You don't get to choose the family you were born into — you're stuck with the one you have. While this usually includes a fair share of blissful highs, devastating lows, and plenty of mundane in-betweens, that’s not all there is. See, every family has a skeleton or two lurking around in their closets. Often filled with murkier waters, concealed in the nooks and crannies, and kept under lock and key out of fear that they might accidentally get uncovered.

But nothing can remain hidden forever. And if you thought you and your family had some dark mysteries that can never be shared, these startling, scary, and disturbing tales compiled from this 'Ask Reddit' thread may change your mind. "What is the strangest/creepiest secret your family has?" someone asked and inspired hundreds to shine a light on their family riddles.

We at Bored Panda have gathered some of the most chilling confessions spilled in the thread to share with you all. So sit back, buckle up, and be warned: some of these are quite intense and may not be for the weakest of hearts. Be sure to upvote as you go, and let us know about your own experiences in the comments.

Psst! After you’re done reading through this list, check out our earlier post about the most shocking family secrets people ever found out right over here.


Great-grandmother was apparently a prostitute in Liverpool. I was actually as proud as hell to find this out, as I have nothing but respect for anyone who will do what they have to do to survive and provide for their family. No shame.

anon Report


    My Great Great Great Great Grandfather was busted in England pretending to be an Anglican priest. At the time a marriage was not official if it was not conducted by an Anglican priest, and he'd done ceremonies for quite a swathe of important people. Rather than publicly expose him, thus voiding the marriages he'd presided over, they invented a charge of forging stamps and sentenced him to transportation to the Australian colonies. Thing is, they didn't tell the ship captain or send word to the Governor in Sydney Town that his crime was actually impersonating a priest. When he arrived in Sydney the Governor saw from the ship manifest that there was a preacher on board who had committed a relatively minor crime. They had a lack of priests to minister the colony at the time, so the Governor pardoned him so that he could carry on his ministry, which he did. He started one of the first schools for children of the colony and led rather a worthwhile life from then on (aside from being a fake priest). The school he started still exists. Today it is Sydney Grammar School, one of the country's most elite schools. In their entrance hall they have a giant portrait titled 'Our Glorious Founder'. That's him, my GGGGGF, the dodgy priest.

    hazysummersky Report


    40 Strange And Juicy Family Secrets These People Uncovered My mother abused me my whole life and one day I finally couldnt take anymore and told a teacher. CPS was called and as soon as my mom realized what was going on she raced to the police station andtold them that an hour previously I had gone crazy and tried to kill my baby sister so that **I** looked like the crazy one and nothing I said would be taken seriously. I was removed from the school in handcuffs and immediately taken to the county courthouse where I had to face my mother in a trial. I chose not to testify because I knew it wouldn't help, but in the end the judge realized that She was crazy and I wasn't. I had the choice between being put in a psychiatric hospital for teens or going home, so I chose the loony bin. Five days later my aunt came from another state and adopted me. My family doesn't talk about it and to this day my mother maintains that I was a horrible child and I was "sent away" for my "own good" and that she is so happy I am better now.

    anon , cottonbro Report


    This'll probably never be seen here, but I think it's funny so here goes:

    My uncle Rawhide (yes, that's his name; no, we don't interact with him at all) once tried to mug some dude back in the day. The guy didn't have any cash, but he said he'd cut a check if he was given a name. Rawhide was stupid enough to fall for it, and the police apprehended him shortly thereafter.

    lumberjackninja Report


    40 Strange And Juicy Family Secrets These People Uncovered I just found out that my grandparents wanted more kids but were having trouble getting pregnant for a second time. They adopted a toddler aged brother and sister when my mother was was 7. Soon after, my grandmother got pregnant, the girl died from a *very* mysterious fall down the stairs and the boy was quietly given to another family. They never, ever spoke of either child from that day forward. I thought she was pulling my leg but a quick search turned up the girls death record.

    I was never close to that grandmother and can't help but think back to every weird aspect of that women and all the strange relationships she had with her family.

    EggCoroner , Suzy Hazelwood Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Those poor kids. I am hoping that little boy dound a loving home!

