children of their own) wanted me to move in with them after my aunt began to exhibit some symptoms of dementia. After caregiving for so many years, I just couldn't do it. I still took them to all of their doctors appointments and wherever they wanted or needed to go, I just couldn't do it 24/7 anymore.
Bless you. :-) Yeah. Burnout is real in caregiving 24/7. We forget that 100 years ago or whenever, people lived 20 years *less*.... and.... yeah....
Load More Replies...I'm the adult child in this scenario, and my mother refuses to go into care, and has the legal right to so choose. She won't allow strangers to help, either. She *just* manages her activities of daily living (ADLs) well enough to live alone, but ..... Ther'es no point trying to argue she needs paid help, and she won't take it from family, so.... Her ife, her choice. *sigh*
EXACTLY, her LIFE HER CHOICE. .. and thank god she has the legal right- because from the sound of it- you would put her in one against her will.
Load More Replies...I agree . This is so much a relative can deal with and when that relative is a child of the person it’s emotionally damaging. You should not be shamed for placing a parent or loved one in a professional care setting when you have done all you can for that person .
There are people and places who are equipped to help we old folks should it be needed. I hope I never have to apply to be there. Few offspring can be able anyhow. Days have changed from the oldest daughter expected to carry the parents aged burdens.Thank goodness.
I totally support this as I’m disabled and would hate to be a burden on my family to the point they have to do everything for me, I know I get a lot of help for my family and have for a few years already but if I get worse or anything happens to compromise my mind I would want to either be in a home
In our culture, parents take care of their children and children take care of the elderly in return,- a cycle of life. I personally find it beautiful, despite agreeing that growing old at my home cannot compete with professional medical care in elder care facility.
When I was 18 and went out into the big, wide world I stayed in a student residence. Met lots of people, had cleaning ladies clean and stock our toilet paper ... why don't. you want to move into something similar when you get old? I'd rather be in an old peoples home than be a burden to my wife or my kids.
mostly agree with this... but you gotta find that right nursing home... so many are s**t and treat elders horribly. There are also in-home care options. But no one should have to quit their job for that.
I agree about the part on not burdening my children. But truth is, many nursing homes here border on inhumane...
Yes! But also, I don't want to put in some shitty home that abuses me (even if I'm not aware of it) and forgotten about. At least put me somewhere that WILL take care of me, and you will come visit with your kids, so I can see my family. Even if I have dementia and you don't think I know better. And just know I love you.
Only if the nursing homes are proper places that treat people with dignity....in many countries they are not! And I would still expect them to come and see me and not just abandon me! Especially in cases of memory loss it is really important to see familiar faces so the professionals only cannot do miracles!
We need to pay nursing care staff a real wage. The things they put up with for a mere pittance... pre covid, many worked for 2 and 3 homes. During covid, they couldn't go from home to home, leaving them to take either the highest salary or the nicest situation as the work staff reduced by 1/3 or more.
I find this to be somewhat true. If they're really unable to care for themselves and/or a relative can't handle helping you then I don't think there's anything wrong with a nursing home. Discuss it with them, do lots (LOTS) of research on the place, make sure they're comfortable and happy, and visit often. I'm not saying that everyone would be happy with this this and some people will be able to take care of themselves their whole lives. But I wouldn't say nursing homes are a bad always thing.
Especially when you have a special needs child and the grandparent would be unsafe to have in the same home with them. I tried explaining this to my in-laws but they cared less for the safety of my child and more for their "dignity" of not going to a nursing home. Too bad, my husband is on my side and my child with always come first.
That's a great idea and all, but nursing homes deplete any and all savings a person has, next is the home, if they even own one. It should be a mandated option included with medicare when someone becomes retired. I'm dealing with this now with my mother. My grandfather was in a nursing home so long they had no choice to bring him home and care for him, there was just no money left.
I don't agree with that. I'm lived by my parents untill I was 29, not because of any needs, but just to have a pleasant time with my family. I had girlfriends in the last ten years, but at the end and with my last girlfriend, we decided to rent our own apartment. The relationship ended after two years and I stayed on my own. Things went fine, but in 2006 my mother went incapible at once. So she needed help, my dad never had any idea of running a householding so my oldest brother and I served much of our free time running their householding. Because we know the needs and believed in what was best. So did the Citycouncilling for Nersery and they won't give my parents help because of two helping hands. From that moment on we decided to make the best of it. Mother get an apartment which was readied for her incapibillity and now we help her to make the best of her life. She deserves it, because she served her life to make our lives complete. Mothers life went hard for her since 2006.
professional care isn't always professional tho .. and who better to trust with your care than your kids ?? you took care of them when they couldn't do things for themselves now its time for the get back .. everythign has a price .. the price for me bringing you into this world and caring for you as an infant is that when i can't take care of myself you're here for me .. and i don't wanna hear none of that i didn't ask to be born bullshit .. cuzz none of us did but we're here and noone would choose the alternative
I agree with the idea, but also the place you or a loved one goes needs to be triple quadruple checked. There are too many stories of elderly abuse
I would rather someone I knew did it. I don't want strangers dealing with my body, regardless of how trained they are. You look after your kids/ grandkids for most of their lives, in one way or another, maybe they should return the favour. I personally will never put my mum or any relative into a home but instead, I will care for them myself.
