Humans are so complicated, it's basically impossible to explain everything we do. It's what makes our world so interesting, but scary at the same time. Like, sometimes our complicated feelings and actions aren't that serious in the grand scheme of things, while other times they might hint at something far more significant.

Let’s take a look at some personality traits that might come across as a little creepy due to their oddness. While some of these quirks are harmless and just part of a person’s uniqueness, others could hint at something more unsettling. We’ve gathered a list of such traits for you to check out so let’s dive in, shall we? Just don’t take things too seriously, OK?

More info: Reddit


Man wearing an Army shirt and cap in a living room, highlighting deeply weird flags of people. Former military, keeps to themselves, single and lives alone, doesn’t leave the house for days.

Whole time I’m in the house having a ball. Throwing concerts for the cat n s**t 😂.

SmallPeederWacker , George Pak Report


    Close-up of handwritten text on a paper, representing the concept of weird people with unique flags. My handwriting. Half cursive, half print. A's and E's can all look different even within the same word.

    xHelloWitchlingx , Pixabay Report


    Close-up of a person's eyes, hinting at deeply weird personal flags or traits. Sometimes I rehearse certain conversations in my head, and I’ll make the facial expressions and sometimes even say the words that I’m thinking about, so it looks like I’m talking to myself when really I’m just hoping not to f**k up another social interaction. I have gotten some *weird* looks for this when accidentally doing it in public.

    ponsies , Ibrahem Bana Report

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    Karl der Große
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sometimes I'll get worked up and say a couple of words of my secret conversation out loud. My wife has started to insist on why I say things, which can get very awkward.

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    True crime is among the most popular genres of media people love to consume nowadays. For instance, back in 2021, 57% of Americans said that they consumed it, which is a pretty high number, isn’t it? 

    If you aren’t among those who enjoy this kind of media and are confused about what it even is, don’t worry, we’re here to enlighten you. In a nutshell, true crime is a non-fiction work, where a crime (thus the name) is examined, including the people associated with it, those affected by it, the perpetrator's motives and actions, and the consequences – everything. Also, commonly, it is about rather violent incidents, such as someone's life being taken away. 


    Spider web close-up with droplets, illustrating weird patterns against a black background. I let the spiders that live in my house and on my porch alone, IF I don’t see any bugs. If they don’t do a good enough job catching the bugs, I give them 3 warnings until I kick them out to make room for more sufficient spiders.

    luludarlin , Pixabay Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As long as Francine stays up in her corner of the kitchen and catches the fruit flies, she's good. We always have a lot of produce in the house for the piggies, so fruit flies are inevitable.

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    Man in a beige cap and glasses, wearing a blue hoodie, standing in low light, representing deeply weird people flags. Sometimes I just sit in the dark and think in my living room. My wife walks in and sees me sitting there on the couch, hands on my knees, just staring at nothing in particular ahead of me.

    smdscomics , Glocctv Report


    Cat lounging by a window with sunflowers in a vase, capturing a peaceful moment. I'm fine with not leaving the house for months at a time.

    bee_wings , Cats Coming Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I only leave my house for medical appointments. I get out of breath just walking around in my own home. There's only so many times you can subject yourself to judgemental arseholes who get annoyed with me walking slowly near them. Here's a tip for these people - use your words and politely say "Excuse me please."

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    Some experts say that people are drawn to these stories because that’s how our brains evolved. Ever since our hunter-gatherer days, we have been wired to be attuned to criminal misdemeanors – who, what, when, and where – just so we can better protect ourselves and those we care about. 


    The same reason applies to why true crime’s audience consists of more women than men. By consuming content about crime, they observe male perpetrators in order to be more aware of their methods, signs of abusive behavior, motivations, and all other red flags that signal a danger to them. 


    Person practicing yoga, arms in reverse prayer pose, fitness concept. As a child, my dad, who was in the military for 20 years, taught me one self defense, which included twisting someone’s arm behind their back and up to stop them from attacking you and basically detain them painfully but without permanent damage.

    My 7 year old self decided I would twist my own arms behind my back like this so that my shoulders and arms would have the flexibility for this to not work on me if anyone did it to me.

    I kept this up for years and now the only handy part of it is that I can lotion my entire back without help if I want to because I can reach all of it.

    Exotic-Warning131 , Pavel Danilyuk Report

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    Karl der Große
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You can scratch that spot that nobody else can reach. 100% worth it.

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    Person in a garden setting wearing a yellow shirt, pouring from a kettle. Surrounded by greenery and plants. I'm quiet, polite, and I keep to myself.

    laughguy220 , Khoa Võ Report

    Speaking of red flags, today’s list is full of traits some netizens think might signal a bloodthirst in some individuals. All of them weren’t listed at random; they were answers to a question on r/AskReddit: “What’s your ‘serial killer trait’ that (hypothetically) would make everyone say, ‘We should’ve known’?”

