“Revenge is a dish best served cold,” is a line uttered by one of the most iconic Star Trek villains. It’s attributed to the brutal but honorable race of Klingons who believe it’s most satisfying to exact vengeance on someone when they’re least expecting it.
Whilst that may be true, it’s also enjoyable to serve it in the most immature way too. Introducing: r/PettyRevenge. The online community allows people to share their stories of payback in the most appropriate but petty way possible.
Bored Panda has collected the most ridiculous, cunning and hilarious ones. It shows why you should never mess with someone with too much time on their hands—they won’t give up on pursuing justice, no matter what it takes.
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I wear hearing aids, and a girl in my high school math class used to make fun of me. I had not said two words to her and gave her no reason to do it, she was just being evil.
I recording her mocking my hearing loss on my phone and played it for her parents. They took the new car they just bought her back to the dealership.
There are over 1M people following the r/PettyRevenge page, so watch out who you cross—they might be following the page and have a few ideas on how to get back at you. It’s always satisfying when those who have wronged us get their ‘just deserts’, especially when it’s by our hand.
Revenge is one of the great motivators and it’s the basis for many tales of fiction. The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas is considered one of the most iconic (and serves as a caution of the cost to seeking revenge) but one of my personal favorites comes from The Princess Bride.
Expert swordsman, Inigo Montoya, is looking forward to his revenge so much that he knows exactly what he wants to say to his wrongdoer: "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." He’s quite blunt in his motivation for vengeance and (hilariously) repeats this until finally besting his rival in a climactic duel. It serves as a conclusion to both the battle and his story, which is probably why it’s so satisfying as well.
I have a friend whose pumpkinfall display at the end of his driveway would be run over by the neighborhood jerk. happened every year. my friend decided to put a stop to it.
he withdrew money from his savings account so he would have enough to buy the largest punkin he could find, along with several large bags of Quikcrete. filled that puppy up and made a real pretty display.
The jacka*s broke the axle of his shotty car when he hit that pumpkin. could not drive away. my friend had his car towed away, too.
This is delicious. My father put up a "welcome pole" in the corner of our yard for a similarly shitty neighbor. The steel spike did indeed work
But revenge is a tale as old as time, with it even being encouraged in the Old Testament of The Bible as the adage: “eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth”. This is put into effect in the character of Shylock from Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice. By no means someone that we should root for, he said he will give as good as he gets, and seek revenge on those who wrong him for being a Jew.
He likens revenge to an intrinsic, built-in part of ourselves, such as an organ. Shylock said, “I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions?”
“If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?”
I’ve told this one before, but it makes me happy to retell it.
I had a boss 7-8 years ago whom I hated. She was the fakest and most entitled person I had ever met. One day, she decided that she didn’t like the smell of microwave popcorn... So she waved her magic office wand and had it banned.
Fast forward a month or so. I was browsing Amazon and found one of those USB sticks that emits a smell when plugged in...the smell of buttered popcorn. I bought it, plugged it into the back of her computer, and she had the sweet smell of PopSecret in her office for six f**king months. She complained almost every day. It’s the sweetest revenge I’ve ever tasted.
I found out my then boyfriend was cheating on me. And he threw my dog across the room when we were discussing what he had done. I moved out immediately. More for hurting my dog than anything. So as I was moving out I took his entire porn collection and microwaved them one by one. It only takes 3 second each. Took me about an hour to go thru them all. I put them back in the case, then back where they belonged. Not sure if the microwave was still usable, did not really care. He was also a manager at a restaurant and would bring home tons of food. They had really nice coolers that the food came in so I called the GM and explained I had moved out and that I wanted to return the boxes. He lost his job. Then I was getting collection calls for him. Gave him the new girls work and personal number so they could find him.
Dont mess with my dogs.
It’s an interesting point that Shakespeare makes: the biological need for revenge. One study reviews whether this was an evolutionary trait that has been passed down from our hunter-gatherer days as a necessity for keeping society in check.
Dr. Ernst Fehr of the University of Zurich behind the paper told The New York Times about his belief in it. He said, "It's a very important force for establishing large-scale cooperation. Every citizen is a little policeman in a sense. There are so many social norms that we follow almost unconsciously, and they are enforced by the moral outrage we expect if we were to violate them.''