I said something along those line after saying I didn't want kids and got exclamations of the likes of "how will you go when you're too old to take care of things?!" ... The money I saved by not having kids will be useful for that.
I've heard plenty of anecdotes of people sacrificing their careers, quality of life, and mental health to help give their parents a little more time to do not much more than exist. Anyone who would demand that level of sacrifice from their children doesn't deserve it.
A lot of the time it's not an affordable option. Good care is expensive. For good care facilities and home care assistance it is sometimes more than a family can afford. Having worked in aged care facilities often, I can say with certainty the cheaper facilities are not fit for vermin let alone your beloved family members.
The women of my family, my mom, my uncle’s wife etc cared dutifully for my grandpa with dementia, even including routine clean up after his defecating...up until his passing last month. All while the men - his own sons - never lifted a finger. That kind of experience definitely changed my mindset about filial piety so deep rooted in my culture. I hate myself for blaming him for my mom & aunt’s suffering. In short, i want to break that cycle, so i never want to demean my family to do that for me
The problem is money. We have to save the money needed so we can be taken care of when we're older.
Nope. I fully plan to make my kids earn that inheritance. I worked to get it, they can work to earn it too.
Remember a hundred years ago when we actually loved our parents and caring for them was not a burden but a joy? In the 21st century, all that anyone cares about is if they are discomfited by something. It is the Age of Egotism.
I hope I'll die before being unable to function alone. A nursing home is my idea of hell. I'll never take a member of my family there, and I will make sure I take measures in due time no to end up in one of those dumping grounds.
I agree but wow! you have thought about this a lot and have enormous angst. Make your plans known.
When I am old an unable to care for myself I just want to die! That's it...I don't want to be kept alive and have my children's inheritance drained just to squeeze out a couple of miserable years getting spoon fed and my a**e wiped..f**k that!!
The problem with “professional care” , unless you have a lot of money. The care you are given is the best they can do but not good.
I work in long term care and it’s common for one spouse to finally bring the other spouse in and quickly die themselves after. It is INCREDIBLY hard, you can’t ever sleep soundly. My small community lost an elderly woman to hypothermia a few years back because she went out for a walk and couldn’t find her way back, she ended up going into the woods. Completely heartbreaking. Pre and after covid you can visit ever day all day if you want to. Trust me long term care is better than putting yourself and everyone around you in potential danger. We grow to love your family too.
I have changed so many kid diapers in my work, I don't think I would have an issue with my parents. But my mom has told me she doesn't want me-the natural careraker-to take care of her when old; she would rather have my brother-a selfish, non care-taker. OK, moving on, need therapy now.
even a born caretaker needs to have hours off from it. Therapy good. I feel that.
Load More Replies...Agreed - although I'm not sure if it's only because I personally wouldn't want to have to do it for anyone...
I agree-no one wants to be a burden on their loved ones for care. However, quality care costs. I worked at an assisted-living community. There is a fee for everything - from dispensing medicine to changing hearing aid batteries. On the average, the cost was about $6000 a month. That's $72,000 a year or more, depending on the need. Some families had to remove a loved one from the community because the money ran out. Too sad.
This is such a complex issue. Finding a humane caregiving facility that is affordable is not always possible and it is never appropriate to dump your elders on someone else and then just walk away. That being said...an elder person probably would want to belong to a community of others their own age....so long as their family didn't abandon them.
Wow. Eye roll worthy. for some people this might be true. For others this is not the case.
I agree it shouldn't be left to family members to care for the elderly but think they should be given the option to do so. I think there should be a compulsory savings program for all adults where a small amount is taken from earnings and stored in a government holding account to pay towards each person's care as they get older. It's horrifying how many elderly people have to give up everything they own to access care or rely on family to care for them because no one else will.
This is a slippery slope, and highly dependent on the situation. On one hand, you are returning the favor in that they took care of you as a helpless baby, so you should do the same. On the other hand, obviously if they need medical care, then it should be handled by professionals.
Nursing homes are seen as bad if A) the family never visit and/or 2) the place is understaffed/the staff do a poor job
I can't agree with this. Eventhough I understand the reasoning I do think it becomes a personal thing. Some people mind and some people don't. They cared for you and your family as wel. I guess in the end a lot comes down to what kind of care is the option cause I hear and read a lot of elderly care that you wouldn't wish upon anyone either.
