Every industry and profession has at least a few skeletons in their closet. Dark secrets that the layperson might not know but really should. When Reddit user Juaninamillion asked their fellow redditors to share such industry secrets, they started up a viral discussion that really got people opening up about the less-than-stellar nooks and crannies of their jobs.

Check out some of these industry secrets that you may not have known about and remember to upvote the ones that left an impression on you as you scroll down. If you have any secrets that you want to share, we’ll be eagerly watching the comment section.

Unfortunately, it’s not just specific industries that need some fine-tuning—it’s the mentality of the entire job market. One of the most widely known ‘secrets’ is how recruiters responsible for hiring rely on completely unrealistic expectations and having candidates jump through increasingly difficult hoops. While other issues are how new employees usually have limited opportunities for growth and learning within tech companies. Bored Panda spoke about these problems with IT and AI industry professional and founder of FastAPI, Sebastián Ramírez.


30 People Reveal Industry Secrets About Their Jobs That Common People Aren’t Supposed To Know Wearing gloves in kitchens is a goddamn lie. They don't offer any sort of protection, they're actually more prone to spreading germs and filth because people don't wash them between touching different kinds of food. They exist to give the illusion of safety and professionalism. As someone who's worked in kitchens, I'd much rather see a cook wash their hands than throw a latex glove on.

TheApathyParty2 , DoD News Report

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Mica Fiverline
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

worked in a kitchen, can confirm. Just wash your hands people, its easier than fiddling with the gloves^^

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    30 People Reveal Industry Secrets About Their Jobs That Common People Aren’t Supposed To Know I work with kids at a daycare and we see babies take their first steps sometimes but we never tell the parents because we don't want them to feel bad about missing it

    theraccoonrobot , Philippe Put Report



    Source: myself. I worked in the packing factory and changed the boxes all the time!

    crochetprozac Report

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    Dippin Dot
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yep. Again, this is called private label. I worked in food manufacturing too.

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    According to Ramírez, current recruitment practices are working far from perfectly. Unfortunately, we don’t have any ‘silver bullet’ alternatives to the current system where in order to get a job, you have to meet expectations that are increasingly divorced from reality. However, he believes that there are some things that could help improve the way the job market operates.

    Ramírez thinks that developer teams, team leaders, and others directly related to the job opening should get more involved in the recruitment process.

    “That shouldn't be left for HR departments to handle alone, it should be a team effort. That's probably even more important as the area/industry gets more technical or complex. The same way athletes, let's say runners, are not hired based on the number of years they have been running, or certificates of the tracks they have run on, in other areas, like technology, we should get the teams and internal ‘experts’ more involved in that hiring process,” the professional explained how hiring practices could become better.


    Corporate safety culture is not about protecting you from injury, it's about protecting the company from a lawsuit after you get injured.

    packpeach Report

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    80 Van
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    True, but the law that allows a company to be sued after you get injured was created to protect you from injury.

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    When businesses like taco bell, petsmart or others ask you to round up to donate to a cause it is 100% for the tax write off they receive. They are allowed to donate money and pay less taxes. Instead of paying from their overall sales and profits they con customers to pay extra to do it for them. This leaves their overall sales intact while increasing their yearly profit by paying less in taxes. If you want to donate just do it yourself and give more then a buck.

    infinitealchemics Report


    I am a Romanian who has worked for a US military contractor. The DOD doesn’t care about the price of the things the military is buying. I once sold a bag of 240 hex nuts for 9000 dollars ( it’s not a typo) which i got for 25 dollars. The spending the DOD does is really as bad as you might have heard of. The more they spend the better. It is actually scary how much money they throw away.

    irdumitru Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I remember when I was in the army, walking into warehouses full of ordnance and vehicles (even tanks) that were just gathering dust. Stupid money spent on stuff that was being left to rust. Just insane.

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    He also noted that there’s a problem with people getting promoted: people need clear ways to grow easily within the companies that they join. “It should be way more common than it is. Anyone that starts as an intern/junior should be able to grow professionally to a senior,” he pointed out.

    “It would also probably help if there were specific company policies asking or requiring employees to keep learning and acquiring new skills. It could be through courses, by tackling new challenges, etc. People would benefit from acquiring new skills, being able to be more productive, and having better chances of growing in their careers. And companies would benefit from having people more capable, more productive, being able to learn skills relevant for the specific job, while having happier and more loyal employees.”


