I’m a firm believer that you’ll never know if you like something unless you try it. Why be scared of spicy food when there’s a chance that your tastebuds would love it? And there’s no reason to be terrified of rollercoasters unless you’ve experienced the thrill of riding one!
But sometimes, the risks definitely outweigh the potential rewards, and it’s just not worth it to try everything. Redditors have recently been discussing activities, habits and more that they refuse to ever dip their toes into. So enjoy scrolling through this list, and be sure to upvote the things that you’ll happily go your entire life without trying too!
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I am proud to say I have never seen a single episode of the bachelor/bachelorette, the Kardashians or any of the real housewives. Zero interest.
Me either, I don't get the appeal. My mindless tv is more Bob's Birgers and Corner Gas
Go to a high school reunion! High school was a miserable experience for me and I have no desire to relive it.
Spelunking in tight caves. I like my caves big and echoey, thank you very much.
Go on a cruise. It sounds horrific to me. So many people. No.
The Cruise (2024): Thousands of strangers knowingly board a 200,000 gross tonne metal ship, trapped in tiny compartments only to emerge for bacteria infected meals, torturous "entertainment", forced activities and the "opportunity" to spend hard-earned money in overpriced shops. Their only chance for escape? A short-lived "land break". Now showing.
TikTok. I’ve made it this far not watching the videos people send me, why start now.
An Alexa or other in-home listening assistant.
Nope, daughter got us one. Only time it's used is when she visits, then promptly turned off again.
Climb Mt. Everest. There’s nothing, from the chance of death, to the crazy heights, to the thin air, to the sleeping in a tent for 3 months in zero degree weather that is remotely attractive to me.
Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane and hoping your parachute isn't faulty.
Did a tandem a few years back and loved it. My only concern was the tired looking Cessna 206 they were using as the jump aircraft.
Yup. Never gonna happen. I don't even like flying as a mode of transportation. I'm sure af not jumping out of one for funsies.
Probably if I was younger I would think about it but not at my age. Plus I don't think I would like to free fal for thousands of feet before the parachute would need to be open.
I'll fly the airplane. The rest of yez can jump. I'll jump when the airplane is on the ground, parked, engine stopped.
Did it but the training was that someone was trying to shoot it down and bonus! when we landed all the enemy guns were pointed the other way! :P But to be honest that first jump. We were all in the Herc sitting quietly, no one said anything. Out the door, hit the ground and we couldn't get back for the second jump fast enough. I remember one of the instructors telling us that the chutes were tested and safe. Not a chute malfunction in thousands of jumps. Did get the odd idiot malfunction though.
Been 3 times tandem and want to get my license to solo -- it's life-changing!
My daughter and her boy friend just described their tandem skydiving experience. They said traveling at terminal velocity (about 150mph) makes it extremely hard to breath from the air pressure on one's chest. They both thought they were going to pass out.
There is no such thing as a perfectly good aeroplane, it’s just a question of how bad it is and can it be fixed with speed tape. And if your parachute is faulty, you have another one. If your plane is faulty, well tough luck.
Give birth. I'm not a fan of children and the whole ordeal looks terrifying.
No, I don't need to try your death pepper inferno sauce. Keep it for yourself.
Yet, pictured is Frank's. And while I am one of those people who will put that *splat* on everything, it's hardly the hottest thing out there.
Run a marathon. I’ve never voluntarily run 26 miles, and I’m not about to start unless there’s free pizza at every mile marker.
Open relationships.
Posting pictures of my children on social media. It disgusts me how normalised it has become for parents to post pictures of their new born babies literally minutes after they’ve entered the world. A child cannot consent to having their privacy obliterated like that. Urgh.
Join a cult, or anything that looks like a cult.
Believe it or not, cults don't exactly advertise as such. Plenty of people who get sucked in are educated and intelligent because cults prey on your emotions and insecurities-something everyone is susceptible to. OP best bring their ego into check.
Becoming a parent. No thanks.
Licking booty holes. No thanks.
Smoke I never had and never will smoke due to many people in my family have cancer and I don’t wanna get something they wish they never had.
I'll never drink Prime. I see kids drinking it and feel bad they've been brainwashed by a serial scammer.
You know those hardcore mountain biking videos shot from a go pro atop the bikers head? Yeah that.
I did a "black diamond" cross country ski trail in the summer....once. 13 mile loop, EVERY steep hill had sand at the bottom, not conducive to narrow tires.
Driving 6 beers and drinking or something along those lines.
I once tried really hard to drink and drive. I go to back out of the driveway and nothing happens, the car barely moves. I keep trying, it keeps moving a couple of inches very slowly. Finally I get out of the car and...my roommate's car was parked behind me. I pushed it almost all the way out into the street. I decided I could walk to get my Hoagie and Ice Cream.