Also, people working in nursing homes usually have some sort of education for this, ergo better care.
I mostly agree with this, as long as the family doesn't abandon the person in the assisted facility. The problem in my country, however, is that most of those places cost over 3x, 4x the minimum wage (and many people don't get paid even one full minimum wage), making them a privilege of the rich. Also, there are charity institutions (mostly run by nuns, for free), but they are small and have a very long waiting line.
I am an healthcare professionel working with the elderly and have worked on several nursing homes in Denmark. I could not agree more.
If you can pay for it you can but if not then who foots the bill?
society should. The elderly spent many years contributing and deserve some dignity if possible.
Load More Replies...I don’t know about this..My grandpa had to spent few months in hospital due to an injury. My grandma had a cancer, but we didn’t know how bad it was. She was getting worse and we had to take her to hospital for chemotherapy every week. Every time we told her we’re going to the doctor, she was so scared we’re taking her to the nursery home (we wouldn’t do that). So we paid nurses to come and help us with her, but it was still hard..But even after that I cannot imagine leaving her in a nursery home to die alone..
I agree. There is absolutely no way in hell I would want my kids taking care of me. That is not their responsibility and yes it would be humiliating.
You know, I understand that some parents would feel that way, but, if I am capable, I would absolutely have no issue with caring for my parents in the same way they cared for me as a baby. IF I am capable of giving the care they require.
Load More Replies...I have the same thought. In a few decades, if things go well, I would look for a retirement community. At least when I talk about the 90s, people won't think it's a history lesson.
There's a big difference between placing your elderly parent in a home and dumping them in a home. Dumping them means you never go see them and forget that they're there except when it's time to pay the bill. It means you could care less about how they are treated. Placing them in a home means you are allowing someone else to take care of your elderly parent, but you are still active in their life and check up regularly to make sure they are being treated with the same dignity and respect they'd get at home. My only gripe is that they need to make more of them and they need to make them more affordable.
Because we live in a society where people are selfish and entitled and don't understand what family means. You took care of your children. It will be a blessing for them to return the favor if you raised them correctly. That's the very meaning of family and that's how other countries do it. America is broken and rotting.
It is not a blessing towards the end. My mom wanted to die at home, so my siblings and I honored her wishes. I sacrificed my mental health, my 5 and 8 year olds mental health to take care of my mother. I had wonderful moments with her, moments I will cherish forever. But the last two months were crushing for me. I was traumatized, my mom was unstable and thrashed about and I can't tell you how many times I had to catch her and half hold her up while she was hitting me because she had no clue what she was doing. She grabbed my throat once. The last week she was basically bedridden and I couldn't move her enough to wash her properly. I have already written out that I do not want my children to suffer through that. The last two months my mother should have been in a home that had the ability to take care of her. There is an difference between taking care of a 15lb baby and a 250lb adult. I needed so much professional help after my mom passed. Stop shamming people.
Load More Replies... Firstly i want to mention that i have worked with both physically and mentally handicapped people and among them were the most lovable, loving and truly inspiring people I've met in my life. Albeit i don't think it's fair for parents to be required to sacrifice their chance of a normal life for their child. To those who do, whether by choice or not, give birth to handicapped children, you have my deepest respect and I don't doubt that parents will do anything in their power to provide the best life for their children and love them the way they are, but i don't think it's wrong to assume that such a life is more emotionally taxing than raising healthy children. As previously mentioned these people often exhibit a love for life most of us couldn't compare to. Still i don't think you should be required to give up your own life and sanity for someone else because of societies morals. Honestly i wouldn't be strong enough to handle such a situation.
You were the adult when they were a child. If their first instinct, as soon as they get out from under your thumb, is to completely ignore you forever, you need to own the fact that you messed up as a parent at several, consistent, points along the road throughout your child's upbringing. They hate you for a good reason, and they're probably better off without you in their lives.
There are a number of forms of abuse that range from over-parenting, to neglect, over-discipline to straight up negative enabling behavior.
I have friends who don't talk to their parents because the strictness was so suffocating, and friends who don't talk to their parents because they were lazy bums who never took an interest in their child's life. There are tons of other reasons kids abandon relationships with their folks, but the one thing that stays true through all of these experiences for me is that it's always the parents fault.
This is mostly about relationships that end as soon as the kid leaves the house, not necessarily relationships that break down during adulthood, although the same reasoning could be applied in a lot of these cases too.
Got a call from the school saying my son punched a girl in his class. I was mad and ready to ground him when he got home when it occurred to me that I should ask why he hit her. The principal told me that the little girl pushed him and took his lunch money and continued to take her folder and smack him with it when he got fed up and punched her in the shoulder. Now, if they knew that the little girl had done all this and was continuing to do it, they should have intervened. They didn't so my son defended himself. Not in trouble.
