50 Times People Spotted Something ‘Mildly Interesting’ And Documented It For The Internet To See
When we keep getting bombarded by the 24/7 news cycle full of daunting headlines and fascinating stories, it’s easy to feel overloaded with information. Suddenly, you become weary, confused, and convinced nothing will surprise you anymore. But if that’s the case, this post is here to show you there are plenty of inspiring things happening in the world as well.
There’s one absolutely delightful corner on the internet that consistently amazes us every day. Yup, we’re talking about the Mildly Interesting subreddit. This powerhouse with over 19.8M members is on a mission to document and share entertaining things from their daily routines to make everyone’s jaws drop. Mildly.
We can never get enough of this fine line between the mind-blowing and the boring, just take a look at our earlier compilations here, here, and here. So we thought it was time to comb the page and round up the newest feature of their best latest photos. Continue scrolling, upvote your favorites as you go, and share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
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This Pet Shop Doesn’t Sell Bunnies At Easter
Sad the number of bunnies bought then dumped. All pets are a lifetime commitment, at least the life of the pet.
A German Supermarket Pulled All The Russian Products In Its Russian Aisle And Replaced Them With Sunflower Seeds
My Chickens Greeting Me When I Come Home From Work
Now that is sweet! Chickens are a lot smarter than we give them credit for and they can make great pets
The Mildly Interesting subreddit has been around for quite some time and celebrated its 10th birthday just a few months ago. This online group continues to be one of the strongest and biggest communities on the platform and amazes millions of people by sharing "photos that are, you know, mildly interesting". The page is full of gently exciting and novel stuff members found while going about their day that made them do a double-take.
It won’t come as a surprise that we’re used to living our lives a certain way — we have our daily routines, our schools, jobs, cafes, and other places to hang out with our family and friends. Even when we go online and check our social media feeds, few things can genuinely surprise us. So when something appears not quite like we were used to, we feel this breath of fresh air entering our bored minds.
If You Ever Meet Steve Martin By Chance, He Gives You A Card As Proof You Met Him
I Traced Around My Vitiligo Spots
One Of My Friends Deleted Social Media And Is Attempting To Stay In Contact Via Mail…
As you’re scrolling through this list, you’ll notice that most photos members share spark at least a bit of interest. They remind us to be mindful of our surroundings, to stop and think about what we know, and to open up ourselves to exciting new possibilities. After all, humans often get labeled as a curious species.
We’re often told curiosity is our motivator for learning, creativity, and further healthy development. However, Dr. Eric Maisel, a psychotherapist, teacher, creativity coach, and author of Redesign Your Mind, believes it should not be considered as the driving force behind everything we know.
"Most people are incurious — they aren’t really curious at all. In all the college classes I’ve ever taken, almost nobody asked any questions (except, 'Will that be on the test?')," he told Bored Panda. "Some people are highly curious and become our scientists, artists, inventors, etc. Most people — let’s make up a statistic — 98% of people aren't particularly curious at all."
Came Across A Typewriter For Writing Music
Mcdonald’s In The Netherlands Now Serve Drinks With A Cardboard Lid Instead Of A Plastic Lid
Paper lids are becoming popular here, too. Unfotunately that is not entirely good: The paper has to be coated, which makes it very hard to recycle. They can be recycled in theory, but most recycling plants are unable to. Same as paper cups: given proper sorting and recycling, plastic actually often is the lesser of two evils.
My Local Gym Gave The Handicap Drawing A Noticeable Bicep
Although we like to think of ourselves as clever beings, we often get distracted by constant interruptions and miss a lot of what’s going on around us. Moreover, we might have no idea how much we’re missing. And even when we’re able to concentrate on one particular thing, there's a big possibility important details would slip through our eyes.
"We’re most curious when something actually matters to us," Dr. Maisel explained. "We are incurious as to where the exit signs are on our airplane, but when the plane hits the water, we are very curious as to where they are. Suddenly, we really want to know."
"High curiosity is connected to our life purposes and our meaning needs. If, say, one of our life purposes is to start a successful business, then we throw ourselves into learning what works and doing what works," he added.
Cardboard Rings For This 6 Pack Instead Of The Plastic Ones
The Person Who Lived In My Apartment Before Me Planted Pineapples
A Doll With Down Syndrome Sold At A Big-Box Store
While most people believe curiosity drives our creativity, Dr. Maisel told us it’s probably the other way around. It’s more likely for creative people to be more curious than for uncreative people to become more curious, he said. "Uncreative people are most likely to stay uncreative. I don’t think there’s a 'curiosity vaccine' for that. As to how we 'use' curiosity, we use it the same way we 'use' love. We love by loving. We are curious by being curious."
A Dedicated Bench For Jim, Some Miles Into A Hiking Trail
I Made An Alphabet By Carefully Eating Parts Of Pretzels
My Dad Found Apples In Tomato Boxes Labeled As Blueberries
One piece of advice the creativity coach would like to share with you is to simply learn by doing. "If you’re curious about how to write a novel, write a novel. Don’t take a million how-to-write-a-novel classes. That isn’t curiosity, that’s avoidance. Learn by doing. If you’re genuinely curious, that’s the way," Dr. Maisel suggested.
My Dad Wrote Isaac Asimov A Question When He Was Young And Asimov Took The Time To Answer Him
What a great man, and a great mind, he was. May he be resting in peace.