Not me, but for my wife. When we were younger and kind of on hard times,she took a pretty shady job at a local factory. The first two weeks she was there, she had her lunch stolen at least 5 or 6 times. Even open drinks. I was pretty pissed, a lot of times I would grill for her or make her lunch, and she was going hungry. One night I bought a big a*s Gatorade and a box of those women's laxitives, both red in color. Couldn't tell the two were mixed, but we found out who the thief was.
I moved to America to be with this guy (let's call him Richard). Richard happened to work at the same big box store as my friend J, and one day when I came to meet J from work, a coworker innocently said "Are you looking for Richard? He's staying with his girlfriend."
Now another thing you should know about Richard is he bought his toothbrushes wholesale and lived in the grungiest apartment ever. I cleaned every inch of that bathroom, toilet included, with each and every one of those remaining toothbrushes, documenting every step with photographs. Then I rinsed them in the toilet, and put them back in the box. And I packed my s**t and left.
Ten years later, when I'd calculated he was on the last brush, I sent him the pictures.
My little brother and his girlfriend came to stay at my house for the weekend, and the girlfriend was super self centered and obnoxious. When they left, she forgot her clothes and toiletries because she left them sprawled all over my bathroom.
About a week later, she and my brother moved into an apartment together. After he paid for the moving truck, deposit and utilities, she cheated on him with her ex and kicked him out of the apartment. This left him broke, homeless, and heart broken.
In the days after the breakup, she kept calling and emailing him several times per day, demanding that he ask me to ship her clothes and toiletries back to her ("I mean, it's really important. It's my NORTHFACE.") My brother called and pleaded with me to ship them to her so she would stop having a reason to contact him.
Being the loving sister that I am, I gathered up the Really Important Northface sweatshirt, shorts, underwear, shampoo, conditioner, soap and razor. I folded everything nicely. I then wrote a nice note apologizing for taking so long to mail them to her, and let her know that I hope all is well. The note was written in permanent marker, and the paper happened to be resting on the Really Important Northface when I wrote it.
Unfortunately, the ink bled straight through the paper and onto the shirt. Also unfortunately, the shampoo, soap and conditioner caps were not tightly secured on their bottles, and the contents leaked out all over the clothes, further spreading the ink. The most unfortunate result, though, was that her razor didn't have any sort of protective cap or container and left little slashes all over the front of the Really Important Northface.
She received the package, and my brother never heard from her again.
My friend’s Sprite kept getting stolen even though she wrote her name all over the can. Finally after the fifth time, it happened she got a habanero, cut it open and rubbed it all over the top of the can and left it in the fridge. We found out who the thief was when that afternoon we hear the office drama queen shriek in her cubicle and run to the water cooler. She never stole anything again.
Grounded yet again by my Angry Dad for breathing whilst his ballgame was on, I was stuck in my bedroom bored witless. For something to do I flicked the light switches on and off (pre-mobile era folks, we had to make our own fun...). It was then I discovered that this made a loud buzzing static interference on the TV in the lounge. Cue the next 5 years of petty revenge...
Angry Dad never figured out why we had such a bad TV signal at game time, he never connected it with me being sent to my room and flicking the light switch every few minutes, reveling as he yelled futilely at the static dancing across the TV.
Delivered pizzas about a week for my best friend's shop. Warned me about a few customers, but one in particular was always rude to the drivers and never tipped. Lucky for me, I got to deliver his order of a single calzone, maybe $6 or $7 total, and he tried to pay with a $50 bill.
All the menus and the website prominently said nothing over a $20 bill for deliveries, and he'd been their customer long enough to know that. But when I told him this while explaining how I didn't have enough change, he got extremely rude and was loud about how it's not his fault and that drivers should always carry enough money on them.
So I did what any person in that situation should do, and told him not to worry about it, and I'd pay for the order. For those few seconds he thought he'd won a free calzone - until I pulled it out and started eating it as I walked back to my car.
Simple question: If you know that one customer is a rude jackass, why do keep serving them? In my country they would just tell the person that they are banned.
My mum and her friend had a massive fight, and my mum's friend sent a letter to my mum scolding her and pretty much saying "We're no longer friends" and my mum, as an Ex-Teacher, took out a red pen, corrected all the spelling mistakes and grammatical mistakes, and mailed it right back to her
My dad had an old truck parked on the back of our property that some kept stealing small parts from (cap, rotor, points, etc). We wired it to an electric fence power supply. One evening we heard a bunch of yelling and swearing and went back there and the guy left us some free tools.
