Companies offer a variety of perks and benefits to attract the right talent into their business. After all, the workers are one of the most valuable assets a business can have, so it’s worth making sure that they feel happy and productive both in and out of the workplace.

Unfortunately, some employers seem to have a different idea about what makes their staff feel truly appreciated. Reddit user Chocolat3City asked fellow r/AntiWork members: "What's the most insulting 'benefit' a job has offered you?" and the thread spread fast, with more than 26.2K people finding it relevant.

Whether it’s a free uniform, personal protective equipment or lunch, stories that people shared seem to be serving the employer, not the employee. Take a look at some of the best answers we collected from the thread and be sure to share your experience in the comment section below.


"It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them Free lunch every day.

Sounds great but let me explain.

I started a job some years ago and one of the benefits they sold us on was that they bought us lunch everyday. Each day, they would take our orders in the late morning to have lunch delivered by lunchtime. We only ever ordered from like 2 or 3 places but hey, it was free. Cool. Great.

But the problem was when I tried to do anything other than sit at my desk and eat. After a couple weeks, I started leaving my place of work for lunch here and there just to run errands, have a phone convo with family/friends/gf, or just eat by myself at a restaurant (the food they ordered wasn’t bad but it got old quick).

After having done this a few times, my manager stopped me one day and asked where I was going and why I sometimes leave. I replied “I’m Going on lunch.” He told me that the whole point of them ordering lunch for us was so we could eat at our desks while we continued to work. I was shocked lol. I asked him if he understood how lunch breaks worked in relation to the law and that he can’t keep me hostage, especially since I’m not being paid for being there during that hour. He then passively aggressively said “okay do what you want I guess”.

djaypete , Marcus Aurelius Report


    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them Food stamp eligibility. They paid so little that they listed government assistance as a BENEFIT.

    dirtyswrk , Dario Crespi Report

    Bored Panda reached out to the author of this post, Chocolat3City, to have a chat about benefits that employers offer but end up insulting the staff or potential employees. The idea to start this thread came from personal experience. The user lives in the U.S. and has just moved to another state. 

    "I've been looking at new job postings on the internet, and saw many employers trying to couch standard workplace amenities as 'benefits'," they said. This made the user think of one of their first jobs out of law school: "It offered me 'free parking,' but the pay wasn't competitive."

    The user mentioned this in their post, saying that a thing that helps a person to access their workplace is a benefit to the employer, not the worker. "It's kind of like allowing the custodian access to an elevator of the high-rise building where he works, and calling it a 'benefit.' I think not," they added. 


    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them Retail worker. As a reward for working through the Pandemic, the toilet paper crisis, not getting our pay for another 4 weeks and having one of our colleagues die of covid unexpectedly...

    A box of 6 capri sun. There are 8 of us.

    CompetitiveHabit5 , Vadim Andreev SP Report

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    Casey Burns
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    3/4 a capri sun per person. Fantastic deal. Especially with free COVID.

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    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them Silly socks day. To make up for the increase in abuse from patients (start of COVID). Thanks, my mental health is... great.

    smolpidge , Jonathan Borba Report


    The thread collected more than 7.3K comments where many started sharing their own experiences. Chocolat3City thinks that the r/AntiWork community found it so relevant probably because everyone has worked extremely hard just to survive for the last couple of years. 

    According to them, some people are looking for work, while some have stayed in salaried jobs that are demanding more hours and scope without increasing compensation.

    "We are particularly sensitive right now under these circumstances, and this fake benefits phenomenon both insults our intelligence and demeans the value of our labor. That's why I think many have such a visceral reaction to the post."


    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them A 'wobble room'. Basically a room where it was okay to go and have a little cry/freak out/meltdown if you got overwhelmed at work.

    Instead of, you know, attempting to address the reasons why people were crying/freaking out/melting down at work...and then you were expected back front and centre for the rest of your shift.

    ruthh-r , RODNAE Productions Report

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    karin s.
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They are just raving stark crazy if they think having a "wobble room" was something to boast about.

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    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them Free personal protective equipment. Literally required to be provided by the employer too.

    Accomplished-Pen-69 , CDC Report

    Some benefits that the employers see as central are actually not so important in the eyes of the workers. According to a study from Robert Half, a global human resource consulting firm, companies often seem to miss the mark. More than 1.5K American employees and 600 HR managers participated in the survey. Results showed, that there seems to be a big disconnect between what’s being offered and what the staff actually wants. 