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    40 Strange And Juicy Family Secrets These People Uncovered Condensed version: My parents abused me often. I told some friends about it, and child protective services were called multiple times. My mom convinced me to help her stage a dramatically emotional meeting between me, her, and my middle school guidance counselor, during which I confessed that I made it all up for attention. I made the same “confession” to all of the friends that I told, and was quickly alienated. This all happened under the pretense that it was my fault for telling them, and that I was “destroying the family” if I didn’t cooperate. Now there are at least dozens of people who remember me as a bratty, twisted attention whore.

    jackfruit , Zhivko Minkov Report

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    The Gingersmurf
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You are worth goodness and love. You are NOT what your parents did to you. Take care of yourself and the hell with anyone who thinks badly.

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    40 Strange And Juicy Family Secrets These People Uncovered A great Uncle of mine passed away when I was a little boy. The family met at his house after the funeral to start packing things up and all as he had no children and his wife died many years before him.

    My great uncle was a highly respected member of his small town. He was a banker of some sorts, deacon in the church, all of those things that made him a good person.

    Well tucked away in the attic, not covered by any dust mind you, was a large wooden trunk. Inside this trunk were the purple robes of a KKK Grand Dragon, various member listings, meeting notes and all other sorts of things related to the KKK. Turns out that my great uncle was a very active although very much secretive member of the regional chapter of the KKK.

    betamaxv2 , Wikimedia Commons Report


    40 Strange And Juicy Family Secrets These People Uncovered An uncle i've never met (mom's brother) killed my mom's parents when he was sixteen in a fit of rage, and burnt down their home in an attempt to cover it up. I've never met him, as he has been in jail on a life sentence since before I was born. I was only informed of his existence, because my dad was black mailing my mom with this.

    Dogma3721 , Chris Karidis Report


    40 Strange And Juicy Family Secrets These People Uncovered Half my family lives in VA while the other relatives live in Iowa because back before the civil war a relative we all refer to as 'Uncle Raz' was late for supper and was afraid that his mom would kick his a*s so he took a shortcut through a field.

    He got half way through the field when a bull started to chase him so he climbed a tree, and still afraid to be late for dinner he shot the bull dead. He made it home in time for dinner but the next day he ran away to Iowa for fear of the neighbor whos bull he had killed. He started a family there and thats why our family has relatives in Iowa.

    Brancher , Muhammed Zafer Yahsi Report


    40 Strange And Juicy Family Secrets These People Uncovered My great-grandfather had a 17 year old mistress he put up in an apartment, great-grandmother found out, confronted them at said apartment, shoots and kills 17 year old mistress.

    Great-grandfather serves the time in prison for the murder.

    lotionsandcreams , Taya Kucherova Report

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    Inga Paškevičiūtė
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sad the girl had to die after being roped into a relationship with an old man.

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    40 Strange And Juicy Family Secrets These People Uncovered My great grandfather hit his wife with a fire poker, and slit her throat. He then proceeded to blow his head apart with a shotgun. He sat in a rocking chair and used his cane to push the trigger. All over an argument wither it was to cold for me to walk to a grocery store to get some milk.

    clineboy1987 , Juan Goyache Report

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    The Gingersmurf
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hope that you know that none of this was your fault. That's a heavy load to carry in life but this is all on your great grandfather and NOT you.

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    40 Strange And Juicy Family Secrets These People Uncovered My grandmother jumped off a cliff and killed herself after receiving shock therapy to cure her depression. She was staying with us during winter when she went missing. They found her footprints in the snow that led up to the cliff. I found this out when I was 20 years old, from my cousin who was 18 at the time.

    KD8 , Jeremy Wong Report


    40 Strange And Juicy Family Secrets These People Uncovered My distant ancestor (great (x8) uncle) was a sociopath and a serial killer. His name was Tom Quick and he was an "Indian Slayer" who stalked the Delaware tribe.

    He claimed to have killed ninety-nine members of the tribe by the time he died, including an entire unarmed family with two young boys and an infant, which he beat to death with a rock.

    It's weird. These days his monument in Pennsylvania had to be removed due to vandals, but when it was erected in 1889, he was considered a hero and a defender of the civilized settlers.

    Delfishie Report


    I only know the story from being told when I was really little so the details are sketchy but apparently a cousin accidentally spilled my great-grandmother's ashes into shag carpeting and they had to vacuum her up and emptied the vacuum bag back into the urn with whatever else had already been sucked into the vacuum from previous usage.

    rockinbeth Report


    40 Strange And Juicy Family Secrets These People Uncovered My older sister is actually my mother, my father was my mother's (actually grandmother) husband.