An uncle of mine was a serious addict and an all around a**hole. When I was a kid it was pretty common for him to steal from my grandparents, including a lot of things they intended to give me when I was older (a coin collection, things like that). There's a long list of things he did over the course of my life to piss me off, but I'll skip to the petty revenge.
I was browsing the local county website and noticed there was a section for active warrants. I wondered if any familiar names were listed so I browsed it and to my complete lack of surprise, I saw my uncle's name listed for something minor. Then I saw the Crime Stoppers number at the top of the page. I knew where he was living at the time and it was anonymous, so what the hell? I called, described him and told them where he was. They gave me a reference number and told me to call back in two weeks.
For the sake of being thorough, I called a relative from the other side of the family who, funny enough, was not only a cop but also in charge of following up on these things. I told him the situation and he said he'd prioritize it.
Two weeks later, I call Crime Stoppers for an update and they said the tip did indeed lead to an arrest and asked which post office I preferred. I was confused but I named one. They gave me an alias, told me to give that name to the clerk and there would be a general delivery envelope with $200 cash inside. That part was unexpected but a sweet bonus for sure.
Easiest $200 I ever made.
Hey, whenever you need cash you can turn him in! Finally, the dirtbag is doing something good for his family.
Need pocket change? Turn in uncle! Not enough money to cover a car part, pay a utility…. turn in uncle! Lol
Load More Replies...I don't like this.It's totally wrong to steal,but addiction causes people to do drastic things out of desperation. In my opinion a user's state of mind is to take drugs in order to block out pain and/or trauma,the feeling of the pain going away is as much,if not more,addictive than the actual drug. Tormenting someone in pain is cruel, and in their most desperate and lonely time is a horrible thing to do.Plus it won't stop the stealing because they are addicted and unhappy as it is and this will only need drugs to take that feeling away. It's a vicious circle. The Uncle needs help.I was an addict on the streets,I did things like steal,out of desperation. It wasn't who I was inside.I was broken,full of self-loathing and suicidal and my state of mind was all over the place. I'm 4 years clean now and I pay my price with guilt.He can't make amends if he never gets the chance.
Congratulations on your recovery. My opinion: Natural consequences (vs punishment) increasingly occur ss addiction progresses. He may have actually helped his uncle. Without consequences, few may be motivated to change.
Load More Replies...People usually turn to addiction due to dealing with trauma, they pay for their addiction through crime. Arresting someone perpetuates the cycle. Prison does not help..intensive therapy is what he needed. So sad.
Totally true, agree fully, but that doesn't make the hurting from being lied to, your trust broken and the mental abuse go away. Spent 30 years of my life being the sister to a drug addict. No picnic, that.
Load More Replies...Good for you! I hope that you were able to recover what that jerk stole from you and your dear family!
assholes usually think their victims won't ever retaliate because they are family... Fortunately, they are wrong.
There's a new truck in my apartment's parking lot. Always taking up multiple spots, ALWAYS. Weird angles, close to the stairs, all over the place (no assigned parking unfortunately). Months of this.
I drive a much smaller car than that, and I'm petty/passive aggressive, I've been waiting for my chance. A few days ago was my shot.
I got home quite late and there were zero spots open in my lot. Big truck is double parked again, but there's juuust enough room on their driver side for me to sneak in there with my little clown car. I carefully pull in, making sure not to touch anything, no damage, no nothing. My passenger side mirror is half and inch from their driver side door. I giggled to myself all the way back to my apartment and set an alarm and waited. The following morning I wake up before the alarm to loud door slamming and stomping around I check out my window and I see the double parking culprit walking around both vehicles, taking pictures, texting someone, taking more pictures, I'm shaking with glee. They then swallow their pride, let out a visual sigh, and climb in the passenger side, clamber over the center console, and Austin Powers 20 point turn their butts out of the spot.
I've never been so proud of myself and my s**tty, petty, passive aggressive ways.
Crossing at a busy downtown intersection, a very impatient driver waiting to make a turn honked at a lady pushing a stroller (she had the right of way).
I slowed down, but the guy next to me straight up stopped in front of the car, then bent down to re-tie his shoelaces.
I was dating this girl and thought she was the one, so I gave her the keys to my apartment. I worked late for my job, so I was just happy there was someone in my bed. I came home one night and she was awake. She confessed to using my apartment to cheat on me with seven different people, so I packed her stuff up.