    30 People Reveal Industry Secrets About Their Jobs That Common People Aren’t Supposed To Know Olive oil. I work at an olive oil bottling plant in Rome, New York. We had only one oil, but put it in 27 different packages, that sold at different prices. Some of the bottles claim to be aged and imported. Some claimed to be virgin, others extra virgin. Some cold pressed. One brand sold for $30 fir 12 oz., where another sold 128 oz for $12.

    All the exact same oil.

    phillytwilliams , ajay_suresh Report


    30 People Reveal Industry Secrets About Their Jobs That Common People Aren’t Supposed To Know Nothing about The Voice, American Idol, etc is real. Your votes don’t matter. Everything is pre-determined. In some cases they even choose your audition song for you, and if they want to tear you down for entertainment, they’ll choose something they know you can’t sing. And with the contacts artists sign, you cannot refuse.

    Source: professional musician, I have not been on those shows but have friends who have. I cannot name names, them even telling me that stuff was against contract legalities.

    LooksLikeTreble617 , dunkadev Report


    30 People Reveal Industry Secrets About Their Jobs That Common People Aren’t Supposed To Know Funeral homes are businesses, and funeral directors will absolutely take advantage of grieving people.

    The most offensive to me are the cremation boxes. They're literally just big cardboard boxes, and should cost less than a hundred dollars. But they also make really expensive boxes, and directors will say things like "grandma would be more comfortable in this". No, she won't, because she's dead. Some of these boxes reach 1000 dollars, and of course are all just burned.

    Anonymous , Northwoods Casket Company Report

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    Little Wonder
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I used to work in online memorials and one of the funeral directors accidentally attached a funeral invoice to an email. Which I, of course, read. There was a $400 "transfer fee" to move the body from the chapel to the cemetery, but I know for a fact that particular chapel is on the grounds of the cemetery. Absolute scam designed to cash in on people who are grieving. Also the invoice was written in comic sans, no joke.

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    This one is a little trivial compared to others in here, but: wine isn't vegan. It's not even vegetarian in some cases.

    The fining* process uses egg whites, and sometimes isinglass (fish parts). When I worked in a tasting room people would come in and be like "I'm vegan but thank God I can still have wine, amiright!" And I wanted to tell them that they weren't right, but I also wanted to sell them wine.

    phinnaeusmaximus Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    At least in my country vegan wine has a vegan label. I never understood why until now...

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    The clothes you find at an outlet (more often than not) are not "cast-offs" or overages from the regular store. There's a whole separate entity that designs and produces clothes at a lesser quality for outlet prices.

    CheeseWarden Report


    30 People Reveal Industry Secrets About Their Jobs That Common People Aren’t Supposed To Know Starbucks corporate makes us have those recycling bins in the lobby to present this green image, but most of the time all of the garbage ends up going to the dump anyway because the facility doesn’t have recycling

    princesscupcakes69 , Peter Stevens Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I read that the coffee cups can't be recycled because of the lining that makes them stand up to the heat of the coffee.

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    30 People Reveal Industry Secrets About Their Jobs That Common People Aren’t Supposed To Know I don't know that this is a secret but flight attendants and pilots don't get paid while boarding, deplaning, and delays. So when you're delayed and angry, so are we. We're not making money and still have to be there.

    boozeandarrows , Delta News Hub Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wait - is this true in every country? Pretty sure there must be a few countries at least where any time you spend doing work for your employer is considered work time that needs to be paid...

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    I work in a vet ER. If you check the resuscitate box on our form we will absolutely do our best to resuscitate your pet.

    And I mean at least 15 mins chest compressions, intubating and manual breathing, heat support and reviving drugs. It's an all hands on deck situation and we take it extremely seriously.

    That being said, I have never seen it do more than have a pet have a heartbeat and automatic breathing long enough for an owner to say goodbye. I have never seen an animal recover.

    Basically you shouldn't check that resuscitate box. It doesn't do anything but let us fight for your pet's life and lose.

    I'm a DNR myself. I don't want to go through that and I don't want the ER staff to go through another unsuccessful attempt.

    emptysee Report

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    Katie Garr
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    when my sister's guinea pig was at the vet with cancer, we checked the box to resuscitate her. we knew she wouldn't come back once she was gone; she could hardly breathe and was struggling a lot. we checked the box because of my 8 year old sister to make her feel like everything that could be done was done to save her guinea pig. later on we asked the vet for the form back and un-checked the box. we didn't want the guinea pig to go through it but we wanted my sister to feel like we tried everything. the guinea pig died quietly and peacefully at the vet's office the next day.