    They don't think I know.

    DogsofGwar , RODNAE Productions Report


    When my dad was in high-school about 2 years after getting his licence, he was driving home from school, It was a sunny day and the sun was in his eyes, all of a sudden 'thump' he realizes that he has hit a jaywalker, he gets out of the car and realizes that the person he hit was his high-school principle's son, who in the few seconds has passed away.

    He wasn't arrested and the principle told him that 'he understood, and not to blame himself because it wasn't his fault'.

    My grand-father who was an alcoholic did the one good thing in his life for my dad and that was make him drive that car home, if it wasn't for that I don't think my dad would have driven again.

    6 years of therapy later my dad was all right.

    We don't talk about it, and no one in my immediate family told me about it, I heard it from my friends mother who went to high-school with him, and confirmed it with my mom.

    Driving with my dad now if he's driving by smaller children you can see his hands tremble.

    anon Report


    Two of my great uncles 'attempted' to rob a convenience store with water pistols. *le sigh*

    anon Report


    40 Strange And Juicy Family Secrets These People Uncovered My grandparents met in a mental hospital. My grandmother worked there and grandfather was a patient. He was also married at the time, and since he never got a divorce my grandparents weren't legally married.

    vardiman , Sven Mieke Report

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    Dillon Brown
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Like Black Pearl said, they need to get divorced before moving on.

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    40 Strange And Juicy Family Secrets These People Uncovered My uncle molested my sister when she was younger. He was sort of exiled for a few years, but now we talk to him again. Due to eavesdropping and discussions with my parents one-on-one, it seems they never bothered coming to terms emotionally with it, but rather prefer to pretend it never happened. I find it odd to watch them interact with that knowledge in mind.

    dis_connected , Priscilla Du Preez Report

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    Deborah B
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would be so F*ing pissed at the parents for letting the uncle back in their lives.

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    40 Strange And Juicy Family Secrets These People Uncovered I have no idea how my family gets its money. While growing up, I would ask my parents (usually my dad) how it worked, since my parents did not work, to which they would respond that we get money from my grandmother. Whenever we would get low on cash (my mom would always be reluctant to ask for more money from my grandma) and we kids complained about being low on money (thus not having much good food at home), my dad would tell us stuff like "we're never actually short on money. we actually have a lot, just not right now" or something in that direction. He had also mentioned stuff about how when we kids are older, we'll all get money that my mom was supposed to inherit.

    Last year, when my mom, my sister and I were overseas staying with my grandparents over summer, I was able to find out that my mom had some stocks. I asked her how much they were worth, and simply said she did not know and that my grandmother handles those things. Grandparents are currently paying for my brother's college tuition (I think around $4000 per semester, but I don't know), and will soon be paying for my sister's ($12,000). I asked my brother about it, and he said it was through stocks and that he didn't understand it himself either and to just leave.

    So yeah, that's probably the biggest secret and sadly I don't even know it.

    Tsunderella , Alexander Mils Report

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    April Caron
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This just sounds like they’re living off of some trust fund and are not very good about using it to live within their means.

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    40 Strange And Juicy Family Secrets These People Uncovered My uncle is currently serving a lifetime prison sentence for murdering a prostitute with an axe.

    abouttobreak , Donald Tong Report


    40 Strange And Juicy Family Secrets These People Uncovered My uncle was kidnapped for two years when he was 15. He's never spoken of it to this day.

    Also my super uptight, neo-con, evangelical Christian uncle who lives in Nebraska was actually a hippie stoner in the 60's. Oh and his wife is a mail-order bride.

    Oh and my aunt's college fiance was murdered by a hitch-hiker.

    ragnarockette , Val Apollonio Report


    Wow. No incest or molestation in my story, but here goes.

    My mom's brother was depressed after his divorce and tried to commit suicide, so he called my mom and asked her to watch over his kids once he was gone. She instantly figured out what he was going to do, so she called the cops and rushed over to his place. They kicked the door in and saved his life. Once he was conscious and in the hospital, he told my mom that because she interfered, she was never allowed to see his kids again or he'd burn our house down, with all of her kids in it.

    Funny thing is we still run into him all over town. He pretends he doesn't know us.

    Mowgli3 Report


    40 Strange And Juicy Family Secrets These People Uncovered My family thinks my dad is a priest of the Melchizedekan order and will change the way the world does church.