I then lied to her and said I moved to Seattle, but moved to Hawaii instead.
Three month's after being in Hawaii, I get a phone call from her. To my surprise she's called me from the Seattle airport. She flew out there to try and fix things between us.
Me: So you're in Seattle?
Her: Yeah! Weren't you listening? I came here to fix us.
Me: Oh...well, that's too bad.
Her: What's bad?
Me: I'm in Hawaii. (Hung up the phone.)
(Phone rings again.)
Me: How does it feel?
I used to manage a Starbucks when one of my baristas asked a guy his name and he just flipped the f**k out belittling her, called her stupid etc and didn’t give a name. Anyway I take over the hand off drinks and place his drink just on the hand off with no words. (I’ll add it was a busy store with a lot of people waiting.
I just keep putting drinks out for about 10/15 minutes and douchebag walks up and picks up his drink that’s now lukewarm and goes “is this mine?” I just respond with “I don’t know it doesn’t have a name on it”.
We were kids staying at the seaside on holiday with our family. My little sister would always make a pretty sandcastle, and the next day it would have been kicked down and she'd cry. We wanted to find out who was doing it, so one day we stayed behind to spy. We watched as a bunch of jerk older boys came by and kicked her castle down, laughing smugly. So the next night, we covered a big beach rock in sand and decorated it. Like clockwork, the jerk kids came with their smug faces and this time kicked a solid rock with all of their might. The yowl and the look on their faces was the best revenge ever.
I’m in a class where a group research project/presentation is a huge chunk of overall points. Everyone knows in group projects you always have that one slacker who doesn’t do anything that you have to compensate for. However, I got stuck with possibly the worst 3 people to be in a project with in the class.
I did the entire research, presentation, poster boards, etc among many other annoying things myself. I tried talking to them and telling them they needed to put in their share of effort. Ignored. I’d send them tasks to do, ignored. I’d try to schedule meetings, they’d say they were coming and then leave me alone at the library. This happened from the get go.
It was abundantly clear that they expected everyone else to do the work, but “everyone else” turned out to be just me.
Rule: We couldn’t have things 100% memorized word for word, and we couldn’t read off of anything. We had to actually know the subject. I was fully prepared to do most of the talking and even wrote down a small script for them and told them to know what to say during their part, at the very least. The night before I told them we had to meet to at least go over the whole thing one time.
Once again, none of them showed.
At this point I’m livid and decide they can just do it themselves, which means they’d get up there, not know a damn thing to say other than the small info I gave them, and couldn’t even bullsh*t anything because they did no research. Thing is, if we miss without an excuse, we fail the project. If you have an excuse, you have to have documentation. I commute and live an hour away, so I decide that I’ll conveniently have a flat tire right before class. Went out and actually bought a tire so I could have the receipt to prove it. Emailed the professor, who said I can present by myself during his office hours.
Turns out, they completely bombed, and not only probably failing the project, but since they’re bad students, might even fail the class.
I don't know why professors/teachers continue to give group assignments because there is always one or more who freeloads.
My coworker sometimes throws out her lunch in the garbage can at my desk instead of her own, because she claims she can't stand the smell of old ketchup that's been sitting out for a couple hours. I've asked her several times to stop, but she will then just wait until I get up to go to the bathroom and do it, and hide my garbage can under my desk so she thinks I won't see it.
Every time she does it, I wait until she goes to the bathroom, take out the little plastic container that she had ketchup in, and put it way in the back of her bottom desk drawer. There's 6 in there now, the oldest is over a month old. So far, she hasn't noticed the smell. Gonna keep doing it and see how long it takes her to notice.
He took my engagement ring and pawned it for an XBOX. I took the XBOX and gave it to my new boyfriend.
A young guy down the street was constantly speeding through the neighborhood. He gets home from work around the same time every day and always rips it down the street to his driveway. I called the city and had a cop come out and do radar.
He got a dangerous driving charge and stopped speeding around here
I hate people like that. We live in the main street of a very small village that should be super quiet but it turns out that the street is connected to the road between two towns and people never slow down for the village. It should be 30km/h (as it is in the small streets in the town) vut since its more convenient its 50km/h. Thats way too fast for the tiny sidewalk we have and super noisy. Specially because we have a primary school there and plenty of children crossing. Many arent happy with 50 and go much faster. The other day a car passed me at 62km/h in the middle of the centrum (we have a sign to show you if you are going too fast but unlukily it isnt a radar). Assholes.