    For example, 66 percent of employees would prefer a compressed workweek—where they work more hours but fewer days per week. Unfortunately, only 17 percent of companies offer this perk. Also, when it comes to healthcare, many workers seem to be indifferent about some of the benefits the employer provides, e.g. vision insurance, which only a fraction of them needs. 


    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them The 45 minute commute each way as a "great way to prepare for the day and de-stress when you go home."

    What the f**k man.

    RhodyChief , Ono Kosuki Report

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    karin s.
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeees. I remember quite lively when an employer tried to sell me my commute as a great opportunitiy to do the paper work on the companie´s lap top that I was allowed to use for private stuff, too. They paid like s**t and I did not buy their "great" offer.

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    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them Company listed "withholding taxes" as a benefit. You know, the thing that they're legally obligated to do as an employer. Still laugh at that one.

    Sad_Efficiency_1067 , Mikhail Nilov Report


    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them Weekend events, xmas parties.
    Like I want to spend my personal time with work people...?

    shapeofthings , PS Imaging Report

    Chocolat3City thinks that companies disguise common conveniences as benefits simply to make the job look better: "Just like how any product is marketed. Of course, employers are always looking for ways to provide less compensation and fewer benefits for their employees."

    They added that these perks can be used to distract from non-competitive compensation. The author of this thread hopes that employers read this post and "see what we really think of the 'benefits' they offer us."


    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them Free uniform.

    LongjumpingMess9248 , Paul Sableman Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No one should have to pay for work uniform. Some places will charge you though if you leave after a short period of time and don't return it.

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    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them I have no maternity leave and hr told me that’s the benefit of working remote - I can just watch my baby while I work.

    chrisant4345 , Sarah Chai Report


    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them A pinball machine and pool table for use on breaks that people got shamed for using.

    gmotsimurgh , Zakaria Zayane Report

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    Serial pacifist
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wouldn't mind having it. Hell, I wouldn't care being judged for it either.

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    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them Casual Fridays. We're a tech business with no customer visits, why can't every day be casual?

    DanWallace , Fox Report

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    Robert T
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We used to do public training courses, but not every week. We wore casual every day in the office, unless there was a course on. Used to be suit and tie on a client site, at least until the client said they didn't mind casual. Went to one client in the Netherlands, with just smart gear for a fortnight, and on the second day client says they don't know why I bother to get dressed up. Bearing in mind this was February and there was ice on the canals, neither did I, as it was a summer suit and I was freezing waiting for the tram. Second fortnight I took casual clothes and a ski jacket and my god did that make a difference!

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    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them Contact stated "flexible hours", but I was pulled aside and rinsed by a colleague and one of the company directors when I turned up at 9.30am on my second day.

    It turned out that their interpretation of "flexible" went the other direction - you had to be in the office 9-5 plus at least 2 hours a day to "show your commitment".

    InvisiblePhil , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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    karin s.
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was a fool when I was young and accepted jobs with reduced hours. So the employers could order me in whenever the fire was roaring and to let me stay at home whenever nothing was to be done.

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    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them Windows. (The kind you look through, not the OS.)

    Upbeat_Crow , Christina Morillo Report

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    Robert T
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've worked in offices with no windows. I've worked in open plan offices the size of two football fields where the noise is deafening. I've worked in offices where I've had my own room with a window. I've worked in offices where we had a stereo system to listen to music whilst we worked. Fortunately I travel between many clients, so I was never stuck in any of the horrible ones for long. Some of them would have driven me mad.

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    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them "Free Parking" at my workplace.

    My thinking is that if it's something that only helps me access my workplace (which I wouldn't need but for the job), it's a "benefit" to my employer, not me.

    It's kind of like allowing the custodian access to an elevator of the high-rise building where he works, and calling it a "benefit." I think not.

    Chocolat3City , Tim Meyer Report

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    Jo Choto
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You're lucky. I worked at a public library but had to pay for parking every day.

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    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them Pretending pizza is a 10k salary increase or anything significant

    TaticalSweater , Thirdman Report

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    karin s.
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    At the end of a meeting where the boss had angrily said that it was the law that student workers have to get paid sick leave and holidays, but that it would be immoral as it would make science expensive, she told us she would sponsor a xmas pizza party. I did not attend and I also did not tell her were to shove that "generous" pizza.

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    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them I cried at work and was offered a “normalize crying at work” sticker.