    While these signs can sometimes signal some trouble within a person, we felt the need to mention that everything should be taken with a grain of salt. After all, we don’t know the full picture of why a person acts this way, and usually context is crucial. So, don’t worry if you find some trait of yours (or someone close to you), it’s just entertainment


    Three people with red cups chatting on stairs, showcasing unique social flags. My friends have long said the only reason they know I’m not a serial killer is because every time one is found everyone that knew the killer says “we had no idea” and all my friends would have to say “we totally expected this”.

    DeaddyRuxpin , Ron Lach Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I dunno.... I actually like this. I'm being weird, sorry

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    Person using remote control in front of a blank TV screen, indicating deep focus or unusual habits. At night my bedtime routine is taking a shower, putting my pajamas on, then I turn on my bedroom tv. I then stand in front of my tv watching YouTube or Hulu like it’s a giant iPad for at least an hour, sometimes 2 hours. My close friends think it’s insane. I love it though.

    eks789 , zinkevych Report


    Of course, staying alert about red flags isn’t the only reason people love true crime. Some of them are just curious about what the killers were like as people. Again, bringing this back to the beginning of our species, we had an instinct of curiosity, which let us keep discovering new things to satisfy that itch in the brain. 


    Apparently, the brain rewards itself when curiosity is pursued. The reward is a dopamine rush, which makes you feel happier and more inclined to satisfy your curiosity again in the future. 

    When it comes to true crime and curiosity, some people have an itch in their brain to learn what kind of people committed the crimes or were the victims of them. What happened that things ended up this way? 


    A hand holding several human teeth, symbolizing weird flags in people. My collection of teeth :) my baby teeth, my partner's entire family's collection of baby teeth (a christmas gift from my mil), pets' teeth from surgeries, and random teeth given to me as gifts from friends over the years. (shae i still have your dad's molar you evil b***h, i hope you regret giving it to me).

    Natural-Peanut2151 , Report


    Old computer manual showing PageMaker program interface, featuring weird flags related to software instructions. I read all of the directions and user manuals of everything I purchase.

    pants_on_all_day , Brett Jordan Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I started downloading PDF versions on those manuals, then I have it on hand when I need it, without having to store the physical book…

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    Person washing hands in a stone sink, symbolizing hygiene habits of deeply weird people. If I'm wearing a hoodie or long sleeve I don't pull my sleeves up to wash my hands

    Edit: holy s**t I forgot I commented here and went to work and came home to like 100 notifications lmao.

    EL_CHUNKACABRA , Ron Lach Report


    Yet, in a way, this could be brought back to the self-preservation instinct we talked about before. When you satisfy your curiosity about it, you also get a chance to rethink all your ties in life, whether they’re dangerous or not. 


    Well, wanting to be aware of red flags, but justifying it with curiosity isn’t such a bad thing. Actually, any other reason you can list why people are so interested in true crime isn’t so bad, as long as it isn’t for the sake of copying what you see. Copycat crimes are a whole danger within themselves, but maybe that’s a topic for another day. Today let’s just stay with the one about red flags in people. 

    What would you say is a trait in a person that hypothetically could suggest their bad intentions? Share with us in the comments!


    Eats cereal dry.

    big_fartz Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I eat dry cereal as a snack all the time! I always have. It doesn't stick in my teeth like popcorn.

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    Plate of string cheese and lemon slice on a dark, textured surface, highlighting weird food preferences. Someone once called me a serial killer for eating string cheese without peeling it. I pointed out that a serial killer would more likely to be into peeling foods than not.

    PolishHammer6 , KamranAydinov Report

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    kitten levels tokyo
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    At a quick glance, the photo looks like a squid 🦑. (Zara the sqiddy squid, WE SUMMON THEE.)

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    "Person viewing anatomical illustrations on a tablet, related to flags of weird people." "She was always so nice. Always helped if asked."

    Those who know me better: " She also likes to collect knives and is fascinated with the human body.".

    NittyKitty3239 , Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh my God! I have a twin out there. I have an anatomy and physiology coloring book. We won't discuss the knives...

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    A person with a neutral expression and short hair, wearing a beige shirt. I'll die laughing in conversations with people and when I turn away I instantly straight face.

    Warm-Reporter8965 , cottonbro studio Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Person brushing teeth in a bathroom, wearing glasses and a white shirt, highlighting deep weird flags in routines. I don’t put water on my toothpaste.

    Somebody_Forgot , Tima Miroshnichenko Report

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    Rural Alberta Mama
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I put water on my brush and then the toothpaste. And I feel kinda alone in this? lol

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    Messy bedside table with leftover pizza, empty glasses, and clutter, reflecting weird personal habits. I leftovers for lunch.

    And I eat them cold.

