40 Embarrassing Moments People Didn’t Know Who They Were Talking To And Made A Fool Of Themselves
When you think about it, the internet is a democracy. Whether you're the President, an award-winning scientist, or just a spiteful troll, you can create a Twitter account and go from one thread to another, explaining to other users why they're stupid. However, if you're actually doing it, that's precisely what you need to keep in mind. It's just a matter of time before you run into someone who can call out your BS. And when that happens, you're going to end up on the subreddit r/DontYouKnowWhoIam. Like the name suggests, this online community is dedicated to those spicy moments when people were oblivious to who they were talking to, and has collected quite a lot of them since its inception in 2015. Here are some of the best ones.
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Regional Reports Manager
Underestimating A Multi Talented Model!
Even though there's a line between self- and over-confidence, trusting in your judgment can help you become successful in life.
Both verbal and nonverbal communication can be extremely effective at garnering positive attention and influence in groups. According to one hypothesis (the presumption of calibration hypothesis), people generally assume others have the self-knowledge to know how confident they should be, and we also assume they will truthfully communicate this confidence to us (the so-called truth bias), unless extenuating circumstances suggest otherwise.
So whenever we see confidence, we tend to find it compelling, and we expect it to be justified.
Learn To Speak English
The Guy Then Came At Him Saying He Violated The Hippocratic Oath
Anyone else so sick of the vaccine argument? Should mention I'm not anti-vax. Have had covid twice myself. Edit: Was asked how I had it twice. First time I likely caught it in a post office. Only place I'd been for weeks as most of the country was shut. Second time my partner tested positive and then I did.
Red Faces All Round
Interestingly, some research has reported that being overconfident while participating in a group activity did not damage the person’s reputation — individuals who trusted their task performance (but were later revealed to be worse at the task than they had claimed) did not suffer a severe drop in their social status in the group relative to someone who had been well-calibrated.
The researchers concluded that "the status benefits of overconfidence outweighed any possible status costs."
So extreme cases aside, being featured on r/DontYouKnowWhoIam might not be the worst thing that can happen to you.
Experience ≠ Skill Level
Challenging A Doctor
Don’t You Know What I Am?
He's Egyptian
Becky Says Do Your Research About Vaccines Y’all!
where did you "look them up"? some mum group where essential oils are the equivalent to some miracle cure?
Karen vs. Owner
Accusing A Former Us Secretary Of Labor Of Being A Keyboard Warrior
Physician Didn't Read A (Verified) Acct Bio Of Another Doctor Before Patronising Him About His Area Of Expertise
There are people in my country who believe that Ivermektin (actualy horse pill to get them rid of tapeworms) can cure covid. Eventhougt, there is no study to prove that, some people eat this, they overdose on it and end up in hospital with covid and also kidney failure...
Accusing The Artist Based On Images From The Artist’s Own Website
Similar happened to me. My art teacher almost failed me because she said my drawings weren't free-hand. They totally were and I did one of them all over again with her there, she shut up after that.
Man Tries To Lecture History Professor On History
Tony Hawk Tries To Rent A Car
Because even if it wasn't THE Tony Hawk, there cannot be anyone else with this name around... (/s just to be safe)
What Are The Odds, Really?
Director Is Asked What Her Job Is
When you say "young lady" you must already know you're doing it wrong. Unless you address the rest as "old man", "middle-aged ambiguous person", etc.
Anti-Masker Gets Shut Down Quickly
Sauna Advice
Exactly! A sauna doesn't have to be uncomfortable to be 'good for you' at all! It should be something relaxing, that's all. It might be good for your hearth health, but there's not that much evidence that saunas have health benefits. Still, getting uncomfortably hot is not good.
A Different Kind Of Dykwim
Ah Well
Okay, awkward. But how can you believe super rich people aren't changing the world? They're definitely changing it. No one said, "for the better."
My Friend Is A Scientist, So Exchanges Like This Occur Almost Every Day
Running "Coach" Meets The Runner He Bases His Training On
It Happens Again
Asian? It Must Be A Chinese Puppet Handler
Spotted On Tictac
"Wasp" is a category, with quite a few insects in it. This is like saying "That's not a primate, it's a chimpanzee!"