So I’m at Costco, in need of dog food, and it’s ridiculously busy for a Monday. Barely any parking spots until I spot one at the end of the lot. I make my way down the aisle, and am about to turn into the parking spot when a lady RUNS OVER THE CURB and almost hits me to take the spot. Thankfully I tapped my brakes in time or she would have taken off my bumper.
I look up and she is shaking her head and wagging her finger in a “no” motion at me. WTF? I was like okay I’ll just wait for her to back up since I’m obviously turning into the spot. She doesn’t. My girlfriend is with me and was pissed that the lady wasn’t budging. I gave her my Costco card and just sat in the aisle in a face off with this lady. She goes inside, gets the dog food, comes back out, and loads up the car. She then pushes the cart into the spot we were waiting for and hops in the car.
The look on the woman’s face was enough to give me satisfaction for a week. She had to get out and move the cart so she could park once I reversed through the entire aisle. Worth it.
I caught my flatmate telling lies about me to some mutual friends. I made plans to move out the next month. In the meantime, she went out of town for a week, and left her car parked in its usual spot in the parking lot. I threw birdseed on it every morning and evening, so when she came home, the birds wouldn't leave her car alone.
Went to a restaurant for lunch during a work shift. Out of three parking spots somebody decided to park across every single one. There were no other parking spots at the time. So i decided to park within half a foot from my passenger side to his driver door. Ordered and got my food, and noticed an older (60+) man leave and walk in the direction of our parked cars. When I left and walked towards my car, sure enough he was there, tray of drinks in one hands and a bag of food in the other, just absolutely struggling to get into his vehicle. He called out about why I parked like this and my only reply was “why did you park across 3 spots, park like and a*s you better expect to be treated like one”
This kind of "revenge" is silly. The AH could just open their car door and make a dent in yours.
My friend in high school was such a drama queen but it worked out hilariously sometimes. He was cut off by a driver who had no brake lights and it pissed him off so badly that he followed until a cop was behind, merged around the guy and then brake checked him so the cop would see that he had no brake lights. The holler he let out when the cop pulled the other guy over is still one of the funniest moments of my life
Lucky he wasn't in England, he'd have had to pull over for fuel before he saw a cop
At my previous job, we had separate refrigerators for the different shifts. Our food was constantly constantly being stolen or messed with. One day, my buddy and I decided to make a nice cherry cheesecake... out of cooking lard. We finished it off with graham cracker crust and cut a couple of slices out of it since we knew the thief wouldn’t be brazen enough to take the first bite. We never found out who the thief was, but we never had to worry about anyone messing with our food ever again.
What is it with all these people stealing others food/drinks? If it is because they can't afford lunch at work? If so that is incredibly sad.
This happened almost a decade ago with my first boyfriend. He was a manipulative, selfish, raging douchebag and I was a 16 year old with no self esteem. A match made in hell.
He basically lived at my house and had me cook for him all the time. He was trying to impress one of my "gangster" pot growing neighbors so he would have me make them snacks multiple times a day. His favorite thing to eat was french fries.
I would be making 3 or 4 batches a day. Since I was cooking so many fries I would keep the crisco I used to fry them in an empty coffee tin in the fridge. Over the course of 3 days the crisco smelled exactly like potatoes.
So my ex asks me to make him some french fries yet again (I'm the only one paying for them btw). When I tried to serve myself a plate of the fries I had just cooked he yelled at me and said these were only for him and his friend. He took the whole heaping plate and ran off!
My blood was boiling and I plotted revenge! I waited for the crisco to solidify and I whipped it with a fork so it looked like mashed potatoes. Because of the many batches of fries it smelled like mashed potatoes too. Now I just had to wait.
Soon enough my ex was back and he was still hungry because of all the pot he smoked with my neighbor. He had the balls to ask me for more fries! So I sweetly told him that I'd made mashed potatoes for him while he was gone.
He was so pleased! He said "Thanks babe!" And took the biggest spoonfull he could straight put of the pot. He put the overflowing spoon straight into his gob with a huge smile on his face. His smile quickly turned into disgust and he started violently throwing up in the sink.
He never asked me to make fries again in our short relationship. I broke up with him btw.
