While humans are considered intelligent beings, sometimes we end up spouting complete nonsense. Well, maybe that sounds harsh, but can you deny that it's true? Sometimes this nonsense comes as a form of entertainment or teasing, while other times it comes from a genuine belief.

For instance, when folks spit nonsense about what "real men" should and shouldn't do, it usually gets out of hand pretty quickly. So, today we collected a full-blown list of such statements that are both amusing and enraging. So, before diving in, be aware that you might get exposed to some rather dumb declarations here.

More info: Reddit


People toasting with beer, smiling in a social gathering, challenging notions about "real men." I was at a party with a mixed crowd. Myself and some friends in our mid '20s, but there were also teenagers there. The legal drinking age where I live is 16.

Some kid was standing with his friends and they were giving him grief because he was drinking a cherry beer. Culturally, fruity beers are considered 'girly' drinks here. One of the s****y friends turns to me and asks me to confirm to his friend that real men drink normal beer. I'm a muscular, bearded, masculine looking guy, so the shithead probably thought I would be on his side. I just replied 'a real man drinks whatever the f**k he likes' and lifted my beer to the guy with the cherry beer.

I could actually see his eyes light up and his body energize a little bit after that. Poor kid just wanted to enjoy his drink in peace.

ilikedmatrixiv , ELEVATE Report

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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Good for you! Even if you never see that kid again, I bet he remembered the guy who stood up for him.

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    A man holding a cat in a cozy kitchen, portraying one of the statements about what real men don’t do. Like cats. No less a luminary than Mark Twain said "When a man loves cats, I am his friend and comrade, without further introduction." So there.

    weird-oh , RDNE Stock project Report


    Person with muscular back in a gym, wearing a black sports bra, highlighting fitness goals related to real men stereotypes. I saw a picture of a well-toned gym-babe with the comment "Men who like this are gay".

    Liking women is, apparently, gay.

    lurgi , Scott Webb Report


    If you've spent some time online, it’s likely you have encountered men genuinely using terms like alpha, sigma, and whatever else they come up with in this area. 

    Or maybe you've even encountered such people in real life – those with very strong opinions about what a “real man” should look like. And these people tend to like expressing such opinions, no matter how crazy they actually are. 

    Today’s list is a collection of various bizarre statements of the “real men don’t do” mentality netizens have heard throughout their lives and decided to share in an online thread under a question: "What's the craziest thing you've heard that 'real men' don't do?” Here you’ll find a whole spectrum of things, from reading books to liking cats. 


    A man in bed reading a book, holding a mug, challenging stereotypes about real men. “Real Men Don’t Read Books”
    Sure sure sure sounds good my guy.

    KhronicDreams , Cup of Couple Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The Bible is a book. Mein Kampf is a book. You going to get your beliefs second hand? Read the original material. Then think. Oh, never mind.

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    Man in a striped shirt slicing tomatoes in a kitchen, challenging stereotypes about what real men do. Cook / bake

    From a woman at work, after I brought in some cakes I made. ( F**k her, they tasted amazing, she wouldn't even try one after I mentioned it.)

    She had all sorts of (mostly negative) things to say about how men are or "should be".

    It wasn't a suprise to hear she had been single most of her adult life.
    Funny how those who complain the loudest often have the least understanding.

    worldworn , Michael Burrows Report


    Feet intertwined under a cozy blanket, exploring ideas of what "real men" supposedly don't do. Let a woman be on top during [intercourse]. Apparently, that is gay. A man having [intercourse] with a woman. Gay. 🙄.

    noeinan , cottonbro studio Report


    Well, some folks will dub anything “unmanly” just to feel more “manly” themselves. Yet, the irony, as this person on Quora pointed out, is that usually, actual real men aren’t that preoccupied with defining these things. Basically, what they imply is that insecurity is the drive behind folks obsessing with this label. 


    And what blossoms under insecurity about manliness? Toxic masculinity, yes. In a nutshell, this term refers to a collection of offensive, harmful beliefs and behaviors taken to the extreme, which are rooted in and “excused” by traditional male roles. 

    Typically, the “victims” of this syndrome believe 3 key things. The first one is that men have to be “tough” – physically strong, emotionless, and aggressive. 


    Man in white shirt drinks orange juice under a thatched roof, embodying "real men" themes. Real men don't drink from straws. Really?? Your masculinity is so fragile that you are unmanned by a small cylindrical utensil that helps facilitate hydration?

    I guess that tracks since some men also refuse to drink plain water. 😑.

    AccessibleBeige , Диана Дунаева Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They are reminded of their own straw in their pants, and gets juicy? 🫢

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    Toilet paper rolls stacked, a humorous nod to stereotypes about what real men don't do. Wipe their butt properly because it's "gay".

    MushLampMaker , Vie Studio Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Real men leave s**t stripes. Then real women and not-so-real men leave them.

