40 Extremely Awkward Situations That We Can All Relate To, As Shared In This Thread
There are so many things that separate and divide us—politics, religion, favorite flavors of ice cream—that it can sometimes seem impossible that human beings are capable of getting along at all! Society, suddenly, seems on the precipice of constantly breaking down. However, there is one thing that deeply unites humanity—awkward moments.
Hear me out. It’s those moments when you tell someone ‘hi’ without them saying anything back, having your stomach rumble in public, or forgetting an acquaintance’s name (it’s way too late to ask them now!) that truly gets all of us cringing in embarrassment. Reddit users have been sharing these super awkward situations that everyone can relate to in a viral thread, so we’ve picked out the best of the best for you to enjoy, dear Pandas. Upvote the awkward moments that you’ve been in and share your own in the comments.
Meanwhile, I reached out to Vanessa Bohns, an Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior at Cornell University and the author of the forthcoming book 'You Have More Influence Than You Think,’ to learn more about the embarrassment that we feel in awkward situations and how's it's got its upsides. Check out her full interview with Bored Panda below, dear Pandas.
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When you start to tell a story in a group but in middle of sentence realize that no one is actually listening and ever so slowly you get quiet and hope no one took notice.
Whenever I see this happen, if possible I make eye contact/nod/show interest so they can finish their story to me. It's the whole 'treat others how you'd like to be treated' thing
When you've had multiple interactions with someone but you can't remember their name but it's gone too far to admit you've forgotten it so you just have to call them love or mate forever.
When you’re having a conversation with someone and you don’t hear what they say so you ask them to repeat and they do. But you still don’t hear it and ask them to repeat again and they do. And you still don’t know what they said. Do you ask them to repeat again (and maybe still not hear it)? Pretend you heard it and nod your head and hope it’s an appropriate response? Stab yourself in the eye with a pen to create a diversion and change the subject?
The last one lol. I often have to ask my dad to repeat himself because he is a mumbler, but he gets annoyed if you ask him to repeat more than once.
Vanessa, from Cornell University, actually had some good news for us—being embarrassed (and not hiding it!) can actually help us connect with people much better. Hopefully, it’ll convince you to embrace blushing, feeling embarrassed, and being in awkward situations.
“Displaying signs of mild embarrassment can actually be socially constructive and make people feel more sympathetic towards you in the face of your faux pas,” Vanessa told Bored Panda that embarrassment (arising from whatever social situation we might be in) can actually be the perfect opportunity to strengthen your relationship to the people around you.
Seasonal allergies during Covid-19.
Or asthma/copd ^-^ i get dirty looks from ppl when i cough (I'm wearing a mask, it's not covid!)
When you try to contribute to a conversation and someone cuts you off multiple times.
When you're next in line at the grocery store with your mom and she leaves you to "just get one more thing" and the anxiety and awkwardness builds because you're up and she's nowhere to be found.
“I don’t necessarily think you need to take pains to hide it,” the expert added that we ought to avoid running away from our embarrassment or pretending that you’re not feeling like you’re feeling. If we avoid these feelings, our social capital is likely to crash.
Meanwhile, embracing the awkwardness, embarrassment, and cringe tends to make us more accepted by others because they value our honesty.
Standing there while two people talk about something you don't know about.
Oh, geez. You stand there and smile, until you remember a good excuse to excuse yourself.
When you think someone waves at you so you wave back, but they were waving at someone behind you.
Walking through a doorway only to catch your clothes on the handle and have it slingshot you backwards.
However, there is something that we should be aware of and that’s not letting our embarrassment turn to shame. A healthy dose of blushing and awkward mumbling is fine, but deep-seated shame is problematic in the long run.
“What you want to be careful not to do is to let embarrassment morph into the more destructive self-conscious emotion of shame, where you feel so badly about a minor mistake that you start to think there is something wrong with you and feel the need to completely disappear and hide away yourself,” Vanessa said to Bored Panda.
So go on, dear Readers! Go get yourself stuck in awkward situations. Feel the full burn of embarrassment and get closer to other people. Just remember not to let shame overtake you, ever.
When you're walking on a sidewalk with 2 other friends and you're the person that does not fit so you have to stay behind them.
You ever clogged a toilet in somewhere that wasn't your house.
When we were doing treks in the jungle, at base camp they had some super expensive eco toilet that does everything a sewage works does in one unit. My wife got really ill and singlehandedly destroyed the thing. Because she's such a shy introvert when she told me I went straight in there, waited around half an hour, came out and declared to the camp 'I've busted the shitter!'
Having “happy birthday” sung to you.
This! I find it really super, super awkward having happy birthday or something else sung to me and I always tell this very openly. However, people (especially my choir, as you can imagine) INSIST on doing so nonetheless - because, hey, it is my birthday and that is the custom. Yes, it is my birthday - shouldn't you, maybe, do something nice for me? Not something I really dislike very very much? What is the point in this, do people enjoy it so much making the birthday girl feel uncomfortable?
When you're walking and almost trip for no reason and look back at the invisible stick that you tripped on.
When you walk out of the store empty handed, feeling like you've just stole something.
When you’re saying goodbye to someone, and then you both end up walking in the same direction.
Or when you turn and walk into a wall with people watching.