    Didn’t seem to help.

    dumbgayidiot , Ivan Samkov Report


    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them They set up an online store for us to purchase company merch with and then offered everyone I think 20 or 30 in credit, which would have been nice if the cheapest thing wasn’t $65 plus tax and shipping

    dontforgettheglitter , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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    Valisbourne Spiritforge
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's almost beyond belief when a company has a "Company Store" selling their merch, wants their employees to buy said merch and then charges an outrageous amount for the cheapest thing in their store.

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    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them This is a discussion I had with my previous employer before I accepted their offer letter, discussing compensation:

    Me: I'm used to my annual bonus being a significant portion of my total compensation, what's your bonus structure look like?

    Them: We don't make specific commitments, it depends on company performance and your annual review.

    Me: Sure, I get that, but I need to know a general ballpark. Is 8-12% in the general range that I should usually expect to see?

    Them: Yes

    I didn't get it in writing, because I'm a dumbass.

    Sign on, work a few months, Christmas/ New Year's comes around. HR hands out bonuses. I open my envelope to find a $10 gift card to a local grocery store.

    Figure "I've only been here a few months, maybe I'm not eligible for bonus yet, oh well".

    Next year comes around, and it's another $10 gift card for the grocery store.

    Started applying for new jobs that day.

    IAmVladimirPutinAMA , MART PRODUCTION Report

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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Is it usual in the US for yearly bonus to be a set value? In the UK (at least the places I have worked), they usually have a bonus scheme which is very generally explained (e.g. you need to have worked for X time, have no disciplinaries etc to qualify), but if and how much of a bonus they give is dependent on the business end of year performance, and decided at that time

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    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them "You get to work with kids!"

    My job description was ALSO my benefits...

    SteadfastFox , Lukas Report


    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them Overtime. Yes it was listed in the job description as a benefit.

    hdost34 , Tima Miroshnichenko Report


    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them JEANS DAY

    ts9808 , pxhere Report

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    Mohammad Ammar
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Unless you're directly working with clients I don't see what problem people have with jeans at work. And if it's ok for a Friday then what about the other 4 days of the week?

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    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them In a plastics factory where you're lifting 100+ pound iron molding pieces repetitively, they actually had the balls to point to a gym area that was "open to all employees". They couldn't figure out why only the office people ever used it.

    anonymous67348 , Jelmer Assink Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well. By training your whole body correctly you are less likely to be injured when lifting things. Also this employer stinks.

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    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them Company branded tennis shoes for Christmas. When am I ever going to want to wear tennis shoes that are company colors and have the logo of a hospital on them? They’re against dress code at work too lol.

    lgdub_ , Eden, Janine and Jim Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We get slogan or logo t-shirts we can't wear at work. I'm not going to wear that when I'm not working, either!

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    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them I had an employer that offered discounted tickets (theme parks, sporting events, concerts, etc) through a third-party website. The website charged a service fee that made the tickets the same price or sometimes more expensive than if you bought them through traditional methods.

    use_da_schwartz_ , Karolina Grabowska Report


    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them The “stress management apps”.

    GaolangWongsawat , Karolina Grabowska Report


    Pizza on fridays in the break room.

    But it’s also a Bible study.

    lostprevention Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Damn f*****g Bible study. I got fired as a graduate intern for not attending this s**t..less than 5 mnths didnt even finish my probation period at the not a religious person. The place was'nt religious based, just a psycho bible ninja boss with a holyfucking attitude that stank to high heavens ....

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    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them Bear with me, but it was a "game room."

    It was actually a nice setup: table tennis, a few cabinets, and every console of the day.

    The only problem was that anybody that actually used it during working hours was judged incredibly harshly. Like, it showed up in performance reviews. I think the hope was that it would drive people to play after hours and maybe eke a bit of extra work out of them. All of us just wanted to GTFO of the fluorescent-lit prison we'd just spent 8-9 hours in.

    Calkky , SageChimera Report

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    Eagle Girl
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh if I got written up in a performance review for using an on-site facility, at the end when they ask your feedback, I'd give notice.

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    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them “Experience”

    You can get experience from a colonoscopy. Doesn’t mean you’re going to be able to use or monetize that experience outside of the paradigm within which you acquired said experience. And that’s assuming you wanted the experience in the first place.

    Careful_Chemical9749 , Tima Miroshnichenko Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've had a colonoscopy, it was not too bad as they gave me a mild anaesthetic, the prep for it, however was the worst thing ever.

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    One year we got ikea Candle holders. The cheapest available. My Boss bought himself a new Porsche. They still wonder why so many ppl (incl me) quit the following year.