    My dad is 600lbs., in chronic pain, is lucky to leave the couch more then once a month, diabetic, and isn't even 50 and has already had a major pulmonary embolism.

    They don't tell anyone outside the family because "they won't understand."

    anon , AllGo - An App For Plus Size People Report

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    Nicole Weymann
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They're right. At any rate I don't understand how someone who essentially doesn't make any public appearance (preach etc?) is supposed to affect any major changes in an organization. Is that some kind of closed bubble effect within the group or is it just me?

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    My brother had his hand bitten off by a seal to avoid going back to army

    MegaT Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Where did he find a seal to do that? It is the weirdest story ever and most people wouldn't even believe it actually happened

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    Not really a strange or creepy secret but my grandpa lent my uncle 180,000 USD in the 90s from my dad's business without my dad's knowing for a start-up that failed miserably.

    I recently found this out when my grandpa died and we were forced to actually see my uncle and his family after decades.

    I hate that guy. It's not even about the money. He's just a good for nothing piece of s**t alcoholic, leeching off our grandma and what little she still has. F**k him.

    I hate family.

    pikamen Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How could the grandfather loan his son money from a business owned by the other son? Was he a partner?

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    My Great Great Great Grandpa was in the Ku Klux Klan and killed three black men in a lynching. We found out through a scrap-booked newspaper clipping which named him as a suspect.
    I think that's the worst

    googlemekyle Report


    40 Strange And Juicy Family Secrets These People Uncovered Some family from my dad's side was asking if he would take in one of my distant cousins because the cousin was turning out to be a problem child. Apparently it's pretty common for that side of the family to send problem kids to other members of the family in an attempt to get them to shape up. My dad said no because he didn't have that much money and was dealing with some serious health issues like epilepsy and his heart. A few months later, the kid ended up robbing a store and murdering the owner of that store with a butcher knife. My dad felt guilty about it and I don't think anyone in the family knows that the kids mom had asked for my dad to watch him. I personally don't think sending the kid a state away would have changed him but my dad always used to wonder out loud to me in private if he could have done something to help.

    minor_discrepancy , Izzy Park Report

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    Dillon Brown
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In a month??? It was too late and he should be glad he didn't take the kid in before he murdered you all in your sleep! Maybe if it had been years between when he could have taken him in and the literal murder but come on!

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    My great-grandfather and great-grandmother separated (but never divorced- they were Catholic) in the 1970s. My grandmother stayed in Minnesota; my grandfather and his "aide" moved to Nebraska. The aide was a man of the same age as my great-grandfather (mid-60s) but in better health. His daughters believed him; this was an aide who lived with my great-grandfather to help him out. However, once my mom's cousin (my great-grandfather's oldest granddaughter) came out as being a lesbian, he told her that he was, in fact, gay, and his aide was actually his lover.

    I'm pretty sure that my mom's cousin and her wife, my mom, my mom's sister, and me and two of my cousins are the only ones who know this. Apparently it would "just *kill*" my grandmother and her sisters to hear this.

    anon Report


    40 Strange And Juicy Family Secrets These People Uncovered I am pretty sure my mother was in some sort of cult or something as a child (parents forced her and r*ped her I think). She would tell me these pretty creepy stories of bodies being chopped up and thrown down a well. It's incredibly disturbing and I really don't want to know what really happened.

    anon , Alex Green Report


    40 Strange And Juicy Family Secrets These People Uncovered I had an aunt who committed suicide when I was 3 and my older sister was 4. Her daughter had ran off and no one had any idea what happened to her mom. It was my older sister who told my mom that "Aunt Pam is playing in the garage" Sure enough they found her dead in her car. No one knew why my older sister knew this and when asked about it she said that her dream friend told her. My sister and I found about this recently. My sister also used to talk to this "dream friend" who came to her first in a dream about a graveyard.

    anon , Vitolda Klein Report


    I'm half Japanese, but my family would never talk about relatives in japan. Then I saw an old photo my "whole" family, half were in traditional Japanese garbs and the other were in military uniforms. Turns out half my relatives were war criminals.

    dogbra Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just being in the Japanese military during WWII (I assume this is what is being referenced) doesn't make them war criminals. Either the major part of the story is missing or the author is leaping to one Hell of a conclusion based on nothing more than a photograph.

