25 Times Men Weren’t The Ones Creeping Women Out, They Were The Ones Creeped Out By Women
They say people can be weird, but sometimes, they can be downright creepy. While we often hear about men being the ones to cross the line, let’s not pretend women are incapable of making people’s skin crawl. From entering through a cat door to stalking and even obsessively sniffing men, some women do scary things, too.
One Redditor recently asked men what makes a woman creepy, and well… some of these stories belong in a psychological thriller rather than real life.
More info: Reddit
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Friend showed me a video of her drunk (she's a massive a-hole when drunk, Jekyll into Hyde) on vacation with friends, there's a guy cowering crouched on the floor with his hands over his head screaming "help, get her off me!" while she danced around him in a circle attempting to use him as a pole. Everyone in the video was laughing, my friend was laughing while she showed me it. I called her out for straight up s*xual a*****t on the guy, told her it was clear from his panicked voice that it wasn't some joke and he didn't want her touching him, he screamed for help for the whole 2min video. Stopped being friends with her. Life's a 2-way street, guys deserve physical autonomy and safety as much as women.
Went on a few dates with a cop. She asked me if I was free one night, but I had plans. Driving to a friend’s house later that evening, guess who pulled me over. She wanted to know why I told her I was busy when I was obviously free. Pretty creepy in my opinion.
I worked at as a assistant manager skate shop in a mall years ago and had a 16 year old sales kid who kept hitting on me (I was 20 at the time). She kept saying pretty inappropriate things even when I had asked her to stop but my manager/regional manager thought I was joking, one kicker was we were behind the register and I was taking some things out of a box when she ran her nails on my back, immediately contacted our manager who straight up did not believe me and took her side. Next day sales kid cornered me in the back room trying to "tell me a secret" me when the manager came in on their off day and saw it all play out, she was immediately fired on the spot. I quit about a month later since it sucked not being believed no matter how many times I said something.
Before we dive into the eerie depths of unsettling behavior, let’s talk about what actually makes something “creepy.” Psychologists suggest that creepiness is rooted in ambiguity – when someone acts in a way that doesn’t quite fit social norms, our brain throws up a red flag. Like one woman followed a guy around for 7 years, begging for forgiveness after cheating. Okay, that’s creepy, I’ll give him that.
A study by Knox College professor Frank McAndrew found that creepiness often involves unpredictability and a sense of being watched or pursued, not being able to tell if you are actually in danger or not. Basically, if someone’s actions make you feel like you might be the lead in a low-budget horror flick, that’s when the creep factor kicks in.
As a gay man, the women who think they can change me.
Happened once with this young woman my age. She kept touching, while drunk. I told her to stop. She yelled “I can change you!” And Leaned in for a kiss, which I blocked with my opened palm.
Her friend smacked the back of my head and told me to stop.
Go to mom's house, tell her that she's my girlfriend, befriend her to the point where they become best friends, and while I'm deployed with no communication to the outside world whatsoever, and without me ever giving her the address to my mom's house. And only after I saw you twice in my life and only hooked up once.
Showing up at my door at 12:30am on a weekday, ringing the doorbell and banging on the door because I didn't answer her texts and calls (I was sleeping).
One major theme in the Reddit responses? People who take “persistent” to a whole new level. One guy shared how a woman befriended his mom, becoming her bestie, even though they had only met twice. If that doesn’t scream “future true crime documentary,” I don’t know what does.
But see, sometimes what one person sees as harmless interest, another sees as an absolute nightmare. A great example? The woman used her job as a police officer to pull a guy over because he told her he was busy when he actually had plans with someone else. Either she thought she was starring in a detective drama, or she skipped the chapter on personal boundaries.
Dear lady I met at the bar, I'm glad you liked the way I smelt. Dragging each of your friends one by one to me throughout the rest of the night and trying to get them to smell me was kinda creepy. Trying to stick your head into my taxi so you could smell me one last time before I left was too creepy.
Edit: At no point in the evening did I think I smelt particularly good. I don't think her friends even really agreed with her.
How hard is it to say “My man, I need to order your cologne for my person asap. What black magic you wearing?” And move along without inciting a protective order being sworn out?
Showing up to my work, house and when ***im f*****g shopping*** to beg me to take her back and forgive her for cheating. It’s been 7 years, leave me the f**k alone.
When you get married having discussed (many times) a life without kids… and you find prenatal vitamins and a book titled “before you conceive” hidden in your closet.
Men, if you are positive you don't want children, consider getting a vasectomy so delusional women can't trap you into it.
This kind of behavior ties into the psychological concept of limerence—a state of intense infatuation that can make people act impulsively, believing they are “meant to be” with someone. While movies make this look endearing, in real life, it can lead to people showing up at your work, your home, and even your grocery store to demand attention… for seven years. Yes, that actually happened.
I had a girl that would hop my fence in the backyard and silently watch me watch tv. That's creepy.
She said we were fated to be together. Because we were the same age (older students) in uni. Conveniently forgot there were other older students as well of the same age.