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    30 People Reveal Industry Secrets About Their Jobs That Common People Aren’t Supposed To Know Animator here. It's coming more and more to light lately, but big animation studios and game companies treat their employees like [crap] and pay them barely anything and expect them to work hard "because of the love for the job". And they can get away with that because there are hundreds of thousands of other creatives who would be more than happy to deal with all of the BS just for a chance to work at a AAA studio. Really it's not just animation though, the entire entertainment industry is this way.

    TheArtofDoingScience , ThisisEngineering RAEng Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    (Comparatively) bad payment and working conditions are a pretty good assumption for ANY type of field that is many people's dream career, no matter how many degrees it requires. Doesn't apply to every individual employer, of course - but an upsetting amount of employers prefers to provide work conditions that are juuuuust above the lowest bar possible where they still get enough job applicants and remain withing the lines of the working laws as they are enforced.... and in dream-career industries with masses of people trying to break in, that bar can be very low indeed.

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    30 People Reveal Industry Secrets About Their Jobs That Common People Aren’t Supposed To Know That food on your plate wasn't made with love or care, it was quickly made with stress and hate by a cook either swearing at somebody or being sworn at.

    iliveliberty , Fabrizio Magoni Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not all chefs operate a stressful and hateful environment...This is a matter of perspective and different in every single restaurant

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    30 People Reveal Industry Secrets About Their Jobs That Common People Aren’t Supposed To Know Doctors spend so much time in their specific niche that they know jack s**t about anything else.

    dinglenutspaywall , Olga Guryanova Report

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    Saara .
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But that's what different specialties are for. One doctor can't know or do everything. I doubt you want a neonatologist doing surgery on grandma.

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    If you’re rude to a Starbucks barista most of the time we’ll just decaffeinate your drink.

    rileygrr Report

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    Phil Vaive
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thanks for the tip! I frequently get caffeinated when I ask for decaf. I can tell when I get halfway through and have a panic attack

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    Almost every register nurse has what is called a blacklist of doctors she or he would not want even remotely near them should they need emergency services.

    People need to take better care and precaution of who they choose to accept as their doctor.

    heftyhotsauce Report

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    Aunt Messy
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's why if you want to find a good doctor you go to a NURSE, not another doctor or referral service.

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    30 People Reveal Industry Secrets About Their Jobs That Common People Aren’t Supposed To Know Mobile Homes are cheaply made and mass produced by people making 9 bucks an hour and don't give a [crap] if it's up to code or safe. Hundreds of people in a factory with little supervision, and the main goal is to get as many made as possible, with little care to protocol, codes and fire stopping. I got hired as a HUD admin, ended up doing inspections so we could stop getting fined by the fire marshal and the amount of crap that is overlooked and not cared about is infuriating.

    TheMudbloodSlytherin , oatsy40 Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Can confirm. In my line of work we visit a lot of newly built houses and the amount of defects that have been "fixed" by slapping drywall in front of it is insane. Also seen brand new buildings with cracks running through the concrete. I feel bad for the people taking a home loan for 30+ years to live in an already broken "brand new" house.

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    30 People Reveal Industry Secrets About Their Jobs That Common People Aren’t Supposed To Know I work in the wedding industry. Every single service you purchase for your wedding has a marked up price because we know you’re going to spend it.

    Yung_chode69 , Parekh Cards Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Marked up price? This applies to any industry, any product...

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    People always joke that most psychologists become psychologists because they are crazy. I've worked in close proximity to a bunch of forensic psychs for the last few years - it is true.

    silver_fawn Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The question is if they are the kind of crazy where they are decent people with just a more personal understanding of the many ways a brain can be effed up, or the kind of crazy where they are too effed up themselves to realize how much they can eff up other people's brains as psychologists.

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    30 People Reveal Industry Secrets About Their Jobs That Common People Aren’t Supposed To Know Other academics will steal your work for themselves and publish it under their name.

    dudenamedfella , AbsolutVision Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ...risking to lose their job, and definitely losing their merits, and thereby their career. The more serious problem is the imbalance of junior and senior researchers, quite often leading to publications with the names of senior researchers on it in addition to that of junior researchers, who actually did all the work.