When I told the principal that it seemed justified, she told me that I shouldn't make it seem okay to hit little girls. I let her know that my children know that it's not okay to hit anybody. But that it's also not okay to stand there and just be hit either. It's totally okay to defend yourself against anybody and everybody that is attacking you.
I don’t understand why it’s illegal in some places and under many circumstances to sleep in your car. Your car is your property and you should have the right to sleep in it without question. For any reason whatsoever. It could be that you can’t afford an apartment or you just decided not to drive home drunk and sleep in your car. Or any other damn reason. I understand if you park your car on someone’s property illegally and try to sleep in it you should be forced to find another spot but sleeping in your car should be legal. It’s property and no one should be telling me that I can’t sleep in it.
No music is worth actively giving a rapist money no matter how much you like his songs. I can't understand the logic of continuing to support an artist that did something so terrible. He admitted to it in a court of law, how people still support this man is beyond me.
Now if you plan on having an open relationship, I don’t care, and disregard my title, but so many monogamous couples see this an opportunity to get their d**k wet one last time or a hot nude man to strip for them. Just saying this is unpopular, because it was on the front page of a relationship. I always thought my Eastern (cannot bring up which one because Bot thinks I’m racist) Wedding Traditions were unnecessarily long and padded out, but it’s better then hiring an escort to pleasure you on the last day your “single”. Why get married if you’re going to miss the life of casual hookups that much?
Every time I open my phone, look at a newspaper, watch TV, or go onto my computer, all I see is news about the United States of America. I don't give a single s*it about that country, its infuriating. I couldn't care less about who is running the USA any more than I care who is running Zimbabwe or Denmark.
I like memes about the USA... Where else should I get my news from?
Watching yourself lose all of your hair and not being able to do anything about it is an agonizing process and no one deserves to be made fun of for it. It is just as bad as any other form of body shaming and people who do it should be called out on it. If you think making fun of people who are fat, skinny, small, big etc etc is bad, but making fun of bald people is okay, then you are a hypocrite.
I've never heard people making fun of bald guys. Now comb-overs, that's another story... Y'know what though, I have heard something similar when he's hitting on a girl who's, like, 20 years younger than him. And in those cases, it's not about being bald, it's about being a pervy creep hitting on women young enough to be your daughter.
Unless you’re adopting them, there’s no reason why you should have 10 kids. Especially if you’re struggling with your other kids.
Just absolutely no fu**ing reason why. Four kids(biological) should be the maximum and even that’s pushing it.
I never answer my phone if its caller unknown and that could be a problem in an emergency. At the same time I can get up to 10 unknown calls a day from two separate numbers attached to a single device. If your calling me I should have a right to know who you are and yes that should influence if I will answer or not.
IKR. I keep getting a call from the most evil human being in the world, and she hides behind 'Private Number'. What a b***h!
I am not American, but my country's tv channels play a lot of American shows and all these kids always complain about how utterly disgusting they find broccoli and how they would rather die than eat it.
Well if you're gonna salt and boil it, what else do you expect? Add some spices, red chilli powder, olive oil, turmeric or some sauces, and it tastes absolutely godly. Even without too much spice, it still tastes so good and I love gorging on them.
Wikipedia is a practically unlimited source of free knowledge which is constantly being monitored by an army of nerds.
The fact that we do not have to pay for access is a miracle.
(Near enough) every article has a full and reliable list of references at the bottom.
I understand that students should be encouraged use the references at the bottom for true research but this is not taught. Students are simply told ‘Stay away from Wikipedia, anyone can change it, it’s completely unreliable’.
I do use it sometimes to get factual information that would generally be undisputed. However, I agree that everything should be double-checked if using the information for anything serious.
As of right now I am 18 years old and looking into the future is depressing. I figure I’m gonna have to work 8 hours a day, sleep 8 hours a day and then have 8 hours a day to myself. This does not include things like getting ready for work, commute or shopping/cooking. At the end of the day I’m only going to have a few hours to do what I want... for over 40 years. It seems like my entire life is just preparing me to follow directions and then putting me into a factory where I’m a brick in a wall (reference intended). When I tell other people this, I get a response along the lines of: “That’s what everyone has to do,” or “That’s how its always been.” Why? Even if it is how life works. How it has to be to maintain quality for everyone. What is the point in living? This is existential crisis material. Thanks for reading.
tl;dr - People think I’m crazy for thinking working 1/3rd of your life is crazy.
The last war that was really about “our rights” was the civil war. Vietnam, WWI, II, Korea, Iraq and Afghanistan were really about global power dynamics. The soldiers that fought in these wars were not defending our rights, because our rights were not really being threatened.