    Commercial_Pressure2 Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sometimes, your holiday gift or appreciation gift is bought and paid for by the secretary, assistant, or receptionist when the big boss forgets. I did this once when the big boss was suddenly out on medical leave. I didn’t want people to have nothing. This little token wasn’t much but it was all I could afford for 60 people.


    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them A Rice Krispie Treat for working through the Pandemic. They MAILED it to me.

    blazedandconfused845 , Willis Lam Report

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    Kari Marine
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Staff that still worked in the clinic got cookies to show appreciation. The telework staff were supposed to get cookies mailed to them. Never saw them..

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    Company listed "healthcare benefits" in their job description. I was SO excited because I was uninsured at the time. I asked about it at orientation and the manager hands me a pamphlet with a coupon for a reduced cost clinic for uninsured people in a city 60 miles away. Awesome.

    Sad_Efficiency_1067 Report


    You will see the world. I’ve been in the Navy almost 5 years, and haven’t left the U.S.

    rangerdan97 Report


    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them I was working in a brand new Amazon warehouse. On payday they had people standing at the exits (which were right past the metal detectors you had to go through) handing out Payday candy bars. I just wanted to scream at this insult. Instead I just cried in my car.

    bootsy72 , Amazon Report

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    Steve Fischer
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's why Jeff Bezo is worth over $200 billion dollars! Capitalism is the legal method to steal from the workers and give to the rich!

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    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them I was working at a high-end furniture showroom just as I was graduating. I was getting paid 8.5€/h (in Slovenia), I was 24, and I was offered a 10% discount on 15,000 € kitchens.

    roksraka , Mark McCammon Report

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    Robert T
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As long as you were allowed to take that benefit for friends and family. Friend gets €1,500 off a kitchen and gives you beer/wine/whatever in return.

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    3 free mental health counseling sessions.

    As if I will pour out all my s**t on-site, in the office to a counselor who is associated with my employer. Doctor patient confidentiality my a**.

    EthereumChad2point0 Report


    I asked for a raise after two years, and been told: « When’s your birthday ? July? I offer you that you go at the restaurant with your family, and send me the bill » Never felt that insulted to be honest

    Baguettearebread Report

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    Mohammad Ammar
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Have a party with all your friends and fam at the most expensive restaurant you can find.oh and pay for everyone else there. Then sEnd tHe BiLl

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    Not necessarily a benefit, just something they thought could benefit their workers. They had a sleep specialist come in and talk to us about the importance of getting to bed at the same time every night. Talking to 300+ people who work a rotating shift. We worked a different shift every week so our sleep schedules were in constant flux. I rotated for 7 years, my dad did it for 17. It’s hard on the body. Thankfully the plant is on locked shifts now and I’m straight days.

    Jinx1013 Report


    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them PTO as follows: Hired start with zero days. Accrue one day per YEAR up to five days after 5 or more years worked.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    A mandatory party where we were…aggressively encouraged to participate in activities like dance offs. Who doesn’t love mandatory fun?

    LoserxBaby Report


    In 1994, I worked at a video store for $3.25/hr. Minimum wage was $4.25 at the time but I was told it was legal because I got one free rental per shift.

    DenL4242 Report

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    Nunya Business
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    At that rate you can't even afford the TV or video player to play them on!

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    Lunch and Learn.

    Bring your own lunch but come sit in this room so we can learn you some s**t while you eat. Basically a voluntary mid-shift detention.

    LaccusBacchus Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We had these (pre pandemic) - but they provided the lunch and we got education credits.

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    I worked in a jail. I got to have free food made by the inmates. It was the same food they were fed, which, in my opinion met the criteria of cruel and unusual punishment.

    ThePowerOfShadows Report

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    Tom Jones
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So you a prison guard who is keeping inmates from escaping, and the inmates you are guarding are preparing your food. Hmmmmm.

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    ‘Free fruit Fridays’ which turned out to be a bunch of bruised apples in the same old cardboard box every week :/

    miz_moon Report


    Bakery- we get 50% off miniature cupcakes only, no other baked goods.

    Any_Air_1906 Report

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    Company sweater (meant as uniform) but given as a new year's "gift".

    moelbaer Report

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    Nunya Business
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah, I don't wear sweaters, I'd die of heat stroke. Did you HAVE to wear them?

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    10 days PTO that you had to take on 10 specific dates, but they made it out like it was a huge favor to me.