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    30 People Reveal Industry Secrets About Their Jobs That Common People Aren’t Supposed To Know Hospitals are not clean

    The only really clean place in a hospital is the operating room, other than that the place is crawling with germs and whatever else has mutated on the floors and walls.

    NinjaMcAwes0me , Presidencia de la República Mexicana Report


    30 People Reveal Industry Secrets About Their Jobs That Common People Aren’t Supposed To Know I worked for a movie theatre. A large bag of popcorn that cost the customer $5.99 (at the time) cost the movie theatre six cents to produce, including the butter, the kernels, the bag, the power used by the popper and the time it took the concession employee to fill up the bag and give it to the customer.

    TheGustaverse , Jeff Gunn Report

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    Linus Nilsson
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes, but in America, the concessions is pretty much how the theaters make their money. They only get to keep a very small percentage of the ticket sales, the rest goes to the movie company

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    30 People Reveal Industry Secrets About Their Jobs That Common People Aren’t Supposed To Know I make super expensive stuff that is bought by several governments and some high-end consumer product manufacturers. One of the machines that every bit of product has to go through only works right if you stand there and poke at it with a stick. We don’t even have a special stick. It’s just a metal rod that fell off of another piece of equipment that we wrapped some tape around to make a handle. We always make the new guy do it, because it is super boring.

    Emerson_Bigguns , Paul Einerhand Report

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    80 Van
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It’s hard to imagine that it’s cheaper to keep hiring someone to poke the machine with a stick than to figure out how to fix this issue.

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    30 People Reveal Industry Secrets About Their Jobs That Common People Aren’t Supposed To Know When renting a storage unit you do not need to get the insurance they offer. Even if they say it's "mandatory", it's illegal to force you to get insurance. Also the rent will increase yearly, forever.

    LoweredBap , Tim Sheerman-Chase Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Pretty sure those are beach huts. We have some fancier and more stereotypical ones down my way, but they also can be in this design.

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    At a hospital the straight cash price discount for many outpatient tests (MRI, CT, X-Ray, Ultrasound, Labs, etc.) can often be cheaper than using insurance and dealing with deductibles, co-pays, co-insurance, and on and on.

    I’ve seen test billed for thousands of dollars to insurance cost a cash paying patient less than $400.

    It’s insane.

    UniqueUsername1138 Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I watched a documentary about us health system where a person said that if you get a emergency room bill ask them to give a detailed bill like how much everything cost. And mostly this will be few hundred dollars cheaper than main bill

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    30 People Reveal Industry Secrets About Their Jobs That Common People Aren’t Supposed To Know In academia, you create content for privately owned journals like Science and Nature, but still you have to pay them. Also scientists who review journals articles for the peer review process do it for free.

    If you don’t participate in this process, you can’t get papers and if you don’t have papers you don’t get funding and subsequently starve and die.

    miss_micropipette , Scott Graham Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That is why more and more funding givers enforce so called open access (OA) publications. In that case, a fee is paid for the publication process, but the finally typeset and published article is available to the public. For example, the European Comission mandates this now for research generated through its programs. Similarly, the Norwegian state has undergone comtracts with major publishers like Springer and Elsevier, mandating OA, whenever an author working for a Norwegian institution is the corresponding author.

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    30 People Reveal Industry Secrets About Their Jobs That Common People Aren’t Supposed To Know The official policy for customer dissatisfaction at a particular Canadian coffee franchise I worked at was, "offer them free stuff until they stop complaining."

    aronenark , Michał Parzuchowski Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I feel like I'd want to take advantage of this...but I'd feel too guilty

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    30 People Reveal Industry Secrets About Their Jobs That Common People Aren’t Supposed To Know At stores that magical backroom where you can just go and pick up anything is actually a huge mess where things go missing all the time.

    Nameless_Soldier , roebbenaldo Report

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    Some Cool Guy
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I used to work as a stock controller for one of the above stores and I used to write off around $1million of stock a month. No that isn't a typo.