Sent me multiple texts on how we were meant for each other. Despite me saying I had a gf. Demanded pics of the gf as proof.
Blocked her. She spent the next few years trying to stalk me. Trying to find my place of work so she could apply to the same place. Trying to find where I lived so she could move here.
All because I was nice to her one time when she needed help. (Locked out of apartment so I said I help to call for the locksmith).
Crawling through a cat door because you ended the relationship 😒.
That was either a very very large cat door or a very very small person. I have heard the theory that if you can get head and shoulders through, all shall pass, but I'm not convinced!
It’s easy to label these behaviors as bizarre, but there’s often more going on beneath the surface. Some people struggle with rejection sensitivity dysphoria, an extreme emotional response to rejection. Others might be experiencing attachment issues, making it hard to understand where the line between “determined” and “disturbing” lies.
And then, of course, there are those who genuinely don’t realize they’re being creepy. Like the woman who dragged her friends over to smell a guy all night at a bar, then tried to get one last whiff as he got into a taxi. Was she just overly enthusiastic? Probably. Did it still creep out the poor guy, making him feel like a human scratch-and-sniff sticker? Absolutely.
Had a girl make me “cookies” once. She said she used her period blood. I don’t think she actually did but it was weird. And I’m into some weird s**t.
Ex girlfriend, lying in bed , casually turns over, looks me dead in the eye and says " I wish I could k**l you, drain all the blood from your body and keep you in a refrigerator to preserve you and whenever I want to, I'll just take you out for cuddles and put you back when I'm done".
When you crash your car in a snowstorm and a woman takes you home to her house and looks after you and tells you the phone lines are down and then won’t let you leave until Misery is reborn again..
At the end of the day, creepy behavior isn’t about gender; it’s about boundaries. Whether it’s someone refusing to accept a social cue or tracking another person’s whereabouts without permission, the key takeaway is that enthusiasm is only acceptable when it’s mutual.
So, if you find yourself crawling through someone’s cat door or flashing police lights to get their attention… maybe take a step back and ask yourself: Am I being creepy?
I'll add a niche one
Women that mention wanting to have "mixed babies" with me.
I’m 60 so this happened before cell phones lol. Had a girlfriend that timed how long it took to get to my place from her house. If I left her place and didn’t pick up the phone at the exact time I should have been home, she’d go batty and accuse me of cheating. I mean I only stopped to pick up a soda. It took maybe 5 minutes!
My ex-husband used to do crazy shyt like this. I was attending college full-time and also working 2 part time jobs. While my alcoholic husband sat on his fat a*s all day, except the times he would cheat on me. Anyway he would open Google maps and see how long it should take for me to get from class to home. I had a late class that ended at 930p. I stayed after class one night to talk to the professor about something and we spoke for 10-15 min. Not even 5 min into my drive home, my husband is calling me asking where I am. I told him I talked to my teacher and would be home shortly. He would say "according to gps it should take you X time." Like wtf. In hindsight, it was his guilty conscience. I never bothered him when he was out, unless necessary. So much happier divorced and away from the bs.
About a year ago, a woman at the Arby’s drive thru creeped me out. She asked me if I wanted to hang out, and I said no. She asked me multiple times more, and I kept saying no. At that point, she even stuck her face and arm out the window in a clear attempt to pull me in for a kiss. I rolled up my window on her and her (female) coworker shoved her off and gave me my food. I made a complaint about it and (thankfully) had the heroic woman’s info to name drop, and she voucher for me. The female creep was actually held accountable and fired!
72 phone calls in a 2 day period. I speak from personal experience.
Sharing too many details of their messed up life after just meeting. I was swimming at my complex's pool a few years back on an insanely hot day. Pool was packed.
A young woman proceeded to start a friendly convo but then she told me where she was from and her difficult family life within 5 mins of meeting her lol. About 10 mins in she asked which building I lived in, I lied and stayed vague about my apartment address 😅
Another 10 mins later and she finally gets a hint that I'm not really interested in her and proceeds to make it insanely awkward by asking me if she was bothering me. I essentially said "Yeah kinda, I was just trying to swim a few laps and mind my own business" and she looked distraught.
Women who make their entire personality about babies.
Also a turn-off for heterosexual women. Can't have a conversation with a woman whose whole existence is her kids.
I've had a woman ask me about my s***m count on the first date. She also sent me a music playlist of about 60 songs based on the taste she thought I'd have. Didn't match.
She also sucked the water out of the tea bag after use.
The last part....sucked the water out of the teabag? Such an odd thing to do.
I'll get the ball rolling...
I dated a woman who threw her phone through my living room window because I hadn't called her that night. Creepy.
If she assumed that we are already deeply in love on the first date, that would creep me out.
When she falls head over heels for a new guy every week my best friend does that and it kinda weirds me out sometimes.
I hope he finds the one that sticks. It's a great life once that happens.
Poll Question
What do you think drives someone to cross the line in unsettling ways?
Threatening to call the cops and falsely accuse a guy of r**e, unless he cheated on his wife with her.
Threatening to call the cops and falsely accuse a guy of r**e, unless he cheated on his wife with her.