My Leggings Matched The Chair At The Vacation Rental
My Drain Was Blocked So I Pulled It Up And A Frog Came Out
Redditor RedSquaree, who has been moderating submissions for Mildly Interesting for many years now, told us earlier that it’s hard to define a secret formula for a mildly interesting photo. "Everyone probably has a slightly different interpretation or idea of what is mildly interesting." But they believe that the concept of relatability is most important—it has to be "nothing spectacular but something novel". But apparently, this comes with its own issues. The moderator revealed this ambiguity sometimes makes it difficult to moderate the content: "Sometimes we see users post to r/MildlyInteresting first (because if they didn't, it would break rule 3 of our page). Then, they go on to crosspost to r/DamnThatsInteresting. And we're thinking to ourselves, 'r/HolUp, it can't be both'."
The Sun Reflecting Off My Side Mirror Melted A Mirror-Shaped Hole In The Frost On The Window
This Snow Castle In Someone’s Front Yard
A Stop Sign In My Town Is So Old It's Become A Death Metal Band Logo
RedSquaree also told Bored Panda people should expose themselves "to more novelty and ambiguity" in their day-to-day lives if they want to keep a sense of curiosity as they grow older. "Much of our content is novel and/or ambiguous. Go about your day tomorrow and think, 'If I were to submit a photograph to r/MildlyInteresting, what would it be?' Be on the lookout for things that are just novel and ambiguous enough to arouse only mild interest. Snap."
This Book Uses A Drawing Of A Baby With Vitiligo
The sign language instructions at the bottom is icing on the cake. This is definitely an awesome children's book
The Indian 1 Rupee Coin Just Has A Dude Giving A Thumbs Up On It
It’s actually a woman since you can see her bangles. I wish these coins are minted again
This Packet Of Sponges Came With A Free Hedgehog
Security Camera Inside The Car Wash Is Equipped With A Squeegee Wiper
A Letter To Humans Of The Future On The Site Of Iceland's First Dead Glacier
72 Carat Tourmaline
Family Heirloom Watch That Was Passed Down To Me. Traces Of The Family Photo Carried On The Back Are Still Visible
I Was In A Motorcycle Accident And My Gear Did Such A Good Job That My Only Skin Injury Was A Knee Armor Imprint
Glad you were wearing protective gear, considering how much worse it could have been!
Fresh Wolf Print I Came Across While Lost In Denali, Alaska
The Trains In Japan Have Women Only Cars
Useful response to a broken world. Ideally would not be necessary.
My Dishwasher Projects The Time Remaining On The Floor Because It Doesn’t Have A Visible Front Panel
I Found A Roman Coin While Out Walking
Today The Sky In Murcia, Spain, Turned Orange Because Of Dust From The Sahara
I Have Been Keeping A Collection Of The Tiny Balls In Pen Ink Cartridges Since Middle School
My Gardening Tool Kit Came With A Claw Glove
My Husbands Uncles Have Used The Same Birthday Card Since 1974
The Vet Put A Warning On My Dogs Medicine For Him Not To Operate Heavy Machinery Or Drive While Affected
Parent's Dog On Near Identical Rug
The Way The Pillar In My Home Split The Light Ray Into Only The Color Indigo
That's a very cool picture. I'm guessing the remaining colors are on the front side of the pillar?
Thickness Of Ice On My Windshield In Romania
This Guy Makes Pizza Using Volcanic Vents On The Volcán De Pacaya In Guatemala
Shooting A Laser Through The Transparent Maple Leaf On Canadian Currency Projects The Value On The Wall
There’s A Dried Flower In This 165 Years Old Latin Book I Just Found In Our Attic
I'm more surprised how modern the font and layout look and how modern the Italian language looks for a 165 year old book?
Bus Interior Made To Look Like A Forest
What an awesome idea! I'm sure it reduces stress for the passengers.
The Book I Borrowed Was Last Lended 41 Years Ago
I'm more intrigued by the fact that your library still uses physical stamps. Were the computers down? Or has your library somehow resisted digitizing?
Portuguese Man O' War Stinging Tentacle Wrapped Around My Ankle
This Burn On My Finger Doesn’t Get Dirty
My Mug Is Sweating Tea Through The Cracks In The Ceramic
The Other Side Of A Fast Food Soda Fountain
You're not wrong! A few were though, so worth scrolling through it.
Load More Replies...This isn't very interesting but I found out that Grammarly changed their icon to the Ukraine flag. Screenshot...73c973.png
hi, don't mind me, just replying so people might be able to see (if this works, of course)
Load More Replies...Some, if not all of these photos are from the r/mildlyinteresting subreddit. It's not as if BP asked a question and these were the results.
I've often commented how nice it would be is BP did ask readers. Every time there's an article, copied or repasted from Reddit or FB etc, about "what creepy/weird/strange things have happened to you?" our comments far, far are more creepy and scary than reposted, old stuff. Ditto with almost any "story" things. So much energy and diversity here! I get tired of looking at TicTok morons and whiny AITA reposts.
Load More Replies...You're not wrong! A few were though, so worth scrolling through it.
Load More Replies...This isn't very interesting but I found out that Grammarly changed their icon to the Ukraine flag. Screenshot...73c973.png
hi, don't mind me, just replying so people might be able to see (if this works, of course)
Load More Replies...Some, if not all of these photos are from the r/mildlyinteresting subreddit. It's not as if BP asked a question and these were the results.
I've often commented how nice it would be is BP did ask readers. Every time there's an article, copied or repasted from Reddit or FB etc, about "what creepy/weird/strange things have happened to you?" our comments far, far are more creepy and scary than reposted, old stuff. Ditto with almost any "story" things. So much energy and diversity here! I get tired of looking at TicTok morons and whiny AITA reposts.
Load More Replies...