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    30 People Reveal Industry Secrets About Their Jobs That Common People Aren’t Supposed To Know Most pet stores are really sketchy when it comes to where their pets are coming from. Usually it's large industrial breeders where the animals just breed more than they should and definitely don't have the environment they deserve. They pretty much never live their entire life span.

    awkardfrog , Susan Dennis Report


    Huawei takes employees pay for mistakes made, I had a company wide 'corrective email' sent to me with a picture of the guy that messed up, his team leader and the line manager, a description of what they did wrong (some security issue, like sharing a password if I remember correctly), as well as the fact that one month's pay has been taken from each of them.

    mileseypoo Report


    30 People Reveal Industry Secrets About Their Jobs That Common People Aren’t Supposed To Know IT support people (help desks, computer repair shops, Geek Squad, etc.) are mostly just better at Googling than you are.

    WastelandKarateka , Christina @ Report

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    Ian Smith
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is such a BS trope to denigrate IT by folks that don't get it. Sure, google is a resource but experience and aptitude are just as valuable for IT as any other profession.

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    Credit companies will raise your interest rate for no reason and wait for you to call and complain to get it lowered. Check your statements and review ALL notices that come with your bill.

    fishead62 Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They also blame a lot of "computer calculations" -- I usually pay the balance every month but one month I missed around $35 remaining, the next month I seen an interest rate charge of around $8. That's around 25% interest per month, not the 19.99% interest per year they state. I called and they fixed it but only after arguing for a while and explaining the math. They kept saying "the interest rate factors will depend on the amount of days and the outstanding balance" blah blah blah. It was less than 30 days. It was $35. No previous balance. No way should that equal $8 interest.


    30 People Reveal Industry Secrets About Their Jobs That Common People Aren’t Supposed To Know The amount of toilet paper, random items, and bills used as bookmarks that are left in returned library books.

    RelicBookends , kleinfreund Report

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    Neva Nevičica
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ....and condom wraps, toothpicks, letters, those ear-cleaning sticks, sanitary pads (the thin daily kind, clean, fortunately), matches, postards, photographs and once even money. Yes, we returned it :)

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    Used to be an unloader at UPS, putting fragile/shockwatch stickers on your package doesn't do [crap] with how carefully we handle packages especially when you're expected to unload at a rate of 1000 packages an hour.

    Waffleman75 Report


    30 People Reveal Industry Secrets About Their Jobs That Common People Aren’t Supposed To Know Half of technical support going on in the background of major platforms is convincing the developers to care about the issue enough to fix it. Also, every platform that interacts in any way with Facebook, hates Facebook. It's so f***ing broken.

    omg__really , Oregon Department of Transportation Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I see a title that said: "Facebook mods have PTSD from their work" the other day. I totally believe it, that whole site is messed up.

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    Worked for a chemical manufacturer and Adding as little as 0.1% of anything allows you to label a product NEW AND IMPROVED.

    spudral Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There is no such thing as new AND improved. If it’s new, it’s a brand new recipe. If it’s the same recipe but with with a few minor changes then it’s improved. It’s like saying something is “very unique” - it’s unique or it’s not. It’s a small thing but it reeeeally bugs me!

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Terrible and illegal things go on in every strip club. Owners only hire people for upper management who they have trusted for years because they all know this.

    ImportantArtist69 Report


    Yep, that product that you use might say not tested on animals on it, but the raw materials used to make it may well have. Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Here in the US, those ingredients were most likely tested on animals at one time to get on the FDA's list of ingredients that are regarded as safe. So the manufacturer of the retail product may have never had any testing done, but some other company did at some point.

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    All those beautiful fashion photographs that make photographers famous? They're put together by more talented people in photoshop from usually dogs**t rough photographs from the photographer. I've yet to meet a fashion photographer who could justify their ego.

    monstrinhotron Report

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    Phil Vaive
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What? First of all, this post was grammatically incoherent, and secondly, if I'm able to decipher it correctly, it's just plain wrong. Most of the fashion photographers I know (and I work in the industry) are awesome folks.

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    Retail: we do have those shoes in your size, but that’s my size and I hid those f***ers in the back til they go on clearance.

    Yup, all athletic shoes make a [ton] of profit. But the more expensive sport specific shoes really do have better materials. Really nice soccer cleats and running shoes used to be made out of kangaroo.

    Yes I see you shoplifting. If you’re not super obvious there isn’t much I can do about it. And then even if you are really obvious I can’t do anything.

    dreamki11er Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ^ and even if I could do anything about it I wouldn't because they don't pay me enough

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    I worked at a Dairy Queen when I was 16 and found roaches. I got fired because I was “too slow” when I was cleaning, when in reality I was actually scrubbing [crap] down because everyone else half assed it. That being said, don’t go to dairy queen.

    willneverdiebc13 Report

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    Amy Pattie
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That freaked me out until I remembered I don’t live in America. I love Dairy Bell, an Australian company.