Indoor home cameras, up there recording all of the household activity..
I don't care if it's closed circuit, SD card, just for your own personal use ..
I don't need to walk around my house, with a camera watching and recording 24/7.
People post their bedroom videos of them sleeping all night; or just sitting in their living room watching TV..
it's just weird to me.
of course it comes in handy as evidence in the event of a home crime; but that's the only
purpose I can see. I'll take my chances on that.
I have outdoor cameras, but also have a couple of indoor cameras. The indoor cameras face the front and back doors.
Worn crocs. Seen a Twilight movie.
They actually are ideal for people who have painful feet. They are roomy and soft.
Attend a silent yoga retreat. I've never done it, and I never will because I can't go 10 minutes without making a sarcastic comment or accidentally cracking a dad joke.
I could'nt do it because I can never calm my mind enough to meditate.
Buy a start up crypto that’s “going to the moon” same with NFTs lmao.
I have no desire to go skydiving or anything else where I am very high up and only have a little bit of safety equipment to help me out.
Be a stay at home mom. Absolutely nothing wrong with it, but I know I want my own career, so it isn't for me.
I always thought what would happen if your spouse came home and said they wanted a divorce, then got all squirrels about child support and stuff? Here you are, years or decades out of the workforce and having to start from scratch, especially if you married young and didn’t go to college, and you’re earning way too little to adequately support yourself, much less the kids your spouse and their new young squeeze don’t want living with them full time. No, it’s better to at least work part time, even if you only start when the kids are old enough to be in school, and have your foot in the door somewhere you could end up working full time if necessary, or at least have as a recent job on your resume. Besides, everyone needs something all their own, even when they’re married, and the job could be a big source of satisfaction, as well as extra cash that’s all yours (good idea to save it just in case you end up needing it someday, even if you and your spouse stay together forever).
I’ve never eaten sushi and never will raw fish isn’t appealing!
Oh, damn, you're really missing out. Sushi is a godsend, I could eat it every single day.
Reflecting on the experiences people choose to avoid helps us understand the importance of personal growth and the pursuit of deeper connections.
By considering the concept of an anti-bucket list, you can re-evaluate what truly matters and focus on meaningful experiences.
Do you believe in trying everything at least once? No. I draw a hard line against incest, pedophilia, necrophilia and bėastality. I don’t do drůgs either. The question should be are you willing to try anything that doesn’t cause harm to others? Often, the answer should still be no because hurting yourself hurts others.
All of those except a cruise, Game of Thrones (was good, got terrible at the end) and LinkedIn (we had a mandatory course that was on there - since I retired it's a way to keep in touch with former colleagues without giving out too much personal info). They used to say to try everything once except incest and Morris dancing. They also say that parachutists and virgins have one thing in common - they can only make a mistake once.
For me it's anything that involves going underwater. I like my oxygen, thank you.
I will never try hard street d rugs. I’m too afraid of getting addicted. It’s not even something I want to try.
For me it's not the fear of getting addicted, but the lack of control. I've had, amongst other things, morphine, in quite high doses and for quite a long time. As my pain levels dropped I realised that I really did not like the "I don't give a shot about anything" feeling it brings, which is, I think, what some addicts crave. Reducing the dose and stopping when I no longer needed it was not difficult. Yes, I realise that some of the other stuff allegedly much harder to stop, but I just never felt the desire for them. I mean, alcohol, sure, but...
Load More Replies...Do you believe in trying everything at least once? No. I draw a hard line against incest, pedophilia, necrophilia and bėastality. I don’t do drůgs either. The question should be are you willing to try anything that doesn’t cause harm to others? Often, the answer should still be no because hurting yourself hurts others.
All of those except a cruise, Game of Thrones (was good, got terrible at the end) and LinkedIn (we had a mandatory course that was on there - since I retired it's a way to keep in touch with former colleagues without giving out too much personal info). They used to say to try everything once except incest and Morris dancing. They also say that parachutists and virgins have one thing in common - they can only make a mistake once.
For me it's anything that involves going underwater. I like my oxygen, thank you.
I will never try hard street d rugs. I’m too afraid of getting addicted. It’s not even something I want to try.
For me it's not the fear of getting addicted, but the lack of control. I've had, amongst other things, morphine, in quite high doses and for quite a long time. As my pain levels dropped I realised that I really did not like the "I don't give a shot about anything" feeling it brings, which is, I think, what some addicts crave. Reducing the dose and stopping when I no longer needed it was not difficult. Yes, I realise that some of the other stuff allegedly much harder to stop, but I just never felt the desire for them. I mean, alcohol, sure, but...
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