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    In 1995, my uncle died in a car accident. Not speeding, not drunk, just lost control, overcorrected, and rolled the car. To this day, there's still speculation as to whether it was an accident, or if my aunt grabbed the wheel and pulled the car into the ditch.

    anon Report

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    over it already
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is sad. My sister died in a similar 1 car accident in 1993. Likely was not your aunt's fault. Long story as to why, but I strongly believe my sister was swerving to avoid an animal in the road.

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    This was Mexico back in the day, and I'm not quite sure how different it was over there a few generations ago, but my great great "grandmother" was unable to have children. Apparently my grandfather was told that because of this, his "aunts" gave his "mom" their children occasionally.

    What really happened: Wife unable to get pregnant so great great grandfather had sex with wife's sisters and took the children when they were born. Apparently this was completely normal and no one cared.

    PraiseBuddha Report


    My grandmother on my mom's side just kind of disappeared and no one heard from her again. The story was that she fled back to her home country (Japan) leaving behind two daughters. Of course, alternate speculation exists.

    The only person with answers would have been my Grandpa but he didn't ever want to talk about it and took whatever he knew to the grave.

    Anyone have a grandma who told stories of America before returning home in the late 50s?

    waltzingaround Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can't help thinking that grandma might be in a shallow grave not far from where grandpa lived.

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    40 Strange And Juicy Family Secrets These People Uncovered My great grandmother would always tell the story of how she just knew she was going to end up marrying her soon to be husband the first time she saw him. She left out the part about how he was married with a kid at the time. She also had an affair with a married man after her husband died. Not super strange, but sort of weird to think that our whole family exists thanks to her home-wrecking.

    FogWalkerWithaBag , Manny Becerra Report

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    Emie N.
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hate people like that. If you know someone is married, leave them alone and find someone who is actually single. And the people who cheat are just as bad if not worse. Break up with someone first before you start an affair if you REALLY need to have that affair. 🙄

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    Not creepy, but my great-grandfather was a bootlegger, and my grandmother spent her entire life trying to hide that fact from the family. Everyone knew, and everyone thought it was kind of awesome, but if it came up in conversation, it would bring her to the brink of tears and she'd start screaming her denials. She was ashamed until the day she died.

    We also had only one picture of the guy. He was full-on Jewish mafia, and we're convinced that in the background of the picture they're either killing someone or puling out his teeth.

    sethescope Report

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    over it already
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Grandma knew the truth of what that meant, and that it was not, in fact, 'kind of awesome,' especially if it involved torture/murder.

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    step mom is 96; im 18 dad's under 50

    tatertosh Report


    40 Strange And Juicy Family Secrets These People Uncovered My schizophrenic aunt has burned down her house and crucified her cats.

    bootssouffle , Simon Berger Report


    My grandparents are first cousins.

    anon Report

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    I always thought my dad's sister had died young because she had a whole in the heart. Transpired that she was actually institutionalised in a mental institution very young, where she grew up, and died. Nobody speaks of this. Ever.

    joe1983joe Report

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    When I was eleven or so, I found out the man I grew up thinking was my uncle was my f*****g half-**brother**. He's about twenty years older than me, to boot.

    My mother in general has a lot of dark secrets that I haven't completely uncovered yet, and I'm not sure I want to.

    anon Report

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    Hugh Cookson
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Then don't delve, it'll be very painful for both of you if and when you find what those secrets are ....

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    I actually have two older siblings living in a different country. My parents tell me we're cousins. The truth is my parents had trouble conceiving, so my mom's sister brought over her newest born baby (me) from overseas and left me to be raised in the states. My birth mother (my aunt) is not allowed in the US anymore.

    anon Report


    My step-dad's father, during the communist revolution in China, fled to Taiwan with his wife. He then proceeded to make many of the wood cuttings used to print anti-communist pamphlets and propaganda.

    Best part is nobody else in his family knew about it, not even his wife. My mother was the first one to get this story from him. He kept it secret so that if he was ever caught, his family would be safe.

    Ichiinu Report

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    Marek Čtrnáct
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why would his family be safe just because they didn't know? Would anyone believe that they didn't know? Would anyone CARE?

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    Ive got two: My biological father ran CP sites back in the 90s, before he went to jail.

    The mother's maiden name on my maternal grandmother's adoption papers is the same as her husbands last name. When my great-grandfather died, his last words were calling my mother, aunts, and uncles "the product of bad seed." He died 5 years ago, and we found out about the adoption papers last year. It all makes sense now.