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    Businesses offer rebates rather than cash discounts because they know the odds of you going to the trouble of mailing in a rebate coupon are minimal. Then they don't pay the first time, because they know the odds of you complaining about it are infinitesimal. But they usually will pay off if you complain.

    RonSwansonsOldMan Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And your gym membership is $11/month because they know you're not going to show up.

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    It's not necessarily a secret, but I think its is not well known. When you call the 800 line to complain about an experience at a retailer that message is just sent directly to that store where it is reviewed by the same people you are complaining about. 99% its laughed at, you get a fake apology call, and nothing happens.

    Isfetannoyed Report

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    Stephanie Did It
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Exception: mystery shoppers. Their reports, good or bad, go directly to the CEO of managing director of the company. They are the only feedback that matters.

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    Some Bars actually task Bartenders with stock rates of 104% -110%. This basically means that with every pour that should be 25ml to 50ml they actually tell you to underpour on every drink to ensure were actually making back stock on every purchase. This also means some bartenders are instructed to make more "head" on beers by swirling the glass or intentionally holding it so more head is produced, saving more stock.

    I started a job that told me this and quit the next day.

    HouseOnAHill12 Report

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    Cinders Hunch
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I got trained to produce a significant froth on beers and couldn’t understand why (I don’t drink beer). Now I know!

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    A lot of restaurants have rats. Maybe not in large quantities and visible all the time, but they are there. When it closes down, their tiny little rat feet are running all over the tables, counters and kitchen equipment. Especially in old, historic buildings and buildings near waterfronts.

    TheActualDev Report

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    80 Van
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But, they also make amazing French food, so it’s gives and takes.

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    I work in healthcare. The amount of narcotics theft by health care workers is ridiculous.

    lastsaoshyant Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Makeup testers in store are DISGUSTING. People will frequently use mascara wands right out of the tube on the shelf. When we see it happen we are required to throw them away because there safe diseases that can spread pretty easily including ocular herpes.

    soundslikeprada Report


    30 People Reveal Industry Secrets About Their Jobs That Common People Aren’t Supposed To Know A used car is priced based on what it will sell for but the margin is calculated by how deep they are into it. So if a car was just traded in, and they haven't detailed it or advertised it yet you can pay thousands less if you ask. And so e car dealerships have reward systems based on numbers for the salesmen and the dealer and management so if you are there at the end of the month you can sometimes get a screaming good deal because even at 0 profit, the sale bumps them up to a big bonus.

    audaciousMe7 , Zelda Richardson Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Another myth. With the internet at hand it's easy to find out what a car is worth. I don't care what a garage charges for a wash and shine and advertisement of a car. Just walk out if they don't want to come down to what you are willing to pay. There are millions of cars on sale and some of them are even better than the car this garage has to offer.


    Graphic design for fashion industry: no matter how incredibly good at artwork and creating you might be, you will still be asked to rip off some other artists’ work but to make it “not too obvious”.

    sheepishme Report

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    Not that anyone listens anymore, but never call a radio station to request a song. Playlists are researched to death and scheduled days in advanced. If a station plays your song, it’s because it was already going to be played.

    rodman517 Report


    Wheat flour is not actually white. We use chlorine to make it look more attractive. This also increases the gluten level in flour, and this is why people are more gluten-sensitive today.

    Anonymous Report

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    Cinders Hunch
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Whole-wheat flour is beige and beautifully flavoured. Why bleach it white!!

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    3D movie conversions are done only a handful of big companies. One of the big ones moved their office to India so they could literally put together a sweatshop of workers working 14 hour days on these things while possibly permanently [screwing] up their vision. They took millions from both the American and Canadian governments and ran.

    rwbyrgb Report

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    Sardonic Scribe
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why anyone prefers 3D movies is beyond me... I may be biased, seeing as I'm a glasses wearer.

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    Used to work in Walt Disney World, there are secret tunnels underneath both Epcot and the Magic Kingdom (Probably other parks too) to enable the Cast Members to travel across the park pretty quickly and easily.

    25MeterGuy Report


    If you're eating in a restaurant at a very busy time, your vegan burger has most likely been cooked using the same tongs as raw chicken wings.