With the second one, that's when I start making fun of myself to alleviate the humiliation.
Farting while coughing or sneezing.
Just wait till you get older and peeing while coughing or sneezing becomes a thing. That is worse
When someone sits beside you in metro or bus when there are hundreds of seats available.
Having your stomach rumble in the middle of a quiet class/meeting.
I would say something like "come on, stomach, don't embarrass me like that" and hope they will laugh
When you're finishing up at the checkout and the cashier puts the notes on top of the receipt and then coins on top of that. Then the next person steps up and you're fumbling, trying to disassemble the stack in your hand, gather your shopping, say thanks and move away at the same time.
When you're walking behind someone that has a slightly slower pace than you, so you start to pass them, but then have that awkward moment when you're walking next to them before you cut in front of them.
It's more than just awkward when you're going for a walk in the woods and you're a guy walking behind a slightly slower female. Scary for her, uncomfortable for me. I usually jog past her to get it over with as quickly as possible and say something friendly when I pass her. Still. Uncomfortable. 😬
When you hold the door for someone but realize that they're actually kinda far away so they have to do the awkward skipping thing and you feel awful.
Pooping at someone else’s house.
When you reply to a stranger who says hello, but then realize they were on the phone and not speaking to you. Happened to me just yesterday and I didn't get any sleep last night as I couldn't stop reliving the moment.
I'm guilty of doing this on purpose and even continuing part of the discussion until I can't follow anymore (get into specifics) but I do it quietly so I don't get heard... Silly I know, but it is what it is...
Not hearing what the other person said, so you just nod and smile, praying it wasn't a question.
When you're walking past coworker and you've already said hello earlier. Everyone's making that weird flat smile.
Coming out of a public toilet after laying a beast and there is someone waiting to go in the cubicle.
Oh yeah-or leaving a cubicle that was filthy before you got there and someone is about to go in behind you...
When you run out of things to say during a conversation and you’re not quite sure how to end it.
When someone says words incorrectly like "expecially" but it's rude to correct them because they're a stranger, or your boss, or your new girlfriend's/boyfriend's parents... but you're dying inside.
I listen out to hear if there's a pattern. If you've never met them before, it's possible their mispronunciation is the result of a speech impediment, so I try to reserve judgement until I know whether they genuinely don't know the word, or they cannot wrap their mouth around S and X separately.
When you start a story and it gets interrupted a bunch of times so that what was an amazing story with a kicka*s finish/punchline is instead just a waste of time now.
Being at a friends house as a kid and the friend's mother starts yelling at your friend.
Being at a friends house as a kid and the friend's father walks in only wearing underwear.
I guess the other way around would be even more awkward (with the father yelling and the mother walking in...)
Someone showing everyone in the group something on their phone and waiting until it is your turn.
Being expected to make polite conversation while having a gynecological exam. There you are, p*ssy exposed, legs spread wide, someone is stuffing something up your vagina, and you are expected to be able to talk about the weather.
One thing I've learned is that there are good times and bad times for small talk with patients. This is defiantly a bad time.
Card declining.
The big dramatic pause while it decides if it accepts or declines feels like forever, regardless of my balance
Go to wash your hands and the water comes out at a thousand miles an hour, splashing your crotch. You are of course, at work.
When you're home alone, so you take a poop with the door open. Then you suddenly hear the front door of the house open...
When you're going through customs after being on a plane and you're pretty sure you didn't pack away £3million of cocaine, but you're s**t scared in case somehow you may of!
When you're walking down the street and come to a corner, ad you see a car coming, too, and it's just far enough away you MIGHT be able to cross in time but it's also kinda moving fast and you can't be sure they'll stop for you, so you stand there pretending to be busy on your phone until they pass--and then like six more cars appear out of nowhere so you keep standing there pretending to be too busy to cross still until all of them are gone.
Frequently happens when trying to get to your car in the parking lot. You feel like when you step out of the store, the drivers of the cars in the lot are saying "Let the games begin! First pedestrian is worth 50 points!!!"
When you're in a public restroom stall that has a broken lock and someone walks in the restroom. You have to do "let's keep the door closed" Yoga and stretch a hand out to stop them coming in or you just pray they see your feet in time before pushing the door open. And when they realize their mistake and say "Oops, sorry." Why do we always respond with "That's ok."
When you're going through customs after being on a plane and you're pretty sure you didn't pack away £3million of cocaine, but you're s**t scared in case somehow you may of!
When you're walking down the street and come to a corner, ad you see a car coming, too, and it's just far enough away you MIGHT be able to cross in time but it's also kinda moving fast and you can't be sure they'll stop for you, so you stand there pretending to be busy on your phone until they pass--and then like six more cars appear out of nowhere so you keep standing there pretending to be too busy to cross still until all of them are gone.
Frequently happens when trying to get to your car in the parking lot. You feel like when you step out of the store, the drivers of the cars in the lot are saying "Let the games begin! First pedestrian is worth 50 points!!!"
When you're in a public restroom stall that has a broken lock and someone walks in the restroom. You have to do "let's keep the door closed" Yoga and stretch a hand out to stop them coming in or you just pray they see your feet in time before pushing the door open. And when they realize their mistake and say "Oops, sorry." Why do we always respond with "That's ok."