They are usually fighting against an army that were once financed and backed by their government anyway. And if that war is won, the side the soldiers fought for, risked their lives for, could easily become the new enemy and they end up going back and fighting them again. It's pointless.
Even with all this stuff going on. I don't believe that Racism is as bad as the early 1900s.
With the way technology is advancing today, we're able to see people for who they really are and called them out. Say what you want but atleast people from other races are fighting together. It isn't perfect, but I can say, atleast we're trying.
Racism back in time was more worse since they slave u, Lynch u etc
The only exception is if you cannot donate an organ for medical reasons, I've heard people say that they would accept a donated organ (but they wouldn't be happy to donate one) which is the height of selfishness in my opinion, letting people die so that a dead religious person can keep their organs (which will be cremated or buried) is insane.
Fully agree, where I live in Finland it's 'presumed consent' so you have to opt out, relatives may be consulted in certain circumstances but can't object because they don't like the idea. 90/95% of those needing transplants get them
I've found people with less social media presence tend to be less narcissistic and worlds more interesting. It seems like everyone wants to be an influencer nowadays or needs to feel validated for whatever reason. Don't even get me started on influencing. You can be a catch and not put yourself out there so much. Idk, maybe I just enjoy my privacy. I don't like having selfies of my spouse and I posted every day and to have my personal life plastered across the internet. I doubt I'm alone with this opinion.
Staying up late feeling like you got all the time in the world the night before a day off is 10x better than the actual day off where you need to be asleep by a certain time to get up for work the next day
Now i know that this is a REALLY unpopular opinion because Elon Musk is a poster boy for zoomers because he posts and likes memes on twitter. Right at the start of the world pandemic he was posting on twitter how the panic is stupid and that people are panicking without a reason, even though people were falling and dying like flies into thousands of numbers, he belittled the virus and said how it was not that bad, and even compared it to a common flu, now he posts tweets to free the country and that people have lost their freedom, other than that he is praizing Texas on twitter for openning up stores and businesses, this is a great example of a billionaire that doesn't care about people and only cares about his money, i don't know how i feel about him at the moment, i am sad because he was one of the billionaires that were doing good for earth.. but this is just a big disappointment, i wonder where will he take this. What are your thoughts on this?
If true gender equality comes to fruition, then what it will mean is that people will stop giving a f*ck about one another's gender. Everyone would have equal opportunity, treatment, respect and appreciation, while being judged based on character, ability, personality and other proper grounds based on the situation. There would be no need for gender-based celebrations, since all related hurdles would have already been crossed.
What will be celebrated though, is mankind coming one step closer to overall human equality.
In my opinion, math is the most beautiful of any "traditional school subject," but the thing is schools are set up in a way that encourages teaching math as a bunch of formulas to memorize. And real math is seldom about memorization. I heard a friend describe math as "the most useful game humanity has ever created" and I have to say I agree with that. Math is like a game, it's a playground where you try to extrapolate truths from a set of rules. I will now spend the rest of this post explaining parts of math that are ignored in schools but are super interesting to me. My explanations don't use any technical math terms, but some of the videos linked will require some thinking.
This one makes me rage sometimes. So there you are, having made some sort of mistake.
For hypotheticals lets pretend you forgot to put your mask on before going into Walmart. (This isn't about masks dont make it about masks, just using an example).
"Sir you need to have a mask on." (Acceptable)
"Why yes here it is, I'm so sorry I forgot. You're right." (Puts on mask)
We are officially done here.
"Well you see theres a pandemic going on....." (wrong. The conversation is over)
"Yeah, you're right I'm sorry man." (Acknowledged twice now, problem corrected! We are done now.)
"When you dont have a mask on you can infect other people...." (why the hell are you still talking)
My words might be all over the place, just trying to gather my thoughts.
It’s crazy to me how in this day and age we advocate for women’s mental health, we advocate for people to be understanding of women’s needs. But i noticed with the whole Will smith debacle (His wife jada was sleeping with someone while they were still married but taking a break) anyways in the video he looks really sad and like he’d been crying - might’ve just been tired but nevertheless, the internet wouldn’t stop with the jokes. If the shoe were on the other foot it would be people banding together calling others insensitive. I know that it’s popular right now to say “men are trash” and i just think if people went around saying “women are trash” everyone would be up in arms. We should be advocating for good mental health for ALL people. I know statistically speaking men commit more crimes and stuff like that, and it’s more of a reason to lift men up and advocate for their mental health.