    TheLSVO Report


    Hotel bars will ensure that your wedding bar tab is spent as early as possible.

    oobydoobanooby Report

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    30 People Reveal Industry Secrets About Their Jobs That Common People Aren’t Supposed To Know Almost everyone in the TV and film industry is winging it.

    WiggleSparks , DSmous Report

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    80 Van
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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Replace “TV and film industry” with “world.”

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Pretty much nothing on the nutritional label is accurate.

    It's close, but not very.

    Thesaltysnal Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What? Bullshit. (Again maybe in the US it’s true I don’t know, but in Europe we can actually trust what where buying.)

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    In an auto shop, what your mechanic tells you may not be in your best interest, but instead what is most convenient, and what is the least amount of work to do.

    TheAbominableBanana Report


    Your mortgage has been transferred so many times that the odds are that your payment records are incomplete.

    aworldwithoutshrimp Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When we finally paid off our mortgage, the bank couldn't find the document. Seems it had been sent interstate to the Corporate office years before - no-one could explain why - & couldn't be found there, either. Ultimately, the bank had to create a replacement document to give us but we never felt comfortable until we sold the property involved

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    30 People Reveal Industry Secrets About Their Jobs That Common People Aren’t Supposed To Know Hotels are held together by more superglue and duct tape than you know. Doesn't matter how nice they are, unless you're talking about ultra rich type places.

    Dougdahead , magnoid Report


    As a previous pharmacy tech, I can attest to the fact that pills in all shapes & forms are often dropped on the floor for one reason or another. You should know they are never discarded but instead collected & put back in the prescription bottle or original container.

    lily_whyte2525 Report

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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    From Europe and I’ve never seen this happen. Everything is prepackaged before even arriving at the pharmacy. (Sealed so the pharmacist can’t drop them on the floor and put them back, lol.) Super dangerous and should be illegal btw to put a pill back. Could be the wrong pill and kill the patient. Definitely not hygienic.

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    Those online petitions are really just mechanisms to collect your email address so the charity can spam you later.

    Aloh4mora Report

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    Charlie Kelly
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Again don't believe everything you read. Those online petitions are real petitions, usually put forward to a higher authority to demand change. Plus it's 2020 you should know by now that you can opt out of emails lmao

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    There is no such thing as Free Shipping. The cost of shipping is absorbed into the cost of the product.

    OldGrayMare59 Report


    Daycare workers say rude things about your family (usually just the parents and not the kids)

    HotTakeBabe Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In my country, there have been several cases over the last few years when parents secretly planted microphones on their children, and the recordings revealed some pretty nasty abuse going on at daycares - like staff yelling at the children at full volume, insults, humiliation, unfair penalties for kids who don't even understand what they did wrong... Many unsolved cases of stress and anxiety in children suddenly found their explanation.

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    If you ask a manager at a restaurant to turn the thermostat up or down, we literally don’t do a goddamn thing about it.

    Th3B055 Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why would you ask the entire restaurant to adjust the temperature just because of you? Who are you, the queen of England? 😂

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    Community Moderator: If a game tells you they've 'punished' a player because of your report, its usually not a ban but either a mute or a warning. Hence why they don't publish the punishment; people wouldn't be satisfied with a slap on the wrist thing like that.

    KasumiTengu Report

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    Rah Soft
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ah that comes to mind of a particular online tank game in Europe( and North America , Russia and SE Asia) . You can report players for cheating, abusive language( that is illegal) and they will tell you that punishment has been administered and the next day you will see that they are still playing ( you look them up),especially if they pay for the premium service

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    All the pre-made foods and processed meats that people eat multiple times a day contain phosphate.

    Phosphate comes in a big 20kg bag with a huge MSDS label all over it that states "Toxic Do Not Consume."

    EnclG4me Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Too much phosphate ingested from processed food is in fact a problem, but the fact that it's toxic when purified and in large amounts should not be concerning. A lot of what we eat (if not most) , including completely natural products, contains traces of chemicals that would be toxic if purified and handled in large amounts. It's the dose that makes the poison.

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    When someone is fixing your computer, they also often look through the data on your hard drive searching for something funny or embarrassing. So, before you give your computer to an IT service, clear your browser history, and copy all the important data to an external drive.

    Anonymous Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Professional IT Guy here, we have absolutely no time to do that.

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