One time my dog came in my room and jumped on the bed while I was sleeping, waking me up. I scolded her and told her to get down. She slowly hopped off the bed, turned to look at me , sat down, and WHILE MAINTAINING EYE CONTACT scooted her a*s across the floor, leaving a nice little poop mark. Looked away, stood up, left. I miss that little gremlin.
I looked after my sister's cats when she was on holiday, both of them deaf and not pleased with the change. Peed on all of my clothes the first day. So I washed everything and locked my stuff into the bathroom. The day they returned, when I saw their car pulling up, I put my handbag on the table, open and unattended, turned away, back around and saw Paul the cat squatting over the open bag, peeing on my wallet. Felt stupid because I screamed at him. Had to pay with smelly money for a week. Well played, cat.
I had a roommate who used a lot of spoons (he ate a lot of pudding, soup, ice cream, yogurt, etc) and would never wash his dishes. I was tired of washing his dishes so I let them pile up in the sink until we got to the last spoon. This one I washed and hid in my room each time I used it.
Went to a restaurant for brunch. Upon receiving my bill I noticed a $3 charge for table linen. As I was leaving I folded up the tablecloth. The waiter said what are you doing? I said, I paid for it I’m taking it home. And I did.
My brother did something to his annoy his then girlfriend. So she took the labels off all his canned food/tins in the cupboards. Are you opening a tin of beans? Or a tin of tomato sauce? Or cat food?
Kinda hilarious.
Guy in an El Camino was aggressively tailgating me in the slow lane. On the highway. Traffic was light so he could have passed easily. I’m in a SUV. I see metal debris in the road ahead of me. I know I can clear it and do. He wasn’t so lucky.
My college roommate had a bad habit of leaving her things in piles on our bathroom floor until there was almost no space to walk to the bath or toilet. Not just clothes but change, jewelry, decks of playing cards, knitting needles, books, hairpins, scarves, earbud headphones, keys, etc. One day she left $40 scattered with the mess, so I put the money in one of her lesser-used bathroom drawers. Originally I put it there to protect it from our third roommate and her friends. When I came home the next day and noticed that she was clearing her mess in an effort to find it, I decided not to tell her where the money was until our bathroom floor was spotless.
Afterwards, I decided it would be too awkward to tell her the truth so I left the money wadded up in her hamper as I'd found it on the floor. She was ecstatic when she found it on laundry day. After that her bathroom piles never got quite as big.
One of my roommates kept stealing my pop tarts so I ordered a little UV fingerprint powder off Amazon and dusted it over the packaging. Next time a poptart got stolen I checked all of my roommates door knobs for the powder with a black light and found out who was stealing my breakfast.
Alex you still owe me a box of cinnamon frosted pop tarts you d*ck.
When I worked at Starbucks we had one racist and sexist costumer who always disturbed our work. He only wanted the men to make his drinks and he literally ignored the women (or said something creepy) and he didn’t want our one black guy to make his drink either. We always gave him decaffeinated even though he asked for caffeinated. Pretty petty and childish but it helped a little bit.
I had a roommate in college that would blare their tv in their room and talk loudly on speakerphone well into the night. I was young and too big a pussy to confront them about it. After a semester I had had enough. One time before going out I put my speakers up against our shared wall and blasted Enya’s Only Time on endless repeat. I also locked my door so they couldn’t come in to turn it off. I got back around 3am.
This guy insulted me so I found a notebook he left in class, and left it in the bookshelves and covered it with books so he could never find it.
I heard of this guy who found out his girlfriend cheated on him, so he out mass gainer powder in her smoothies for a month and she gained like 15 pounds.
My company has a password policy that locks your account after 3 wrong password attempts. A few times when someone irritates me I'll lock my computer, switch user, and enter their username with a wrong password 3 times so they get locked out. Now they have to deal with help desk to unlock their account.
I dyed my cheating ex and his lover yellow: I poured colorante in my sunscreen. Colorante is used to dye foods and it doesnt washo off your skin easily. He used my sunscreen on himself and the girl he was cheating with. He was yellow for a couple of days and i moved out. I left the sunscreen behind. He never figured out why he was yellow.
Some of these...make the comment section a bit disturbing. Yeh, there's definitely ones where the punishment fits the crime. There's also a bunch of them where we aren't given enough information to judge and yet the comment section is going all in for revenge. Getting a bit blood thirsty here and it's not a good lesson to apply to your own lives.