    Sure-Ad-471 Report


    Unpaid sick leave (I’m not in the US so this was quite outrageous )

    PlsDespond Report

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    Robert T
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My other half has unpaid sick leave in the UK. But this is only up until Statutory Sick Pay kicks in after 4 days. However, SSP is only a small portion of her income. I think this is fairly normal in the hotel and catering industry. I had full pay from mine, and I had some serious time off for chemo.

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    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them A $1.50 raise over the span of 4 years.

    CFBombshock93 , Yan Krukov Report

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    Robert T
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I got £0.61/hr over the last 5 years if that helps. I'd hand in my notice, but I'm the boss.

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    We were each allotted £2 a head to spend on lunch, once a month. With a dozen or so of us in the office, we'd pool it together and get 3-4 pizzas :(

    Aaaayyyeeee Report


    At one point, management would make the rounds Friday's and collect $5 from everyone wearing jeans for upper management pet charity. I figured screw this, I dress like Jake from State Farm every other day.

    HelpfulPuppydog Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yep! I did not work for this company, but worked with the guy who implemented this "fun perk" on a committee. Their employees could "donate" a percentage of their salary to a charity picked out by the company (auto-docted from pay) and get to wear jeans on Friday's. And if they increased their donation (something like 10%) they got to wear jeans all week. Basically the employee's paid for the privilege of being comfortable in a horrible work environment and the company got amazing PR for donating so much to charity. They workers were never credited.

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    Record your exercise activity in an app every friggin day in order to get $100 off the cost of your health insurance. Not worth my time and breach of privacy to save what works out to be < $10 month.

    ObtuseAndKneeless Report

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    Mike Loux
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Last company I was at did this for people who had "high markers" in several diagnostics - so it basically punished obese and/or diabetic people. Smokers, too. I had a high-deductible health care plan and pretty much paid for everything out of my HSA and/or pocket (plus despite being overweight and a type II diabetic I have no symptoms), so I cost the company almost nothing, but they chose to pull this bullshit anyway. It's one of the (many) reasons I left.

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    I worked at McDonald's as a teen and they only offered a 50% discount so long as you purchased two basically "you get half off but only if you buy twice as much". Unless you brought a friend, it wasn't really a discount. Also, no shift meals despite their food costs being literal pennies.

    papercavegames Report

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    Mike Loux
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow, McDonalds has fallen far. I was a McEmployee back in the 80's, and you got a free meal for your break as long as you work 4+ hours. To be fair, they didn't let you go all out, but a quarter pounder, small fries and a medium soda were not out of the question.

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    $25 metro card once a month, which was only one week worth of commuting. And this was at a law firm.

    space_man_spliff_ Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How is this bad? Not many jobs offer ANY compensation for your commute.


    I work retail and if we catch people doing certain sneaky things (switching price tags, nesting items, miss matching sets, etc) we get a "bonus" of $1.25. They push it so hard, and right now it's "DOUBLE CIPs!!" like $2.50 is going to make up for the fact that I make minimum wage.

    reconciliationisdead Report

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    Mike Loux
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And how do they monitor this sneaky activity? Is it your word only, or do you have to produce recordings and such? Because I could see people gaming the system (reminds me of the Dilbert cartoon where they promised a cash reward for every bug they fixed - next thing we see Dilbert going off to "code myself a Ferrari").


    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them We got a free meal out of the "run off goods" for our lunch every day. It was literally

    "we can't sell this, it's literally worthless to us. Say thank you"

    MurrayMan92 , Michael Ocampo Report

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    Mike Loux
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And they are likely legally barred from giving it to local food pantries, too. Which just plain sucks.

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    "It's A 'Benefit' To My Employer, Not Me": People Are Sharing 30 Insulting Things A Job Has Offered Them A couple of years ago I was offered a cell phone from 2006, with its according thick antenna. They gave it to me when I asked for a cell phone to call company customers. I worked in sales.

    Ney-La , Nokia Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don't kill me for this (explain nicely ^^') but if it's just for calling, what does it matter if the phone is from 2006?

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    A space heater that my boss yells at me whenever I turn on.

    lady0rthetiger Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Friday bagel club: Sign up and you get bagels every Friday. When it’s your turn, you have to buy (and pick up) bagels for everyone in bagel club

    Just to add, by the time I lift, bagel had probably 50+ members, that’s a lot of bagels to carry. I felt so bad for people who commuted to work without a car.

    j_stin_v10 Report


    Guaranteed hours, as if that’s not bare minimum.