    EDIT: My grandfather married his sister/cousin. Everyone else in the family knew it but them and their progeny. This is only touching the surface of the crazy that is my family.

    blackmatter615 Report


    My uncle was supposedly possessed by a demon. Some nuns did some sort of prayer over him, and he started speaking in tongues and then some big black cloud supposedly appeared. He turned himself over to religion, and is now a Catholic priest.

    Honestly, I don't know what to believe. I know he believes all of this with all of his heart. Either he is just batshit crazy, or there are some batshit crazy things in the world. Either way, creepy.

    RunsLikeAGirl Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can't reply directly to @Ricky Namara, but son... you got schooled.

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    My dad's Russian. He managed to keep this a secret from me for fifteen years before I found out. I don't even know why he cared that much.

    Affero-Dolor Report


    40 Strange And Juicy Family Secrets These People Uncovered My mother was a prostitute while going to high school. I don't know anything more than that.

    pokeylope , Austin Guevara Report


    My 22 year old sister pulls out all her hair. She can't/won't stop. She just wears wigs. I get caught off guard a lot if she's not in her wig because it kind of looks like a bald mullet. Poor thing.

    Spawned2 Report


    40 Strange And Juicy Family Secrets These People Uncovered We are pretty convinced my dad's wife had a hand in his death in order to take all his money. We can't prove it though.

    Mathmatical , Anna Shvets Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    I've got a few.

    My biological grandmother was killed by the Las Vegas mob when my dad was 16. She was dating one of the high-ups and witnessed something. The police labeled it a suicide.

    My great-grandmother (the mother of the grandma above) retired from Area 51. She had to sign the secrecy contracts and everything. She went on to paint houses for a living and left behind several million dollars. None of with came to my family though, due to my gold-digging aunt.

    My other great-grandma from that side of the family was a silver prospector in the Nevada mountains and carried my grandfather around in the mountains for years, living off of rattlesnakes and hares. She's in a History Channel episode about Nevada silver and is buried in a famous ghost town in Nye county.

    I'm related to Ty Cobb, Hans Christian Andersen, and Billy the Kid. All traceable.

    Oh yeah. And I was a secret in my family for a while. Shotgun marriage. Mom's side of the family was ridiculously christian and disowned her temporarily after they found out I was conceived out of wedlock.

    venustas Report

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    My grandfather had an illegitimate child after he came back from the war. He had four kids afterwards and told none of them about it. My dad, the oldest of the four, one day gets a call from his long-lost older half-sister. She has eight kids, none of which I've ever met. We don't plan on telling my grandmother until she passes (85, still tickin...), will be interesting to meet that side of the family.

    To top it off after my great uncle passed away they found letters from my grandfather from from when he fought for liberation of France, which alluded to the possibilty he knocked up some French girl as well, so that may be another entire side of the family.

    anon Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My hubs found out in his 30s that he has an older bro. Wasn’t much of a secret, just no one ever thought to him and his sibs. The bro was apparently born with a severe health issue their mom couldn’t afford to treat (need major surgery), and so she relinquished the baby to the state so he could get treated and be put up for adoption. She was preggers out of wedlock, so double no-no at the time and little support system. Said baby grew up, and eventually went looking for his birth mom when his adopted one was in health decline. Met him once. Seemed nice.


    My great grandpa was a Grand Dragon of the KKK

    It's weird because my best friend is black

    PolkCOblows Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    40 Strange And Juicy Family Secrets These People Uncovered I suppose this is a secret, we don't really talk about it.

    My moms boyfriend's dad murdered his wife by running her over with a car. It was a big deal at the time since we are from a small area.

    sometimesIhatemyself , Andy Li Report


    My uncle murdered 2 guys when he lived in Juarez, Mexico. He's an ex drug dealer and he was drunk when he slipped this out to my dad (I was eavsdropping).

    anon Report

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    Hugh Cookson
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not trying to top this, but a friend of my late Uncle's just happened to drop into a conversation about WW2 and how many of the enemy they had stopped, that 'quote' ' I once blew up a troop ship with 800 men on board' turned out he was a Frogman who'd put 10 HE limpet mines on the troop ship whilst it was moored up in Norway ...