Well, you know, it's the Internet: "guilty until proven innocent".
Load More Replies...My dad grounded me for something my brother had done. My chore was ironing. I ironed my dad's shirts and closed ALL the buttons. I did the same with the shirts in his cupboard. I heard him grumbling in the mornings for a few weeks. He never said anything but would smile - he got the message and thank God he had a great sense of humour.
I was ducking a blow from my late father just *reading* that... OMG!
Load More Replies...Marginally sufficient parking lot of work. Woman driving a tiny car kept taking up two spaces. First chance the got a couple of *really* late workers from a different area parked on either side of her. At lunch, they went out and turned her car sideways, so she had about an inch of clearance at each end. She had nothing to say when they came out at nearly 10pm - and didn't have any more parking problems, either.
Saw a video where a neighbor kept parking in this guy's assigned space in a parking garage. Every attempt to get him to stop fell on deaf ears. What the neighbor didn't know is that the guy worked at an auto shop. He had hydraulic wheel dollies that fit under the tire and lift the car up making it as easy to move as a shopping cart. They pushed it to a part of the parking garage where there would be concrete pillars on either side of his car making it impossible for him to get any of the doors open and left it there. Needless to say, the neighbor got the message and stayed out of his parking space.
Load More Replies...This is hard to do, but you will get a lot of Karma points: do nothing. Don't get angry. Don't wish for anything bad to happen to the other one. Revenge lowers you to his / her level. Stay above that.
My sister poured anchovy oil down the bottom of the car windshield so anytime her a**l neighbor ran the AC or heat it just stunk. She did this weekly during the summers and winters She had this crazy neighbor who was out to get anyone in the complex. This was the kind of neighbor in an apartment complex who spends their day spying to see who breaks the rules, silly rules like too many plants etc, and its what she lived for... Many people complained about the woman. The front office wanted her out since they understood many of the laws were there to basically to protect themselves and not necessarily be enforced by the book and she took up too much time. But this crazy woman had nothing better to do, never broke a rule and couldn't be asked to leave. When the front office installed cameras and saw my sister on tape, they inquired about it from my sister first. When she confessed, they immediately stated that the footage had been accidentally damaged so there would not be proof.
My high school physics teacher would talk about plans about poisoning his neighbour's cat (jokingly, but I still don't find it funny). So I studied extra hard for this one mandatory course (the following courses were by choice) and got the best grade possible. The teacher actually wrote on my test "why aren't you taking any more physics courses?" Well, because of you, Mr. K. (Didn't have the nerve to tell that to him, but I enjoyed this "revenge" nevertheless.)
So you potentially screwed up a promising, rewarding, and high paid job and dropped physics just because your teacher made a poor-taste joke??
Load More Replies...“Revenge is a dish best served cold" is at least four hundred years old. Just sayin'.
My bf left me for another so I poured out half of his cologne and filled it back up with my urine..
I once had a job with a very toxic work environment and a truly terrible CEO. I worked really hard to fight against the rumors that I was lazy, I even wrote down every single thing I did for a week to prove how much I was doing. Nothing ever helped, so they fired me. I knew what was gonna happen when the CEO called me to set up a meeting later that day with some from the work council present. Before the meeting I went to the toilet and deliberately did not wash my hands afterwards, because I knew that bitch CEO would want to shake hands.
Petty, cruel, and totally justified (except the sandcastle morons)... I love revenge !
I had a horrible roommate in college, who got drunk every night and played loud music until 2am. I started adding shot glasses of urine to her whiskey bottles. Didn't change her behavior, but I always giggled when she was drinking. BTW, I'm old and this was before things like
My husband was leaving from a concert. He was driving his mothers car. Sitting at a stop sign, the guy behind him, getting impatient, pushed his bumper against my husbands car and started pushing him, tires smoking. My husband set the parking brake. He let a few cars through and then revved the engine. As a truck going from right to left ran the stop sign, my husband popped the parking brake and floored it. The guy behind him lurched forward and hit the truck. My husband waved as he drove away.
I dyed my cheating ex and his lover yellow: I poured colorante in my sunscreen. Colorante is used to dye foods and it doesnt washo off your skin easily. He used my sunscreen on himself and the girl he was cheating with. He was yellow for a couple of days and i moved out. I left the sunscreen behind. He never figured out why he was yellow.
