This Online Group Is Dedicated To ‘Mildly Interesting’ Stuff, And Here Are Their 50 Best Posts (New Pics)
With everything that's going around the internet, we have become hard to surprise. WTF stock photos, ridiculous real estate listings, and other similar gems have desensitized our 'Whoah!' sensors. But one online community consistently amazes even those who think they've seen it all. Of course, I'm talking about r/MildlyInteresting.
As we have shown you in our earlier publications here, here, and here, the members of this subreddit always seem to find the stuff that lifts your eyebrows. Either by showing off their own or reposting someone else's pictures, these folks know how to entertain. So continue scrolling and check out what they've got in store for us today.
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The Way Our Wallpaper Installer Covered The Vent
My Oven Shows The Time That You Started Cooking Incase You Didn’t Set A Timer
For one of our earlier publications on r/MildlyInteresting, its moderator RedSquaree, said, "I think we've done an amazing job of curating a subreddit that is still niche despite being hugely popular."
"The content is roughly the same today as it was almost a decade ago. Most subs change (for the worse) as they grow, but we've kept things mild—just the way people want it," they explained.
It's hard to pinpoint what makes something 'mildly interesting' but as my colleague Innes highlight, there’s a certain theme running throughout the images: they depict things that go against the grain of what we consider as “normal” in everyday life. Or, they capture some bizarre coincidence that we would never have expected.
My Cat Has One Eye And This Is How She Peeks Around Corners
My Public Library Tells You How Much Money You’ve Saved By Checking Things Out Instead Of Buying Them
Its a nice way to remind people of the important role libraries play in the community because many middle class people see no reason for their existence as they can buy books, use the internet or netflix.
The Roof Of This Small Chapel Collapsed, And Instead Of Rebuilding It Normally They Made It Out Of Glass
But RedSquaree, who has been looking over the subreddit for some time, thinks the main ingredient of the formula is ambiguity. They said, "Everyone probably has a slightly different interpretation or idea of what is mildly interesting." But they believe that the concept of relatability is most important—it has to be "nothing spectacular but something novel".
However, this can also make it difficult to moderate the content. As RedSquaree explained further, "Sometimes we see users post to r/MildlyInteresting first (because if they didn't, it would break rule 3 of our page). Then, they go on to crosspost to r/damnthatsinteresting. And we're thinking to ourselves, '/r/HolUp, it can't be both.'"
These Statues In Front Of A Finnish Train Station Are Vaccinated
There Is A Sharing Point For Walking Sticks At The Beginning Of My Favourite Hiking Path
This Welcoming Sculpture At A Truck Stop Tire Store In Co
Snake Looking Through My Glass Door
Researchers understand human curiosity as being linked to learning and information seeking. In terms of evolution, it makes sense for people to be curious about the world around them.
Professor Celeste Kidd studies curiosity and learning at the University of California, Berkeley where she runs the Kidd Lab. “Curiosity is the driving force behind everything we know,” she said.
Celeste’s research suggests we’re most curious when we feel uncertain about something. This could explain the popularity of r/MildlyInteresting!
A Cheese Vending Machine In A Mountain Village In Switzerland
Table I Made Out Of Old Skateboards In My Clients House
My Bachelor's Degree Is Signed By Arnold Schwarzenegger
I’m The Only Apartment With The Holiday Spirit
"Uncertainty indicates that there’s valuable knowledge available," she highlighted. "By contrast, certainty indicates you know everything there is to know so there's no point in continuing to be curious because there’s nothing further to be gleaned."
This is sensible, she explains, because it guides us towards what is most useful for us to learn.
In uncertain times, curiosity can help us to focus on the most pressing issues. This could explain the growing interest humans show in fields like sustainability, the circular economy, and ethical data use.
My Grandma's Collection Of 544 Different Cookie Cutters That She Has Been Expanding For 50+ Years
This Walgreens Is In An Old Bank
The Gas Station Near Me Has The Price Of Coffee Also Listed
Someone Put A Bob Ross Toaster In Our Breakroom, And It Burns An Image Of Bob Ross Onto The Toast
This Painting In A Waiting Room Is The Same Print As My Phone Case
My Orange Had Segments In Two Shades Of… Orange
How The Water Froze On The Lake By My House.
I Recorded The Quality Of Each Of My Days During 2021
Garlic…but Each One Is A Single Clove
The Hotel I'm Staying At Has A Tiny Door That Says "John Malkovich"
Deer Were Using My Car As A Salt Lick
These Jars Contain The Same Amount Of Jam
Flew On A New Delta Plane, And They Put A Window In The Lavatory
My Aunt Has This Birthday Calendar, Names On Disks Using Hooks
The Penguin Classics Version Of '1984' By George Orwell Has Its Title And Author Censored
I Haul The Windmill Blades For Electric Wind Turbines
Found A Check From 1879 For $105 In My Dresser That I Inherited From My Grandfather
This Puddle Is Labeled
This Burger Puzzle Has A Piece Shaped Like The Whole Puzzle
This Dish That I Ordered That Kinda Looks Like Homer Simpson!
This 100-Year-Old Perfume Bottle That Glows Under Blacklight
Emergency Room Guide Listing The Order Of People Who See The Doctor
Dune Book That You Can Read On Any Sides
My Hotel Jacuzzi Tub Fills Up From The Ceiling
My Dad Found A Face As The Pocket Of His Pepperoni Pizza Pants
The Pumpkin Pie I Bought Contains "Finger"
At least it was declared? I hate it when I bite into a chunk of finger that wasn't on the ingredients list...
This Balcony Has A Balcony On It
My Eco Friendly Packaged Toothpicks Are Individually Wrapped In Plastic
My 10 Trillion Dollar Zimbabwe Bank Note I Use As A Book Mark
My Dads Salt And Pepper Shaker Collection
I Bought A $14k Staircase Today And It Came With A Little Example Model
This Bath Bomb Is Labia Safe
I never used any bath bombs until now for this reason.......... To all the people who don't understand, what this means is that unlike normal Bath bombs that might (do) contain chemicals that are harmful for a sensitive organ like the labia, this is safer and won't cause discomfort, dryness etc etc.
My Dad Burnt A Pancake So Bad It Camouflages With The Black Pan
Drove By A Helicopter Wrapped In Plastic This Morning
How do you know it's a helicopter? Maybe it's actually a smart car in disguise under there.