Whether people can’t wait to hold a bundle of joy in their arms or can’t imagine themselves as parents, they all have their reasons for feeling the way that they do. But the former group arguably doesn’t have to answer as many questions about their decision as child-free people do.

Many people who belong to the latter category would likely attest that their stance on the issue is often met with a “why?”, to which they can tell you that the reasons are ample (the most common ones being simply not wanting to, wanting to focus on other things, or being concerned about the state of the world).

Such reasons were recently discussed by members of the ‘Ask Reddit’ community after one netizen asked them why they didn’t want to have children. Quite a few people opened up, so if you want to see what deters them from having kids, you can find their answers on the list below; and if you’re child-free yourself, feel free to share your two cents on the topic in the comments section.


    Person sleeping in bed, illustrating peaceful solitude, related to decisions on having children. I like sleeping, having money, and enjoying peace. Kids threaten all three.

    Best_Sherbet2727 , Craig Adderley Report

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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It’s 1130am here and I decided to chill in bed w my tablet. Can’t do that w kids

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    "I Saw How Exhausted Parents Look": 30 People Share The Real Reasons They Don't Want To Have Kids The questions should be: people who want children, what are your biggest reasons.

    ikindalold , Lukas Report

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    Bacon Tentacles
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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "To carry on the family name!" Yeah, whatever. As long as one person in my family's generation reproduces (and decides to pass on the name), I'm good. And, ironically enough, that's what happened on my dad's side of the family. There were 4 kids (of which I am on) born to 3 brothers (of which my dad is one, obvs) and only one of us decided to have a kid. Just one. And it wasn't me. Good luck, cuz. You're it.

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    "I Saw How Exhausted Parents Look": 30 People Share The Real Reasons They Don't Want To Have Kids To quote a comment I’ve read somewhere “I’d rather regret not having kids than regret having them”.

    Affectionate_Sea_984 , Thirdman Report

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    detective miller's hat
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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Exactly this. I was a nanny from high school until a few years after college. The kids were all pretty well behaved and generally pleasant, but I remember at one point about a year after college, I was at work one day and it just occurred to me: "I fuċking HATE this." After that realisation, I decided I would never have kids. Sure it might have been different if they were mine, but no way was I taking that chance.

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    "I Saw How Exhausted Parents Look": 30 People Share The Real Reasons They Don't Want To Have Kids *gestures around wildly*.

    ThomasDominus , Lisa from Pexels Report

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    Chocolate llama
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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This! I wouldn't even mind having children, but have you seen the state of the world we're living in??

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    "I Saw How Exhausted Parents Look": 30 People Share The Real Reasons They Don't Want To Have Kids Free time and money. Cats are more entertaining and cheaper.

    LSDthrowaway34520 , Pixabay Report


    "I Saw How Exhausted Parents Look": 30 People Share The Real Reasons They Don't Want To Have Kids We don’t need reasons. Want is a subjective word. Any reason for not wanting kids a person has is valid.

    n-tulipwind , Alex P Report

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    Pregnant woman in bed reading a children's book, reflecting on decisions about having kids. The thought of pushing a human being out my v****a sounds horrifying.

    IceCreamPlsss , Josh Willink Report

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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    To be fair, there is another method... but it involves surgery.... so not much better.

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    Man sitting on bed in distress, hand on head, contemplating decision to not have kids. Our family has a genetic disease, I don't want my child to suffer the same way as I am.

    EirenVayn , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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    Leslie B
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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This was why me and my husband decided against having kids. My genetics include bipolar, alcoholism (not me) and diabetes. Husband's side has neurofibromatosis. Doing that to an innocent child is abuse in my opinion.

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    Toddler sitting in a yellow chair, looking thoughtful in a bright room, symbolizing childfree decision considerations. They are just really annoying honestly.

    mlbrano , Getty Images Report

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    Kristen Woehlke
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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My aunt asked when she was pregnant "can I ask you in all seriousness to move in with your uncle and me to help with the baby?" Gave her the nastiest look I could conjure and asked "what kind of f*****g d***s are you on b***h?!? A - I really don't like you, B - I despise kids and C - I was still in high school! You made it, you take care of it! I.Want.No.Part!


    "I Saw How Exhausted Parents Look": 30 People Share The Real Reasons They Don't Want To Have Kids Everything. There’s literally nothing appealing about having children. If someone says they don’t want kids accept and move on.

    Practical_Joke_193 , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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    Person enjoying a soccer video game, highlighting lifestyle choices over having kids. I love my free time more than anything. I can do anything I want at any time when I'm not working. I read, make videos about table top games, play video games, hang out with my wife and dogs, hang out with friends.

    s-prettypumpkin , Alena Darmel Report


    Man looking stressed at table with laptop, while a woman holds a baby nearby, illustrating decision not to have kids. Because I saw how exhausted parents look.

    randinicole831 , nd3000 Report

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    A woman holding a baby with a bottle, reflecting on life choices regarding parenthood. The screams, the horrible screams….

    gorgeousoutrageous , Sarah Chai Report

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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Once my biological clock was ticking pretty loud (we don't have kids because of fertility issues and I'm pretty much insane) so I went to a zoo on a Sunday afternoon. It killed the baby dream pretty immediately 😁😁😁

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    "I Saw How Exhausted Parents Look": 30 People Share The Real Reasons They Don't Want To Have Kids Not having kids is the default. I have no desire to have kids as I see no reason, therefor I default to not having.

    I feel a more interesting question would be to ask people who have kids why they do. There's a weird double standard though. It's acceptable for people to ask me "why not?" when they find out I don't have kids, but sort of taboo to ask them "why?" when finding out that they have kids.