Some of these...make the comment section a bit disturbing. Yeh, there's definitely ones where the punishment fits the crime. There's also a bunch of them where we aren't given enough information to judge and yet the comment section is going all in for revenge. Getting a bit blood thirsty here and it's not a good lesson to apply to your own lives.
Well, you know, it's the Internet: "guilty until proven innocent".
Load More Replies...My dad grounded me for something my brother had done. My chore was ironing. I ironed my dad's shirts and closed ALL the buttons. I did the same with the shirts in his cupboard. I heard him grumbling in the mornings for a few weeks. He never said anything but would smile - he got the message and thank God he had a great sense of humour.
I was ducking a blow from my late father just *reading* that... OMG!
Load More Replies...Marginally sufficient parking lot of work. Woman driving a tiny car kept taking up two spaces. First chance the got a couple of *really* late workers from a different area parked on either side of her. At lunch, they went out and turned her car sideways, so she had about an inch of clearance at each end. She had nothing to say when they came out at nearly 10pm - and didn't have any more parking problems, either.
Saw a video where a neighbor kept parking in this guy's assigned space in a parking garage. Every attempt to get him to stop fell on deaf ears. What the neighbor didn't know is that the guy worked at an auto shop. He had hydraulic wheel dollies that fit under the tire and lift the car up making it as easy to move as a shopping cart. They pushed it to a part of the parking garage where there would be concrete pillars on either side of his car making it impossible for him to get any of the doors open and left it there. Needless to say, the neighbor got the message and stayed out of his parking space.
Load More Replies...This is hard to do, but you will get a lot of Karma points: do nothing. Don't get angry. Don't wish for anything bad to happen to the other one. Revenge lowers you to his / her level. Stay above that.
My sister poured anchovy oil down the bottom of the car windshield so anytime her a**l neighbor ran the AC or heat it just stunk. She did this weekly during the summers and winters She had this crazy neighbor who was out to get anyone in the complex. This was the kind of neighbor in an apartment complex who spends their day spying to see who breaks the rules, silly rules like too many plants etc, and its what she lived for... Many people complained about the woman. The front office wanted her out since they understood many of the laws were there to basically to protect themselves and not necessarily be enforced by the book and she took up too much time. But this crazy woman had nothing better to do, never broke a rule and couldn't be asked to leave. When the front office installed cameras and saw my sister on tape, they inquired about it from my sister first. When she confessed, they immediately stated that the footage had been accidentally damaged so there would not be proof.
My high school physics teacher would talk about plans about poisoning his neighbour's cat (jokingly, but I still don't find it funny). So I studied extra hard for this one mandatory course (the following courses were by choice) and got the best grade possible. The teacher actually wrote on my test "why aren't you taking any more physics courses?" Well, because of you, Mr. K. (Didn't have the nerve to tell that to him, but I enjoyed this "revenge" nevertheless.)
So you potentially screwed up a promising, rewarding, and high paid job and dropped physics just because your teacher made a poor-taste joke??
Load More Replies...“Revenge is a dish best served cold" is at least four hundred years old. Just sayin'.
My bf left me for another so I poured out half of his cologne and filled it back up with my urine..
I once had a job with a very toxic work environment and a truly terrible CEO. I worked really hard to fight against the rumors that I was lazy, I even wrote down every single thing I did for a week to prove how much I was doing. Nothing ever helped, so they fired me. I knew what was gonna happen when the CEO called me to set up a meeting later that day with some from the work council present. Before the meeting I went to the toilet and deliberately did not wash my hands afterwards, because I knew that bitch CEO would want to shake hands.
Petty, cruel, and totally justified (except the sandcastle morons)... I love revenge !
I had a horrible roommate in college, who got drunk every night and played loud music until 2am. I started adding shot glasses of urine to her whiskey bottles. Didn't change her behavior, but I always giggled when she was drinking. BTW, I'm old and this was before things like
My husband was leaving from a concert. He was driving his mothers car. Sitting at a stop sign, the guy behind him, getting impatient, pushed his bumper against my husbands car and started pushing him, tires smoking. My husband set the parking brake. He let a few cars through and then revved the engine. As a truck going from right to left ran the stop sign, my husband popped the parking brake and floored it. The guy behind him lurched forward and hit the truck. My husband waved as he drove away.