Double standards due to sexism are a loss for all sexes, no matter who seems to profit at first glance
This is something I seriously want people's opinions on. I saw a post of Leo DiCaprio taking a selfie with a young fangirl (looked like 12yo or something) at the US Open and just sitting there chatting to her. The first comment I see is "Idk this makes me uncomfortable"
I can't tell you how much it pissed me off. Someone in my eyes doing something so fu**ing cool as giving a fan the time of day and chatting to them can INSTANTLY be associated with pedophilia. It makes me sick. And then we call out celebrities when they don't want to take a selfie with us?
I love kids. I love listening to them, I love escaping reality with them, I love teaching them, I love watching them grow. How does someone see that and think "Well then you must love having sex with them too"
How fu**ing disturbed are you as a person for your mind to take that route? In this picture Leo isn't touching the girl, he's not sniffing the girl or doing some other creepy ass s*it. How is talking to a young person instantly associated with pedophilia?
We desperately need to change this attitude, because the people protecting and making young kids feel comfortable are being shamed and wrongfully accused of pedophilia.
By all means, at all times be wary. But don't just jump to pedophilia. That is f**ked up and we need to change that mindset.
I agree! I have a soccer play field in front of my house and sometimes i see old men watching the kids (all ages) play soccer. I always melt, thinking of my father who loved soccer when he was Young and played in the street he grew up in. He also loves to watch the kids play and make a chat. I know the men that are watching the kids are remeniscing their fond memories, but i can't help to think that i hope the kids know that too and that it's not a Creep watching them.. hate it that it always Comes to mind.
I think backstories influences the judges' decision unfairly. Who would you rather choose, a kid who got cancer or an actually talented person but has had a good life. It's called America's Got Talent for a reason. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not some sympathy-less person. I certainly feel bad for them and do hope they have a better life in the future. I just feel like talent shows should be judged on actual talent.
It's so hard to find a news outlet that will just present the information without spin. Without trying to push you one way or another. I just want to know what happened so I can decide whether I like it or not. Why is that so hard to find? Quit telling me what to think.
Especially visible in the US. In most European countries we don't have this problem - at least not to the same dramatic extent. At least there are some strict regulations and guidelines. Luckily. Also the more parties in a country the bigger the spectrum of information. Checking international media also helps to get a broader understanding.
Don’t find fulfillment in your career. Find fulfillment in the hobbies you have, adventures you go on, and people you help because you have the financial freedom to do so. If you love your job that’s awesome, but this isn’t realistic for many people.
Pretty much, I had a well paid career I was not particularly happy in but it paid the bills and allowed me to support family and friends
I’m just one guy. I try to be a good person; I try to treat everyone equally; I try to be kind and compassionate; I try to be a force of good.
But I’m just one guy. I have problems of my own. I have a life of my own. I shouldn’t be expected to constantly wade through the s*it that is the political and societal hellscape of 2020. I’m not a racist because you don’t think I’m angry enough. I’m not uneducated because I don’t pour through hours of toxic political commentary. I’m not privileged for wanting to distance myself from hatred.
I’m so sick of being alternatively mocked and hated for not living up to other people’s freedom fighter fantasy. I’m trying my best but I’m just one guy.
IKR. It is so annoying when people expect you to give a flying duck about their nonsense.
It is so frustrating to shop on Amazon with the Chinese sellers and manufacturers on the site.
The fake reviews are overwhelming (think 50-90% fake reviews on FakeSpot or ReviewMeta), plus the products are cheap and break and when you go back to the manufacturer, most of them don't exist after 1-2 years. I would assume it's the same group of people making crappy merchandise and cycling their names over and over again and buying the same fake reviews.
Beyond this, I'm always worried that they've put some pollutant or carcinogen into the manufacturing process because their regulations are so lax. The examples in the media are countless--toothpaste with diethylene glycol, pet food that kills our dogs and cats, toys with lead paint, make up with lead, beryllium, bacterial contamination, cheap hardware that self destructs after a year.
And it can be so hard to tell because they often manufacture for companies like Mattel and Nestle so you think you're getting American or European.
This has been going on for decades and we just turn a blind eye to it because they're cheaper. Business ethics wise, they're about where the US was in the 1920s. This is an example of how capitalism can result in deadly consequences without strong governmental regulation.
Please feel free to downvote me into oblivion, whatever, I don't care, I'm just sick of the nonsense.
Swimming is like walking, but for water. It's part of the few basic means of movement we, humans, have at our disposal, along with running, crawling and climbing. Not knowing how to swim puts you at a HUGE disadvantage, as you pretty much can't avoid water. Any mildly interesting / fun activity might turn into a potentially lethal one, should you not know how to swim. Going fishing? Better not fall into the water... It's like permadeath for video games: instead of ending up wet, and maybe slightly (or very) cold, you just friggin' die if you fall into deep water. I know, swimmers can drown too, but if you can't swim, you're guaranteed to have to be rescued.