Please Educate Yourself About Vaccines
Someone Lied On Their Resume
In All Fairness I Don't Tend To Wear T-Shirts With My Boss's Name On Them
Just covering up a nasty and not a single bit funny comment from Demi Zwaan.
Oh You R So Cool And Must Be A Really Important Person
That's a troll account. Their name is "Petty" and just look at the profile picture haha
Having A Ba In Politics Is Better Than Being A Constitutional Lawyer, Right?
"Are You Neil Patrick Harris Like Huh"
Youtube Doing What Youtube Does Best
youtube works in wondrous ways. "You indicated you didn't like channels about sports, so here are another 30 recommended channels about sports."
Explaining What Baguette Means To A French Person
"NO! I may have never spoken French, nor do I know anything about the language, but I know I'm right!!"
Man Who Helped Legalise Gay Marriage In Gb Accused Of Doing Nothing For Lesbians
Guys Tells John Wayne Parr, That He's Friends With John Wayne Parr
Tried To Start Some Racial Nonsense
So not dark enough to be considered black by the black community, but definitely not white enough to be considered white by the white community. What a wonderful life :( Why do people care about skin color this much?
Arnold The Schwarzenegger
Who knew? Arnold looks like Arnold! This should be front page news!
Twitter Telling The Autor To Read His Own Article
"What do you know about Covid?".... *I produce my medical degree*.... "Oh, well, what do doctors know about Covid?".... More than Google, Facebook, Twitter, Insta, and TikTok, thanks. Especially if we're, y'know, updated regularly by CDC/Johns Hopkins/Oxford Centre UK, etc. .... Then I hear, "Well, those are biased!".... Sure, and your grandma's third cousin's second wife's neighbor is totally an epidemiologist?
My mother in law's doctors, dentist etc know everything, as soon as I tell her anything my health visitor or midwife has said on their visits "What do they know", "we never did that, they're wrong" ..."babies don't change so caring for them doesn't" etc etc ..we've actually come to blows over this when she said I should be giving my son a bottle when he's exclusively breast fed..I couldn't breast feed my Daughter so I'm thrilled my Son takes to it but she was constantly battling to get him on the bottle for no reason other than to have her own way -.-
Load More Replies...-Hello, little girl! Can I speak to the Captain? -Good afternoon, it's me. How can I help? [Starts walking away while laughing, then walks up to the biggest, burliest guy around.] - 'Day, mate. Was looking for the Captain. Can you believe that chick? [Still laughing] - That "chick" is Captain UpupaEpops, who is clearly not wearing her rank insignia for shits and giggles. It was a very fine day.
"What do you know about Covid?".... *I produce my medical degree*.... "Oh, well, what do doctors know about Covid?".... More than Google, Facebook, Twitter, Insta, and TikTok, thanks. Especially if we're, y'know, updated regularly by CDC/Johns Hopkins/Oxford Centre UK, etc. .... Then I hear, "Well, those are biased!".... Sure, and your grandma's third cousin's second wife's neighbor is totally an epidemiologist?
My mother in law's doctors, dentist etc know everything, as soon as I tell her anything my health visitor or midwife has said on their visits "What do they know", "we never did that, they're wrong" ..."babies don't change so caring for them doesn't" etc etc ..we've actually come to blows over this when she said I should be giving my son a bottle when he's exclusively breast fed..I couldn't breast feed my Daughter so I'm thrilled my Son takes to it but she was constantly battling to get him on the bottle for no reason other than to have her own way -.-
Load More Replies...-Hello, little girl! Can I speak to the Captain? -Good afternoon, it's me. How can I help? [Starts walking away while laughing, then walks up to the biggest, burliest guy around.] - 'Day, mate. Was looking for the Captain. Can you believe that chick? [Still laughing] - That "chick" is Captain UpupaEpops, who is clearly not wearing her rank insignia for shits and giggles. It was a very fine day.