    Top-Good1266 Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One job offer I viewed once stated "paying your salary on time each month" as a benefit....

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    Guaranteed I'd never be required to work overtime, evenings, or on weekends.

    Sounds great until you find out that means 50 hours of work still need to get done in 40 hours.

    Aviendah_Fan_Club Report

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    Guido Pisano
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you work on hours no matter if you've finished, otherwise it is piece rate system and they've to pay on the base of work done no matter how time you use or how many hours you work per day.


    Previous employer was a cinema. The ONLY perk was free cinema tickets. Because returning to work on your days off is a delight.

    Electronic-Trade-504 Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thats not "work" and yes going to the movies for free is a perk. So either your watching movies at your "horrible" hard job or you never see any as you cant handle going to "work" to not do any work but watch movies

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    15% tuition reimbursement if you promise to stay 5 years beyond graduation lmao

    If not, gotta pay us back in full or else we withhold your final paycheck as well as tax documents :)

    Edit: 15% tuition reimbursement for job related majors.

    "We really want our employees to grow into the best versions of themselves... If and only if it helps us along the way :)"

    Ryankinsey1 Report

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    Davo gifman
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't know where you're at, but where I live it's illegal for any business to withhold any tax documents.


    Worked understaffed for half a year. End of the year came and instead of a bonus/raise, I got a $100 Starbucks gift card.

    I don’t drink coffee.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Starbucks does tea, hot chocolate and cold/soft drinks as well as coffee, and they do food too. Still a sh*tty 'bonus' though

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    “Fun” trainings at the weekend with lunch paid for.

    Much_Committee_9355 Report


    We get a holiday party for 6 people with a budget of 40 dollars...

    Archeressrabbit Report


    One week of vacation time, and $150 credit for health insurance we had to get ourselves.

    Tiny-firefly Report

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    Samantha Eddy
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Clearly not America because that would be decent and usual here.

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    Free Coffee* and other drinks!**

    *we can’t use the professional coffee machine that’s used for making Lattes, Cappuccinos or Irish Coffees. We have to use the jar of instant coffee.

    **The ‘other drinks’ are tea and squash. Not hot chocolate.

    The only coffee I can drink without feeling ill is a mocha.

    CameOutAndFarted Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    They got rid of it... but the month before our annual wellness incentive (if you scored in the ranges they were happy about you got $$$) we'd suddenly have catered high calorie meals and cake.

    Now they just ask us to have a doc signed by a physician stating we had a physical and they give us the $$$

    batclub3 Report

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    One day off a year to work for the charity of your choice.

    camirethh Report

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    A coworker of mine had an office upgrade in lieu of an actual raise. He went from a cubicle to a closed office with a door mind you!

    beginetienne Report

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    Robert T
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But to get one with a lock required the next level up? /s


    It wasn’t a benefit offered at employment, but at one of my first jobs I hated the job and wasn’t the best employee. The pay was terrible, the conditions were terrible. I called in a lot and it upset my boss and his boss (understandably). But I was good at the job, and they felt it’d be tough to find someone else who would put up with those conditions so they kept me.

    During a yearly evaluation, negotiating an insignificant pay raise, i mentioned that i wasn’t able to pay my bills and if I couldn’t get full-time status with this insignificant pay raise and the vacation days/healthcare that came with it, i had no choice but to get a different job. My boss was understanding so he passed my concerns to his boss. His boss said “He won’t be able to work anywhere else. No one else will give him the leniency we do with absenteeism.” You know… instead of realizing there might be a problem that needs addressing if your employee never wants to be at work.

    So their “offer” in lieu of decent pay or conditions was instead to continue letting me be depressed and call in a lot with minimal backlash. I got a different job making 3.5x the wage and started paying bills and stopped missing work.

    theycallmeingot Report


    The horrible Keurig machine.

    red94daman Report

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    Mike Loux
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And that was BEFORE they introduced the line of soup pods...


    10k towards fertility services. I’m childfree.

    elissaAZ Report

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    Kristin Ingersoll
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My company offered amazing fertility and adoption perks as well as paternity leave that goes above and beyond. I've never had kids, but I still think those are amazing perks. I also pay my taxes to educate other people's kids. I'm 100% okay with that.

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    Free soda while working.

    City_Anxious Report

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    My coworkers who have been at this company for 20 years, one relocated three times for the job. They got a $20 gift card and a pamphlet of all the items they can pay for to get at a discount. One thing was a dryer vent. That was about the only good thing in there.

    antlered-fox Report

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