On another note, it's so weird to see healthy people being incapable of performing the most basic human activities: I've seen grown men injure themselves trying to climb over a 3 feet fence (not drunk), women twisting their ankles and tearing tendons when running towards a bus stop, etc. Now, I'm not saying that everybody needs to be a world-class climber like Adam Ondra or swimmer, like Michael Phelps. But learning how to... I don't know, not die when navigating anything but flat terrain seems like it should be part of being a grown human.
The company is avoiding the following costs by selling digitally:
Sourcing materials
Shelf space
Employee wages
YET IT STILL costs the same price as a digital copy. Anyone who buys digital is absolutely being scammed.
It is disgusting. If Will had cheated on Jada the entire internet would turn on him and crucify him. Except because he is a man he is the one being mocked and memed.
Firstly, we don't have a reason to be involved in their relationship, and if they choose to make it work then good on them.
However, that doesn't mean Jada should be proud of her actions. She abused the trust of a great man. I'm kinda surprised the internet isn't backing Will on this to be honest.
I hate always being teased for ordering vanilla ice cream or buying a vanilla cake. No, vanilla is not plain. It is a flavor, and there is such thing as plain ice cream (nasty btw). If anything, chocolate is more plain than vanilla since literally everything can be chocolate.
Most people I've talked to say they avoid giving money to homeless folks because they think they will use it for beer, cigarettes, and/or drugs. They would rather give them food or some other tangible item to help them out. While I understand the thinking behind it I'm also not naive enough to think that my $5 is going to magically get this person off the streets and back on their feet. These people are already down on their luck and have enough to worry about. If my $5 helps get them a pack of cigarettes or a beer and that's what they need to get through another day with the sh**ty hand they've been dealt then i'm OK with that.
Thank you. I am, at his moment, doing an overnight shift at a homeless shelter. Most of our guests are alcoholics or addicts. Right now, it is 25 F outside. Maybe some of our guests will get clean/sober someday; maybe they won't. Either way, they aren't freezing on the street tonight.
As the title says. I’m so sick of this virtue signaling on social media and cities where everyone is clapping and praising us. When you apply to medical school you apply to these terms and it’a just our job. Sure, it’s tiresome and the situation isn’t really great but still. A lot of my coworkers are pumping their ego with this and enjoy the attention. I don’t
I can understand why you don't want it but I think in this case, the pumped-up egos might help your coworkers with the motivation and strength that they need for working (especially nowadays with the pandemic) and I don't see anything wrong with that. If they enjoy the attention and it gives them more energy...? What's the harm.
It’s impossible to watch something nowadays that’s aimed towards teens without these portrayals. This is creating massive delusions for young teenagers in terms of what they think they will look like or should look like and it’s terrible. It should be banned. They are designed to be idolised or even sexualised and displayed as desired so what do think it does to a person who doesn’t look like that.
Very irritating. The worst example I've seen of that was in "The Birdcage" (one of my favorite movies) where Robin Williams son was supposed to be 19 and he looked 30.
Every single day we are getting away from being human, what we've learned in thousands of years..... We are getting more and more just materialistic beings........ I don't see a bright future here ....... Well, not too optimistic.
I get that they are historically important, but some people think these guys from 200 years ago were incredible at predicting the future. As a non American, this always seems weird to me.
And, the today-us-citizens don´t remember don Bernardo de Galvez. Check the Wikipedia ;-D
I have been getting so much grief from my gamer friends for playing games on easy mode. They are calling me “not a true gamer” because I don’t play on hard mode. I just want to enjoy a game for the story line and not get frustrated dying endless times not being able to defeat a boss or making a simple mistake. Does that make me less of a gamer?
It takes a lot of balls to admit that you're attracted to children. If they are trying to get help, they shouldn't be attacked by people for being a bad person. A pedophile is not a bad person until they actually commit an offence.
This is spot on. People experience attraction before they act on it. It is possible for a person to experience attraction to children and seek treatment. Shame and stigma prevent people from getting help.
Whenever I hear someone talk about a restaurant where the menus have pictures of the food on them, they talk about it as if it’s a red flag. Bullsh*t!! I want to see pictures of what the food I am going to order looks like!! It’s so much easier to decide what you want to eat that way. Oh and I don’t understand how people can think it’s tacky then look at the food at the table next to them and be like “oh that looks good”, then ask the other table what they ordered so they can order the same thing. I don’t care if it makes me seem like a dumb small minded person. I wanna see more pictures of food. It rules!!
"unpopular opinions" This entire post is just chock-full of popular opinions. If you're going to take the most upvoted comments, they're going to be popular.
Yeah I gave up. They were all popular opinions and all the comments are “yes I so agree! Here’s a long explanation of why!” And then we can’t even vote down the popular ones for some reason.
Load More Replies...I can't either. Maybe it has to do with the whole "unpopular opinion" thing?