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    My mom and stepdad have an INCREDIBLY kinky sex life. I heard them f*****g since 2nd grade and they have TONS of sex toys including a strap on. I suppose this is a lot creepier for me than for you hehe :(

    IThinkitsFunny Report


    My dad lost some large sum of money when I was a child. It was their profits from selling their very first house. Hundreds of thousands. My mother still has no idea where the money went.

    ladysansa Report

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    Ricky Namara
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My aunt was actually my cousin, and I didn't find out until my parents got divorced and cousin (not the same cousin but another one). I guess this is family tradition?

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    >I also have a half brother in Puerto Rico who is in his 30's I will never meet. I only know his name is Ricky and my dad had a fling with a Puerto Rican woman while stationed there in the army sometime in the 70's.

    Ricky Martin is from Puerto Rico and was born in the 70's. Just sayin'.

    midas22 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Math is a bit off there.. someone born in the 70s is not in their 30s.

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    Apparently my dad and my grandpa had a scheme to grow and sell weed for extra money back in the 70s. They would've went through with it if it weren't for my grandma intervening. This was revealed to me while browsing a head shop's book store/library with my mom a few years ago. I didn't think they were the "type" to get involved in that scene but I guess I was wrong.

    DonnieJepp Report

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    Madison Pheysey
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They would've gotten away with it if it weren't for the meddling grandma

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    When my grandmother died, we found out she was married more than once and none of the children ever knew about the first husband.

    Neato Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If the marriage turned out to be a big mistake, I can understand not telling anyone.

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    My Grandpa ran a union for a long time and did a lot of unsavory things with a lot of unsavory (read: Mafia) people.

    ProbablyHittingOnYou Report


    When my family emigrated from Scotland (in the 1800's), we had a history of crime. To make sure this didn't follow us to America, we changed our last names to different colors. Technically I'm somehow related to everyone with a color for a last name.

    DarbyBartholomew Report


    My great uncle was a fugitive from the law for scamming people and the FBI showed up at my aunts funeral looking for him.

    upsethomeowner Report

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    Felice Coles
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This sounds like the pitch for a movie starring Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren, and John Malkovich.

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    My mother's family came to the US from Suwalk, Poland before the war. They were Jewish. None of the family that stayed behind in Poland survived the war except for one cousin who move to Palestine in the 30s. This cousin had known Avraham Stern, the famous Jewish terrorist back in Poland but they didn't share the same politics. During World War II, Stern and his group fought the British in Palestine. When Stern went into hiding from the British, this cousin hid him. Eventually he had to move on to another safe house and he was killed by the British.

    FakeCurtisLeMay Report

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    Hugh Cookson
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We (the British), and in particular Balfour - look him up - really, really screwed up the Middle East. So much so that 70 years on it's still utterly f****d up !! Oh, as an aside, the idiot Balfour was (and his family still is) firmly entrenched in the aristocracy ...... don't you love the knobs ....

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    I have a grandfather that was somehow involved in the super creepy prairie lynching of a cattlewoman in 1889. :(

    marycait Report

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    Ross Shaw
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Cattle Kate?

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    I thought my mom had 2 sisters, and 1 niece until years later I found out my mom only had 1 sister and 2 nieces. I was 16 when I gained knowledge that my "aunt" and cousin were having sex with each other when I was propositioned by both of them. Why I thought telling them that they were half sisters would stop the incest that was taking place, I have no idea, but it just seemed to fuel the incestuous fire.

    registerd Report


    My uncle's first wife left him for her first cousin. They got hitched and had two daughters. Also my other uncle and his wife purposely got pregnant with my second oldest cousin so they'd have to get married because my grandparents didn't approve of my aunt. And a distant member of my family was excommunicated from the Catholic church for being a Free Mason.

    pigmunk Report


    Commies, the lot of us. Not so much a secret anymore, but it *was* a little touchy for a couple decades.

    _that_droid Report

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    Riley Quinn
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not knowing what country OP hails from, keeping your commie beliefs a secret was the only way one would survive in the US for many, many years.

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    My mother claims she has the ability to hex people which apparently causes people to be murdered and destroys multi-million dollar buildings.

    BrandyAlexander9 Report


    My mother got married before she went into the army for better living situations and more money.

    m0dizzle Report


    On a sleepover when I was 13 and she was 14, my cousin and I lost our virginity to each other. Even though we both dated other people as we got older, we occasionally would have sex when the opportunity came up.

    It's been over 15 years. We live several states apart, but at family gatherings or if were just both in town, we still hook up if possible.

    disposable999 Report