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    Man in a pink shirt, emotional with a tissue, challenging stereotypes about what real men don't do. They don’t cry during movies, as if expressing their emotions makes them less of a man.

    Danigricee , RDNE Stock project Report

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    OzymandiasTheManokit They/Them
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    dude I love emotional guys. why do people call this gay? is it gay to have a healthy expression of f**king emotions???

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    Then, they tend to believe in “antifemininity” too – anything that’s somehow related to feminine behaviors is unacceptable to them. As we saw in today’s list, anything, even something as human as showing emotions, can be assigned to this category. While from a side view, these categorizations look irrational, for some they apparently make sense. 

    The third key belief of toxic masculinity is “power.” Essentially, they believe that men should work toward obtaining influence and status, as it’s what makes others respect them. 

    As you can probably tell, toxic masculinity doesn’t seem like a very healthy lifestyle, neither for a man himself nor the folks around him. 


    Man in a gray shirt holding a banana, symbolizing unconventional ideas about what "real men" do. Eat bananas, popsicles, anything phalic shaped in public.

    I once worked with a guy who wouldn’t eat Mr. Goodbar or drink Mr Pibb because he didn’t want anything that has a male identified name in his mouth.

    Ok-Emu-2690 , aleksandarlittlewolf Report

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    1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So would also Dr. Pepper be out of the question? But what about a Camel cigarette? Olives? Reese’s Pieces? Berry? Dexter? Baileys? Eggs benedickt? Jameson whisky? Gordon (gin)?

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    Man in a gym lifting weights, showcasing strength and challenging stereotypes about what real men do. I once had a dude make fun of me for lifting weights because according to him by lifting weights that means I like to be around large sweaty men and "real men don't do that because that's gay".

    I couldn't argue with his galaxy brain logic.

    twilighttaffy , Tima Miroshnichenko Report


    Football players entering stadium with crowd and fire effects, capturing the intensity of game day excitement. When I was in college, I was in a student group. One of the other members was in a fraternity (it was not a group that lended itself to the sort of thing fraternity members would like). After one meeting, he was clearly in a bad mood and we asked what that was all about and when we found out we were all boggled:

    The upcoming week was a long weekend, and this guys girlfriend's parents were going out of town, and she had invited him over to spend the weekend alone with her. However, this weekend was also a weekend when there was some college football game, and the fraternity was having a watch party. When he told his fraternity brothers that he could not go to the watch party because he was going to go spend the weekend alone with his girlfriend, they ... accused him of being gay, and not a 'real man'. Because the thing a 'real' straight hetero man would prefer doing was spending all weekend with a bunch of other men, NOT spending all weekend having [intercourse] with his girlfriend.

    Footnotegirl1 , Eddie Ortiz Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hope he went with the (consensual) intercourse, and going down, and her beeing on top.. 🙃

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    On a personal level, it harms a person's mental well-being, as non-stop clinging to the mentioned ideals might actually not be in the man's nature.

    For instance, he might be rather an emotional person, but according to these beliefs, showing emotions is a no-go, so he’s forced to hold back this part of himself. Suppressed emotions lead to increased stress, and mental struggles and can even negatively impact physical health.

    Then, on a societal level, the spread of such toxic ideas leads to aggression, discrimination against women, homophobia, transphobia, and other similar nasty things. 


    Couple kissing under a blanket, challenging real men stereotypes. Go down on a woman.

    Designer-Carpenter88 , Andrea Piacquadio Report


    Man relaxing in a bathtub with bubbles, challenging stereotypes about "real men." Sit in the bath tub 

    -written from a bath tub full of foam and candles and a cishet male.

    Delicious-Animal5421 , cottonbro studio Report


    Person standing in a shower with patterned tiles, highlighting stereotypes about "real men." Wash their legs. Seriously the runoff from your shampoo doesn't clean your legs, and it definitely doesn't clean your balls. Wash your twig and berries guys, nut sweat can be smelled by everyone around you.

    MisterBaker55 , cottonbro studio Report


    Sadly, while stopping this whole toxic “movement” in one go is impossible, all we can do is try to educate ourselves and as many other people as possible so they won’t fall down this rabbit hole. 

    Examining and challenging unconscious biases, taking a stand against harmful speech and behavior (making sure it’s safe for you to do so), avoiding gender stereotyping (especially in front of very impressionable children), and so on – there are plenty of ways to fight it. Maybe one day, step by step (no matter how small), it will get better. Or we’re just too naive.


    A savory pie with cheese and vegetables on a white background; challenge to stereotypes about real men. "Eat quiche." That's not even a euphemism.

    ChemistryPerfect4534 , Polina Tankilevitch Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Real Men Don't Eat Quiche is a 1982 book, humorous, firmly tongue in cheek, that deals with this and a lot oh the other things mentioned here ttps://'t_Eat_Quiche

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    A toddler in overalls reaches for an adult's hand, exemplifying fatherhood and connection. I've heard someone say real men don't have children. It's a feminine trait.