    Right in front of the microwave.

    sticky_frog_nipples , cottonbro studio Report


    Person wearing green socks sitting on carpet, illustrating deeply weird habits concept. Sometimes (rarely) i put one sock on then a shoe, then other sock on then the other shoe.

    Objective-Employ-918 , cottonbro studio Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I get home and take them off, I walk around with one sock on. What does that say?

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Butcher shop with hanging meat, where two people skillfully prepare cuts under a neon light, reflecting deeply weird vibes. My main job is a butcher. My second job is leatherworking.

    RuffledPidgeon , Jimmy Chan Report


    Person playing a simulation game on a Dell laptop, illustrating unusual behavior indicators. I used to purposely crash rides in roller coaster tycoon and make death houses in sims as a child.

    lilbfromtheoc , Aaron Parecki Report

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    Ms. Mack
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My child once filled a silo with ducklings in Minecraft, then filled the silo with water because they needed to "make room." It was hard to sleep that week...

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    A hand holding a garden trowel with soil, over flowers, representing weird behavior flags. Gardening at night. Apparently it's not normal behaviour.

    Cool_Bite_5553 , Lisa Fotios Report

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    Child in a gray hoodie running through a lush green field surrounded by trees and mountains, capturing a sense of freedom. I dunno

    In the days before cellphones, I came across a lost and injured hiker in the jungle near my house. I ran to the neighbors and told them to phone for an ambulance and rescue team, someone was hurt.

    Later they told me that they thought I had killed somebody.

    Who, me?

    Yugan-Dali , jonas mohamadi Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Group of people collaborating at a table in an industrial-style office, discussing weird people flags. Let a coworker know they were back 14 minutes early from their lunch break.

    This let them know that I had been keeping track of the time they had left.

    This led to an office wide (8 people) conclusion that this has been something I've done for a while.

    It has. I have been. Cuz one of those f*****s has taken a 2hr lunch before and I wanted to know if anyone else is as loose with their lunch block. Nope. Most of them come back early.

    anon , fauxels Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Golden retriever puppy with a red harness standing in a field at sunset. A few years back I was eating outside on an open to the street balcony at a restaurant. A lady with a golden retriever and a French bull dog were making their way down the sidewalk, stopping and talking and letting people pet the dogs. They got closer and closer, still stopping here and there, and when she got within earshot of me, she smiled and asked if I wanted to pet them, to which I said "No thanks". She gave me this crazy look and snapped "what, are you a serial killer or something!?!" before she hurried away.

    So apparently that, not wanting to touch random dirty dogs walking down the street.

    dontforgetyour , Helena Lopes Report


    Animal skull on stone blocks surrounded by roses, illustrating a deeply weird aspect of people’s decor choices. My wind chimes I made out of my dead dogs bones. Maybe all my paintings too. And the fact that I have a sheep’s brain and cows eyeball in a jar full of ethanol.

    throbbing-uvula , James Collington Report

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    kitten levels tokyo
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That ethanol will fill your gas tank in a pinch and help you and your animal parts get out of town when the apocalypse hits.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Golden breaded mozzarella sticks in a plastic container on a wooden table, indicating a deeply weird snack choice. I like my cheese sticks room temp. I will pull them from the fridge and put them under my [breast] to warm them up faster. [Breast] cheese is the best 😂.

    4gifts4lisa , Egidijus Bielskis Report


    In Morrowind, whenever I [end] someone, I take their entire inventory, and then drop anything I don't want in a pile next to them.

    What this looks like ingame is I've left a trail in my wake of naked dead people with their clothing in a nice, neat little pile next to their corpse like a psychopath with a really specific MO.

    dragon_nataku Report

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    Lila Allen
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's not that specific. Quite a few serial killers do this. You're going to have to try harder to be unique.

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    Collection of deeply weird insects and butterflies displayed on a bright blue background. The sword collection and taxidermy bugs lmao.

    Wowza_Calico101 , Gianmario Colombo Report

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    Petra Peitsch
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    1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I was in primary school, one of our biology classes project was to create our own taxidermy bugs collection. No, I'm not joking. However, I got mine from my uncle, who is a forrest-officer, deeply in these kind of things.

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    Basket of potato chips drizzled with sauce, served on newspaper in a red basket, highlighting deeply weird taste preference. I eat chips vertically.

    AphroditesRavenclaw , Valeria Boltneva Report

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    M O'Connell
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What is the inside of your mouth made of that you can accomplish this?

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    I don't do it often, I believe it's morally wrong, BUT I ENJOY STEALING.

    Opposite-Winner3970 Report


    Poll Question

    Would you say that you also have a healthy amount of these traits?

    Yes, I think I may be hearing sirens coming for me already...

    I have just a few, but I don't think they're that weird.

    Nope. I have none. I'm the sanest person I know.

    I have completely unique weird traits that aren't even on this list. Hah!