Load More Replies...This article (or whatever you call it), should be flipped on its head, so that the most unpopular opinions came first. Most of the (upper) entries seems in fact to be popular opinions.
You can’t even vote on the items in this list. It’s just a sounding board for people to agree with each other lol
Load More Replies...A college degree is NOT the answer for everyone. Many, many kids would be better off going to a trade school. Colleges are dispensing so many degrees that the degrees have lost most of their value.
The ones about what food tastes good or better are ridiculous. If you like a particular food then you do. If you don't you don't. Respect other's personal opinions in the same way you would want them to respect your own opinion. No one needs to post that chocolate icecream tastes better than vanilla.
i was continually surprised by the big hoo-rahs for cilantro in everything. IT TATSES LIKE DISH SOAP. then i found out it is in your genes whether you like it or not. now i think i was right when i told my mom "i don't like those, or those or that"
Load More Replies...I have quite a few unpopular opinions... heres my best one: Men should not ever be shamed for liking dancing. For some reason, dancing is seen as a "girls" thing and most choreographers put dance moves that are "for girls" in their dances. Bullsh*t. Boys can dance if they want to, and if it makes them happy, then go for it! I watch dance routines on YouTube and just watched a group of men dance to "RPG" and WOW they were amazing. I'm a girl and I couldn;t dance to save my life. STOP BEING RUDE TO MEN FOR DANCING FOR GODS SAKE
I saw a lot of "my opinion should be common opinion" and a lot of "my opinion of a country's residents is based off of what I saw in a movie or t.v. show, therefore it is FACT". Kinda pissed me off.
Unpopular: Gay rights and lgbtqi+ are very different. They should go separate ways and drop the lgb.
That’s unpopular. Therefore shouldn’t be downvoted. Pandas are kind of idiots.
Load More Replies...does anyone want to start a revilosion against socail media since i do after readin this and i have mental sadness at 11 but screw it REVILOION TIME
Go play with your toys, kid. You can’t even spell revolution yet. I’ll give it to you though, social media is garbage as a whole.
Load More Replies...It's not canceling. It's ignoring. There is a difference. They're not out of existence, simply removed from awareness due to personal preferences.
Load More Replies..."unpopular opinions" This entire post is just chock-full of popular opinions. If you're going to take the most upvoted comments, they're going to be popular.
Yeah I gave up. They were all popular opinions and all the comments are “yes I so agree! Here’s a long explanation of why!” And then we can’t even vote down the popular ones for some reason.
Load More Replies...I can't either. Maybe it has to do with the whole "unpopular opinion" thing?
Load More Replies...This article (or whatever you call it), should be flipped on its head, so that the most unpopular opinions came first. Most of the (upper) entries seems in fact to be popular opinions.
You can’t even vote on the items in this list. It’s just a sounding board for people to agree with each other lol
Load More Replies...A college degree is NOT the answer for everyone. Many, many kids would be better off going to a trade school. Colleges are dispensing so many degrees that the degrees have lost most of their value.
The ones about what food tastes good or better are ridiculous. If you like a particular food then you do. If you don't you don't. Respect other's personal opinions in the same way you would want them to respect your own opinion. No one needs to post that chocolate icecream tastes better than vanilla.
i was continually surprised by the big hoo-rahs for cilantro in everything. IT TATSES LIKE DISH SOAP. then i found out it is in your genes whether you like it or not. now i think i was right when i told my mom "i don't like those, or those or that"
Load More Replies...I have quite a few unpopular opinions... heres my best one: Men should not ever be shamed for liking dancing. For some reason, dancing is seen as a "girls" thing and most choreographers put dance moves that are "for girls" in their dances. Bullsh*t. Boys can dance if they want to, and if it makes them happy, then go for it! I watch dance routines on YouTube and just watched a group of men dance to "RPG" and WOW they were amazing. I'm a girl and I couldn;t dance to save my life. STOP BEING RUDE TO MEN FOR DANCING FOR GODS SAKE
I saw a lot of "my opinion should be common opinion" and a lot of "my opinion of a country's residents is based off of what I saw in a movie or t.v. show, therefore it is FACT". Kinda pissed me off.
Unpopular: Gay rights and lgbtqi+ are very different. They should go separate ways and drop the lgb.
That’s unpopular. Therefore shouldn’t be downvoted. Pandas are kind of idiots.
Load More Replies...does anyone want to start a revilosion against socail media since i do after readin this and i have mental sadness at 11 but screw it REVILOION TIME
Go play with your toys, kid. You can’t even spell revolution yet. I’ll give it to you though, social media is garbage as a whole.
Load More Replies...It's not canceling. It's ignoring. There is a difference. They're not out of existence, simply removed from awareness due to personal preferences.
Load More Replies...