    He was impotent.

    Desperate-Exit692 , Ketut Subiyanto Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But how are you going to make more 'real men' to carry on your 'real bloodline'?

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    Man wearing goggles working on a colorful object, challenging stereotypes about what "real men" do. Wear ear protection while using loud tools.

    MostBoringStan , ThisIsEngineering Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    *piiiiiiiiiiiiiip* enjoy tinnitus and bad hearing! You do you...

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    Hands holding each other closely, representing connection and challenging stereotypes about real men. Someone told me my boyfriend holding my (his female girlfriends) hand was “pretty gay”. In fact anytime my boyfriend shows me affection this is labelled as unacceptably non masculine according to this guy. Remember boys you’re gay and simp if you kiss a girl!

    Svg47 , Sơn Bờm Report

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    Person in a brown sweater sitting against a wall with arms crossed over knees, potentially pondering ideas about real men. Just the basic ” men don’t cry”, it’s something human beings do, if men weren’t supposed to do it, then their body wouldn’t be trying.

    heppapapu1 , Alex Green Report

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    Ben Aziza
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    1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am starting to develop a complex about this tho. I am one of those men that does not cry. I don't know why. I do feel incredible amounts of sadness but never do I cry... Why is that? Everybody says it is a "human" thing thus the complex... Am I not human enough??? The only explanation i got is that i have had an incredibly hard life and the catastrophic event that would make me cry has simply not happened yet or needs to be of an unfathomable magnitude.

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    People standing in line outside a store at night, waiting under ambient lighting, highlighting ideas on "real men." Umm "go to the supermarket" and "wait in line at the coffee shop". I dated a crypto bro lol his networth was in the 8 digits for like 5 minutes THIS ONE TIME and apparently that changes people.

    ohwhereareyoufrom , David Yu Report

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    Janelle Collard
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    1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah, the richies have "people" who do that stuff for them cuz richies can't be bothered and are "too busy being brilliant" to do such mundane things. 🙄*cough!* Muskrat!

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    Silhouettes of people dancing energetically in a dimly lit club, illustrating what "real men" might or might not do. "Real men don't go out dancing because it's feminine and gay." For context, I was going out dancing with two women I knew.

    Belteshazzar98 , Maor Attias Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Is there anything that isn't after getting this far on the list..? 🤦‍♂️

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    Man in a dimly lit bathroom, gazing into a mirror, reflecting on perceptions of what "real men" don't do. Display any emotion other than anger.

    hennowade , Evelyn Chong Report


    Make things. A friend thought it was "gay" that i grew plants and made hot sauces. But cooking and making bread.

    FleipeFranz Report

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    Muscular man posing in a gym, showcasing strength and fitness. “If your man isn’t even 200 pounds, are you with a real man?” A question asked by my bartender coworker’s friend. Good thing I’m a 250 pound bouncer, otherwise I would have been emasculated.

    OkRecommendation4040 , Tima Miroshnichenko Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wish I could be UNDER 200, but I'm an older fat american.

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    Man using hammer on construction site, wearing suspenders and focusing intently, embodying a work ethic commonly discussed in real men narratives. Flinch when slamming a hammer on their fingers, cry about kneepain when working on their knees for the entire day without protection, cry in general and the most funny thing is that this was told to me by a woman.

    blazin_f1re , Andrea Piacquadio Report


    Man in a yellow shirt with a backpack and umbrella walking on a rainy road. Use an umbrella🙄.

    daisydozen , Mike Report


    Apparently, real men don't speak about anything of consequence or value. My brother was going through an awful divorce. I called him at Christmas that year to see how he was doing since it was his first Christmas alone. For calling to check on him, I got called gay, a woman, and was told that I was soft like a marshmallow peep. I was so furious that I hung up the phone. About 3 months later, I called to explain why I was so irritated. Rather than apologize, he tells me about some movie with Robert Duvall and Kevin Costner where they drive cattle and are about to get in some gun fight, so decide they should exchange names for the first time. He cited that as the pinnacle of how real men act.

    Gameguy336 Report


    Two people sitting on chairs facing each other, highlighting contrasting footwear and gender roles discussion. Cross their legs. That's gay, apparently.

    ClowninaCircus12 , cottonbro studio Report


    A man in glasses and a striped shirt looking surprised, holding his head in disbelief about statements on "real men." REAL MEN, doesn’t just throw out emotions.

    its_lirarush30 , Report


    Wash behind their ears.

    Boring_Bath512 Report


    Poll Question

    How would you react if someone started explaining "real man" behavior to you?

    I'd just point in their face and laugh

    I would be genuinely concerned for them

    I'd probably try to engage with them on the topic

    I'd find a way to get out of the conversation ASAP