“Don’t You Know Who I Am?”: 45 Times People Embarrassed Themselves By Not Realizing Who They Were Talking To (New Pics)
Many of us spend a decent chunk of our time following our favorite actors, musicians, and other public figures on social media and in the news. However, unless you happen to live in Hollywood, you probably don’t consider that you’ll ever run into these stars in person. However, Fate is fickle and has a good sense of humor.
Bored Panda has collected some of the most intriguing internet posts about folks accidentally meeting celebrities and talking to well-known people without even realizing who they were. Scroll down for a good dose of humor, confusion, and embarrassment. Enjoy the stories, and don’t forget to upvote your fave posts!
Entertainment, pop culture, and lifestyle expert Mike Sington, from Hollywood, was kind enough to share his thoughts on what to do if you recognize a celebrity only in the middle of your conversation. He also shared a few insights with Bored Panda on what stars should keep in mind while in public.
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The ‘Nerve’ On This Guy…
"If I were in a situation where I was talking to a celebrity and didn't realize who they were, I would simply continue the conversation as if they were any other person," celebrity expert Mike, Hollywood's Ultimate Insider, told Bored Panda.
"I would treat them with the same respect and courtesy that I would extend to anyone else. If I eventually found out that they were a celebrity, I would still maintain a professional and respectful demeanor," he said.
"To avoid embarrassment in such a situation, it is important to focus on the conversation and the person you are speaking with, rather than their celebrity status. It is also helpful to keep an open mind and be prepared to learn from the experience."
Matt Leblanc (Joey From Friends) On Meeting Younger Fans
Rage Against The Barista
According to Mike, celebrities should always keep in mind that they're constantly in the public eye—fans can (and do) approach them at any time.
"They should be gracious and polite when interacting with fans, even if they are not feeling their best," the expert explained the right etiquette to us.
"Celebrities should also be aware of their surroundings and take steps to ensure their safety, such as traveling with security or being mindful of their personal space. Ultimately, celebrities have a responsibility to set a positive example for their fans and the public, and they should strive to do so in all their interactions, whether in public or private."
Condescending People Are The Worst
Bahaha!! This is glorious! Did he ask for a napkin to wipe the egg off his face?
You Don’t Know Who Will Wheaton Is, Do You?
Jeff Goldblum Pretends Not To Know Who Jeff Goldblum Is
It can be absolutely mortifying to realize that you’ve been speaking to a star without even realizing it—especially if you’ve said or done something foolish. And, look, the fact of the matter is that nobody really enjoys feeling like they’ve embarrassed themselves.
All of us want to be adored and respected by our peers (even if we sometimes pretend like we’re above it), so finding ourselves in a situation where we’ve made a mistake, in public, isn’t how we imagine having a good time. Imagine if someone famous you’ve been looking up to all of your life was to think you’re a tad weird. The horror! Fortunately, it’s not the end of the world.
I Thought This Was A Good One, Spotted On My Twitter
Everyone knows people who like fossils NEVER get tattoos. Unspoken rule. Apparently.
Actually, It's Miss Doctor
Love this. As a longtime bartender and manager with a masters degree, this makes me smile. I do still wish I went for the full Phd though..
Random Person Explaining An Astronaut How Space Works
If you’re ever in an awkward situation, you essentially have three options open to you. You can ignore reality and desperately pretend that nothing embarrassing happened. You can quickly mumble an excuse and physically extract yourself from the situation (possibly replaying the interaction in your head all day afterward). Or you can do the mature but uncomfortable thing: slow down, feel whatever messy feelings and chaotic thoughts are raging inside you, and embrace them.
As we’ve covered on Bored Panda before, by accepting what’s happened and showing everyone that you were slightly embarrassed by it all, you’re (somewhat ironic) improving your reputation among the people who saw you mess up. It’s counterintuitive but it works! It also improves your emotional resilience.
Lady Does A Good Swim
What Would A 4-Times Olympian & Triple World Champion Athlete Know About Elite Athletics
Each item in the list was an embarrassment bomb, and they all exploded delightfully!
Dead Serious
We tend to like people more if they admit to their mistakes and have a good sense of humor. Contrast that with folks who are such perfectionists that they deny they’ve made any mistake at all. Or individuals who run away at the slightest sign of social discomfort. Honesty and straightforwardness will help you make more friends than pretense.
In The Future, Everyone Will Be Tony Hawk For 15 Minutes
How Dare You?
Creating A Package Doesn't Mean You Are Familiar With It
I can’t make it make sense, but I can offer a consolation. I’m sorry!
Besides, by dealing with your embarrassment here and now, you’re stopping it from strengthening and morphing into shame now. Better a bit of social discomfort and a quick apology to your fave celeb for being a clutz/jerk/having the emotional intelligence of a rusty spoon, than spending the next few years cringing every time you think back to what happened. By being humble and communicative, we have the power to solve quite a few issues!
Fair Point Well Made
Tony Walks Into An Elevator…
Worth Reading To The End.