    ImpressionOld2296 , Gustavo Fring Report

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    Person on rooftop at sunset contemplating decision to never have kids. I like having a peaceful life, get to save my money, time, and energy. Having a kid just sounds like a nightmare, every young parent I know is miserable af.

    Solid-Group8544 , Jeffery Erhunse Report

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    "I Saw How Exhausted Parents Look": 30 People Share The Real Reasons They Don't Want To Have Kids I've never understood the appeal of children. I don't think they're fun, or cute, or funny, or interesting at all. Maybe I'm missing a chromosome or something. If I see someone with a baby, I walk by without a second look. Now if someone has a puppy or a kitten, I lose my f*****g mind. I guess I'm just more suited to be a pet parent. We're in our mid-late 40's and have never regretted not having kids.

    FishermanUsed2842 , Report

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    Kristen Woehlke
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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've seen people go absolutely gaga over a kid. I don't think they are cute or sweet or precious. They are annoying and they stink! Doesn't matter if you've cleaned them up or not. They make me gag.

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    "I Saw How Exhausted Parents Look": 30 People Share The Real Reasons They Don't Want To Have Kids Children suck… while it’s not their fault at all, they’re a chronic k**l joy, wildly expensive, often remove parents from their identity, namely primary caregivers (mothers). Having one so I’ll be taken care of when I’m old is not a compelling enough argument. Everyone talks about why people don’t want children, what about why they do? Children are the epitome of indulgence and often poorly timed and planned.

    Tasty-Pollution-Tax , Peter Dlhy Report

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    "I Saw How Exhausted Parents Look": 30 People Share The Real Reasons They Don't Want To Have Kids I don’t want a hard life. Pregnancy terrifies me, kids are expensive, and I don’t know if I have the patience to be a good parent and also have a fulfilling life of my own. I like the freedom of being able to do what I want without having to consider children. And I don’t want to bring kids into this world, I wouldn’t know what kind of life they could even have if I did.

    k_r_shade , Leah Newhouse Report

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    A person at a desk counting money with a notebook open, reflecting considerations for life decisions. In this economy?!

    leadthemwell , Report

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    R.A. Haley
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    19 hours ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Again, that's been an excuse for millennia. The trouble is, it's always true.


    "I Saw How Exhausted Parents Look": 30 People Share The Real Reasons They Don't Want To Have Kids Because they're gross, annoying, get you sick from a single day at school, cost too much money, are a hindrance on freedom in your life, plus seeing people these days with mini a******s they let do whatever is a deterrent enough. Honestly people with kids should just keep them at home more. No one wants to hear your screaming child. It's obnoxious.

    theogpskyi , Seif Eddin Khayat Report

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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My experience from endless nights out with female friends who were miserable being single. They genuinely believed getting a husband and child would make them happy. It’s not someone else’s job to make you happy. And don’t put that onus on someone. I worked with a lady (RIP) she adopted daughter from Romanian orphanage. At the time Johnny Depp had baby and said his life now had meaning. Annette said what a terrible thing to say.. ur life should have meaning with or without kids. And if it’s meaningless amd it pinning hopes on kids making u happy then don’t have kids


    "I Saw How Exhausted Parents Look": 30 People Share The Real Reasons They Don't Want To Have Kids The world is just becoming a worse and worse place.

    Pollution, global warming, fighting, increasing hate, intolerance.

    I grew up in the 80s and 90s which was a great era and there is no way I could ever provide kids the same happiness, joy and bright future that I had.

    c00750ny3h , Juliane Liebermann Report

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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Chernobyl, AIDS, acid rain, ozone layer, Apartheid ... your childhood was a great era because you were a CHILD.

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    Person holding an empty wallet, highlighting financial reasons for choosing to never have kids. I am not financially secure enough to give my child a good life.

    Prestigious-Bambi , Getty Images Report

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    Janelle Collard
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    1 hour ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    An excellent reason. Too bad more people don't think this way.

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    "I Saw How Exhausted Parents Look": 30 People Share The Real Reasons They Don't Want To Have Kids I value my space and freedom.

    I like being independent.

    The world is going to s**t.

    Pregnancy and giving birth is terrifying.

    And my anxiety would make me a bad mom, I would probably f**k up the kids.

    MiFelidae , Pablo Heimplatz Report


    A man in a blue shirt holds a sleeping baby on a sofa, reflecting on decisions about having kids. It’s a trap. When I watch people with children, my friends, but also my mother, I see not one single thing enticing enough to make me want to have them. All I see is misery and prison.

    hosenmitblumen , Getty Images Report

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    Woman with child in a shopping cart at a grocery store aisle, reflecting on life's choices without kids. Children are a burden. They cost money, they cost time, and they are unpredictable. They might steal from you, get the police interested in you, throw a party in your house, break everything you’ve worked so hard for. They might m****r you in your sleep or burn down your house.

    You have to feed them, clothe them, keep them alive and they are little psychos.

    If you want to throw away any semblance of peace and quiet, have children. If you want little failures who might refuse to work and support themselves and borrow money from you, have children.

    If you want insanity for your entire life, have children.

    TonsilKicker , Getty Images Report


    "I Saw How Exhausted Parents Look": 30 People Share The Real Reasons They Don't Want To Have Kids My husband and I love being able to do whatever we want whenever we want and naps!

    ilikebigmutts1988 , Hrant Khachatryan Report

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    "I Saw How Exhausted Parents Look": 30 People Share The Real Reasons They Don't Want To Have Kids Children are awful, loud, always sticky, expensive, annoying and every person i have ever met with children seems tired and miserable 100% of the time.

    I think the better question is why would anyone want children.

    whole_chocolate_milk , charlesdeluvio Report

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    Note: this post originally had 67 images. It’s been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes.


    Poll Question

    How do you feel about child-free people being questioned more about their decision?

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