Odds are that if you’re polite and say ‘sorry’ for any real or perceived slight, the celeb is bound to accept your apology. The best stars are graceful and gracious—they know that not everything will go smoothly in public, but they know how to stay cool under pressure. Besides, they probably know that not everyone will recognize them.
Elon Musk Doesn't Know Who Garry Kasparov Is
I Wrote The Movie
Maybe they figure if he liked it enough to write it, he’ll like it enough to buy it?
The average person spends most of their time worrying about how others will perceive them instead of really noticing who’s around them. Tom Brady or Joe Biden might come into your coffee shop and you might not recognize them because they’re physically in a different context than you’re used to seeing them, so you think they’re simply lookalikes.
Main Character Syndrome
Just Found This One In The Wild
Jack Monroe Has A Tony Hawk Moment (With A Happy Ending For A Change)
Or they might be wearing clothes that you’re not seeing them in. In short, we don’t live our lives expecting to stumble across Barack Obama or Tony Hawk while we’re out shopping for groceries. But if you do spot them, be courteous, treat them like any other human being (i.e. be polite and kind), but feel free to compliment their work and/or achievements if you feel it's appropriate. Don't gush, but don't be aloof, either.
Orbital Police
Youtuber Told To Watch Her Own Channel
Italian Researcher Getting Sent His Own Article About Grafene By Antivaxxers :)
We’d love to hear some of your own stories about meeting well-known people you didn’t even realize were (semi)famous, dear Pandas. Drop by the comments to share your experiences. And we’re curious about which of these posts you enjoyed the most. Be sure to share your opinions.
For some more stories about people who had no idea who the heck they were talking to, check out Bored Panda's earlier post right over here.
Tony Can’t Catch A Break
Yep, they both have wheels and are extreme sports, so it obviously counts.
On A Twitter Post About A Woman Claiming To Have Seizures From The Vaccine
Without seeing the rest of the convo, I can't judge this one. I once had a doctor tell me something wasn't a seizure because, and I quote "they don't look like that". The child in question could have died, and the doctor in question had a big ego that couldn't be tested, apparenrly. Doctors aren't gods folks, they get s**t wrong too!
A Pleasant Twitter Interaction
Telling Middle East Politics Expert To Learn Something About The Region
Telling A Comic Book Writer To Get A Real Job
Yeah, Scott‘S A Well Known Microsoft Mvp With A Long History In Tech (And With Ms), But Sure He Doesn‘T Know Anything About Windows
Tony Hawk Truly Is The King Of This Sub
I think I visit these lists just to read the Tony Hawk stories. I LOVE THEM.
On A Post About How Amusement Parks Should Raise Their Wages.
What Could Go Wrong Arguing With The Creator Of Deadpool?
Well Someone Wasn't Paying Attention
A Pretty Wholesome One
See, the thing about opposite day, is that it would manage everything, including itself! So opposite day would be the opposite of opposite day, which is just a normal day.
British Tennis Player Gets Mistaken... For Himself
An Unfortunate Mistake
I Think He'd Be Pretty Disappointed If He Didn't See The Lead Singer Of The Band In There
But how would the guy know that? He clearly says "Mask & hat in place". I wouldn't be embarrassed if I didn't recognize someone when they were wearing both a hat and a mask.
How Do You Know?
It’s Always A Kevin
‘You Know Nothing About Game Development’ To A Certified Twitter Account For An Indie Dev After He Carefully Explained Why Nfts In Games Would Be Troublesome At Best.
I’m contributing & assisting with a 5-year (Dutch) research project on gaming & neuroplasticity in people over 50. In game dev, Rami is a leader and if it it wasn’t for his unique ability to translate technical jargon into everyday language, i & many others would be clueless. In addition to creating several games, he was a recipient at Uitblinkerslunch, an ambassador to the Game Devs Choice Awards, a Forbes 30 Under 30 and has many other accolades. He’s royalty in game dev. and making a name for himself in game theory. Also, a really nice, funny & extremely intelligent person.
He Tried. Bless
Dad was at a gig, and on break he sat next to an older man on park bench. 'Hi there, I'm ***** , what do you do for a living?' Old man smiled and said... 'Oh, I'm a salesman.' I watched from a distance as they had a friendly animated conversation before Dad went back to the stage. After the gig, I mentioned the guy on the bench and Dad said 'Oh, the salesman? Great guy.' It was Sam Walton, founder of WalMart. Yeah... he was a salesman alright.
Who? You know, there's actually a guy named Tony Hawk who skateboards or rollerblades or something that involves helmets.
Load More Replies...Dad was at a gig, and on break he sat next to an older man on park bench. 'Hi there, I'm ***** , what do you do for a living?' Old man smiled and said... 'Oh, I'm a salesman.' I watched from a distance as they had a friendly animated conversation before Dad went back to the stage. After the gig, I mentioned the guy on the bench and Dad said 'Oh, the salesman? Great guy.' It was Sam Walton, founder of WalMart. Yeah... he was a salesman alright.
Who? You know, there's actually a guy named Tony Hawk who skateboards or rollerblades or something that involves helmets.
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